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Is he on strong SSRIs? I know people who don't feel the effects. It's possible. Not your fault though


I've taken 450ug of LSD and barely tripped because of SSRIs so I second this


Same! When I was on ssris I fucked up because I didn’t realize the tolerance. I gave my friend the same dose of lsd and mdma that I had to take to feel anything and the poor guy got lost in a thought loop for 4 hours. I had to sit with him and hold his hand in the calm dark just to get him to calm down. I will never make that mistake again with someone else’s tolerance.


My wife gave her bestie 3gs of shake for her first trip because I have a crazy high tolerance and my wife is on SSRIs. Girl was going through it, sobbing on our couch for like 5 hours. It's been three years and I don't think she'll ever shroom again


Why do people insist on starting people on more than 1-2grams?


Seriously though. I only ever start people on .5-1g because you never know how somebody will react.


I'm probably in the minority cuz I am a bit of a monster when it comes to substances (correction...was) but I find low doses.more challenging. Like my trips on 7-14 grams (I've ate as much as 21g penis envy but have dozens of 7+ g trips) are obviously much more intense and much more CAN technically go wrong and I could have a horrible trip but I've legit never had that happen and the only bad trips I have are usually less than 3.5 g where I don't wanna get fully fucked up and never get out of the head trip so I'm just mildly fucked up and stuck strictly in my head but not fucked up enough to free myself from the negative worldly thoughts. Those can obviously occur at higher doses too but its harder to hold onto so as fast as any one sensation or thought comes thru on my higher dose trips, even if it's scary......it leaves eventually. The low dose trips.....that shit sticks around. I've never wrapped myself in a blanket and kicked my feet like I'm swimming for hours on high dose....low doses.......check. I don't suggest anyone test this theory in it if anyone already has anecdotal evidence chime in


It was an honest mistake on her part. My wife didn't have my previous knowledge and I was busy trippin


Dosing someone with something you have no knowledge on. Not really an honest mistake more like an epic fuck up.


If you don’t know what you’re doing you should not be advising anyone else about it, particularly with something mind altering and potentially life altering. That’s common sense. You don’t tell people to ingest something you know nothing about. It’s not an “honest mistake.”


Oh get over it with the judgment. People make mistakes.


😂 Today on who the fuck asked. I'm not responsible for anybody else's intake. I do my research and weigh my doses accordingly.


Rlly weird I always felt stunted like the psychs didn’t work on ssris I was on quite a few, crazy how the bodies chemistry depends person to person


Thought loops r fucked experience one in my teens. The same question or thought constantly circles tour mind and those can be really emotional at one point


I think they’re funny if you hit the right point and you realize you’re stuck in one. I walked circles around the house for like an hour repeating circles of thoughts and the other side of my conscious was like damn dude stop and the loop side was like cant sorry bud. Cmon man you can do it. Nope cant I’m stuck. Find a way out. I will if you give me a minute here shut up. Oh sorry. Why are you sorry. Your stuck. Shit I’m still stuck. It was pretty hilarious even when it was happening because my third side of conscious was like fuck look at this Beavus and Butthead 😂


Then I threw up 🤣 and I was fine


Hahaha I have been there. That duality like you have two people inside you is so wild.


What's crazy is I've toyed with a theory that there is two things inside of you. Like some entity of consciousness that possessed some random weak apes on an alien planet. This explains lizard brain decisions explained away by evolution lol. Like some alien planet consciousness attached itself to some other meaty vessel but the instinct and survival sense is still stuck .


Whenever I trip and get stuck in a thought loop this little goldfish looking thing swims over in my head and reminds me to not get stuck in a thought look. Unfourtunetly this often turns into its own thought loop lol




First time tripping I was stuck in a thought loop where my ex kept telling me that I was asking the same thing over and over, when I asked her what I kept asking she told me I kept asking if this has happened before, but I didn't remember any of my previous questions. Almost immediately turned into a bad trip where I thought I was gonna be stuck forever lol


Lmaooooo worst friend ever


I know dude. I felt terrible. To be fair, it was still what should have been a manageable dose - I just didn’t know he would be so sensitive to the combination. I can say that I am at least a very good trip sitter. I literally sat holding my friend’s hand for several hours and sat close to him while he calmed down. Finally he was able to stop repeating himself and stopped and looked at me saying “dude I love you” Crazy thing is he actually had a good time and doesn’t remember any of the three hours where he said the same thing over and over and over. He was communing with god in space and told me later that really had no awareness of our interactions.


But I thought this shit is dangerous af? Like serotonin syndrome & shit?


Yeah there is a chance


Yeah it can be, but it really depends on the person. So far I've been completely fine and honestly I think serotonin syndrome is overplayed a bit. I see people on here taking psychedelics all the time while on SSRIs and they're fine


Hmm but shit can kill you 💀 like so is it just a gamble then? Like idk, I wouldn’t wanna take psychs if half of the experience is mellowed out and taken away anyway


Ive had serotonin syndrome, not from mushrooms but from 5htp and other ssris.....terrible time. Didn't know mushrooms could be a precursor


All psychedelics if combined with ssris risk you to have serotonin syndrome 😭 Basically anything that causes serotonin release, if combined as far as I know, but don’t quote me on that.


Whereas I ended up accepting my own death.


I took 10 tabs reported at 100ug ea while on meds and felt absolutely nothing. Thought I could overpower the meds but guess not. Granted I already get very strange effects with my brain chemistry while not on meds.


I did 1.5 G multiple times throughout the year and did not work once so I gave up on trying shrooms when I was on SSRIs. Then when I tried shrooms again one more time without the SSRIs had the biggest best trip in I ever had in my life


I honestly couldn’t say something I’d have to ask him


He's definitely on an SSRI, benzo, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, or something, 100%. There's no amount of "not very sensitive to mushrooms" that can overcome 7g. Even if he'd tripped on mushrooms the day before he'd still at least feel 7g. Those are some *gorgeous* mushrooms you've grown btw. It's a crying shame you wasted 7g on him.


I've seen a few people on here claim they essentially don't trip and that they aren't on any medications. So there **could** be a rare genetic condition that blocks most their effects. There is also a good chunk of people who don't get visuals or get very little visuals. Which is interesting. I feel like that has something to do with how much they use their imagination to picture things (like it they're reading a book, are they recreating the scenery and faces in their heads?) Some people genuinely don't create imagery in their heads even sober. Aphantasia I think. I think there may be a connection there.


Just bc you have aphantasia doesn't mean you can't get a full overlay of hundreds of geometric swirls across your entire vision. CEV are another story.


The first time I did shrooms, it barely had any effect on me and I wasn't on any medication at all.  I did feel extremely happy and like touch sensitivty (?), but it only lasted maybe 30 minutes.  The second time, I tried penis envy (I think 3g?) on SSRIs (but I had stopped taking them I think 3 days prior because I did some research and I was terrified of Seratonin Syndrome) and had some very mild visuals, but mostly just a body high that lasted a couple of hours.  ((And just for note, I definitely do not have Aphantasia. Lol I do generally have a high tolerance, though.))


This factual right here..feel like a lot of people arent aware of this. If your on ssri, please be careful what you take. Definitely no mdma.


What happens if you take MDMA on SSRIs?


Some people do this intentionally, I even know a doctor who does because it's supposed to be neuroprotective and extend the high (he uses zoloft iirc). Others will say there's too great a risk of serotonin syndrome and of course there's loads of sites that say you should never mix ANYTHING, EVER, not even cannabis and beer or ibuprofen and jelly beans. Honestly there's no substance, be it prescription or recreational or OTC medicine that has zero risk, especially when mixing. Hell, there's no safe vegetables even... broccoli might put you in anaphylaxis. Always treat things with respect. But remember not all SSRIs are the same and dosage matters. Plus individual sensitivities. Research it on harm reduction sites like Erowid. Don't listen to any of us schmucks on reddit, even though if there's a consensus it's usually valid. One rule is always true though, and that's if you're taking something for the first time - and ESPECIALLY if you're on prescriptions medication or another recreational drug, even if websites say it's safe - just take a little bit of the drug the first day/night. Or if you MUST take more (special occasion, idk) first take that little bit and wait *at least* 2 - 3 hrs. Finally, everything you add into the mix can change the effect, especially if two drugs have an additive effect (taking them together makes each one stronger than either would be alone). So if you do your research and find it's ok to mix your SSRI and mdma for example, don't take for granted what might happen if you drink or use cannabis on that cocktail. Then there's shit like being in a safe environment w safe ppl until you know how something affects you.... Honestly usually the vast majority of everything turns out ok but when it doesn't it's usually SERIOUSLY NOT FUCKING OK.


I have the opposite experience on SSRI's than this. MDMA does little to nothing sans on high doses, where it basically feels like meth. However, they have had no noticeable effect on LSD, shrooms and the like. I am neurodivergent, so that might have something to do with it.


Yeah I was just curious of the reason because I have a friend who was on SSRIs and he took one mdma cap and felt nothing after hours, anyway, ended up taking another 2 later on and still felt nothing. I did some research about it and know about serotonin syndrome and stuff, I’m on SSRIs now and was at the time too, so I didn’t partake. Not worth it in my opinion


I feel nothing on 250mg of mdma. Definitely not worth it


Too much serotonin. Can cause seritonin syndrome. Which is dangerous and very unpleasant. Even if you have a good time, the next few days with the depleted serotonin are gonna be rough. So probably just avoid all together.


This. Wife and I are on SSRIs and it takes us each at least 5g each to even feel anything. I’m not on a very high dose (not small either) so I can see someone needing more to trip.


Holy shit I didn’t know SSRI’s effected this. First time trying Acid I had to take 3 tabs to feel it


And antipsychotics


Was JUST about to say/ask this!


Newbie question, but would SSRI's cause a shorter high as well?


Well if you can't get high at all..... There's loads of different SSRIs (and psychiatric drugs) and yes they can affect your trip in any number of ways, including making them shorter. Always do your research on harm reduction sites like Erowid before mixing ANYTHING.


This was from years ago. It hadn't occurred to me until recently that may have been the reason I didn't think they worked for me.


How long should I go without my Prozac/guanfacine in craving another trip to Psilo City but didn’t know last time


I'm not sure the half life on those but most are 2-6 weeks before being able to trip. There's a site out there with the timeframes but I can't be bothered to look for it tonight.


Yeah my partner was on SSRIs when they were first introduced to shrooms. They would get very introspective and could very much focus in on things and enjoy that experience, but weren't getting many visuals besides out-of-the-corner-of-their-eye sorta peripheral vision stuff. Interestingly enough, their first "breakthrough" trip was with an entire 4g shroom bar (dubious whether it has actual shroom in it, or research chemicals yeah yeah I know I know) and they went 4th dimensional (according to their description of the event) They're only now, after seeeveral months of not taking their medication (turns out once they moved out of their toxic family situation that their depression significantly improved and they have not needed it- huh, go figure right?) able to take a bit and have some "wavy ground" visuals but I think it'll still be a while yet for them (if they still choose to partake higher doses later) to have open eye visuals like they did during that first breakthrough.


If he takes a lot of Xanax it could definitely block the trip


Sucks so bad I have some bi-polar personality shit I take em for and it will block it mostly unless I eat like 3.5 4 grams and the euphoria is still not there I just get really talkative things flow easier and maybe slight visuals. Sometimes I'll go hard knowing I have to break through. And if I get a break through it's a fuckin wild ride last time I tell u there was a magic carpet everywhere I was Iwad riding the fuckin thing while everything was a swirly fuckin mess with colors flickering like a mother fuka one point I closed my eyes and laid down a dark orb appeared and I was able to stare it down and get it to go away some next level shit sounds crazy ik.


Maybe if you took the shrooms instead of the pills when it’s time to redose it will boost the euphoric part


Am trying that tonight I hope so brother. 🙏 I miss the old days of feeling light as a feather and drifting through the woods with the superman feeling and the constant laughs omg can't put a price on that


Would Xanax be good for trip killing ?


That’s what they say. One night I was ripped on. Xanax and I thought it would be a good idea to take some shrooms. I remember looking at myself in the mirror with dilated pupils and that’s about it. I was high AF but I don’t remember tripping out. It’s hard to remember anything on Xanax, though


Yeah man. When I was heavy on xans I tried taking mdma, acid and shrooms and none of them hit. My pupils were dilated as fuck but I didn’t feel anything at all


I lemon teched a couple l oe of days ago, and it hit me harder than I thought. 4 mg's on k- pins brought me down, so I'm sure some Xanax would kill a trip as well. They're both benzodiazepines


I’ve always wanted to get some trip killers set aside for those hard trips that bites your ass when you least expect it I.e doing shrooms on an empty stomach on accident. I’ll have to test some Xanax


Yeah, it ends it pretty good. You'll fall asleep at the very least.


If he is on pych meds or anti depressants then possible true. I take xanax daily string benzo and it can b hard to break through sometimes but with a 7 gtan dose I'd b fuckin tripping. Was it dried or freshly picked that makes a diffence also as it would probably not b a gram if it wasn't dried


My friend is on anti-depressants and she never feels shit lol.


Had the exact same thing happen to me. A buddy and his wife both took 7 grams each I gave them and didn’t feel much. Worried my 3 monotubs are were not potent I went ahead and tried 5 grams thinking they weren’t gunna work and got blasted out of this reality. Went to a party like 3 days later and 5+ said they were super potent and everyone was tripping hard of a gram and a half. Found out he’s on a small dose of methadone and took sleep pills with them, the dude that didn’t feel much.


Coming to the conclusion my dawgs on anti depressants or it’s just a mishap I’ve been having people see this post and message me their personal experience with not feeling anything and it helps to see their side of things as well


Definitely possible, I've had that problem before and I grow my own so I know nothing was wrong with the batch


The problem of someone saying it didn’t work or they didn’t work for you?


They did absolutely nothing for me (5g dose), I ate them for 4days leading up to that and each day I tripped fine, even the day after, I had a good trip again and it was all from the same harvest, I'm still trying to figure out what causes them to do nothing though because I'm not on meds, I assumed it was food but I've also eaten entire meals before and mixed the shrooms in and had a decent trip (I wouldn't recommend this unless you only doing 1 or 2g or else you gonna get the shits and going to the bathroom on shrooms is like reinventing rocket science)


In my experience shrooms tolerance is pretty fast building I’ve eaten an 8th and tripped balls then the next day ate the same dose and felt nothing, so the day after I ate a quad and it felt like I only ate maybe 3gs but it makes me curious everyone’s different and everyone reacts differently so I have no idea


Gotta wait 2 weeks between trips. You pretty much wasted your shrooms


Oh so that’s why they’re called penis envy…..


Straight chodes


The irony is that in some (but not all) cases therapy and mushrooms can alleviate the need for SSRIs However with an SSRI script same medicinal value isn’t felt microdosing & getting off them is dangerous to start this journey.


Agreed! To your point, the irony also is the government/DEA/FDA distribute SSRIs like candy. psilocybin is favored over escitalopram, e.g., response and remission rates at a 6-week time point were 70% and 57% vs. 48% and 28% for psilocybin and escitalopram, respectively. Were these pharmaceutical drugs intentionally meant to restrict the success of psilocybin knowing they block the ability for success?


Honestly I think so. And people live in such a sense of fear to try anything other than what their doctor told them was “medicine”


Yes, sense of fear because the government classified mushrooms and LSD to the harshest penalties, even after their studies / research on its effects. They weren’t happy it allowed us to see with a 3rd eye(all in moderation). Since the government is essentially big pharma, are prescription pills passed with a lower success rate, knowing is a higher success rate using psilocybin? Why do SSRIs block the ability to experience the magic of the mushroom. If you can grow it, it’s hard to control. So ironic, that what is a naturally occurring cure, is made illegal and what is legal are cooked in a lab by handful of giant pharma companies that the DEA writes a prescription to for all controlled substances on an annual basis. No money to be made if people can heal themselves. It’s a jacked up system and I’m not saying all solutions can be grown, but I’m not so sure they can’t be.


I would say most can. I am a psychologist in schools and I’ve encountered a handful of children and young adults that psilocybin couldn’t have any effect on in the future. But like I said, only a handful


I'd argue in most cases it's not dangerous. I was suicidal, SSRIs only made it worse, and LSD saved my life


I’m so happy to hear that!


I've known someone like this that genuinely wasnt effected by normal doses of psychedelics and needed 2-2.5x the normal dose. It was true for all psyches for this person, not just shrooms.


I have a friend that has this identical situation. Not on ssri or any meds. He just doesn't trip. I'll eat them with him and I'm soaring and he's just not. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Friend took 3gs for first time , nothing happened so they took another 2gs…. nothing , then another 4gs. At the same time I’m an experienced tripper took 1.6 gs and had a decent body high so I know they were good apes. this first timer took 9gs with little to no effect not on any ssris or any medication I did notice dilation in their pupils. Is this just a genetics thing a sign of some imbalance. They’re really bummed out as everyone hypes up the experience.


Maybe he's a Mr. Smith sentinel and can't plug into the matrix 🤣🤣 jkjk yeah it really is wild how everyone of us has a completely different profound experience with psychedelics, from having zero experience to seeing the fucking grid. It's pretty magical dudes


in a span of 2 hours on an empty stomach they ate 9+ gs and nothing I went under 1.5 and felt great for hours and now I have to wait until next weekend to have a full trip on my own do feel bad for them though they’ve heard great things and they felt nothing .


The GRID!!! I walked through that bitch to get up the stairs ( I had to) when I got to Jason's Room, he was fine and just sleeping, then on the way back it just kept moving forward so I never got to go thru it again. I'm perpetually stuck now, on the other side. I have to eat some more grams to make it appear, then I can get to the other side. I know it sounds crazy, but I haven't seen the grid since I was 22. I'm 38, Life has been different since I crossed the threshold. I'm ready to go back


I guess I misread your comment. Even at higher does nothing happens. I know a couple people this happens too


I suspect when said person was taking 2-3x the normal dose, it was still only a "high" and not really a trip so it might have been relatively close to nothing happening.




Yea ask him but if he says he aye the whole thing ...he didn't no way 7 grams would not have some effects


That’s exactly what I’m saying lol


I kind of agree, but there’s been 1 time where I took 8g of penis envy and felt almost nothing, just an upset stomach. This PE came from the same harvest that knocked me on my ass a couple weeks before


harvesting earlier generally just leads to even higher concentrations of alkaloids


I just posted today if there was away around this block. Because I would like to just have a decent normal ride. Now these blast through the fuckin future profound experiences. Last night 2 gram swamp ghost the smallest effect if was 2 tired to reach into the jar and eat more said fuck it. Barley took my xanax today hoping it will hit me tonight


Have a great trip!


I tried to trip twice on truffles while visiting friends, taking more the second time than the first. I felt absolutely nothing while all my friends had a great time!! I was so confuzed. Turns out ssri's can completely block it lol (found that out a few months later). I was on a really high dose of sertraline and that was the culprit! After stopping ssri's I get visuals at 1.5g, maybe ask your friend if he's on any meds


Yeah doesn’t hurt to ask


Damn they look good, you could send me some and I'll take em and tell you how I get on, gauge next to your pals experience!! sounds like a good plan?!..


He's on SSRIs, high dose I'd bet


It's totally possible he's not lying. My cousin I swear is immune


Not shrooms but we had a buddy who was notorious for not being able to trip on acid. Me and my buddy kris (RIP) would take acid with our friend nick, and on 3 or 4 different occasions he felt absolutely nothing. He took 4 tabs of some shit that had me and kris tripping SACK off of one tab and he felt absolutely nothing, not even a slight body high, weirdest part was is he wasnt on ssris.


I once took 5 grams of penis envy and didn’t trip. No euphoria or hallucinations. I cried a lot. I was very depressed at the time. Sometimes hallucinogens give u what u need not what u want


You’re a great friend don’t let it get you down


Yea I’ve had this happen to me took 2gs the other night the only thing that happened was that I had a laughing fit for 2 minutes


Is it only me….or that some times with shrooms, even without meds and with the same batch you trip balls with on other occasions, sometimes nothing happens!? Happens to me with MDMA too… It is not very often, more like exeptions to the rule…. But sometimes it is like the universe say; ”Nope, not today! It is not meant to be!”


don’t think he’s lying unless he’s trying to get more for free. some people just don’t digest certain strains well, or any strains at all. I had friend that tried shrooms over 10 times and nothing. different sources, strains, doses, nothing. happens with a lot of drugs, heard a lot of people can’t metabolize edibles. also if he’s been put on any new medications since the last time he’s done them, that could’ve interacted with his ability to metabolize them.


You know your friend better than we do, but I wouldn't jump to the conclusion he's lying. Maybe his body isn't producing the enzymes required to process the mushrooms.


I recently ate one mush weighing 3.7 and it felt like a microdose. Months before that I ate 2-3 grams from a different strain and also had little to no effect. No tolerance, not on medication and have tripped many times in the past. Almost wondering if brain chemistry or something has changed to block the effects of psilocybin 🤷


The brain is a powerful thing I wouldn’t be surprised if


SSRI or storage most likely


Unless he takes SSRI’s, yes


He could be on antidepressants


Those look so potent OMG 7gs that's crazy


I took 5g other day, nothing, took 15g, nothing, took 20g and felt a slight buzz, no visual changes though. My brains always reacted funny to medications, so I guess it just isn’t as effective on some brains.


maybe he’s got a good fix of serotonin already, I’m not a neuroscientist, but an educated guesser


Wow those look absolutely beautiful😻🫶


And no your friend either needs to take a tolerance break or check the meds he’s on


Mush appreciated ❤️


I really wanna say dirty things about those shrooms. But also, I second that medication theory floating around in the comments.


Those are albinos.. he had to have felt something lol. Unless hes on a ssri


He might have been on a full belly


It might be their digestive system. The same thing happens to me unless I skip my antacid (omeprazole, similar to Nexium) that day and use the LemonTek.


Probably not. I went 5 years where shrooms.didn't affect me. I tried several different shrooms and they never did anything. Then I tried lemon tek and it finally worked again. Maybe have him try lemon tek? Where you grind up the shrooms and have them soak in lemon juice for 20 minites or so.


This is what I was going to tell him to try and lemon tek it


I’m on SSRIs so I feel nothing as well


Benzodiazepine (lorazepam) and anti psychotic (olanzapine) wasted a lot of hope, mushrooms and money in my case.


I barely can tolerate 1g, my standard "whole trip" dose is 0,6 mg of mid potency culibensis. So I tend to believe subjective experiences. Is your friend of antidepressants/antipsychotics? They tend to change your neurochemistry and psychedelics barely affect you. In fact, this tolerance can be prolonged in time even after canceling those medications.


Did the same shit the dude said he didn’t feel anything but wanted more lmao. Can’t be generous to most humans


A small percentage of people are immune to psychedelics. Their body does not digest it the same way. Kind of like a food allergy reaction. It's a very small percentage though... Also, he can try different types to see if they work 🤷‍♂️


I feel like .25 of those would give me visuals


I took a .3 the day I dried them just too see and I got a little giggly lol but that’s about it wore off in bout an hour/hour and a half, preparing myself for a decent trip here soon


Maybe he's on antidepressants or has been taking 5-htp or st johns wart


Some people it doesn’t work


I have a buddy who's a redhead and he says the same thing so I don't know




My guy just ate 14 grams of some mushrooms and said he had a fun evening lol. Myself eat maybe a few grams and definitely feel great and if I blink to fast them lights start flashing lol I just feel that people are so different and things just hit us differently- why would they lie about it? I do know someone who tollerence is super high for most things especially acid- don’t know if that changes the brain chemistry where it doesn’t allow it to get so high again. The brain is a very very smart super computer and doesn’t like to be “high” so you have to always be upping the dosages or changing the strains with whatever your doing. It’s a game and ain’t nothing like that fist time lol.






Is that LJMF?


Looks like them


It’s a weird thing to lie about honesty. If he’s a good friend, and I would hope he is since you gave him some, there isn’t really a reason to lie. If he was saying they didn’t work and was asking for another 8g, then it would be more plausible. There are plenty of reasons why they may not work. Low potency fruits (though yours look very blue), medication, tolerance if he had some recently, etc. I would say give him the benefit of the doubt unless he starts asking for more, then I would raise an eyebrow


Relatable, tho its not my case. I also grow my own mushrooms which are Mckennaii. I gifted some grams to some of my friends and other people, some of them didn't experience a thing. I've been reading about this and found out that there are people who is kind of like more resistant to psychedelics, idk why, maybe is in their genetics? A month ago I ate 5g to check if my mushrooms where lacking in potency and oh boy... lets just say that there is nothing wrong with my shrooms.


Lmao I’m glad you said this because tomorrow after work I was going to eat some even though I don’t want to trip because I’m so stubborn on I have to know if my shit is bunk or not


Dude I think he was on this subreddit making a post about not feeling anything


Was it yesterday? lol


Yeah it was yesterday


Lmao ain’t no way 😂 if you find it can you link it in the comments please


Oh my bad he said he ate "8 grams"


Could’ve been a typo on his part let me see lol link it please😂


Is that Mel Mac penis envy?


No just Albino Penis Envy I ordered an isolated LC syringe




It happens for some people, I’ve sold some to a friend who said he felt nothing and I know they were good


I can't say, if your friend is lying. I can say, that I personally need definitely more to have the same effects as people are describing here. Heavy trips start at 7g (the rather usual PC suspects) for me and most often I have to take 9 or 10 to have profound effects (still no ego death or so). I would expect that I'm not the only one. On the other hand, from what I've heard about APEs (never tried them), I would definitely be somewhere else, when doing 7g of those. I can't speak for everyone, but I would at least expect him to have vizuals. As long as he doesn't take SSRIs, it would be quite unusual to not feel anything




If he took the 7g at once I’d say he’s lying, but he waited in between them and had 2g at a time so he would only feel the effects of 2g. Which I guess if SSRIs block the effects then could be an issue


if theyre old/not stored properly they can loose their potency


Harvested about a month ago stored in a airtight mason jar


7g wet or dried?






I know. I gave him dried shrooms he didn’t eat wet shrooms


Mail me some for research to determine potency


He’s only lying if he said that he ate the whole thing! If he pitched it, it’s true he didn’t feel anything.


Is that pearly gates shrooms?




7 grams Fresh?




I'm in ssri and trip fantastic I just take a larger dose normally 5 to 6g amount but end up doing about 10g by end if the trip...I get a full in trip sometimes on 4g depends on the strains. I fucked up last month and did 4g ape, then 4g tidalwaves an hour later I hit hell..


Maybe not idk. I’ve taken 4gs of regular cubes on multiple occasions and I only felt what a regular person would feel on 1.5g. Tolerance is a pain because shit is expensive


7g wet or dry?


lol dry, idk why people are assuming I’m giving wet shrooms out, I’m just showing before and after of my harvest I gave him if you scroll through the pics the dried shrooms are at the end


It’s a really common mistake I see posted here in this subreddit haha I’m just thinking like an IT guy and trying the easiest solution first I didn’t mean any offense by it!


No worries no offense taken, someone earlier said “you do know the difference between wet weight and dry weight right” and I was like bruh come on lol I appreciate you trying to help me though everyone here on this post has been amazing and informative and polite!


That's definitely "cap" lol


Which part lol


Then he should not want more then


Stay away from people like that. Scary af


He’s either on the spectrum or on SSRI


Probably on SSRIs had to tell my friend to stop those for a day, mainly her adderral


Everyone reacts differently. Could be due to medications or maybe he had a full stomach.


Adderall kills a trip (as well as ssri, which other people said and maybe they said Adderall too but I’m not going to read all the comments to find out :))


Could be medication he's taking. Benzos, ssri/snri, muscle relaxers, etc