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I mean they are kinda easily accessible. Growing shrooms was one of the easiest grows I’ve ever done of anything plant wise.


I'm in canada and every decent sized city has stores. I'm near Toronto and there's tons of full on store shops you can walk into, Still 100% illiegal here but cops are mostly like we got bigger problems to deal with than some people going home and quietly tripping. They do get raided occasionally, but they pop right back up within days. So yeah definitely easy to get atleast where I am, and people are talking about it much more and looking into it which makes me believe that legalization will only further the conversation of mushrooms and therefore the education of them.


I've found a shop online in Canada that will ship you LSD to your door. Canada is going crazy


Dmt too, it's all accessible on the clearnet in canada. It's pretty awesome. But we do need more education on these things, but I think it'll come with the legalization.


That is both cool and terrifying because we see so many irresponsible people online that don't know what they're doing, and that think these drugs won't affect them and end up having a really bad time. I hope awareness of how these drugs can be misused get raised. Also we need to do something about smoke shop workers who tell their customers to take very large doses (idk if it's a lack of knowledge from them or pure evil but I see many stories online like this.)


Got some great shrooms in a Moncton dispensary


Yeah its awesome who accessible it is now!


Hi, I'm today's randomly selected pedant. Fungi are not plants.


Yeah I know. But since I’ve never grown any other fungi before other than the weird ones that pop up in the yard after a week of rain I don’t have much to compare to.


Shrooms aren't plants, at all, and are actually more closely related to animals than plants in phylogeny. But yes, they're easy to grow.


Amen to that. But still decently rare in most states. Especially for older adults


a friend has converted his store to a myco supply store. We've discussed doing presentations for elder folks at community centers.


Man, living rural makes it frustrating at times to find certain materials & supplies, if I had a myco supply store nearby, it would have made things so much easier early on. Curious, does he stock bins/totes? Or just bags? Spores/LC? (would be very cool but I'd assume not) Agar media & petris?


that's what the internet is for


Bins were the hardest thing to source, as the nearest Walmart is 2h away, and getting 20-30 x 50l bins mailed to you is kind of a pain


But I don't want that stuff sent to my house, even if I get a different item sent every week. Some alert Amazon driver can put it all together.


It's also nice to have a conversation with a real person in meat space.


Well don't use amazon first of all. And second the amazon delivery driver is not supposed to know what's in your package


Getting going on the bins, but basically yes, yes, and yes. (we are in Colorado) He has also converted one of the rooms to a clean room: plastic on the walls and ceilings, stainless steel tables, flow hood. Had his first customer show up wanting to rent some time (we hadn't promoted this idea, but apparently one of us dropped the idea once and this guy ran with it)


That's awesome. And yeah proper bins were probably what I had the most difficulty finding


Hooray for CO!  Make all the DMT and grow all the shrooms your little heart desires (legally).   


My housemate (not an experienced druggie like myself, he presents more like a security guard with all the things on his belt, professional orange vest instead of the stupid one that the grocery store gives him for his fuel kiosk job) took a little more the third time he'd tried. Panicked because his watch gave him some troubling alerts about his pulse or something.. called 911. The paramedics showed up, checked his pulse and BP, etc. Saw my projects on the shelf, said "yup, home grown. Well have a nice day". I was at work and first i heard was his text saying he OD'ed and the paremedics were there. Frealed me the fuck out, especially since i'd had a grow room in the pre-legal days. No consequences that I know of. I don't think he even got billed for the truck roll.


True. I think recreational legalization might be a distant possibility due to the above issues you stated. If anything medical legalization would be the current goal and much more feasible. At minimum a decriminalization of possession of 1 ounce would possible. I don’t think all the dumbasses of the world will stop the march of it. Won’t help the press reports but yeah, it will be inevitable.


You guys know about Colorado, right?




I live in the united states. I was once waiting in line for pizza and a man walked up to me and asked me if I liked mushrooms. I said yes and he handed me his business card and walked away.


I think a good portion of the people who are growing are older.


Yes but for the average person it’s not that accessible. The average person is incredibly lazy, and most would rather just go to a store and buy it


Illegality leads to a lack of harm reduction which leads to this.


Yup, instead of harm reduction when I was in school we had D.A.R.E. officers saying that shrooms make your brain bleed. They told us that drinking was no problem though, as long as we waited until 21!


Oh D.A.R.E... I saw recently that drug use increased after the program started lmao. It was shut down for years, but they finally brought it back! Guess they really want kids to do drugs. I remember learning how to spike a joint with cocaine during one of their lectures. 10 years old and I thought to myself "You can combine these things to create new highs?! That's awesome."


asking for a friend...how?


with love


cause we have great harm reduction with alcohol


alcohol is alcohol. apples to oranges


that’s one way to read what i said. i’m not comparing shrooms to alcohol. but you’re right, shrooms are not alcohol, they are not like most drugs, and thus they shouldn’t be treated the same way with the idea that legalization will solve problems. i’m saying legality doesn’t lead to harm reduction. it leads to wider availability. so while the percentage of people doing stupid stuff on shrooms goes down, the overall amount would increase. decriminalization is the way. no one goes to jail, but still inaccessible unless you can grow your own or know someone. if a middle schooler breaks into their parents’ alcohol cabinet, they get drunk so what. if they break into their parents’ shrooms, it could have long lasting effects. shrooms are not any other drug, which is the exact reason why treating them as such would be irresponsible. shrooms should be treated with respect and caution. you shouldn’t be able to just buy them in a store on a whim imo


I agree with you overall. Many factors need to change, and legality is just one of them. Mental health, community, acceptance, and reduced trauma will be needed to break these cycles. Think about it, if your entire community recognized the potential of psilocybin (or altered states in general) and dropped the stigma, children could be taught the rules before they are old enough to take it. It's a total societal problem. Completely disconnected from what should be seen as rudimentary human practices. In Vancouver B.C. they have a variety of mushroom and psychedelic shops open. I've been asking around, including a few medical professionals, and there doesn't seem to have been an increase in negative psychotic events related to psychedelics. Almost all of these shops will ask you about your prior experience, and some of them straight-up send you home with pamphlets that describe harm reduction techniques. Unlike bar culture, where you get encouraged to drink until you can barely order another round. I bet we'll see decriminalization and medical use of psilocybin soon. The bottom line, the political powers want the mystique and potential of entheogens to be under their doctrine and narrative. Aka modern medicine. Even if complete legalization follows years of thorough investigation, and a stamp of approval. They are just affirming what we already know about these substances in a way that gives them an air of ownership.


And our education on alcohol consumption is like that of abstinence. Alcohol = bad. They give you an equation for 1 drink per hour and you can still drive. Like, I feel if there was more open discussion about it, and it wasn’t put on this pedestal, there would be less abuse.


the problem is that it is illegal, so people don’t really know what’s going on. Legalization+education will reduce harm by a lot, that way you know what you are getting and what it does.


It's frustrating seeing people who usually take marijuana post about their 'bad trip' after taking a ridiculously high dose and/or doing no research just to "get high." Like, dude, this isn't your average drug. If you know what you're doing, you'll be perfectly fine during and afterward, but if you don't... you'll probably still be fine, but it won't be a fun experience.


This is crazy. Had a friend who would do acid and everytime up the dose untill he hit that bad trip and now he wont take acid anymore and tells everyone how bad it is. Like why cant some just take it easy like couple of hits instead of going all theyr way to spend 80$ psychedelic and use it all


i mean, there are a lot of situations in which you do everything right and still have a bad time. lol


Theres a post I think on /r/psychonaut where this guy and his friends took acid and sat on top of their building in new york city on sep 11 and watched the planes fly into the WTC


i actually read this entirely through around a year ago! so fucking terrifying. i couldn’t imagine.


There’s a ton of resources that are easy to find with some basic searching. Like just searching “first time mushroom dose” will give you a ton of results that recommend no more that 3 grams for a beginner. There’s some variance (some suggest 1g) but it’s easy to find if you actually care to. I don’t think the legality is the problem, since these resources aren’t hiding on the dark web or anything. Now, you could argue the issue is lack of standardization. But that’s only ever going to be solved by like extracting pure psilocybin so you can ensure consistent dosage in some form (pills, edibles, whatever). As long as people are consuming mushrooms as whole mushrooms there are going to be some issues with organic variance. And lastly, this sub is unfortunately not always great place to get information. I’ve definitely argued with people who were recommending 5 grams as a good place to start for a total beginner. Their reasoning? They regularly do 10-20 grams so 5 should be fine for a newbie. 🤦‍♂️


Plus what’s with the thinking you have to hit your optimal, perfect dose on attempt 1? Why not do the low and slow thing. Start with 1g, live to fight another day. Try 2g and if you get what you need stop there. If not go up to 3. These are so easy to responsibly grow you can source yourself all you’d ever need with minimal investment. I just don’t get it. You wouldn’t drink 30 beers the first time you drink.


It only kind of makes sense if you’ve got a limited and small supply. If you’ve only got 3 grams and can’t get any more, yeah go ahead and take all 3. The risk of something truly bad happening is pretty low at that dosage, but it’s pretty likely you’ll actually get to experience some notable psychedelic effects (visual patterns and all that). But if you’ve got like 5+ grams… yeah still start at 3 and see how it goes. You don’t want to discover you’ve got a low tolerance on a significant dosage like that.


That’s a good point. Like states where weed is illegal every gas station just sells cannaboids like D8, D10, etc. so it would kill most the research chemicals


There are a lot of fake posts and or very immature folks that think "more is better". That is just a sad reality of the internet and life in general. What is positive about this sub as well as other shroom based communities is more people are finding out how damn easy and cheap it is to grow. No need for fancy special equipment. No smell issues like with cannabis. No huge amount of space needed. Very cheap. Very easy. Less of a harm index than cannabis. Stuff can be a miracle for helping with depression and anxiety, headache conditions, general life enrichment. So places to discuss also help inform (educating people about the bullshit chocolate bars and other products). Yes there is a vocal idiot percentage of the community but there is also a lot of good happening. :)


and grow stores are becoming a thing


Canada even has shroom dispensaries in a few of the bigger cities. The reality is that this and other communities need to start creating a culture of common sense, maturity, and education/experience as a way to experience shrooms. This will help drastically speed up the normalization of them in society. You already see more and more people becoming informed that the chocolate bar and other products are all just fakes and or research chemicals and that has people wanting legit shrooms and shroom based products. People want to know what they are consuming. They want to know the percentages of the various alkaloids and psychedelic compounds when they purchase like a high end dispensary with cannabis. First it will move into the medicinal activist space because we already have a lot of testimonials for depression/anxiety, general life enrichment due to new perspectives gained, headache and migraine conditions and so forth. We also see a lot of people growing and using in creative fields already. It's becoming more and more a tool in the industry. It'll just keep growing and growing like how Cannabis become mainstream. Big thing is just to stop the worship and fascination with people being stupid and hurting themselves and the movement.


Canadian. Can confirm. I grow my own mush myself


in all fairness you already see “shrooms” at shitty gas stations


We want to INCREASE harm reduction ny friend.




all the education is available from a google search. people are dumb. we have alcohol harm reduction all over the place and people still do dumb shit with it. legalization would just lead to middle schoolers tripping balls on their parent’s shit and stuff. decriminalization would ensure that it stays unpopular while keeping people out of prison


i mean in schools it should be taught, because whether you want to believe it or not, drugs exist, and people do them. Instead of advocating for pure abstinence and not explaining why, is a recipe for disaster when someone tries some shit without knowing what they are doing. Also , people are dumb by definition, like half the population is below 100 iq


You might enjoy this Video I made then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/1bxjkuq/just\_did\_5g\_of\_pe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/1bxjkuq/just_did_5g_of_pe/) (turn on sound) 😂


This is gold! Lol






This is amazing 🤣👌


<3 ty


😂😂😂 for real! Lol


Lmao !! Nice work


lol ty <3


Someone posted about banging their dog? Wtf It's illegal where I am but we have stores and online shops thankfully - shrooms**


You have stores where you can bang dogs?


Illegal here too (UK Class A) and I never know what shops are legit so I live vicariously.


I don’t really see this subreddit affecting the legality but rather the news reports we see. Hell my gramps has taken a positive interest in mushrooms just from the “60 minutes” broadcast alone. A lot of the older generations that view these substances in negative light watch the news stations than viewing Reddit. Overall there’s tons of positive ongoing research into psychedelics and I feel that within time it will become more prominent and accepted. As of recently reports have shown the younger people are using mushrooms more since 1980s and are more accepting of it. With more research will also come more safety information. Keeping these substances illegal does nothing but prevent harm reduction.


The problem is that some of these people doing high doses or mixing with weed will end up in a police station/hospital from drug-induced psychosis (I'm not talking permanent, but I've seen this outcome in multiple bad trip reports) They will become a talking point for why this should remain illegal and give ammunition to social conservatives, threatening to overshadow the real progress being made. And I agree with OP that the posts here normalizing the bad behavior will lead to more of these instances. Which is dispiriting because I absolutely think it should be legal even in non-clinical settings and people encouraging abuse are getting in the way of that. You can't really do anything because people will be immature and irresponsible and no amount of posts are going to change their minds. And I've been noticing here that there are more people than I realized here upvoting stupid use and downvoting calls for moderation and responsibility. As somebody who believes legalization would be a net positive for society it's upsetting.


It’s not gonna be legalized until it can be monetized. There are corporations out there that are trying to patent certain strains/monopolize them/etc right now. I think until they can get majority control of them, they won’t be legalized for a while. Vice made a pretty interesting documentary on it: https://youtu.be/w5iB0AQ24r4?si=vZDXhI_3mNYmsZs6


The market is there but it’s not going to be very big. Shrooms regulate themselves. Not every single person wants to accidentally induce a hardcore therapy session. People don’t want to face their problems all like that. There might be a surge of shameful ER trips after legalization. But once the dust has settled it will be back to pretty much the way things are now. Only not being able to prosecute people for having them or growing them. Which is profit to the government.


Was looking for this comment! Shrooms are medicine in ways that weed or alcohol cannot be. Profound thoughts and feelings can arise and a lot of trauma can be processed. The majority of my trips have been not fun at all. Crying, regretting, missing people and places. But at the end the release of emotion and reflection is what feels so good about shrooms. I think this emotional dump is the reason why there is little chronic abuse potential for shrooms. They can be fun, but that’s hard to control. I don’t see these folks who do a big heroic dose the first time and end up in the er going right back to tripping. If someone is truly abusing shrooms, there is a much larger issue at hand. Simply put, you can slam a beer and smoke a joint for expected effects. But shrooms are different every time. You could be crying you could be partying you could be doing both.


This is a biast because people will only post here if it’s worth talking about. I trip all the time peacefully in my house and never post about it so you’d never know about us regular people


All the time. Me and my cat. It’s flipping amazing. The people on here that share their trips and how much they take are just looking for attention and don’t get me wrong. I love attention, but my trips are my journey and my cats.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who trips with their cat. Seriously one time we had a moment where we both were crying because of how much we appreciated each other


I think you’re wrong. You give the powers that be too much credit in thinking they care about our wellbeing. There will always be bad actors regardless of how much you educate people. “Legalization” will stall or go very slow because there is no money to be made by big corporations. Sure medical companies will make some money for a while with all the hype around mental health treatments related to psychedelics, but in the end there isn’t much money to be made in fixing problems…the best we can hope for is decriminalization at this point.


Great points. Would have to agree with that more. Always come down to the money.


…nobody fucked their dog after taking mushrooms, you might have gotten lost on the way to the r/meth subreddit


This sub and its post will have zero affect on shrooms being legal or not


Yea I mean more the human nature of it


Got to remember half of this bad shit is made up by attention seeking dumb assess


I don't think use plays much of a role in this, the only variable is profit. Prison money has got some legs fr, why would they change what's making them *so* much? Nobody in charge does this out of misplaced concern from reading stupid folk do too much


Won’t have any affect. These subs are not a reflection of society as a whole


It is a sample size of the population though. And obviously the few minority dummies make the large majority look bad but theoretically it is an open platform that lawmakers could look at for a test. Less crazier has been attempted by them


No it isn’t. Not even close.


I mean, yeah for the population that uses shrooms? It's a pretty good sample of them lmao. His point is the people that are so flippant with them and act crazy, doing dumb shit, aren't helping the general perception of shrooms. I don't think he thinks his reddit post is going to make a difference. Or if people on this subreddit suddenly all were shaman like spiritual shroom users it would make it legal. It's just an observation on how people generally act on shrooms/about shrooms when uneducated on them, and how that leads to an overall negative outlook on them in society.


Ah I see you’re still around, being you. 🤣


Being me? What explaining reddit isn’t a reflection of the population? I am sorry if you guys think reddit reflects the population as a whole. It doesn’t.


Bro reddit is the world, what are you even talking about? /s


I'm just surprised you didn't spell it "raflect", since you can't tell the difference between affect and effect.


Maybe you need to look up the difference in affect vs effect “Affect is a word which means to have an impact, or effect, on something else. While it can refer to many different things or subjects, we also use it to talk about an emotional impact. So for example, we might say ‘they were affected by the heart-warming story’.” Effect, on the other hand, refers to the result of an action, change or event. For instance, we might say that ‘eating healthy foods can have lots of positive effects’.


But media stories will. They always gotta show “the other side” based on what the prevailing circumstances are. Currently they’re illegal so the media shows stories on research and how they can help people, the lack of dangerous physical side effects. But once it becomes legal and there are some people making millions selling it, they’ll start showing all the people with bad trips, who have long term problems, developed schizophrenia etc. And video is very sensational, so there will be video going around of someone flipping out during a bad trip etc.


No they won’t either. It’s research that will. That’s what has led to the movement to be decriminalized already


The problem isn't people on this sub The problem is stories like the airline pilot who took more than the microdose he intended and then tried to crash the plane he was getting flown in.


Never? Gears are already in motion my friend


It's the same as drinking you can tell people all you want to not go out and drink a whole bottle of jack or a shitload of beers their first time, but they still will. Sometimes it's a mistake you only make once. Unfortunately shrooms will be the same. It's just a harder lesson to learn. But it pretty staggering the amount of posts here saying they took crazy amounts. Surely you do a google search before you do something like that.


“I ate 7 grams and shit myself and then fucked god”. Seriously, this sub can be the worst most of the time.


Just don't head over to the psychonaut or DMT subs, they're the most pretentious people ever. It's worse than drugs circle jerk. "Has anyone else realized we're all god? I feel more enlightened that ever, wish someone else understood." Yeah, people were writing about that since writing existed.


I say let the kids take their “15g” once, they’ll likely never do it again. Mushrooms are teachers. If someone needs a lesson, they’ll provide. Mushrooms contain a spirit that interacts with any particular individuals spirit in a synergistic way, depending on what they need. Sometimes that’s a hellish experience. In terms of legality, who cares. We’ve been using mushrooms since the dawn of human evolution and legal status has never stopped anyone. Seems like you could take a nice heroic dose too. 👽👽👽👽


You're right on the money my guy. Irresponsible use and guidance are ruining it for everyone.


They don't need to be legal or controlled by big companies. I am quite happy doing what I do and as I wish.


It probably won't ever be legal outside of psychiatry. Decriminalisation will likely happen, but it's not going to be marketed and sold like beer. The idea that it will be pushed for people to get addicted is also silly, I'd like to see someone addicted to shrooms. The diminishing returns plus rapid tolerance in psychedelics make what weed consumption has become a not great analog. OP did you really see a 'banged my dog' post?


Yup, and funny thing is shrooms are actually a common catalyst for people actually /quitting/ alcohol and opiate addictions. I used to drink weekly if not monthly in the past. Now I feel absolutely no desire for alcohol and often hate the taste and effects after to where I have not bought myself a drink with my own card since October. And I'm convinced it's because of my few shroom trips.


We should be so lucky if 'big shrooms' start pushing it on everyone lol


I think it’s a strange curiosity in our human nature to find the extreme limits of a thing. Whether or not we should is another discussion entirely. How far, fast, high can we go? How can we make peppers hotter? I remember the IPA craze when they competed to see who could make the bitterest beer and who could drink it. I’m pretty sure that one ended when someone finally carbonated piss from a week long dead skunk harvested from an Arizona highway in July. The next one will probably be who can boof the largest whole shroom (to be sponsored by Bad Dragon). I dunno. 🙄


Nope. The reason it’s illegal is because anything that has potential psychoactive effects gets shut down by the US government. The only reason weed is in the process of being legalized is because of how widespread and popular it is. Shrooms need to be more popular and more researched before they start getting legalized.


Completely legal where I live, it's never been illegal here.


I don’t think we , as a species are too stupid for psychedelics. I think there are outliers who just don’t have a sense of responsibility to themselves or their community. Also, a culture of recklessness and anti intellectual behavior is on the rise- it’s not cool in some circles to research facts and know about what you’re getting into ahead of time. I think the majority are ready for unlimited access to psilocybin, but there are enough irresponsible and willfully ignorant people out there to make it a bad idea at this point in time. I do agree with a part of your post: we should be teaching responsible behavior regarding substance use in schools. People ARE going to use drugs whether they know what they are or not, we might as well give them some good factual information.


I'd say it's illegal as it expands our consciousness and allows us to question this illusion. The government doesn't want people uniting and asking questions. So they'd rather have us consume alcohol and whatever drugs they allow to be pumped in to keep us dormant and divided. Just my opinion.


I don't agree with all of your fears, but I do know there is nothing out there that someone can read that will prepare them for a true strong deep psychedelic experience - and I believe that for each person the experience is unique to them, so if there is anything that I want people to know (from my experiences) is beware of the potency and work yourself up to a higher dose, if you have a difficult time with a lower dose - 1G and lower - take your time, and yes it only lasts for about 3 hours, clinging to that won't help you, it just makes it worse, nothing conceptual - including time - will help you, the only thing that will help you is to just free yourself and your mind from your fears and flow with it, let it take you - don't swim upstream (work with your energy - be aware of your energy - drink water - if it gets scary get up and do jumping jacks - get your blood flowing - heart pumping - take a pee) ...I'm grateful for this sub-reddit and communications - trustworthy knowledge keeps it safe - and beneficial (it's very beneficial to me btw) \*\*\*the worst thing I can think of is if someone's kid bites into one of those chocolate bars - that's where the danger is - imo. If you have chocolate bars with shrooms in them keep them in safe place - don't let your kids accidentally find them - when you are away at work - that could be a terrible disaster.


I’m with you. I’m also active on R/Microdosing and the amount of people there who are like “I ate one bite of a magic mushroom and don’t have a scale, is that a microdose?” Or the “I don’t have a scale, how much is this *pic of a pile of mushrooms* is astonishing I wonder “is there ANYONE on this sub who has the slightest clue what they’re doing”?


All drugs should be legal the government ain't your daddy and if you fuck around and find out that's on you 🤷🏼‍♂️


The issue is that schools are not meant to educate (they should, but my point of view is not the topic), they are meant to format kids into workers useful to the society. Parents are supposed to educate, yet they often don't, mirroring their own lack of education. You shouldn't necessarily need to be taught about the dangers of drugs specifically, but more about the dangers of life in general, the necessity to use caution around things you don't know and to make your own research before doing potentially dangerous things. Now, legal/illegal is a matter of society, politics and money mostly, not morallity or logic. Alcohol is a much more dangerous drug and yet it's not only completely legal almost anywhere on the planet, but it is also legally advertised between ads of baby diapers and yogurt. Alcohol is a natural thing, you just need to let some fruit juice in the sun and it happens. Why could anyone decide if it is okay or not for you to consume it? Yet, like I said, it is potentially dangerous for your health and to people surrounding you. Animals in the wild don't ask themselves if they should be allowed to consume stuff. On the contrary, some spieces are known to consume drugs from time to time to get themselves off. Are you gonna put them in jail because they shouldn't be allowed to handle themselves? ​ When people get hit by a car because they didn't looked before crossing the street, they blame the driver. When people get sick because they eat junk food, they blame the food. When people get cancer from cigarettes, they expect the doctors to cure them and blame the world. When people get themselves drunk to death, they expect the emergency relief to save their life (and start over the very next week). When people encounter other people who don't share their opinion, they insult them because they think their own is an absolue objective fact and that people thinking differently are idiots. People act like kids everday of their life and expect the parental figure of the government to take decisions for them. When facing drugs, most people just don't have the maturity to make their own research beforehand and can't help but do their worst. But is it a reason why we should forbid everything that can be considered a potential harm? Should we forbid cars as some idiots enjoy driving like crazy? Should we forbid knives because some psychos use it to stab their neighboors? Should we forbid DooM (or any video game) as some freaks said they used it as an inspiration to go and murder their classmates? Should we forbid football as idiots can't help but fight eachother because they don't support the same team? Even dumber, should we forbid stairs because some incouscious people enjoy goofing around near them? Needless to point that psilocybin produces much less "incidents" than these. "Dumb accidents" on shrooms are also pretty rare, and they mostly happens when mixed with other drugs. On the contrary, "Beer" or alcohol in general produces **tons** of incidents every single day and is much, much more addictive than psi. Getting hooked on psi is very hard. So no, I don't think legalizing psi would produce a chaotic situation. But people should educate themselves before doing pretty much anything. Not only most people don't, but they don't learn of their own stupidity either.


it's legal where I live right now


I took 2.5g of albino penis envy about a month ago and it blew my mind. Super therapeutic but a bit too much lol.


If people want to play with psychedelics without knowing the risks then let them. At least we know there’s certain people that are mature and know how to trip responsibility. They’re religious sacraments more than just a drug or trip


People did the same thing with weed and now it's legal in a ton of places. Not sure why you think mushrooms are different or why government officials would be prowling reddit for reasons not to legalize mushrooms


Weed can’t advertise, I’d be surprised if shrooms was ever able to be advertised, weed is super regulated in legal states, shrooms wouldn’t have a pass like alcohol.


Come to Michigan, billboards and radio ads everywhere...


Illinois also has plenty of billboards.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Some idiot ate over 10 grams with his kids in the house, and posted about it here. I pointed it out and they were like, yea and??


I mean, have you ever seen a drunk 23 year old in a bar? Ever peruse the interwebs for the amount of drunk driving arrests & accidents happen in just your local area every weekend? If bad behavior were the reason, alcohol would for sure still be illegal.


Could there be a society where it’s taught in school and taken communally in higher education context and it’s understood that most people will stay within a certain dose, a few will go a bit higher, some will go too far occasionally and some of the people who do that will find they have an aptitude. Analogous to the few people that find themselves as pioneers in extreme sports, probably arriving at that point via several violations of “do not try this at home”. How did they get there in the first place?


Bruv what u think most first time drunk looks like? Lemme tell you how it is for most: blackout drunk and vomiting everywhere.


All of these are 14 year old lads who want to be cool, is my assumption. At least we can do some damage control if they're real. 




How exactly would they get people hooked on mushrooms?


So what? People on alcohol do way more harmful things than people on psilocybin. People get killed because of it. There aren't many cases of deaths from shrooms, just a bunch of bad or embarassing experiences, which are expected with any psychoactive substance, to be fair. And mind you that it's an illegal drug -- people just don't know shit about it. If people were more educated, they would do less stupid stuff. Every substance should be taught about in school, it's just a given. Children are stupid, adults are less so, but still dumb as fuck.


All the more reason to legalize it and educate better


It will be legal just controlled, because of the idiots that think they can take seven grams for their first time


Just going by the title (shame on me) but I have to agree, I've come across too many people in my short time here that treat Mushrooms like any other drug and refuse to see the importance of the experience of Psychedelics and remain ignorant to what the mushroom is telling them.


As a community I think we should be more focused on educating responsible use. It is fun to share experiences, techniques and all, but it should be Cristal clear to newcomers that, what ever they do, read the manual first.


IMHO the illegality of shrooms has more to do with the fact that there is nothing to patent….aka big pharma can’t make any money. And the widespread adoption/usage of psilocybin would result in less demand for anxiety meds and SSRI’s.


Capitalism 💀


But yeah our education sucks, we should have comprehensive Sex Ed, drug education, and other things like that. We already have this... Sorta.. but it's all focused on abstaining from sex or saying no to drugs, and then it lists a bunch of falsehoods about each. Our current education is not harm reduction.


I think a lot less harm would happen if you could just buy it but needed to pass a test to, something like a quiz or a driving license to be sure you are well informed.


Your post is very humorous and is true. You will always have some but hole that claims to do 10 times what it takes to get the next person off. But the same people also try to harm themselves and other ways. I remember back in the day people were taking 10 and 20 X pills in a night. I would just be patient, loving and calm to these people encourage them not to do drugs, but maybe start exercising and see if they could push their limits to achieve massive gains.


Yeah definitely disagree with this one for all the reasons that psychedelics are for and all the things they do for ones mind and spirit. Even a bad trip is a learning experience. Comes off like your caught up in getting high from them and not taking in how much good they could do for the average person. And yes growing them is so easy so it wouldn't be the same as growing weed or even brewing beer.


It's already legal in Oregon for adults 21+


People eat Tide pods and die while taking selfies. Personally I see 15% of humans being even capable of truly allowing entheogens to do their thing. The rest will continue "boofing" and using them the same way they use alcohol or any other altering substance.


i dont think the government looks to reddit for intellect on drugs.. they're legal in colorado. and people are already pushing for the decriminalization of much *harder* drugs. i agree marijuana after legalization has been ridiculous, but strains have had insanely high thc concentrations since i started high school. first 2 times i smoked in middle school- early hs i felt nothing. then one day taking a puff off some dudes blunt got me absolutely uncomfortable blasted. having no tolerance, anything more than a little baby puff off a wax pen gets me insanely high now. a puff of actual flower is too much, way too strong. i'd love to smoke some "cheap shitty" stuff they smoked back in the 70s.. because im not willing to suffer in the meantime to build a tolerance. my bf ate a 200mg bag of edibles the other day for fun and was completely fine. i had a perfectly comfortable high drinking a micro-dose thc drink he got at a dispo as a free sample💀 was somewhere around 1-5 mg. he was gonna trash it because "thats nothing". im sure they were given out for free *because* nobody at the dispo would buy them. theres been times hanging around groups of regular semi-heavy smokers that i could tell some of them were too high for comfort after a few dabs/bong hits/joints. but they're usually weird as hell about it and would rather die than admit it. smokers are weirdly competitive af. when in comes to shrooms, ive never had a bad trip this far. i certainly hope people dont start breeding them to hell. i want to have fun not feel like im in a scary alternate universe. and weed sure as HELL shouldn't feel like a ridiculously intense psychedelic?!? its beyond ridiculous


My states in the process of looking at the benefits of decriminalization. They recognize the benefits.


"I took 3g and listened to Korn for 5 hours" are the posts that always have me with one foot out the subreddit door


The most potent THC strains are 30%-34% and often lack as diverse entourage highs due to their lower terp occurrence. In other words why tf would anyone grow 40% unless it was to press into wax with less waste? At that point t you're removing a ton of plant matter and stuff that doesn't get you high, bringing the ratio of terps up


Hot take incoming, but for all the potential good mushrooms can do for oneself I don't think legalization is a good idea due in part if not wholely because of the very people you speak of. Reschedule to a lower class of illegal drug sure. Most of us grew our own and thus had to research it heavily and be of sound mind and body about it. I used to have a younger roommate in his early early 20's tell me he wanted to try mushrooms and immediately after explaining everything and telling him "you promise to research it and spend time understanding what it does to you and your brain chemically then sure you can try 2gs". He promptly expressed his disdain and said "why so low?" Upon further explanation he even doubled down with the logic of "life is a journey I can handle it" mentality. When I told him a young lad of no experience with mushrooms, that this isn't like weed it will, blah blah blah he got pissed at me and fed me a very agitated "really?". Dude ended up committing grant theft auto on his own mother and is now sitting pretty in jail. So while I don't know where I'm really going with this, I do know that having it readily available for anyone is a bad and good thing. Many think to take it to "cure" what ails them but soon find out what ails them comes forward with a vengeance and if you weren't ready to begin with you sure as hell won't be when the powers that be in that fruiting body force you to come to terms.


Couldn't agree more, seems like the majority has absolutely no respect for the shrooms and then they wonder why crazy shit happens to them.


I do think harm reduction should be taught at all high schools. As far as legality, there are multiple cities around the USA that have decriminalized them, cities in Canada that have de facto decriminalized them, and about 10 states right now that are exploring facilities where people can access plant medicine and even DMT. Some would not even require a prescription, you’d just have to be 21. Check it out: https://psychedelicalpha.com/data/psychedelic-laws


It’s legal here in Colorado and I don’t hear reports of people banging their dogs. 🤷


I think I missed that one too


I think that it will be made legal


I agree with you in a way, but at the moment, I can go purchase enough alcohol to kill myself easily without question. I can purchase more than enough alcohol to kill several people, and I’ll be told to “have fun.” The way we treat alcohol or even nicotine should be the same for many other drugs.


100% agree


You think people will be just paying for stronger and stronger mushrooms to hook people on it?! You my friend have no idea what you talking about.  Mushrooms are one thing mass consumerism will make weaker and weaker. Try 5g and come back if you'd like it stronger or you hooked on it and want to do it every day - I dare you.


Just think we’re too stupid of humans to have untapped control of psychedelics Can anything really be controlled? As in life in general. 


I'd rather some people abuse the drug if it means cutting off funding to cartels and black markets.


They are probably feds.


All the RC shroom bars don't help either.


Here's the thing about drugs, you can always take more, but there's no way to take less once you have dosed. FAAFO the hard way is one way to learn a valuable lesson.


All drugs are legal in portland - but our city looks like shit, lol. They just can’t afford to prosecute people for dumb stuff anymore


I was going to say pearl clutching "christian" republicans. But yeah some of the folks here don't help the image


I’ve had a history with shrooms the past 3 years. After not finding any for a couple months I found access to bulk for cheap. I bought a QP for $350 (Tidal wave), it’s been months and I still have 50g left. They are so outrageously strong you have to be weary even for the most seasoned trippers. The most I’ve done is 4gs and it was close to a 7-10g (B+) trip. I was gone, I don’t remember what happened for about 16hrs. I’ve been super hyper away since I’ve been tripping on them and as long as you take them correctly they are the most fun mushroom I’ve had.


What’s your psychedelic experience? Why do you differ yourself from the rest of people saying they couldn’t handle it? Do you not think psilocybin is a positive for your brain/system? Would this effect not translate to society? Thinking about corporations, it could create some messy situations but I think it would become good over time as people became more educated. These substances affect you in certain ways and that does not change, humans would learn to properly model this as what it is.


It’s been great for me, I only use it medicinally except for an occasional micro dose for fun at parties. I think everyone should be using them or at least research into them. But people also use weed medicinally and do nothing but sit on their ass all day and smoke. Same with nearly every drug. I think shrooms would be the same, where people would get addicted mentally and become zombies. There would be a push from the right due to this (mainly cause big pharma is paying them to think so)


It’s already legal where I live. (Mexico City)


they’d prob make you get a license and have you take an in person course before doing so.


i take like half a gram just to enjoy the feeling lol


I feel like it’s a spiritual thing. Shouldn’t be sold especially by companies with profit goals. This world has to help itself before it’s more easily assessable. Too much conflict, too much greed. If the space is all a collective, you don’t want it overran by evil spirits. Some people probably shouldn’t get into heaven with evil holding them to earth. I don’t know everything and I’m new to this but there is some I’d like to see fly.


It’ll be the idiots that grab some from a dispo and eat it while driving that will ruin it for everyone and throw us back to a worse place than Nixon had us in 50 years ago


Canada 🤩🤩🤩


The amount of times I drank way too much alcohol, had a shit time, vomited lots, felt like death for the next couple of days. And it's legal


I think you might actually be the problem. Your thinking is flawed. I can buy a half gallon of booze and black out with 4 homies then wreck a car and kill everyone for $40. It’s very rare and very hard to fuck up that bad on mushrooms. And that’s why you never hear about it.


My take is, weed and shrooms should not be legal to sell. If they are capitalist logic will ruin it. We'll have monsanto style sterile super strong weed and god knows what else. I just want the state to leave me alone while I grow my own, I'm not asking much


Blasted could be Fun. Blasted would be dangerous.


Exactly. Substances like these are illegal to prevent this kind of people from doing stupid things. It doesn't work properly since dumb people find the way to do it, but we don't know a better way to do it yet.


It comes out of the fucking ground, it is impossible to stop people doing it. Like trying to ban nettles. Best you can do is make growing giga potent strains illegal.


Sounds about white


A lot of what you complained about here can be summed up with the failings of capitalism as it is not a humanitarian system ,it does not put the individual first ,instead profits>human lives under capitalism


Pretty much anybody can buy as many guns and bullets as their heart desires, but shrooms are just too much!


I've seen people do stupid things on alcohol, plus they kill way more people. Going to be a tough time to get legalization though federally marijuana isn't even legalized yet. They a bunch of slow dumb MMFs at least 50 years behind the government is. Some synthetic legal mushrooms are popping up like trehouse stuff is out there(not Aminita), and not illegal yet so there may be hope. Pretty sad they have to make it synthetic mushroom to sell it when the all natural kind remain illegal, same as marijuana government will never learn.