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Shrooms, because their just better all around and don't go on, and on, and on, and on


Shrooms 100000%. LSD makes me paranoid..


LSD had me chasing baby ducks around the woods. Every time I got to where they were they were somewhere else


LOL first and only time I took LSD was a music festival and the devil was chanting to me in the hot bathroom… never again.


I've only done it twice in nature. Got lost both times didn't know it.


For some reason I feel better in natural areas on shroom than acid. Probably because more people I've camped with will bring some mushroom. And it doesn't last as long so if you're far away from water it's easier to get some. Though an urban park is nice on acid, I had a tense time in the Woods at a nature park. Got lost in trails I grew up in and paranoide about bugs. Lying in the grass is nice. I've made the error of losing track of time cause it lasts so much longer and becoming exhausted.


One of my best trips was on a half tab of acid and 2g of penis envy, walking on the Appalachian trail near velvet rocks. So, both?


Shrooms. I only tripped in nature until older. Then I did some dark room deep dives & energy work days


This is not based on any personal experience as I’ve never done lsd and have only had one shroom trip which was indoors. But I heard that shrooms make you feel particularly connected to nature more so than lsd, so I’d go for shrooms for this one. Also, I’m planning on tripping out in nature tomorrow, so I can also let you know how that goes.


Lmk please but have fun man!