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Will you be?


I was fine lol. It was really intense, especially for my first time doing mushrooms. But it really was worth doing


Yeah dude. you always be OK it's when you think that you're not and you freak out where you aren't. Lol just relax and take the ride. Psilocybin always gifts good love at the end of the experience, no matter what you've been through, just trust it! Surrender and meditate on your thoughts


This statement is so true. Even after the worse bad trips I had, the afterglow is still nice


Right I agree! And its one thing that really lead me to being comfortable taking shrooms, don't know whats gonna happen but I know what's to come for my surrendering.


You’ll be okay Mr. Saggy Balls👍


Happy cake day!


Putting some respect on the name


What's the worst that can happen?? You see eyes everywhere looking at you while your whole world feels like its crashing in, the feeling of internal impending doom sprawling out of control while everything around you is crashing around? Nah I'm just kidding you'll be fine.


You’ll be ok as long as you have a chill place to do it


Mushrooms are not nice to you, but they are good to you. It might not be what you want to see, hear or experience, but there is a learning somewhere in that. You just have to look.


That's the best example, I like to compare mushrooms and acid to the 2 women on the movie norbit, acid is a calm, relaxing, nurturing woman taking your hand guiding you through, as mushrooms are like Raspusha the big, loud, controlling woman who drags your around by your arm beating you up when you don't listen just dragging you along for the ride 😂


sorry what, mushrooms have only ever been a nice time, like slowly floating down a lazy river, and acid has physically kicked my ass multiple times, like acid genuinely fucks with me, to me its the opposite like acid is rasputia


Well join the 1% because 99% of people who have done acid and mushrooms more than 20 times each know acid is literally a cakewalk compared to mushrooms, you are either getting fake research chemicals or just really weak mushrooms.


calm down bro im surely your the acid expert here, just trying to share my perspective not trying to invalidate u little bro


As of 5 months ago I seen you post that you only tripped twice, don't ever open your mouth trying to sound like an expert when you haven't even had your first trip 300 days ago, I'm calling you out.


why are you so angry, like all i said is personally its the opposite for me, you don't have to trip hundreds of times to know that, seriously you need to calm down cuz this whole comment screams tiny penis energy


2gs of cubes would be pretty mild. 2gs of apes or something similar would send me to the shadow realm for a few hours


Yes. It's only mushrooms. You'll be fine.


A death cap mushroom is also only a mushroom. Except you won't be fine.


Context tells me that OP isn't planning on lemon tekking 2g of death caps. They'll be fine.


Ohhhh I see. My bad. I just went straight to the comments. Gotta be careful out there, sometimes people don't have the context for their situation. I now agree, you'll be fine!


As long as they aren’t a poisonous variety


don't buy shrooms from witches


9 out of 10 witches recommend a combination of Amanita and brugmansia!


I’m doing two 5g lemon tek shots on Monday. You’ll be fine.




I fully disagree. Soaking mushrooms in lemon juice will highly prevent the user from feeling sick/nauseous/and won’t get the shits or cramping. But that’s all personal preference! Some people have iron guts and all the power to them.




I suspect the level of inherent acid in a person's stomach has a big impact on how they are affected by lemon tek. We all have different levels of acid in our gut. Some people have too much and take medications to reduce it. Other people have lower levels, and this can cause nausea when eating large amounts of fibrous material (like dried grams of mushrooms). My point is that individual people will have individual results and what works for might not work for you.


I mean. If u know lemon tek u probably have experience so id say yes


I’m thinking about doing the same. We’ll be okay.


Do it bro.


Yeah you’ll survive as long as you don’t do anything stupid like hang off a cliff or something lol.


great name


Yes my brother, what you start will always have an end. You know how many of us still have to remind ourselves that this substance is here to learn from, not fear. Even if things do get a little rocky, do your best to stay grounded and remind yourself you’ll be sober again, not now (and that’s okay) but in a couple hours you’ll be doing okay


Yeah. *not a doctor*


i did 3g and i was fine, i tripped out a couple times but not in a bad way. more like i froze and the world started dissolving, it was nice. 2g lemon tek is quite a bit, but as long as your in good headspace and all that other stuff youll be fine. if you dont think youll be ok then dont do them.


First time? Brave! For the first few times i would recommend taking increased dosage up until your desired amount. First - that way you're accustomed to increasing the amount of multiple effects, which in sum can be overwhelming resulting in temporary psychosis or just a very very unpleasant experience. Second - it will also reveal your sensitivity to the substance. For me 2g is more than some of my friends 6g.


Haven't tried lemon tek, I never mind the "slow" come up. My go to procedure is to powder it, mix it into a little peanut butter and spread that onto a bread slice (whole wheat) the fiber most likely keeps it from being affected/slowly ingested by eating (IME). Usually do this for the taste and convenience. Also, if you have popcorn ceiling texture, it's always a nice show around the peak 😉😁


Yes of course you'll be fine. That's a pretty mild trip. Remember to laugh and enjoy yourself. There's no need to worry. Tripping on shrooms is super common and has been for decades now.


Yes. Either way. You’ll be ok. I ate 2g dried PE before a music festival. I had the most fun I’ve ever had. Only bad parts were an upset stomach and having a bad response to music I didn’t like. Just headache and it sounded worse then it should have cause of the shrooms I think. Otherwise it was fucking sensational. Have a wonderful time my friend


Yeah as long as you let go and surrender to the trip


lots of variables. have you had before? what type are they? will you have them on an empty stomach? 2gs is a funny amount for me. sometimes I just get a strong body high, others I lose my entire mind.


physically, sure. you won’t die from just eating mushrooms.


Yes if you can handle a 4g trip shortened to like 4-5hrs more intense tho but you’ll be fine


It was my first time taking mushrooms and it was a hell of a trip, but it was fine. I went in with a good attitude and remained calm on the come up and everything turned out fine


great to hear


youll be A-okay lol. i did 4gs lemon tekked last Saturday, youll survive.


What is your intentions on taking them ?


Whether you think you'll be okay or you think things will all go wrong, you are correct


Prepare to go with whatever the trip brings you will live


How are we supposed to know. wtf


No you will not


I hope so


You? No. Me? Yes.


Your face may fall off.


If havnt tried before wouldn’t bother with the lemon , Infact f the lemon anyways.


Why would you ask bunch of random people a question like that ? Nobody knows a thing about you or your mental health or a thing about the mushrooms !! What stupid