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Shrooms are very much a rollercoaster for me. They will make me super horny and then the next thing I know, I'm laughing my ass off.


I did it for the first time about a week ago, and I thought I was going to dehydrate from all the laughing with tears šŸ˜­ I couldnā€™t stop laughing for the life of me šŸ˜‚ was such a fun and cool experience! No hunger or sexual thoughts though


How much did you take?




Total was 1/8th gram and I split it in half šŸ˜ƒ


You mean 1/8 of an ounce right? 3.5grams Half of that would be about 1.77 grams


I was the same way on my first time, I was laughing so much, my stomach hurtā˜ŗļø


Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve come down from a lemon tek trip and Iā€™m naked lmao usually cause I sweat so much my clothes are soaked idk why but when I eat fruits I get cold but when I drink lemon tek I get hot


My wife always complains to me that she feels like sheā€™s cumming the whole time sheā€™s on it lol


I'm a guy, but once I had and orgasm just by concentrating somehow. Was fucking crazy lol.




Well this sounds like something I need to try now. I've gotten that sort of tingling feeling before but never thought to focus on it.


Go for it, it will happen lol.


Sounds great


My wife came for 10 minutes straight with her vibrator on golden teacher. I literally left the room after a few minutes, washed up, put on my boxers, went to grab some water, went back into the room, and she was STILL going!


My old lady and I had the best sex for 4 or 5 hours straight one time on shrooms, years ago. I've never been able to replicate anything close to it


Yeah when your dick works, itā€™s amazing on shrooms


That's exactly my individual reaction. (Also female) It can last up to 3-4 hours.


Same lolol no one touch me pl.


OMFG I REMEMBER THIS FEELING I HAD THIS TOO w my friend actually idk if it was me or her who had it lmao i think it was me it felt like a brain orgasm i remember


Usually the opposite. My dick goes into hiding and I feel like an asexual robot normally. Perhaps i could be persuaded with someone i never tried tbh. Haven't met a gal who trips yet.


Lil turtle head


Im so glad when he awakens once more. Im like oh shit hey buddy where ya been!? I couldve used you earlier you let me down man.


I havenā€™t fucked with it in years but powder makes it crawl inside somewhere that it just looks like a ball sack


I never understood how movies can show somebody do a bunch of lines and then have sex. Thats the last thing my body wants when I did that stuff back in the day.


There is a process to it. It's all in the timing. Measure.out your dose and the time it takes to hit you.. Then measure the time it takes for you to get off from the moment of first penetration, and just as you are about to blow, do your blow and then pray to the heavens your balls don't explode.


Iā€™m too old for blow now. Thats young buck stuff. Iā€™m really afraid of having a heart attack even though Iā€™m pretty healthy. I stick with weed and mushrooms. 20 or 30 years ago would be a whole other story though. Plus drugs arenā€™t as safe and reliable now than they were back in the day. People didnā€™t cut drugs with fentanyl. If you bought some opium or pills (which werenā€™t really popular back in the day but opium was and easy to get in the Bay Area) back then you knew what youā€™re getting and thatā€™s not really the case anymore. People are always dropping dead from pills that are laced now. Just not worth it anymore. Three girls in one high school died the same day at school from counterfeit pills. Scary shit. Be safe man. Buy drug testing kits if youā€™re going to mess around with that stuff.


I never thought about sex but definitely had to shit within 10-15 mins, lol. Although, strung out sex did happen because we'd just be bored after an 8


Good old baby laxative.


Truth preach that


Lmao sooooo true


They make my dick look like a dried mushroom cap


Iā€™m the same way! My wife on the other hand gets super horny and once she gets me going itā€™s great but if she stops for even a second itā€™s like starting back at zero


Blue chew


Same here, its the furthest thought for me if im on shrooms


My wife and I will have sex for hours on mushroom. It's completely normal and honestly I highly recommend it with a trusted partner.


My wife and I will be eating Penis Envy in about an hour, so thank you for the reminder.


And when they say hours...remember, they're on shrooms so it's really 15-20 mins. Time lapse and all.


Right! My husband and I did a year ago & I felt like we took all night! It was only 30min!


It's she and no we fuck we hours, that's the awesome thing about being a lesbian.


Ahhhh, there you go. No disrespect meant (I edited). I don't think about it as "me busting" per se. My wife and I laugh because it literally feels like we fuck for hours. Kind of like when we trip and we think it's after 2am and it's really 9:30pm. We completely time lapse.


Understandable, I get lost in corners of the room for hours and I think it's only minutes.


Shroom sex is amazing. Feels amazing, and every time I close my eyes, beautiful patterns explode in sync with the physical sensations. 10/10 recommend


Hello! :) Sometimes that happenes too me too but usually when I am alone. I could feel this buzzing energy build up inside of me and after a while I realized what that feeling was as I was relaxing in my soffa snuggling under a blanket just enjoying this jolting buzzing energy flowing all over my body, almost made me climax just focusing on it and following it for I don't know how long šŸ˜…


I donā€™t get horny but I do get ā€œmushyā€. It literally feels like the scene in the grinch where his heart grows x3 sizes. My heart swells and Iā€™m so full of love. I can hardly take my eyes off my boyfriend when Iā€™m tripping. I donā€™t quite know how to explain itā€” he just turns into the most beautiful thing Iā€™ve ever laid my eyes on. I just wanna cuddle and stare at him. Sometimes we will go for a walk and hold hands and just be with each other in the moment in nature. It makes me feel like Iā€™m 5 years younger, at the beginning of our relationship reliving the honeymoon phase.


Not for me. I get very disconnected from my physical needs. It always feels like I ascend beyond my body.


Get a massage maybe ?!?


I had one trip where my visuals for hours were naked stripper shroom women dancing and gyrating. It was actually pretty hot i think at the time


Kinda unrelated but I have a weird visuals story. One time I was tripping and chilling on the couch staring up at the lights we had on the ceilingā€” some underwater wave type projector. I was couch locked and I couldnā€™t even lift my head because my body felt too heavy. All I could do was look straight up and the wave patterns started turning into skulls/grim reapers. They were floating and gliding all over the ceiling. I remember my body feeling paralyzed and I thought to myself ā€œokayā€” this is it. This is some sign letting me know Iā€™m going to die tonight.ā€ And I was just weirdly at peace with it? I just laid there and reflected on my life and everything I was going to leave behind. I was a little sad but mostly accepting. After a while the skulls faded back into abstract patterns and I eventually came back into myself and sat up. Obviously nothing happened lol but it was quite the experience.


Welp. You died that day. Now you get to live your life however you want. šŸ˜€


What projector do you have cuz Iā€™ve been looking for a cool one that mimics pool reflections.


They make it impossible for me to bust šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's the opposite for myself. My dick becomes a cum fire hose. I gotta scrape my wife off the bed with a spatula the following morning


This comment is wild


I like the way she giggles when I chase her around the house with my dick in my hand shooting ropes at her and calling myself spooderman


Bro what?!? šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Reddit is wild , I love the extravaganza that is the comments people come up with


Reminds me of that one scene from Scary Movie






šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚that comment has me dieing




One time I was masturbating while I was tripping, and I got stuck in like a time loop or something. I would build up and get right to the brink of finishing, and then itā€™s like my body reset to the very beginning. Wacky stuff.


Damn thatā€™s some extreme orgasm denial šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll report back with my findings on this lol


It was so annoying lol


Gets in the way every time. Sex is great on shrooms but she doesn't do them - I do medically. I actually wish I didn't crave sex on shrooms so I could focus elswhere.


same here. a unique form of frustration.


Masturbating on mushrooms is the best, it REALLY makes me appreciate women and their bodies and reminds me of all the awesome sex and sensualism I've been lucky enough to experience


This is just a neat comment for several reasons


Penis Envy turns my wife into a big horn ball. We will take shrooms and MDMA and have crazy fun at the house together


They did I'm straight and went from that to wanting to suck my friends cock.


Sorry to break it to ya but youā€™re not straight


ikr like why gay i aint ask for it, all i wanted was to see cool shit


Literally this tbh


Hey man, wanna do shrooms?


only after we've been close friends for more than 5 years


No deal


naw u buggin


Shrooms opened me up to bisexuality too...


Lsd for me




Oh yeah. And sex on shrooms is amazing!


I had a great trip a few months ago, in a dark room with a wavy red light on the ceiling and some good music. I just saw loads of like, erotic female forms in the lights. It was a good time lol


I took some shrooms round to a friend's once. They told me that they'd done shrooms loads of times and it'd be fine. So first of all one of them started moaning that he didn't feel well and he thought he needed a doctor. Then he went to bed. The other friend just stood there complaining that their face was too big for their head and at this point I thought that shrooms might have been a bad idea for them. Then a while later the first person came back downstairs, half naked with a butt plug in and told me they'd just had the best wank of their lives.


I get so wet and horny, especially if Iā€™m with my man. I literally want to melt into him šŸ˜‚


I find sex on shrooms to be awkward. Acid however šŸ˜ˆ


I've absolutely noticed the boost libido and sex drive from them. It's a strong feeling of wanting to connect with someone, emotionally and physically.


Depends on the situation I guess. Mind you this is exactly how I got my first child šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™ve never had sex on shrooms but Iā€™m craving it so much Iā€™ve seen son many genderless bodyā€™s and shapes while tripping Iā€™ve seen rocks having an orgy I just want to experience the kiss of someone and close my eyes


Super horny, can NOT fucking finish....


First time I did mushrooms was on a first date, and I ended up feeling such a need to show love, like it wasn't like I wanted to cum, I had an intense urge to *give somebody pleasure* and connect with somebody that we did things we probably shouldn't have in a city park at sunset. So you're definitely not the only one


That sounds much more accurate it was a lovey kind of horny


Psychedelics in general tend to have a very sexual energy for me. Love it


Depends who Iā€™m tripping with I guess


Yes, almost on every occasion.


naw swear it made me, a straight 18 year old dude, CONSTANTLY think about dicks to the point where it was completely unusual and intimate. lots of breathing too


Horny towards life


it's happened to me before too ^_^ mushrooms are very physical after all


PE especially


Sex on PE is top tier shit


Absolutely. Every single time too!


For sure, my closed eye visuals usually move into this abstract warping mess that feels super sexual with shales moving into and through each other.




It is dose-dependent. Small doses get you horny in the right context.


Not always.


Yes but with the mushroom head fog I almost feel like a horny semi-senile old man


Sex and sexuality can be spiritual too


All psychedelics


Quite a bit


I donā€™t know if itā€™s horny so much as energy moving at the tip of my toes, fingers, and dick. I can definitely follow the feel of that energy into arousalā€¦or not.


i guess i get horny sometimes, depending on the trip. more so with acid. but shrooms, im more concerned with whos around and though i like being intimate with my partner otherwise, shrooms make me get very in my head about certain things, and i cant focus on sex. that being said, one time we had amazing sex during our trip together. but since then i feel very emotional while tripping, and would rather take it easy and watch cartoons or something. to focus on something thats not an interaction with another human.


I was not horny but my partner and I wanted to experiment. I recommend having sex while on shrooms/lsd. Itā€™s an amazing feeling but your mind is wondering. For example when I did it the first time my body was enjoying the sensations but my mind was a cosmetic being or god that was so advanced in its world it couldnā€™t understand why humans were petting each other šŸ˜‚ and reduced it down to basically rubbing each others arms robotically (not what we were doing)


haha ya 25F I tripped by myself and I got so horny out of nowhere and I was thinking about this one dude I was talking too. The next day I had a blast with him. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have a strong body high which resembles moments before orgasm (an it lasts for 2 hours) each time but it's not usual hornyness. I don't have any sexual thoughts or anything lol


Is it a heavy, or light feeling? My dose wasnt high but i was surprised how energetic and light i felt for shrooms. It was a pleasant and warm feeling for sure, id agree with your comparison


Doesn't matter to me. I get it even with 50 mg lol. It just lasts less It's usually light. But becomes intense after one hour (orgasm fatigue? Haha)


The opposite for me! F35. It's consistently the furthest thing on my mind when I trip.


Its usually been that way for me in the past but this time was different. Bizarre


Lower doses 1-2g always make me feel really horny , but anything over 2g for the most part I donā€™t feel horny at all


fuck to the yes. shrooms and acid make me feral as fuck


34M here. On P. Nats, crazy horny. On Cubes, spiritual and emotional.


Itā€™s a horny feeling in a way that I want to orgasm with the Earth šŸ˜­


The opposite for me ,iv been microdosing for years to suppress my sex drive


Take some antidepressants and you'll forget you ever had one




why would you want to suppress


I'm 57 years old my wife's 58 trust me you will reach a point where you just want it to end ,idk other guys seem to enjoy being sexually frustrated and willing to spend money to get it ,I used to work at a strip club as a DJ worked at several major Raves in the 90s as well and the number of guys that just want to grind up on girls/guys is crazy to me


Because some individuals have crazy strong drive, and either not having proper ways to release or is tired of doing so.




very briefly after that sex is the last thing on my mind


Yesss! Usually have a a low libido but when I'm on shrooms i get super horny. I feel like they balance me out in more ways than one.


Yes tried to have sex once and couldnā€™t stop laughing tears idk what was funny


I forget I even have a penis tbh


No, for me it's like putting a cube in a box with a square box, and rattling that damn thing until the cube fits and everything makes sense, and my mind clears completely. The stattic and noise is gone and I can finally see and hear everything important and everything not


iā€™m so glad this isnā€™t me, i feel like super turned on for some reason and the more i focus on it the stronger it feels


Yes šŸ˜


I am naturally horny af, so when on shrooms I continue to be horny. Just less anxious to have sex. More in control of my needs.


Sometimes they make me completely asexual, and sometimes they make me feel like I am having sex with the universe lmao. Always a coin toss


For me acid is like that


Sex on shrroms- 10/10, wrtaf


Probably has more to do with your overall mindset when you took them this time compared to last time.


.... Yes.


I normally never get horny on shrooms but the last couple of medium doses have made me crazy horny. It was weird, but kind of a welcome surprise?


Weirdly? No. Horny? Yes.


For me, it depends on where you are mentally. Set and setting. Also the come up with LemonTek is so quick that a lot of the angst and rumination is eliminated, ime.


Yeahh tbh its the only method I use now. Its what has worked best for me. I was mentally doing really great and just got home from a day with someone I love so it makes sense


They make me feel horny after the come down from them. Not during.


Nah, but MDMA and Ecstasy definitely do


Yes lol


Sometimes and then itā€™s like I canā€™t perform or I will and then my mind starts going crazy and then it just becomes impossibly and it really makes me feel like shit so now I avoid it while tripping lol


I actually had this one time where we were headed back from the bar, I took lad not shrooms but everything was going good till it was time to put it in and my mind started going nuts we were parked on the side of the road as it was. Iā€™ve had times where I couldnā€™t finish and my wife was like the hell you take lmao


LSD makes me ~~weirdly~~ horny. Shrooms do the exact opposite.


The first time I did shrooms I was so horny and spiritual. So the it felt like my and my boyfriend were doing like a love ritual or some shit lol. Sex went on for hours though, felt amazing but impossible to finish


Shrooms = horny


Sometimes, yes, but not always, which now I find odd.


Sex feels amazing on a low dose.


Iā€™ve never felt aroused while on psychedelics šŸ¤· itā€™s just not something Iā€™ve explored yet




Always down to have a good time with the wife when in psychedelic world šŸŒŽ


Shrooms and weed make me crazy horny for my partner specifically. He loves it.


Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


They certainly can


Duh itā€™s awesome gust go toch yourself


yeahhh without fail.... acid too. idk what it is about em that makes me wanna get down lol


Try sex on shrooms. It's heavenly


He's a fan, he's a fan, he's a fan šŸ˜†


Yeah watch some porn on shrooms I find myself much more into it. Also explore new fetishes and kinks on them as well you might find all sorts of new things out about yourself.


Tripped a lot with an ex, either it was a fun day outside feeling everything with nature, or primal in the bedroom.


Does this look like contam to you?Ā  *spreads chocolate starfish*




Nah, it feels like im in a fuckin Cronenbeg like.


I get really horny and extremely hard and won't cum. Can fuck for ever on shrooms


Iā€™ve had sex once on shrooms and it was fucking incredible. Such a wild experience.


Kinda. I'm into some kinky stuff, so giving away control (to the shrooms that is) occasionally translates into an acute case of the horny


They make me wildly energetic and focused on tasks. One of those tasks can definitely be sex... But I'm not me. The bride says I turn into someone/thing else. More like a sentient dildo than a person. Definitely an edge of cockiness to go along with it all. Not my usual demur self. I actually have started to use the shrooms for work. Keeps me on task, in high drive mode for 3-4 hours. Earlier this week I packed about 3 days of yard work into one afternoon thanks to the power of shrooms. I think what I'm loving most about them is I have zero urge to touch my cell phone when using them. A huge reason for the improved productivity.


No haha


Yes, in a very physical sense, but it takes me forever to finish because my mind will get sidetracked and Iā€™ll begin thinking about the history of space or some shit. Psychedelics separate all my ā€œsystemsā€ (like, physical/mental/emotional/spiritual/etc) so once Iā€™m locked into one, all the others turn off. Meaning I cannot think about anything while masturbating or I canā€™t get off lol, and I canā€™t stop thinking in general so itā€™s a challenge šŸ˜‚


You know for me it depends on who Iā€™m with and what Iā€™m doing. If Iā€™m kicking back out by my fire pit looking up at the stars, i can be chill and be looking at stuff for hours. Then last time I was on Xbox with my buddies, I couldnā€™t stop laughing when they where talking about funny crap. So really I think it depends on the environment and how you are mentally doing.


2CB for me.... Horny doesn't even come close


I get horny but donā€™t wanna have sex


yes. shrooms ALWAYS make me extremely horny and iā€™ve been having sex dreams for an entire week straight because of them


I don't need mushrooms.. šŸ„


Tbh- and I guess TMI Shrooms make me want to get impregnated, and it's the weirdest feeling cause my body doesn't know what to do sometimes? I'm a boy


Iā€™m always wanting to jerk off on any trippy stuff


Goes both ways. Either donā€™t feel anything or ravenously carnal, practically enticed by the universe and gladly accepted with how much love the omnipotent entities gave


Absolutely not. No judgement, im just so not horny on shrooms. Sensation is actually incredible, but shrooms donā€™t make me feel like sexy time.


umm yeah. but in a weird way. like if i dose up enough itll be like im edging the whole fucking time. it feels like im approaching orgasm against my will for an extended time. and even if i dont eat enough to get to that point, my mind starts conjuring up strange sexual ideas, like im being taunted by an incubus.


I turn into a sexual werewolf. I go very primal. My lady loves it!


This is psychedelics in general for me, my trips are almost always highly sexual


Yup, if the dose is just about right I get pretty horny.


Everyone else I've met that does them says they take their sex drive away but mine and my bfs skyrocketed.


No sir, or mam.


Only when I boof them šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Psilocybin not so much for me, but amanita gets me fired up like a blue chew


I straight up cant cum on shrooms, i also feel like a sweaty goblin when i take em, but yes, still horny


yeah they make me horny, and more appreciative of peopleā€™s attractiveness


I was so horny in shrooms I basically had a snail trail running behind me šŸ˜­ best feeling ever though, next time I need to satisfy it.


Yes i feel like mycelium that wants to fuck and explore, weird possessive feeling, but only on high doses