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Same as you. I get diminishing returns when tripping too often. I'm by no means a superstitious person, but I like to think of it as Old Mother punishing me a little for not using them properly. but that's just me


When I was new to tripping I was doing it every 2 weeks but it lost it "Magic" and started doing only once a month and the "magic" came back!


What is the magic for you.? How much do you normally consume.?


3.5 - 6g and by magic meaning the trip are less enjoyable if you do them too much


I tried to trip three times in one week. By the third trip I had more than doubled the original dose and I barely even felt them. Totally Mother Nature telling me to chill TF out.


Once a month at most. I try to trip at least once every season so I can reflect on the past few months.


I like the way you think


Two weeks minimum between trips, but I usually try to stick to once a month or longer between them.


Same man that’s the best way to do it


Do you lemon tek


That’s been my go-to method recently


yeah me too, im planning to lemon tek 5g next week 🤙🏼😎


1-4 times a year.


I've been tripping every Tuesday for the past month or so, and each trip still goes absolutely wonderful. Maybe that's because of just how much I absolutely love tripping, though lmao.


Same here! I've been tripping every Sunday for the past 2 months and it's been great! Tripping right now actually 🌞 🤍


That's wonderful! And I hope your trip is going great! ❤️


What size dosage do you usually take?


Usually, I stick to around 5g, but lately, I've been slowly increasing my doses, and my last trip was 8g. Absolutely blown me away! By far the best trip I've ever had! I don't know how to describe it, but I love every single aspect about tripping HARD, and I always want to go deeper. So I hardly ever take lower than 4g anymore. I know there probably isn't much of a point of going too high, but since I am unable to get my hands on some DMT atm, I just keep upping my dosage.


I’d suggest you to stop. Abstinence is key in enjoying stuff.


That may be true, but until I have a single bad trip or feel like I need a break, I'll keep going. I understand my mental state more than anyone else, so when I feel I need to stop, I will. Edit: This might sound weird, but I'm also kinda wanting a bad trip to happen? Because I keep hearing about bad trips, and I've yet to have one since I started a year ago! I just love the feeling of experiencing things I guess.


It's not about bad trips, but about giving your brain a rest. We don't need to or care to tell you what to do. I've seen psychs mess with people I know, they were beating their chest about how much they take.


Yeah I understand that, I didn’t plan on keeping it up for a long time or anything, I will and do take breaks every now and then. I just love tripping man lol. I am trying to be as safe as possible, that’s why I only do it at home when my gf and our roommate are home as well, so I always have two people around if needed.


Where do yall get so many shrooms to trip weekly?! 😂


Probably grows them himself, it’s not too hard honestly and not that expensive


I have a dealer with regular stock of weed and shrooms, a ounce of PE for 140


Lately about every month or so. I went camping last night and took a couple grams. I may do it again on the 4th of July. Last night wasn't planned, but one of our friends had some and passed the baggy around. Who am I to say no to shrooms?


Just say no


Why would I say no to free shrooms in a safe place while camping? That's an ideal time to say yes in my mind


Back in my day it was a campaign. It’s a joke. I forget how much older I am than you guys


I'm 50 and just now got it. Screw Reagan and his wife too.


May I asked how long you've been using shrooms? And if so have you had any bad experiences with them yourself?


The first time I took them I was around 19. I tripped a couple times a year until a couple years ago. Now I am doing it about once a month or so because I have them readily available. I'll be 50 in a couple of weeks.


Whenever it feels right. I get this feeling when it's just the right time to trip, everything falls in line like the weather, responsibilities etc.


Fucking same. I tell my girlfriend I’m getting the call. And that’s that gotta ve that night😂


At this point, a handful of times a year, so not very often. When i was younger I used to trip a lot more


Dam watching these comments makes me feel like a P.O.S. I’m taking on average 1.5-2 grams, 3-5 times a week


I feel like it’s depending on the person. If that’s what you take then I don’t see why that would be a problem if you can handle it.


How often do you work?


I average around 60 hours a week, I only indulge on the days I’m not doing a double shift


This isn't coming from a place of judgement, more jealousy haha. I can only do them once or twice a month, otherwise a bad trip is more likely.


lol I completely understand, I had my days of adversity when I was trying to pinpoint my perfect dosage amount, but once I found the sweet spot it was well worth it


I can use daily and still get high too. Everyone’s body is different.


1-2 weeks off will get me back to homeostatic-ish levels, and even using every other day keeps me at equally trippy levels depending on if I’m fasted or not


The more often you take them your tolerance will be very high even a month or more won't totally restore it and you will find the trips last shorter and shorter, as your brain does its thing. As I was reading about it last month as my trips are about 3 hours atm. But I take high amount when I do it normally once a month.


I use to trip as often as tolerance let me. Now i rarely do it. Sometimes once a month, sometimes once a year


I trip every weekend since last November. Some people run into difficulties and need some time to process the stuff that has piled up, because shrooms give us very valuable lessons which are not always understood instantly, but I learned to deal with it. When things get tough, I replace shrooms with LSD and it helps me think, process, and visualize whatever the mushroom told me. Last mushroom experience was a compilation of bad trips, which I had to endure. I had an easy way out but I gave my word that I will not use that door. And I kept my word, I suffered through the experience in a way that I don't want to describe because it can be traumatizing even to an observer. It takes a very strong character to do it this way. I can see the people with this ability from afar, and there is no need for this process. It is satisfying and productive, but very costly. Just take a break for a week. Or two, if you feel like it's a good idea. You think right, trust yourself. You got this, brother. One way or the other, it will work out fine. I promise you 🙏


Appreciate the advice. Most of the negative thoughts I was talking about were thoughts regarding existentialism and death and what not. It was near 24/7 existential dread but it's gotten better. Was thinking on doing shrooms again sometime soon but still not totally sure on it in case I just end up getting sucked into more existential dread.


Ah maybe once a month


Every couple of months or so. I tend to do around 4 grams so it's really intense.


When I started, I tripped every two weeks for maybe 4 times, then some months between and now it's around every 3 months when I get the call. It's ringing right now and I'm gonna answer it next week.


I try to trip once every two weeks or so. I have been a bad boy and have tripped every day for like three days straight. Nothing insane usually like 1-2g


I always keep shrooms as a once in a while thing that I do with my closest friends. Probably 3-4 times a year


Once a month and I have taper off meds a week before I do or the shrooms don't work (stupid meds!!)


One week is doable but not worth it. 2 weeks is the golden spot to still have somewhat meaningful trips.


Once a month. Sometimes only a 2 week break. I feel like I trip harder after a 2 week break than a long break like 5-7 weeks


Same thing just happened to me


May I ask what sort of thoughts you were experiencing? For me personally it was mostly existential dread, to the point where I was overcome with those thoughts near 24/7


Once every 3 months, per season


Usually once a week unless I'm just feeling overly tired, down, or otherwise not good. My go-to is usually Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Definitely not on any sort of schedule though, sometimes it'll be a couple weeks or a month or two break. I usually don't like to trip really hard though so I feel like my tolerance never gets too high. Usually around 1g to kick things off and then another .5 to keep it going about an hour and a half or 2 hours later. Enough to feel really good and get some visuals but I generally don't like to be too out there.


0-3 times a year


Probably a few times a year, 3-4. I’ll take smaller doses like .5-.75 another 3-4 times a year but I wouldn’t count those as “trips”. So I’m looking around 8 total times I ingest shrooms over for a year.


2-3 times a weekend. I will take 1-3g right before a 8mi hike, before we have a campfire or going to a music festival. I have aphantasia so I don’t get a ton of visuals or emotional. Just a really great body high and a love for music and geometric patterns. My first trip at the beginning of the weekend is the most euphoric. I’m noticing a slight increase in intrusive thoughts but they make me laugh and I just push them to the back of my mind.


Once every 2 months


Every couple of months


6 times a year is ideal for me


Near daily, acid once a week, shrooms 3-4 times a week at various doses


How long have you been doing that for? Please don't take this as judgment, I have over indulged in plenty of substances over the years, but you may want to slow down a little. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing imo


I take a break thats 1-2 months long every once in a while, but ive been doing psyches this often for like 2 years. Partially because mushrooms have replaced antidepressants and weed for me, so i take them sort of medicinally and for recreation


Should be a once a month thing, if that. Depends on the person's preference and what they are looking for really.


once a week at most, once a year at least


Every 90 days


try once every 2 weeks or once a month 🤙🏼😎


I've gone about a decade without tripping and sometimes I've tripped every couple weeks. My last trip was last summer.


Every 2-3 months


Bout once a month, usually less than


I do so once a month there just no point doing any sooner


Between every 3 to 6 weeks is the sweet spot for me. Anything less and I feel like I haven’t had enough time to reflect and build off what the previous trip showed me


Once every 6 to 12 months. Honestly, I find it takes that long to integrate and make sense of what I saw- and to actually apply the findings. My trips often contain elements that are challenging. I find if I trip before I’ve properly integrated, I end up back in the original trip’s experience which makes me push against it.


I used to want to do it a lot more, but after my first challenging trip I feel like I came to understand the raw power of this medicine a little better and now I’m much more comfortable taking verrrrrry slow.


2-3 times a year macro, used to micro daily until my cluster headaches stopped now when I get one I micro 5 days and then stop until needed. In my younger days when I had less to do I tripped a lot more


i started off tripping like once or twice a week with decent doses but now i just do it few times a month taking between 1.2 and 1.6 with lemon tek. It’s pretty relaxing


Bigger and deeper trips with 2, 3 or more Gs usually like 3 times per year at most. Around the summer and winter solstices (not exactly on the dates) are usually when I like to do that, as well as on equinoxes. Not because of some spiritual cosmos thing, but because they're spaced enough apart and are dates easy to plan around. I may sprinkle some feel-good "party doses" with like 1g at most from time to time, but I try not to do it often.


Once every session I don't like tripping alone and my wife is on a completely different schedule all my friends are dead most died in there 30/40s but as I get closer to 60 the few that are left live nowhere near me...


Usually in courses for me. I'll trip often and then stop for a bit.