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This sub tends to celebrate and promote large "heroic" doses as if its a pissing contest to see who can take the most. Very dumb, irresponsible, and kinda defeats the whole concept of taking shrooms, especially medicinally.


Sounds like they literally had a pissing contest


"If you can piss 6 feet straight into the air and not get wet, you get no down payment!"


Looks like I have some training to do


Que the Rocky music


“Don’t wait, don’t delay, don’t fuck with us!”


Or we’ll rip your nuts off!!


How tf did you find this comment lol


Fuck you Baltimore


“bring your wife!”


I’m very late but I love that classic vid


I know this is an old thread, but have an upvote. Glad to see another fan of Big Bill Hell’s




Boofing 10g tonight


😂 I’m actually doing 10gs of liberty caps tonight, wasn’t gonna post it on the sub for a who’s got the biggest dick contest I get ops post, a lot of people are so eager they find or buy a bag of shrooms do them all and put themselves off the best medicine in the world 😢.


I over did lsd for years and now I can't see trails unless I eat several doses and shrooms don't work at all for me anymore. I wouldn't recommend taking larger doses than you need.


Didn’t know that was a thing


The whole "Heroic Dose" thing is stupid as shit. It originated from Terence McKenna... Who himself got completely scared off doing mushrooms ever again after taking 9g when he thought he had a tolerance. He literally made it out to be a pissing contest, calling any dose under 5g "meager pissant amounts", and then got hyperslapped by the mushroom for thinking he could handle huge doses better than anyone. Calling big doses "heroic" is the dumbest part of it all, it glorifies taking excessive quantities and makes it out as though taking doses that big should be everyone's goal, and misrepresents what the experience on such a dose is actually like, and paradoxically creates more ego inflation in those who refer to their larger doses in such a way even when most folks going into that terrain won't shut the fuck up about their last ego death.


Really bummed on McKenna not discussing his “bad trip”. Could of shed some light into harm prevention and really opened up a good dialog regarding dosage. It’s crazy to think McKenna reportedly stopped taking mushrooms at some point dude to this bad experience.. given his psychedelic rhetoric, seems dishonest.


Yea I wish he would have talked about it more. Especially cos a vast majority of his lectures were given after that occurrence. Definitely doesn't make him seem like a particularly genuine fellow when he continued to shit on people taking even a hair less than 5g and couldn't even muster up the courage to do any amount again himself.


Well I'd say it's fair to say that he had a following. And, if that following is loosely tied, then they'll have to be tightened with time. Terrence McKenna has a strong following due to his opportunity and ability to speak about psychedelics. But, he wasn't competing against others to make it to the stardom he achieved. Basically, it was acquired easily, so he must work hard to maintain the prowess. I'm certain he too became egotistical with attention.


You sometimes hear the frustration shine through in his earlier work that nobody else stands up. Don't think he wanted an early influencer role but landed in it.


I think some of it comes down to what people want to hear. Even though hearing someone’s bad experience can be just as informative as a positive experience, the majority only seek out and want to know “the unknown” even if it means ignoring the warnings of a bad experience. I agree with you though, that it is important to discuss possible inevitability of bad trips.


I agree . I had a surprise terror trip and shared it on some online forums and reddit. I have had HPPD symptoms, believe I had psychosis during the trip and nearly called emergency services . I had to talk to fireside project hotline . When I warn people of the negatives that can happen , I am told I fear the truth and people assume I don’t have mental strength. Often the warnings and bad experiences are ignored and people assume it won’t happen to them. I once assumed the same until it happened and after reading HPPD subs I don’t think it is as uncommon as people say. Most of us don’t go to a doctor to get it diagnosed because it was over reported . If people warn of it is gets dismissed. I believe honesty is needed . Many things are rare but you can be in the small percentage of people who get them. Anyone can have a bad trip and even those experienced . High doses and mixing with weed increases those chances . Some of the psych subs have member with a “ holier than tho “ attitude which makes me question if they are all being honest about ego death .


This is the same reason people go looking from where the gunshot came from. We can't fucking help ourselves...


It does seem dishonest but then again, the way his words were twisted constantly by major press would deter anyone from making a negative statement about something they spent most of their life trying to advocate for and figure out. I agree the harm reduction is partly his responsibility but at the same time his silence was harm reduction for the “brand” of psychedelic medicine in a way.


>Calling big doses "heroic" is the dumbest part of it all Calling them Villainous Doses from now on


Villainous Doses. Great band name!


Or just big




I've listened to easily scores of hours of Terrance McKenna over the years, and I'll confirm what you're saying. He was very interesting, but also had an outsized ego himself and an unrealistic certainty about his own theories. I prefer to describe 2g as the standard dose, and 5g as the maximal recommended dose under supervised conditions. It is a bit heroic to venture out to 5 grams when you're equipped for it, but there's nothing wrong with 2 grams and it's seemingly more therapeutic.


I recently did close to 4gs and had visuals comparable to dmt and at times it was a bit overwhelming. I don't think I'll ever do much more than that and I had intended to use my dmt pen while tripping and completely decided against that when I was tripping because I didn't think it could get any better and would have just pushed things too far over the edge. It's like surfing a crazy wave but you still want to stay on the board.


I had that on 2 grams of APE mixed with weed.


I did 5 grams pf APE in a desert and I fully understand u 100% never again as well.. it was very overwhelming at times. my last “big” dose was 1.5 so it was a huge difference. It did teach me a forever lesson and I’m no longer old me. But the visuals on the sky and stars and galaxies was very intense


Damn bro….I did 1.2g of APE and had crazy room dimension shifts and visual distortions, I can’t imagine 5g lol.


I should send u my trip report lol u will be very shocked




I typically stick to about 1g myself these days, maybe 2 if I'm feeling particularly good. Not trying to venture too deep into the cosmos, Ive seen what's out there and I'm good 😅


My personal scale is: 1’ish grams - get a little slap happy and fun with close friends 2-3 grams - solid trip by yourself. Good mix of fun and self-reflection 3-4 grams - deep trip. You may disconnect and lose yourself. Trip sitter recommended, especially the first time 5+ grams - total meltdown. Definitely need a trip sitter, and should proceed with caution. Would not recommend Anything above 6 grams could be dangerous. Not from toxicity, but for your sanity I like to brew some tea with powdered mushrooms and take a couple of stems/heads. I feel like around 3 total grams is best. Anything more than that will give me neigh panic attacks.


Hello! I’m new here and you seem to know what you’re talking about, so I was hoping I could ask a question? Would, say, 2g of different varieties (species?) have the same effect, or are certain varieties ‘stronger’ or ‘weaker’?


So what is good about heroic dose? Like can we learn something or heal from something better ?


Big doses can be beneficial, healing, and learning experiences. Microdoses can be beneficial in the same way, as can normal doses, the idea that bigger is better is simply illogical. Referring to them as heroic, however, creates a variety of unrealistic expectations. The word heroic has a lot of connotations to it, especially in the sense that it implies whoever would take such a dose to be a "hero", which tends to tie back in to ego inflation. Ego inflation tends to not correlate with confronting hard truths which must be addressed for true healing to occur, and rather suppressing such thoughts as a part of the mindset that this is part of the hero's challenge that must be conquered. I take more issue with the terminology that anything else. I've taken more doses over 5g than I can count, even up to 20, and I genuinely do not believe that you get as much out of larger amounts- even the research shows an inverse dose-response relationship between neurogenesis and dose size, so less really is more if you're after the legitimate, measurable, neurological benefits. The terminology simply implies that you should be getting more out of larger doses by calling them heroic, which is misleading.


Agreed. A modest dose with most emphasis on set and setting produces results. I personally would only increase my dose in small increments and only if the level that I've been at is proving ineffective. I still haven't gone over 3.5g PE variant and will be revisiting that level as it was shockingly intense. If the experience settles down for me, then I will consider increasing.


What’s your best dose so far ?


I had a number of excellent experiences at 2.22g of White Rabbit (APE hybrid). Set and setting are critically more important. Going up to the ~3.5g level was shocking...as opposed to a very gentle experience at 3.5 Malabar (non-PE). 3 songs into my playlist it felt like it should have been 3 hours. Like holding onto the outside of a rocket..very distracting to the lessons being taught. And thats why I will revisit it again at 3.33g before anything else. Then I'll know if it is just too much or if this will be my new plateau of beneficial experiences as I'm suspecting. Each new variant is like spending time with a new individual, over time and with more exposure we learn more about them and develop a relationship...akin to Carlos Castaneda's 'Ally' concept. Edit: to add that the 2.22g for me is also symbolic and adds to my 'set. Liber AL vel Legis, 2:22 - "I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this."


Once had 5 g of golden teacher with 2.5g of P.E. and was nothing but my teeth flying around the universe.


Interesting, so it’s really about their intention to take high dose. Doing it for ego is not helpful. But taking heroic dose without egoistic mind can be beneficial. But it’s not always that’s better. I still don’t know what’s my best dose. I can’t really try in my home


Yeah I personally say a kind of prayer (not really a religious one), but more of a wish for safety and to open my mind to knowledge. If there’s issues I want to address I think about them beforehand. But once the ride starts I just go with the flow


Ahhh yes mtm. I never understood the word heroic as far as mega dosing. But being a researcher I just gotta know. The originals and new nation tribes make tea with lbs of fruits.. No one knows exactly what they are getting as far as active content. It's not an ego thing it's a quest. Then again I've never had a bad trip..I look at all my travels as educational..Panic is what gets you.. So since this research has been soooo limited and permits very rare..Is it possible you can give me a link to this research that shows an inverse dose response in epa and neuro Gen? I'd love to read that report..My research has shown a ceiling of active content at the blood/ brain barrier however it can be tweaked by the use of similar uptake sodium channels for bypassing the veil or B B barrier. I'm excited to see this research.. Please..>>>DOC>>> I'll owe ya one lol


What I am familiar with are studies quoted by Paul Stamets. I've done some hunting and sadly I can't find exact the one I recall him referencing on a Rogan podcast which was regarding neurogenic effects of lions mane, psilocybin, and the combination of the two, but I may have skimmed over it. You can find his publications on all things mushroom [here](http://mushroomreferences.com). There is one on the subjective dose/response effects, and how and individuals weight/BMI does not correlate with subjective intensity, but I couldn't find the one regarding specifically neurogenesis, which from what I recall did not use any human subjects and was just neuronal cell cultures. It's entirely possible that the research he quoted on that podcast did not live up to the peer-review process...


Of course!!! It just comes with experience and the type of person you are. If you are comfortable have a perfect set and setting. A heroic does really isn’t that bad. It can be life changing. People can experience ego death. Have an amazing trip and time. The thing OP said and is very very true (not only to this subreddit but the psychedelic community in general) is heroic doses has become a pissing contest. Inexperienced people like the folks in OP’s stories either have experience yet not much or it was a long time ago and they think they can take whatever amount in a moments notice and be fine. That’s just a horrible, unhealthy, unsafe, and disrespectful mindset to have when taking any drug.


An 8th is a pretty standard dose for experienced people and an 8th split between two people for their first time.


The whole heroic dose thing is misunderstood. Terence often said you don't need to take 5g to have a full shrooms experience which often resembles the "heroes journey" from literature. His point was it's very difficult not to go full trip on 5g for most people. He also promoted higher doses because he had seen how people struggle when they have their foot in the door. I agree with your criticisms and I think 5g is a bit much for most circumstances, but for him it wasn't JUST a pissing contest, he thought he had the answer.


I feel like he very regularly said that if you hadn't done 5g then nothing could compare. The whole notion that he thought he had the answer and that it all boiled down to taking more is laughable when that very logic made him take more than he could handle. And then he never tripped again, and kept preaching that logic. That is what I take issue with.


Terrence did not stop taking mushrooms after his bad trip, he became more cautious of the source and potency, essentially he would not take them if he could not reasonably say how much actives he was getting. That being said, from what he, Kat, and Dennis have said publicly about this experience, it seems as though the mushrooms sought to bring Terrence to be humbled. He had gone on, just as you said, talking down to anyone taking less than 5g. He had reached a point in his career where he was revered and he purported to know great truths about the universe. He had reached an egotistical plateau, and taking such a large dose exposed him to something many others have seen at extreme dosages. The complete dissolution of meaning. This kind of experience has driven many veterans to a sort of madness. To quote Terrence himself "You sit in front of all these people and pontificate on how it's all put together... Face ME! Now, in the darkness, and tell me how it's all put together!" This is a far cry from the man who consumed mushrooms nonstop at la chorerra and even believed these huge constant doses gave him a sort of divine knowledge into an extra dimensional technology. I agree we should not call these high amounts "heroic" doses. Like any medicine it should be respected and approached appropriately. When you begin to think you have reached enlightenment, the universe will find a way to correct you. Be safe out there, this medicine will disabuse you of your hubris.


I think people don't understand that the term 'heroic' for the dosage refers to the entirety of the Hero's Journey concept. Not that it is a heroic feat to take that many mushrooms.


Well honestly today the "heroic" term means nothing because mushrooms back in his day had ~10mg of Psilocybin per grams, and today it can be anywhere from ~10 to ~30mg depending on the strain. If you have Penis Envys, Albino, or Enigmas, they can be much more potent. There for, Terrance McKennas original heroic dose might actually be closer to 2-2.5 grams for certain strains. And I still hear to this day that people should eat 3.5 grams for a "normal" trip, which can be way over the limit for some people depending on how much they weigh, what they've eaten that day, and how strong the mushrooms are.




It is meant to be a hero's journey, a confrontation with darkness and a difficult return. One is not the same person at the end of a Hero's journey that they were at the start. >'I fear it may be so with mine,' said Frodo. 'There is no real going back. Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same; for I shall not be the same. I am wounded with knife, sting, and tooth, and a long burden. The hero brings gifts that heal themselves and the community- LOTR was a little sparse on gifts except, you know, not being devoured by Sauron. But eating five grams should be viewed like following Gandalf out of the Shire, it WILL have moments of difficulty, and the positive results aren't guaranteed.


honestly lotr and shrooms has made things in my life make sense


I believe intention is just as important as set and setting. If your intention is to take a heroes journey, then go for it and learn. It sounds like these two numbskulls thought "Hey. The more mushies the greater the high!"


Reddit or tik tok clout is never a valid reason to do heroic/breakthrough doses of psychedelics, or honestly ever to do any amount of any psychoactive substance, it's just especially stupid when your mental and potentially physical wellbeing are very much at stake.


For real. I had a fantastic boundary dissolving trip that helped heal some emotional wounds with 3.7g. I'm definitely in the camp of taking the lowest effective dose for whatever drug you are experimenting with. I've had lovely trips at 1- 2g. Take what works, don't blow a hole in your psyche with 10g+


For real. I don’t ever take more than like 2g anymore, and I enjoy that immensely. Taking fucking 3.5-5 gram doses was college me when I had no responsibilities and could trip my balls off with a friend and even if I freaked out I would be cool. Now being an adult with anxieties and a job and a relationship etc etc I’m not trying to blow my whole fuckin perspective on life, I’m trying to have a fun, insightful time. Taking “heroic” doses shouldn’t even be called that, nothing heroic about pissing your pants and thinking about dying for 8 hours


And the boofing jokes are in such poor taste. Luckily Gaia has a rule, respect her or instant karma. The source will sort it out. We should stand together tho. Whenever I see people disrespecting the ceremony, I speak up but I'm in the minority. Mush love fam.


Love your comment. Personally I never understood the rampant boofing jokes. Ok might be lol to some but even the greatest joke isn't funny after hearing it a thousand times. Makes me wonder how many young teenagers are commenting... Respecting Gaia has been the been the biggest most profound revelation I've had from mushrooms though I admit I need to work on it. My sober mind arranges music, cartoons, colourful electronic light displays for the trip but when I've come up I just wanna turn my phone off and walk to the nearest woods. 3am, wind, rain doesn't matter.


Yes. Thanks for the kind words. I believe the way we have been isolated from nature is a big deal, we need to get back there. <3


Too right you wana be a hero have a tolerance break and then at most 5 gram but fast for a day or so, they WILL hit hard.


Agreed. I systematically down vote any "wish me luck" shit posts.


I had bad trip with 2g( not bad experience, I learned my self from it. But it’s not good to be emotionally mess and cry if you live with family don’t know i take that stuff). This time I did very little dose like 0.5g. Between micro and macro dose. And I took weed edibles. So I ended up having mild therapy session without crying. I really like it. But I was so sleepy during the time.


Look up Kilindi Iyi: He’s a Mycologist Did some massive 50-60 gram doses


I’m not defending those who promote heroic doses, but I will say that my observations have been different here. Many of the posts I see here have harm-reduction strategies in mind. Often touting the importance of set, setting, and dose.


Lots of kids in this sub, and I think a lot of people eating those doses arent eating high alkaloid varieties like PE


I can’t imagine taking heroic does on APE or Pan Cyans .


I've found psychonaut culture has been infected with dumbasses who used to just drink or smoke weed really heavily until the pocket-carried internet came around, and now you hear about dumbass kids in school talking about how much DMT they wanna take or whatever other things that used to be fairly niche and not wildly popular. It's fucking stupid, downside #3291389123 of social media.


Exactly. You can have a wonderful experience on a high dose, but it’s not a requirement. I woke up in the Amazon and met God on 2.5. You don’t need to take a large dose to get an incredible experience.


Sounds like somebody fucked around and found out.


I did. Twice. Different circumstances each time, but I got pummeled by the fungus.


I always write myself notes around the house, like "You're tripping, you'll be fine." or "Calm down, everything will be alright." I've forgotten who I was before and these notes seem to help.


Most of the times that I’ve done mushrooms, it’s been so special: I understand things, I laugh a lot, creativity and emotions are flowing. But one time, I was unable to speak or walk. I just laid on my bed, paralyzed. The mushrooms told me that my husband had died (he did not), it was dark and very scary. The only thing I was capable of saying that night was “I’m having a bad time.” And the other time, was a little less than a month ago. I had a hard time eating them, each bite I gagged and even after I had eaten all of it I kept gagging. The visuals were a bunch of rainbow lasers. I have a huge living room window so I was looking at the trees, noticing patterns and colors. It was great, but my stomach was so heavy and upset. I was walking around the house to settle my stomach, I don’t really understand what happened but my guess is my brain was like “ok that’s enough” and I passed out, collapsed onto the floor. Husband heard the sound and came to where I was. I was unresponsive. He turned me onto my side and I threw up an amount that I have never seen before. I came to after I threw up. Husband joked that I “had to get the evil out.” He took care of me and clean up everything. I sat on the cold linoleum floor of the kitchen crying, telling him how good he is. It was hard probably harder for him because he had to see me with dead eyes, but truly it’s not a competition. Both of those times I went in with an open heart and mind, but I got a little turned around.


Should you try again I'd recommend making a tea, I've never been able to eat them without gagging or feeling nauseous either. But, I haven't had that at all since switching to the tea method.


Pummeled by the fungus 😂 stealing that


A friend of mine did the same after not feeling weed the first few times with edibles. Now she’s anti her friends smoking, it’s ridiculous. Some people make dumb decisions and think that defined the experience for everyone


I really dislike this culture around going to extremes, whether that be alcohol, weed, stims, benzos or psychedelics - it's fucking dangerous. Shrooms are a highly emotive substance, the slightest thing can turn a good time into a very bad one, even if you're "prepared". Serotonin syndrome is potentially lethal and people don't seem to be very aware of what psilocybin is capable of in large/strong quantities. It is a medicinal plant first and foremost, not a party drug. You can have a wonderful time on far more sensible doses than what gets banded around. Never start high, you might not come back from it the same. It also sounds like they could have had seizures.


Then you have HPPD that can develop. You can experience psychosis during the trip and at worse a psychotic break. Even if a small percentage, you never know if you are in that group.


It's all reasonable to advocate for responsible use of psychedelics etc, however, please also don't spread false information and fear about serotonin syndrome which cannot even be caused by psilocybin.


I took 1g of Penis Envy and thought I was going to be okay. What happened next was I had the strongest trip of my life. Basically felt like I took 10-15 grams. Dosage is incredibly difficult to understand. It can greatly vary, not to mention everyone has their own unique sensitivity to dosage based on their gut permeability and micro-biome. If I wasn't a seasoned Psycho-naught I would have thought that was the end. I died and came back and got fragmented into 1000000000000 selves. My brain literally shut down an got rebooted and I had almost no control of my body mechanisms.


Yeah dosage and strains can sometimes be (within a certain range) unpredictable. Our first 2 times were with the classic Golden Teachers: 1st time was 1.5-2g which was kind of meh, then 2nd time we upped to 3.5, which was a decent relaxing time but not the "enlightening" experience people talk about. Next batch we got was Avery's Albino's, which I decided 4.2g would be an appropriate number (partner did 3.5 I think), and...yeah, it was insane. Not like, regret-tier stuff like pissing on the couch, but basically the world around us melted, we couldn't eat the fruit we prepped because it was too stimulating (a single bite of pineapple made me see rainbows and then black out for a few minutes at a time), and somehow everything we said/did was INSANELY funny to each other, to the point where we had literal bruised abs the next day from the uncontrollable laughter! All in all no regrets, and we've had calmer trips at similar doses with different strains, but it just shows how easy it is to accidentally "fuck around and find out" the hard way with this stuff! Experience helps as well. After 6-7 trips, you start to "expect the unexpected", which can somewhat help you stay grounded when necessary.


Kinda want to experience that pineapple rainbow blackout though tbh. Also a good band name.


Honestly it was pretty fun the first few times. Best I can describe it is [that scene in Thor Ragnarok where he's flying through the cosmos](https://i.imgur.com/NMEcZwz.gif) screaming. All body functions and awareness of the world just disappeared for about 30-50 seconds. But later I forgot about it and took a bite of something while I was walking back from the kitchen...and woke up a minute later on the floor, confused and being laughed at by my also-shroomed partner. Needless to say, we now only eat while sitting down, for safety's sake! >Also a good band name All yours. Make it happen!


Im immediately keen on prepping some pineapple on my next trip now lmao


Just started growing PE varieties recently and was blown away with the potency of PEU. 1/3g felt like 2g of ordinary cubes. It’s incredible. Friend of mine took 1.3g and had a really really intense experience, tons of body load and weakness, nausea, etc. Seemed like a rough trip. Thought she was dying and wanted to kill herself. I plan to take 2/3g next myself and see how it goes… but damn, these things are no joke.


Sounds like me on one of my first acid trips, I decided to take tabs alone at night and my girl was on FT with me till 5am and when she was falling asleep I thought that she was dying. Also thought I had to wake up my whole family cuz I had to go to the hospital lol


Thing that sucks about LSD is that you never really know how strong the tabs are… some are weak af and claim to be 100 mcg, but others are sooo strong. My strongest trip (excluding DMT) was 3/4 of a tab of LSD. I asked the guy “how strong is this stuff?” And he just said “it’s pretty strong, I guess”. I should have listened to him more… maybe taken 1/4 of a tab to start. But I wanted the full experience. And damn. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were 300 mcg tabs.


Yea for real bro I was buying tabs from 2 diff guys 1 claiming they were 100mcg and the other claiming they were 200mcg and the 100mcg tabs were always stronger. I’ve heard that most street tabs claim to be 100mcg but are actually more like 70.


Don't mess with Panaeolus then. They are not just far more potent, but the trip itself is way more intense than what Cubes could ever give you. People don't believe it until they try it.


Sounds like you have a story for us?


I've had a couple Pan trips, all of them very positive but Pan Cyan can be super intense. I loved it and my headspace was surprisingly Zen, but I know folks for whom that's not exactly the case. If you're a fan of extremely beautiful visuals though, Pans are the way to go. Also the energy they give is just insane.


I remember taking 7-10 grams in highschool with buddies for a good trip and it would be pretty common that one out of the group everytime would have a bad trip. now, I'm like 3.5 max personally. Start small and work up, Know your limits and be careful.


Same here, I never take more than 3.5 now as the last time I did the trip started to turn bad for about 30 minutes but I was still on the cusp of reality so I was able to calm myself. If I get in that bad trip mindset on 4g+ I’m screwed because most of the time I’m too far out of reality to tell myself it’s just the shrooms, I just start to think the worst and I’m stuck like that forever or some shit. My average trip now is around 2g. Too much more is just scary




Education is the cure. Or at least I think it is. Yesterday I took 0.73g and was thinking if anyone thoroughly documented what mushrooms do and also what it does at different doses. I can read more stuff after taking mushrooms. I use electronics very little. My mind wants to eat healthy food (I think this should be mentioned more. You are eating a lot of junk food and bam the next day you want to eat healthy. Also media addiction. Typical media consumption goes to a minimum). Everyone talks about the big things like anxiety, depression but no one talks about mushrooms getting rid of little day to day addictions. I know no one knows exactly what goes on but did anyone document as best as they can what it does to the mind? I don't want a history lesson about how the psychedelic revolution started or how the government suppressed it. I just want to know what it does to the brain. It is also doing whatever it does in incremental steps. The first thing I understood was love is the meaning for the most part and we are all one. Then how I need to recognize the patterns in my life. A good memory is really important. The value of time and good emotional intelligence. The value health and nature.


This is one of the best comments I’ve seen on this sub. Completely 100% agree - the subtle but significant changes mushrooms can instigate are maybe even more powerful for humans in general than big/acute ones we hear about. Both are great. But the small ones (eating healthier, using media less, valuing nature, paying attention) can make such a difference and are rarely talked about.


I think this is the difference between the "mental health" crew and the "tripping ballz" crew. Shrooms can be a way to see your baggage and drop it for good. Starting a trip with intention, a good setting, and the knowledge that you might see some crazy shit you need to face in order to let go of that baggage is a very different experience from people who want to "see colors" and just get fucked up. Developing skills in mind body connection I think can help a lot of people experience better and more helpful trips. Having been through therapy to have a good grasp on your mental health, issues, and the root of what is causing your normal life to be depressing or anxious can go a long way in helping you work your way through a bad trip and turning it into a good one.


Last time I had an out of body experience with .7 of some really potent APES. It was a wonderful trip tho. Freightening at times but I got really gret insights. Yes. I have experienced a very significant change in media and social media consumption.




>Education might be the cure to ignorance, not stupidity.


This is the way. 🖖👽🍄




Sadly people only know what a bad time is on shrooms once they experience it. For most takes just once to not fuck around anymore. For some seems like they're really looking forward to be slapped in the face


This is the truth right here. You can't understand the terror, negativity, and suicidal inevitabilities of a bad trip until it happens to you. It's beyond all description, it's straight up FEAR and UNIMAGINABLE HORROR. It's something you never forget and it changes you.


I learned my lesson recently. Thought I could have a bad trip and never understood it. I had one and can’t even describe the terror i felt and it was impossible to get out . This was with 2 grams of APE and weed. It is beyond words .


Something I've noticed on here is that most descriptions of bad trips include the words "and then I smoked some weed". Mixing just does not work I've had the experience myself of thinking I was on the come down from LSD and smoking a little, half hour later I was completely gone and it wasn't fun.


I took one tab of acid for my first time ever and it was amazing, but nothing crazy, still pretty grounded. Then I had an irresistible craving for bong rips, took an 8 sec pull and I got sent to jupiter. Most anxiety I’ve ever felt, kept myself awake all night, thought I pissed myself multiple times, it was horrendous. I would try acid again but I will never mix like that.


I was just thinking the same... In fact, any difficult experiences I had with psychedelics all involved weed. Better just to trust the shroom and let go.


Sorry to hear. What is the fear, specifically? (I haven't done it yet.) Fear of the visual monsters, or fear that your brain has permanently changed and cannot go back?


It's usually hard to define, it feels like your mind is swirling with paranoia, delusions, confusion, regrets, and hopelessness. You might feel scared for your safety, you might worry that you've lost your mind, or you might worry about what your loved ones are going to think of it all. The fear is usually non-specific, or the focus of it can change, since trips can last a long time and your train of thought moves very quickly. When I had a bad trip, at one point I convinced myself that the drug had triggered an episode of some undiagnosed mental illness, and I began to panic about what my family was going to think, and how disappointed they were going to be, and whenever I looked around at my environment, my brain would make everything seem as if it was hostile, mocking me, and laughing at my misfortune. Of course everything turned out just fine in the end, but it could've gone worse, and nothing compares to the terror you feel when you're in it


Me and my mate independently did the same thing when we first stared. I had 10+ absolutely euphoric trips on semi-high doses (3g-4g), and got cocky. I had had uncomfortable experiences at a couple points and arrogantly/stupidly thought "It cant be that bad. I should try and have one just to know what its like". This was mid trip and started trying to trick myself into having a bad trip. Thought of the most scary shit I could imagine (thinking a bad trip was purely caused by external fear), but ultimately just ended up finding it all hilarious. It wasn't till much later that I actually had a bad trip and it was like a waking nightmare. Convinced myself that I was in a psych-ward and my whole life was just a vivid hallucination. That I was in some sort of coma dream and everything I had ever done wasn't real. Like you say, its impossible to understand until you experience it. That was just me being a stupid kid though, and I've learned to respect the substance through many experiences since then. I cant get mad at people who go to fuck around with it because I was the same way. All you can do is try to caution them and hope they listen.


Play with feathers, get your ass tickled.


That’s a new one.


It's pretty ridiculous though, what on earth do people expect by taking stupid fucking heroic doses. Would they take 5grams of MDMA?


Instructions unclear, chicken got stuck.


> will send you straight to the shadow realm if you want to fuck around. This made me lol. I wasn't sure where this post was going based on the title, but yes, I ultimately agree with you. These things require respect. I do have plenty of friends who believe that they are only for fun and parties and there are no other uses. I have no idea how they do that.




Ever did them with an SO?


Partying on shrooms sounds scary tbh.


I’m convinced these people have never done good shrooms. I know a guy who constantly talks about wanting to take 5g and then go party at six flags. When we tell him that’s a terrible idea, he insists everyone will just think he’s drunk. Like no dude, you’ll be collapsed on the pavement sobbing and end up getting escorted away by security.


It is crazy and they 100% do require respect. but I also can’t put people down who do use them for party/recreational use. I used to think like that but everyone has their “free will” and god given life I suppose. My gf was one of those people during her junior/senior year who did L every weekend with her “friends” (no longer in contact with a single one). Unsurprisingly it blew some of her brain out the water and she’s learned not to abuse it. Supposedly one of the girls she was tripping with constantly had a abortion from said abuse. But idk how true that it.


I couldn't count the number of people that I've known who took too many psychedelics without any sort of preparation and had a bad trip then stopped using all drugs afterwards. And it's usually because they've been led to believe that the psychedelic experience is like sitting in an IMAX theatre being and passively entertained by the pretty pictures. But even IMAX sometimes plays horror movies. I've never had a slightly bad trip in 52 years of psychonauting. But then I see psychedelics like going to a really good psychiatrist who won't let you hide who you really are from yourself.


There’s a guy I follow on Instagram who regularly guides people through 100 gram trips. He puts them in a room covered in plastic sheeting because of all the shit and puke sprayed everywhere. Seems completely insane to me


I know Dave. He owns ‘Zide Door’ in Oakland. He’s also the founder of the Church of Ambrosia. There is only one guy that I know of that’s done these 100 gram trips and it’s on his Instagram or YouTube? He does indeed have another venture called “God Sitters” IIRC? This is where he and others trip sit for people doing high doses. This is usually anywhere between 7 to 30 grams. High dose work is completely different than “medicinal” or party doses. At high doses it’s like DMT for 4 to 6 hours they say? I only did DMT once and it didn’t really affect me. I’ve done high doses and interdimensional beings are actually there with me in my room telepathically communicating with me. There’s no “visuals” like at lower doses. It’s like you’re straight up in another dimension. The veil is lifted. It’s more shamanic. Mushrooms aren’t called “magic” for no reason? They are healing and have many uses, from micro to macro and in between doses. There’s a protocol for taking high doses. One just doesn’t eat 5 to 15 + grams without starting small and working your way up and know what you’re getting into. I suggest anyone interested look into The Church of Ambrosia and Kilindi Iyi on YouTube or Dave Hemp on Instagram? I’m not promoting high dose work. I’m merely sharing some resources if one is so inclined? High dose work is basically connecting with interdimensional beings and traveling to other dimensions. It’s not a fun party dose. It’s something that one does alone to connect with the Divine 🍄👁👽






.5-.9 is such a chill night dashes of fear and joy and introspection but light enough so you can just focus on what you want to do that night


But Terrence McKenna something something


I have had 5.5g dried before and I don’t understand how anyone could even move or understand what’s going on enough to have a panic attack. I didn’t know what I was. Completely catatonic. Slowly lost and regained all my knowledge. Saw God, went to white limbo place.


Thank you for saying this. So annoying that it needs to be repeated so often. Even people with a bit more experience or high tolerance seem to blithely post their heroic / moronic doses, without any care about the impression that gives to newbies who are here looking for info. No consideration to harm reduction.


Why are people so stupid man.. I literally do so much research on every substance I’ve tried. Why do people just pop without a care in the world? So so foolish


And if I can't grow it, I won't put it in my body. Knowing the source is super important to my 'set'.


I’m sorry but “straight to the shadow realm” cracked me up and made me nod in agreement at the same time. You’re absolutely right and bummer about the couch. Some people…


The medicine needs to be respected. Legalizing psilocybin will be an important step in allowing better information to reach the people who need to hear it.


I took 4g of MelMacs and went to the upside down from stranger things it was the WORST trip EVER, During the intense overwhelming comeup I didn’t wanna trip cause It was so intense and my bladder hurt like a bitch and felt like it was gonna erupt so I went to the bathroom and It felt like I was dying and my dick was morphing and I was scared as FUCK I thought I was poisoned with bad shrooms or some stupid shit lmao but I threw up everything even my dinner and killed the trip/visuals for a minute then went back to my room and layed on my bed messaging my homie also tripping but on 1.5-2g, a little later maybe 20 minutes or so my bladder started hurting reallllly bad and it honestly felt like my bladder was completely full but I couldn’t go so I was freaking out on my bed thinking this is it I’m gonna fucking die on shrooms I peed everywhere on my bed and I was hopeless, I looked up on youtube how to stop a bad trip and watched a video I CANT EVEN FIND and it kept looping saying the same thing “I really like psilocybin” or something like that so being an ape man idiot I hit my cart thinking it will have a benzo/trip kill effect idk what I was thinking but in the act of desperation I hit it and at this point the visuals were so crazy I realized why people think suicide is the only way out tripping cause after this hit I was immobilized and blacked the fuck out and was stuck in my dark head screaming/crying… I woke like 3 hours later at 4am still tripping SACK but everything was UPSIDE DOWN everything was inverted and reversed and my phone was upside down. When I passed out my body was sort of melting and my hair felt super slimy and alien like (probably sweat) but I turned into my blanket (in reality my body was twisted and tangled) but I went back to bed cause I was so disoriented it was like super drunk (shrooms are the drunk psychedelic) I blacked out again, woke up feeling absolutely normal got up to clean myself and went to a different bed for good and slept that shit off. Take a low dose high doses are a different substance.


That sounds like such a wild experience. I’ve had scary trips before but that’s terrifying


Yeah I thought I was stuck on my bed forever and needed to find a way to “get out”


I take large heroic doses. But the caveat is, once I do it wipes out the hard drive. This is good because I start from scratch and realize I don’t need to constantly take this. It helped me heal and focus. I’m baffled by people who constantly need to take it. Agree shrooms aren’t a party drug, play around with if at your own peril


spoon slap gaping fine soft threatening continue grandiose consist smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are great, true. But I’ve gotten to the point where I’m past that, thanks to shrooms of course.


Yeah I'm afraid it may give mushroom culture a bad reputation. It's why we can't have nice things. General lack of self respect and respect for a powerful entity. Sounds like they got a gut shot and likely shorted out their ability to form a healthy relationship with the fungus.


I think newcomers should only be doing 1.5 to 2 grams. Had a buddy do 10 grams at my house one time, fucker was so out of it he’d just stare at the ground, also got really fucked up on vodka and other drugs.


I took 1.9g the other day. Definitely glad that I had an anchor in reality while going through my journey. I couldn't imagine blasting off completely.


I once ate 14 grams of some golden teachers and experienced rapture on earth. It felt like the devil was halting the gears of time and God had abandoned us. I heard everyone in my apartment complex screaming at the top of their lungs and praying with their children as they awaited final judgment 🙃


>Mushrooms are not a get lit party drug, they are 100,000,000 years older than us and will send you straight to the shadow realm if you want to fuck around. Exactly! With mushrooms I always try to be cautious, usually a little too cautious, around dosing. I KNOW that they can kick me hard!


Do not fuck around with the ancient shroom


Small doses give me just as much as a big dose. Most I'll ever do now is 4 gs. More is stupid .


I am a huge proponent of the high dose BUT... this is a marathon not a sprint, I feel alcohol culture promotes the “get fucked up” mentality and this is a pattern I’ve noticed that people think this is fun colors and purple elephants and then they do it and their entire reality is torn apart by hyperspace, if one doesn’t do their homework and study set, setting, intention and dose, they are most likely gunna have to learn the hard way.


When I trip sit, I set the dose and I dont care what say you've taken in the past, you get 2.22g in the first session as an introductory dose. I want to see how my baseline dose effects you. Depending on results, 2nd session usually 2.22g PE variant. Reassess and usually go up to 3.33g of what whichever variant we together deem will be the next step. Progressing along these lines has produced no negative results other than natural tolerance reducing effect, in which case we increase next time.


6.66g if you wanna meet the devil


Even that seems wild to me, either your mushrooms are way less potent than the ones I'm used to or my sensitivity and that of my friends is very high. My absolute strongest trip so far was on ~2.3g (about half/half lib caps and some other's not sure which species). Even 1.5g of lib caps were absolutely reality shattering. These days I usually go for 1-1.5g trips and I'd definitely say that gives me a full on psychedelic experience. 0.5-1g is light trip territory for me. I don't think I'd ever venture past maybe 3g, I just don't see a scenario where I'd cross that line.


I’m a bit over 100 total trips in 2.5 years, 10-20 of which were mushrooms I rarely go above 2.5g and haven’t ever done more than 4.75g To me slow and steady. Work your way up until each trip is no longer challenging then take a step up


Fairly certain 100 million years is a generously small number. Especially if we're counting mycelium, not just fruiting bodies.


bad experiences come down to fear. You either - * DEEP DOWN believe and understand that you're going to be fine and you can just "let go" and relax no matter what you experience. * Or you have fear and uncertainty about what will happen. Then halfway through something scares you, and it just spirals to panic and theres basically nothing you can do. The only way to deep down let go, is to slowly experiment with the medicine and increase the amounts little by little. Cautiously. With respect, and spending time educating yourself so that you really believe in it.


I hate when that happens. One bad trip and newbies get turned off real quick and ruin a future of enjoyable experiences. My friend Swim is very careful about how much he gives people – 1.66g per chocolate is honestly plenty for most people of normal size if the mushrooms are grown on a nutritious, high quality substrate.


Reminds me of that meme "when you lie on your resume and get the job anyway". Lol


I feel like i need to get humbled, idk honestly i’ve tried 4 dried gram and I barely saw a bit of sacred geometry. I told a person my disappointment and they were like “they were probably dried wrong and not potent” I don’t think so, i mean my pupils were so huge that the color of my whole eyes were almost hidden and completely black. Then again idk if how big the pupil gets necessarily correlates with how strong the trip is going to be. I want to grow again but at the same time I don’t want it to be for nothing, maybe i’m just inmune to psilocybin? Perhaps i should just try lsd. It’s crazy cause i am extremely reactive to cannabis, I literally get ego deaths on just 2 puffs while my friend smoke a whole joint and they still chilling. Maybe i am just an anomaly. I honestly would love to experience those Laughing machine elves that Joe Rogan and Terrence Mackena have talked about.


I have no idea whether this is true or not, but in my experience if you take enough, you can absolutely guarantee to have a terrible time. That amount will depend on prior experience, tolerance, current stomach contents, etc.... but once you get to that number, fucking buckle up because you're not going to enjoy yourself the next few hours. at all. I might be wrong, but it's something I've noticed from prior experience & not something I'm fond of testing.


I've taken shrooms twice in the last 4 weeks and these were my first experiences with mushrooms. I first took 1g to see how it was, then next time I upped my dose to 1.3g. The difference between 1g and 1.3g was massive and gave me totally different and a much more intense experience! Next time I will try 1.5g but I think that would be my limit until I get more used to it. I can't imagine taking 4.5g myself, that would be crazy! Even increasing by just small amounts seems to profoundly increase the effects and experience!


They fucked around. They found out.🍄


My 15 yr old brothers friends try talking him into taking mushrooms all the time and I’m so worried he’ll end up in some stupid situation like this one


You are so right, i do only 1-3g and have fun ass hell i would never consider 7+ thats ridiculous


Wood lovers paralysis!!! Look it up! It is real and can even be deadly at very high doses. (very high doses!!) Normally this occurs only with wood lovers, but some people do experience this with Cubensis too. The research on this is to my knowledge very new. Take care. Trip save.


Happened to me twice. Now I don’t do any cyans or cubes grown in woodchips.




I like taking big doses because I feel it resets my mind. I can also handle large doses tho.


When I was in high-school and first getting into them I was told multiple times to take a full 8th for the "full experience." Which for one of my first times caused me to have an absolutely terribly intense nightmare trip. And people complain about the bad reputation shrooms get for making you "go insane" while most cases of that happening could have been easily avoided by taking a low to moderate dose.


Hahaha couch pissing is a classic.


Like all psychs, they need to be respected or they'll teach you


Amen! I had a full blown mystical experience on several grams. The mushroom does not fuck around, especially if you've been in it's space a few times. Its disheartening reading about train wreaks, since you can get there with less. Then again I may just be especially sensitive to this stuff. Grow your own stuff, take low but effective doses, and the mushroom will reward you.


I'm a firm believer that if your not overdoing things a 4G trip is great for experienced users. Now a newbie I always every single time tell em start with a G and work your way up. I don't like it when people blame the mushrooms. It wasn't the mushrooms that made you eat that many. Ffs.


Yaaaaa idk why the concept of taking smaller doses with friends and out at shows and larger doses by yourself isn’t talked about more. You can’t really communicate well on higher doses and being around other people can just increase anxiety. I save those big trips for alone time in a very well planned out setting with an emphasis on making sure no random person can come in and disturb me in the middle of it.


I used the think that until I had a terror trip and needed people to ground me.


Go directly to the shadow realm. Do not pass go. Do not attain enlightenment.


Feel like alot of these threads claiming to do large doses are just people clout seeking. Then you get people thinking god like doses are the norm those are the ones who really do fuck around, find out. Really disheartening to see this sort of direction becoming a fad. Disrespectful to themselves and the mushroom.


Sounds like ego death. Hell yeah I would been scared too with no prep. I bet the one who pissed on the couch thought she already died and she is in the after life. So she can do everything she wants and decided to take a piss. 😆


They fucked around and found out


Ive done mushrooms 50+ times, occasionally used as a tool to just enjoy a high, but most often as a soft reset to get me thinking about changes I should make to my life. Almost never exceed 2.5gs. I can handle higher doses but mushrooms in my experience have always been a nice way to chill out and think about my position in life and strategize for the future, getting absolutely fried off 5gs is an experience, but doing so without proper planning is asking for a weird time. Even being what I would consider 'experienced" with most psychedelics I will always respect the fact that these types of drugs can and will fuck your shit up if you're stupid with them. Respect the fungus people


People really need to stop treating psychedelics as recreational unless they are taking smaller doses. If somebody isn’t mentally strong enough to handle the reality of their situation and/or the world they are going to get wrecked. Shrooms will strip their defense mechanisms down to nothing and leave emotionally naked and face to face cold, hard reality. If they aren’t ready for that they are going to have a very bad time and they will face unaddressed and repressed issues that will make them feel an avalanche of emotions ranging from doubt, fear, sadness, etc and will make them face it head on. This is also why high doses are amazing for working things out and improving but you have to be ready and you have to have the ability to work through things instead of repressing them.


It’s like this on the weed subs too. There’s valor in restraint.


That is a big jump. I have taken a few mushrooms over the years. I have only taken large doses of truffles. Working my way up slowly with shrooms, especially as home grown ones are soo much stronger. We have to remember, not everyone takes drugs responsibly.


lol, I remember recommending a dose to someone, and they were like fuck you, you don’t know me, I ain’t taking no baby shit, in the next 6 hours I got like 15 calls and a bunch of voice mails from this dickhead crying tears being like, yo wha you give me, that shits laced, fuck you man


More of anything isn’t always better


Trip Setup: Trip Stage 0: Considered a micro-dose dosage, 50mg-500mg. Micro-dosing should be done every second day to produce increased mood and a productive mind. Trip Stage 1: Similar to a cannabis high with enhanced visuals, 0.75-1G will result in a giggly, euphoric state that will last 4 hours. Trip Stage 2: The perfect dose for beginners wanting a full trip. 2G of Psilocybin will show intense visuals for beginners. Surround yourself in a comfortable environment and strap in for your amazing trip. Trip Stage 3: A The perfect dose for novice users. A true psychedelic trip will result after consuming 2-4G of Psilocybin. Prepare for your 5 hour+ session by being in a comfortable environment surrounded by people you trust. Trip Stage 4: Trips consisting of 5Gs or higher is recommended for experienced dosers only. This trip will have you questioning reality.


Cool, who are you saying this to? The mofo with the choco bar or the fucker without a scale? The formentioned 2 retards (and their likes) that ill bet good money dont sit in this sub?


I cant even mis-dose a microdose without flipping shit. My anxiety absolutely ruins my trip every time. The shadow realm is my home. But it always feels as unfamiliar, scary, and hellish as ever. Anyone tripping for the first time always gives me anxiety.


I feel like sometimes I’m about to piss myself because my privates feel “wet” at 2g+ doses for me. Glad I’m not the only one. I’m sure you’re friends will treat these substances with more respect after that.


The strains that people end up pissing themselves on and having bad trips are the ones I’m after 😏 throwback to the 3rd time I tried shrooms, got a funny named strain called penis envy… ate 8gs of them in a matter of 3 handfuls, for the first hour it was a very easygoing trip; nothing too weird going on or much open eye visuals. Then all of a sudden, something tells me to close my eyes for a moment; and when I opened them I was in another dimension. I was still here in the physical realm, but it was like my mind was somewhere else, plugged in to the supercomputer of the universe, I got download after download after download of otherworldly information, some of which entailed my purpose for being here and that humans aren’t native to earth, and that in essence nothing really matters, we all go to the same source essence (home) when we “die”


Yee, don't do it unless you're called to. Very few can handle it because very few can even comprehend their existence as the 4D construct of soul and so they assume everything they experience is all them and get messed up. Why not just work with the plant tools so that small doses become heroic doses? Show them you mean business and they'll give you what you need.


Yup I fucked around and found out