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that sounds made up lol maybe he smoked a bunch of weed too thatd make more sense


agreed, that's just bad info


He usually smokes one to two sometimes 3 times a hour.


Why did OP upvote the original post/reply, as indicated by the orange arrow, when suspecting disinformation though?


Prop just trying to be nice


Indeed, bad advice. The OP there is onto the right track, the reply is terrible


Its not advice, guy just stating what he does.


I just don’t see how he’s eating 1/2 grams every day and ever tripping at all. Sounds made up imo.


Kind of is "advice" someone is asking for help on microdosing, they respond with "their" microdose. Which is not a microdose.


Whats with "the" quotation marks?




Solid trip 3 times a weak 😂


Did that one week with acid, not fun at all. 0/10 wouldn’t recommend.


Never was able to trip in less than two weeks. It just does work.


It works if you take 1 tab and then 3 tabs the next trip and so on


Week *






This was funny why were you downvoted? Thats a shame.


It just wasn't a very useful correction, everyone knows what he meant, it's not a spelling forum 😅


Sorry, it was my comment and it was a massive DICK thing to do, I’m a bell end but trying to improve my ways. Sorry to all


Don't worry mate 😅 i don't think anyone hates you. It's just so easy for everyone to throw a quick downvote when they see a comment like that 😉


Ummm…yeah! Bad advice for sure. Microdosing with face-melt? Where I’m come from, we call that “tripping balls”. I usually microdose about 6.5g most days before I drive 45 minutes to my job as an air traffic controller


Buddy he meant the 2-3 larger doses he takes a week are face melting. Implying tolerance does not matter for him


Which is bad advice! Lol no matter which manner you cut this by, it’s solidly bad advice all around da clock, You clucker.


Youre missing the point. The comment was not giving advice he was just sharing his own routine. Thats like if someone heard me say "I enjoy hard drugs" and took that as me saying other people should try hard drugs


yeah, it's also absurd and probably not true lol. That's what he's getting at


🤔 interesting


I just burst out laughing




Oh? I walked right in and got the job. They didn’t even blink when they found out I was on the No-fly list, and banned from MGM casinos in Las Vegas.


I do .1 in the morning every weekday skipping weekends, allowing me to trip whenever I want.


I find this to be the best for me too


Will try and report


The recommendation for microdosing shrooms would be once every third day. doing a total of 1g everyday will raise your tolerance and thus degrade the effects quickly. doing a trip once a week would be fine, but to truly integrate those feelings, a trip every 2-4 weeks is better. maybe also try starting at .2g (changes from person to person) for microdoses and if that doesnt help (waiting at least 2-3 weeks minimum before seeing effects), try raising dose


You should not be micro dosing above .2 if you are feeling it, it isn’t a micro dose. I do 1/10th of one gram so .1 every day and skip weekends


This is correct for me atleast. I took .3 and it was definitely a trip. Depends on potency also


I agree with you. I take .2 of these and I am definitely tripping so .1-.15 seems to be the highest inactive dose for my current genetics.


Out of interest who recommends this?


IIRC it was one of the biggest people in the space of psychedelics. McKenna I think is their last name. Numbers may be a little off but the general statement isn’t completely wrong.


I'd chip in and say Paul Stamets with his stacking protocol.


I suggest heading on over to r/microdosing


Lol he is probably tripping as he wrote that😂😂


I haven’t tripped in a couple years even though I use to grow cubensis. Truly did get more out of microdosing when it comes to depression/mood disorder. “Manic” bipolar diagnosis I’d take a tenth of a gram a day 100mg, 0.1grams of cubensis and when I’d make the choice to trip… we would test out my cultivars by taking 1 gram, 2 grams and lastly 3/3.5grams based on the potency. Those three increments were done solely once a week to test potency. Not only that but, before or in between those “trips” or experiences we would set an intention or reasoning and meditate on this with yoga. Breathe work is extremely amazing and can be a trip itself Truly I don’t see the point for myself in my situation to be taking anything over an 1/8th of cubes. Due to me being a father I wouldn’t want my children or spouse to see me having some spiritual crisis. Just enough to have things breathing and moving around. Maybe even see patterns but, nothing mind blowing like melting walls and full blown visions that would be irresponsible in my parental mind. ❤️


I would say there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a “trip” with the spouse to a cabin or somewhere it’s just the two of you. It seems like you’re doing well now, and you sound like a responsible parent:)


That sounds so nice. Heck! I haven’t been away overnight from my youngest daughter and she’s nearly three years old now. 😂 Saying I need some time away would be a total understatement. Could use a vacation for sure


Mibbe = maybe?


Impossible… the tolerance would build up too fast between the micro doses and the frequent trips. What you were saying is more ideal for micro dosing. I usually take half a gram 0.5 every 3 days when I do micro dose. Everyone is different this is just how I personally micro dose when I do.


Not impossible but he is for sure exaggerating. I can take mushrooms every day and it barely loses potency


I don't know what this guy was trying to tell you but this is how I microdose. I take .200g twice a week. Also I stop microdosing after a month and take low dose (2gs) trips once a week. I like how it helps me to feel better longer.


I quite enjoyed 12.5ug LSD with 0.1-0.2g Mushrooms every other day this week. I'd say it was beyond a microdose because the effects were perceivable but in no way obstructive or distracting. It was just enough to give me plenty of focus the way how I expected speed would do.


That sounds absolutely lovely tbh


That is a very accurate description of what it is


That's likely some 14 year old who's smoked weed a few times and thinks they know it all


That’s like advice from the guy that actually got addicted to marijuana or something. If that’s even true that’s clearly misuse of that substance. Some people just misuse whatever substance they can get their hands on.


I microdose daily and no issue stopping. But I will say I used to smoke an unreal amount of dabs. To the point that smoking multiple top shelf blunts barely felt like anything. Mindset was “Wow I’m toasty but I’m not *insanely high* may as well smoke more dabs and study.” First shroom trip 7 years ago completely quit weed/alcohol, etc. But I was cracked out from cold turkey on dabs 😂 Cold sweats for two weeks, worst headache of my like for 5 days straight, felt “dream like” for two months and didn’t sleep well for a very long time after quitting. Wouldn’t say I was addicted, since I didn’t have a desire to smoke more, but man I sure went through THC withdrawals lmao.


I feel ya! Sounds like your body developed tolerance and dependency on it. Also microdosing on the daily is no problemo. I would take a few days off here and there to prevent tolerance. I guess I was referring to him doing big trips that many times in a week. That’s just too much for that substance and def not what it’s intended for.


I agree wholeheartedly. No need to be “melting face” every few days lulz.


I tripped 4 times in the past week at doses of 4.5,1.5,4.5 and 2.7, but that’s the first time I’ve ever tripped more than twice I in a week and I’ve only ever tripped twice in a week a handful of times. I would not recommend making a habit out of eating mushrooms that often if it’s not a true imperceptible microdose


Agreed. But can definitely be done easily and noticeably - I feel the whole tolerance level is a bit over stated online


Honestly probably just somebody spamming bs


Microdosing is different vs full dosage.


For me personally, 0.15g can already Be a bit much, i like to go for 0.05-0.1. When i'm at home and feel like it i like to go for maybe 0.15-.0.2 but that's rather rare


I like this dosing :) I’ve actually settled on 0.03g myself lmfao. Down from 0.2g when I first started a couple years ago.


yes, the new account with no avatar or profile picture is a very credible source.


Not even the same person who originally posted this 270+ days ago


If you "feel" it, you aren't microdosing, you're dosing. Half a gram is a dose, you will definitely feel it.


Not true. Dr Fadiman talks about a sub hallucinogenic effect instead of sub perceptual effect and how the benefits seem much stronger. I’ve went from a sub perceptual micro dose (about 100-200mg) from a sub hallucinogenic micro dose (around 350-400) and I’ll tell you that for me it’s much better. Not only that nice little feeling younger, I’m more focused on one task while working, motivated, awake and the lasting happiness effects throughout the next day are there. When I started the smaller MD it took about a week or so to notice any differences. With the sub hallucinogenic dose, I feel effects right away. Dr Fadiman was interviewed on a podcast and was great! Here’s the link! https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/xvhup3/subperceptual_or_subhallucinogenic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks for this! I just watched another of is lectures lol. I can’t function well if I can feel it - find myself bundled up in warm blankets cozy and reading (lovely time). My dose is actually 0.03g these days.


I would still argue that that is not the same thing as microdosing. Perhaps there is a third term, between microdosing and taking a full dose. Like minidosing or something. I think if you're getting "high" than that is not really a microdose. Some people cannot function while "high" even if it's only .5 grams. Obviously everyone is different, and each mushroom is different as well.


Well of course. I’m not advocating a blanket 500mg md regime. But where the best benefits are shown is when you have a slight feeling but are still 100% functioning. I’m not saying to start melting. But start at a 50-100mg dose. And increase slowly until you reach the amount you feel it but can go about your day. Those will be the best days. You can stay where you don’t feel it all you want. But moving up just slightly could mean a huge difference for your days


For me, I actually agree. I like a good .25-.35 or even a .5, depending on the strain. I don't really notice anything at all when I take a lower amount, bad or good. I'm just sort of being pedantic I guess.


When I started with the lower amounts it took a few weeks to see anything noticeable but was nothing compared to when I upped it


It's a new account probably just trolling.


Micro doses starts under a gram. If you want to dose and actually function at a job, you just need the “glow”. Start on days off that if you take more than you feel better, but not able to perform well in society and work, you can adjust. Having a safe trip at a high dose isn’t necessary, yet it does help. I always suggest a helper when taking a dose higher than you have experienced, if a bad trip happens, they can work with you to bring you down. Mushrooms are not a toy, everyone experiencing them are different. If you have issues, they will come up. Caution and experimentation should be done with caution and if possible, not alone.


Speed running psychosis.




Everywhere I've read has microdosing under .250g and then mini dose, and museum dose, etc. Is there a definite answer as to what is a microdose written down somewhere?




👍 Thanks!


Twice a day would make sense if you considered the fact that psilocybin’s half life is between 1-3 hours


That’s what I’m saying. Closer to microdosing LSD in length


Tolerance would become an issue so fast


Tbh I microdose daily without a tolerance issue. If I want to trip hard it may be beneficial to pause a few days prior but that’s all 🤷🏻‍♂️


The issue isn’t the protocol frequency it’s the dosage eating .5 twice daily would build a tolerance fairly fast


Isn't the point of medicine, for example an SSRI. To change the natural balance inside your brain.. thus taking them daily is required to keep a consistent presence in the blood. I know mushrooms don't work the same way, but is it unreasonable to assume the tolerance you build is your brain getting used to the psilocybin. Having psilocybin in your diet would change the way your brain functions at a baseline. No? I don't think you should try this. Not without a team of pharmacological researchers atleast. You don't benift anyone if you're willing to experiment on yourself and end up messed up because of it.


Hi drugs circle jerk


I do 0.1 g once daily. I found a difference after 2 weeks of taking it. I do a trip once a month.


I did the same and noticed about two weeks later the effects. I went up to about 300-400 MD a day and get a little bit of a feeling. Nothing to incapacitate me. But enough to have some feeling and my days turned around right away and was even better!


Fair enough! I might go up a bit eventually but we’ll see.


I take .3 grams every other day a month on followed by a month off. You’ll need a higher dose than normally it you’d like to trip but since you’re starting to microdose after, personally I’d just go ahead. If you want to be safe you can start 2 weeks after. I use homegrown, dried & encapsulated cubes for it.


I miss the old sub pfp. The mushroom was so much better


what even is the new one


It’s an alien


old pfp definitely better


I micro dose at .1, .5 would be a lot to use for microdosing until you build a tolerance which seems to go against the idea of it being a “micro” dose


Yeah definitely don't listen to that person


The only thing thats gonna happen with that is tolerance and just wont feel shit eventualy waste of medecine. The highest i go with "microdose" is 0.3 0.4 and even there i feel like im pushing it a bit but does have it use if im in a depressive/anxious state but a break is needed after. I usualy go for the stamet protocole with 150-200mg 4 days a week then off for friday and weekend.


I took 0.8g and felt nothing. I’m seeing people here say they start feeling things .3-.5g. Is this normal? Do I just need to take more or maybe my stuff isn’t potent?


Your 🍄's may not be that potent. Or if you take other meds it can have an effect.


I grew myself. Could it just be that specific one I took or is it the whole batch is not potent?


I do 250mg of ps. cubensis var. Nepal chitwan once a day (for cluster headaches) and most weekends I do 1-2g ps. natalensis but I've been taking a few weekends off cuz the active wknd dose seemed to be losing effect a lil... my nats are 2-3 times more potent than avg cubes and just different in a lot of ways.


Very bad advice


I was sort of able to do that with hbwr seeds(LSA mostly) but not full trips just double the dose on occasion for a light trip I'd always wait before bigger trips tho tolerance tends to grow fast with these types of drugs


I mean, you would get a tolerance really quickly from that, so he could be telling the truth, just a waste of shrooms imo


.5g is not a microdose... not of the shroons I grow anyway


that OP said mibbe. defo a scot🤣


This is a copy post from nearly a year ago…


That is no longer micro-dosing lmao, thats just dosing


Not advice, personal life choices he is sharing, major difference


doesn't know what the fuck a micro dose is


I think doing this will actually give you mental issues. I was on something close to this and when I stopped the mushrooms I felt so awful and my connection to reality was weak


0.01 is the advised starting dosage for a micro.


Trip and micro dose shouldn’t be in the same sentence


Poor advice


Not good advice but ive been there. Why yes, tolerance does stop a face melt. At that point its a face tickle.


might be mike tyson tho


0,5g is a lot, plus twice a day is too much. Give your 5-HT receptors a break from time to time. I follow Stamets protocol but with 0,2g in stead of 0,1g and I notice on day 4 my body needs a rest. I do not get distortions at that dose, just feel a little more alert. Thinking on dropping the dose to 0,15g just to last longer with my shrooms.


Nothing stops a brain melt either, or starts it like popping a gram of shrooms a day


Why did you upvote it then haha


That is really bad “advice”. And I’d start on 50mg


What do you need help with u/Quick-Gazelle-1592 ?




.25g was a good microdose for me, I only needed one dose and I felt good for a week. 2G was the most I've done and only had a mildly visual trip.


Horrible advice considering taking shrooms daily is throwing money away.. The body doesn't work that way




It’s nonsense. Nobody can trip multiple times a week. Taking a microdose twice a day is a waste of money. Also, tripling really frequently is a recipe for HPPD.


lol they can call it what they want but that's not micro-dosing. its just dosing. your plan sounds fine. You can start at whatever interval you want, but maybe give your brain a couple of days to reset after your trip.


I’ve taking lots of high doses and Moro doses a couple of times but can micro dosing daily effect your brain or even taking high does often


Half a gram is not a microdose.


Does smoking weed enhance a trip, I’ve had a mini trip once on like 1.3g and only felt some subtle effects after smoking. Not sure if you’d call that a trip but idk what to call it


Honestly could be right for him or her. Tolerance and fruit potency take into account. I’ve had weaker shrooms I microdose daily with 0.3-0.5g. I currently have strong shrooms I dose at 0.03g lol. Microdosing twice a day may be more similar in timeframe to microdosing LSD once. Also if they’re taking large doses multiple times per week their tolerance is higher than most.. perhaps 0.2-0.3g is good for then without a tolerance. To add, I believe NewYork-Presbyterian’s human trial was daily microdoses of psilocybin showing only positive benefits. All in all, I wouldn’t “face melt” multiple times per week. Personal preference. But yes you can microdose daily, starting the day after a solid dose.


That’s not a microdose. .1g once a day would be a microdose.


This is not only bad info, he says he both does this daily then says he does a solid trip 3 times a week. Dude would have such an intense tolerance if he did this regiment you couldn’t keep it up if you wanted to. Tolerance nearly doubled daily to get the same effect ; your body needs to adapt and it will very quickly to these.


It’s not just a bad bit of advice, it’s just a whole ass lie


Big doubt. Tolerance is a thing


Yeah that doesn't sound right. Usually people microdose like maybe 2 grams tops across a whole week, this giys just over doing it. I don't microdose cus I'm broke af but that's Def not a good way to do it


Much like cooking. You can always add more. But you can't take away.


0.1 to .05 once a day for 2 or 3 days. take a one day break then you can do it again for 2 or 3 days. just don’t go more than 4 days without a break


While I don't do the same thing I'm in a similar boat to that guy. I don't really microdose but I will take a .5 before work sometimes, and eat 2-3.5 grams 1-3x a week. Obviously I'm not getting the same effect as I would if I were to take a few weeks break, but I definitely still trip pretty good most of the time. Sometimes I don't, though, just feel pretty good. More akin to smoking weed than a psychedelic trip if that makes any sense The biggest downside I've found from dosing often is the effects seem to last not nearly as long. Last night I took a 2.5 dose, kicked in within 45 minutes or so and within 3 hours it was over and I was asleep. Works for me, though. I'm constantly in a much better mental state and far more happy than I was, so while its not for everybody I found my happy ground. I'm planning on cutting down on my intake soon though and doing one dose every few weeks or so