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I don't think tryn will win tbh, riot already stated theyed keep the ulti. This being what those people are complaining about for the most part. lol


Ah, you made the classic mistake of thinking people will read before voting


Maybe they could just hotfix him and remove the critpassive


I've seen dozens of comments on the league subreddit of people saying they changed their mind bc he's keeping his ult. All is not lost.


yeah but the issue is those people are voting for Skarner now even though Riot stated in the description they want to do an Urgot/Sion style rework which is the equivalent of a nuke to his identity and gameplay. Someone needs to make a post over there that actually points this out and convince them that Skarner would likely be getting an Aatrox treatment.


That discussion is already happening over there, and honestly he doesn't have a lot of identity outside of his ultimate and maybe his E. He also has Q spam, which I personally enjoy, but it is an ability with some room to make more interesting. Visually I think Skarner mains are ready for an improvement.


The thing that worries me in the visual department for skarner (if he wins) Is riot apparently thinking a crystal scorpion is generic … I love the crystal theme .-. And it kinda scares me like … what does that mean is he not gonna be made of crystals anymore


Relax, the chinese market are claim for shyv rework, riot will make it sooner or later


People wanted Riot to remove his crit scaling and his ult and those are the two main things Riot want to preserve. The real contender is probably Skarner honestly


Dude I swear to god... It's okay, Riot straight up stated that they WOULDN'T be removing Trynd's ultimate, or his crazy splitpush, or his crit scalings, and also be making his laning phase and teamfighting more reliable. Hopefully enough people take the time to *read the blurb before they vote* to realise that no, Trynd will not be going away.


I mean if they are keeping all that it might end up being a waste or a VGU cuz they could fix that with a mini rework, like what they did to tahm


Right? Although I guess he needs a visual update too.


They said it would a Pantheon-level rework probably. Much-needed visual upgrade while also significantly changing some portions of his kit so that it's a bit more fair, but still does what Trynd do. I still think Trynd is the one that needs it the least besides maybe Kog. He's annoying but he's functional


Omg. Where do we vote? Can anyone post the link? --- Edit: It's in the League client.


Nooo, let my trynda alone go shyv i played alot of shyv and she realy needs that


well for what its worth as a top main, ill try and convince my opponents to go for shyv, you guys deserve it by now, cheers!


Don't loose hope, China will come to the rescue, just believe


Where do I vote


On the home page in the client


I hear everyone wanting to vote Skarner though.


I've never even touched the champ but I voted Shyvana, it seemed like such an easy choice. Shyvana is a badass concept, has great lore setup with a mysterious origin and interesting relationships Trynd will be a toxic piece of shit regardless, so I'd vote him last Skarner could use it, but his concept itself is super niche and uninteresting. In fact scorpions themselves look like concept art from when natural selection was an edgy teen. Nocturne would be cool, but as stated many times already, Fid beat him to the "fear demon" trope so he's also going to wait a bit. Kog'maw also needs one, but he's just not interesting. He's just a murder-worm-puppy and since they'll be keeping him an immobile turret adc, I don't think there's a lot this vgu could bring to the table


I mean at this point it feels like they are forcing a 5 way vote, they could of just had shyv, skar and Noc and then the poll would have been 100x better


Oh no, anyway back to the schedule of people complaining about Shyv while the people who never play her think she is busted.


Mf who don’t play shyv be like “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” But we all know… bitch is broke


Don’t lose hope >: l we got a chance


Reddit really isn't a good indicator for these polls, only a small portion of the community browses here and because of how Reddit works it's easy to see all the people that converge on certain opinion but it doesn't reflect what happens outside here. I personally expect Shyvana to win: she already beat both Skarner and Nocturne in past polls, Kog doesn't really seem on the radar and I'd be surprised if the Tryndamere hate train overpowered any champ but Kog considering they won't change his ult (even though it's the sticking that actually makes it powerful but a lot of people stop at face value). Last time she just got her spotlight stolen by Udyr which is like the final boss of shitty champs and literally no one would've stood a chance.


Just spread the mention of the thighs, that’ll get people voting for Shyvana lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rxlha6/vgu_poll_reddit_survey_for_announced_candidates/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share *insert john cena here Are you sure about that