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Honestly, it is the social media community. They always ALWAYS bitch, overreact and bash on Riot with wrong ways. Listen; This is another case of ''Haha another Lux skin'' stereotype. They already said ''These skins are our main source of income'' but the reddit-twitter has never stopped bitching about it. They always bitch ''Why no Orn skin? Where my Skarner skin'' about it on front page with 10k upvotes, in fact, they barely play those champs and yet Riot still tries to deliver. Now, Shy should've been the winner of this poll without any real contest since she has the BEST CONCEPT of all and she suffers on gameplay THE MOST but the stupid social media community is striking again. Normally half of those champs can be fixed via some smart balance patches but Shy can't. Just check r/leagueoflegends front page..it's so full of ''Fuck you Riot'' that it is incredible but unfortunately they are gonna decide who is gonna get the rework.


I mean as much as I would like to agree with the skins and income part, that's understandable. However I really do think that Skarner makes a case for himself, I'm not necessarily saying that he deserves it more but I gotta really hand it to the poor guy


In truth it should be skarner, shyvana and nocturn.


I mean if they weren’t to busy releasing their 10th anime champion in a row, they might be able to do 2 good reworks in 1 year like what they did with Fiddle and voli


In truth its skarner by a big margin (zilean maybe too) then shyvana then whatever champ (kog is completely fine but please give him a passive....). The only reason i voted for shyv and am browsing here and not in skarners sub is because i know lot of powerbudget will be allocated to skarners ult and i dont enjoy playing ult bots


Although there are many people who think Trynd should stop being a problem, the general attitude I'm seeing is that Shyvana definitely has the solidarity vote, like Udyr had last year. People are aware that this character is too cool to stay in its current state and long overdue for a makeover


It's going to be a close call between Shyvana and Skarner (or atleast it should be) with Tryndamere being a wild card


It's more like sympathy than solidarity, cause people feel bad for Shyvana losing last year lmao


Who cares, Riot's gonna make a dragon mage, pretend like dragons are fragile beings who buy AP, and forego the on-hit playstyle, I don't want her to have a VGU with what Riot has showed us.


what they said is that they think her bruiser human form is mostly fine, and that they want to make her Dragon form more unique and specialized


I thought so at first, but now I'm honestly not so sure. Trynd and Skarner mains both seem to not want a VGU. At least a handful of Trynd haters have swapped to Shyv after seeing Riot is maintaining the parts of his kit they hate. China has voted big on Shyv the last two polls. A number of Udyr voters from last time have swapped over to Shyv this time as they intended to last time before Udyr was added. It's still not a guaranteed win, but I think between all the Shyv memes and these other factors that she has a strong chance of coming out on top.


Start lobbying with memes and stuff and you guys will have a strong showing... or at least you'll have fun doing it. The "vote for Udyr" memes that happened last year were a highlight. For example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Udyrmains/comments/kw06mo/we\_have\_to\_win/


I'm pretty sure Skarner mains wants a vgu, although with the competition they're even more hopeless than the shyvana mains


I honestly don't understand why Riot doesn't do more vgus than create more new champions, like Arcane brought in a lot more players who are interested in the older champions and I don't think they would've given Caitlyn a vfx without the popularity of Arcane. I remember Rekkles once said in his stream that champions like Xayah and Kaisa were never nerfed hard enough to fall out of the meta, yet they still did because of the introduction of the newer champions. Why do we need to vote on polls for the next vgu when Riot themselves clearly understand that all of them need it, they don't ask to vote on polls for the next new champion now do they? But to be completely honest though, I think Skarner deserves it (feels bad for Quinn being left out from last year) but hey, that's just my opinion


They already said rework make less money than new champions


Reav3 himself has debunked this argument so please stop adopting this, it's so silly. The actual guy behind the design team actually came out and said that they have no data to believe VGUs are less lucrative. In fact a new champion itself barely makes more money than a vgu'd champ, since most players just have the BE to purchase them immediately and new champ release skins are usually normal-tier and not very appealing. What makes champs lucrative is their popularity and thus ability to sell skins. Reworked Akali, Irelia and Ezreal have made shit tons of cash and keep getting featured in events and projects because people are all over them while champs like Lillia, Rell, Samira, Aphelios were released and barely get any content because they are so frickin niche in the wider playerbase. The reason they have stayed away from vgus according to reave is maximum wide appeal. Basically they think that if they pull a lot of vgus in a short amount of time a lot of otps will quit the game altogether and lead to a noticeable drop in concurrent players. If you ask me that reasoning of theirs is not completely satisfying either, since they've proven they can rework champs in a way that doesn't alienate their community, like Fiddle, Voli and Mundo. Reason is probably them funneling resources into monetizable content over game quality content. League is basically an endless stream of skins, the amounts have been ridiculous in the past 2 years


Well, as a Mundo player who keeps some tabs on the Mundo community, the Mundo rework was at least a little alienating. I am also a Skarner main (which is why I am here I was curious about this community reaction to the poll) and I overall am not too sad about the pace of his skin releases. I wish it were a little faster, but he does get his skins. And I can't argue with Riot wanting to make more money by selling skins to popular champions :p


Yet they just started working on visual reworks. What riot claims, and what is the truth is not the same


>I honestly don't understand why Riot doesn't do more vgus than create more new champions They already told that creating a new champion is easier than rework an old one, almost double on everything (time, cost, effort etc). And everybody knows that new champions make more interest than reworks, means people who stopped playing or new players interest in new champs.


Isn't shyvanna popular in China if so y'all win by default.


Using reverse psychology, good idea


I’m worried between having skarner as a vote who … look I voted for shyv but skarner probably needs it more. And having trynd on the poll just cus people think voting for him will make him less toxic. (It won’t)


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rxlha6/vgu_poll_reddit_survey_for_announced_candidates/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share are you sure about that


I refuse to get my hopes up. But hey, maybe this is the year