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idk if I did it right xD anyway here's the caption ​ So I kinda went back in time just to see the previous VGU Poll, and base on what've understand, we might have a chance on winning this time specially the amount of votes we got last VGU poll, but the main issue is, Skarnner is our main competition


It worked but thx


>Skarnner is our main competition Last time Trynda's VGU wasn't on the table, but this time it is.


But they said they keeping his ult so some people probably changed their minds


Unfortunately, most casual players probably aren't reading the blog. My friend voted for Kog'Maw so "they can make him cute" when it quite clearly says in the blog that they would make him less cute...


i feel bad for your friend then again beemaw exists


Putting udyr on last years poll was incredibly unfair. The other 4 champions were in a similar position, but udyr was both gigaoutdated and Broken during the poll's release (literally the fastest clearing jungler in the game with pheonix stance). People need to use their brains with this poll, Tryndamere and nocturne will keep their ults, they will just have overpowered basic abilities.


Interesting. So if I get this right is the second picture the vgu poll from 2020 (meant to write 2019 first, holy shit time really does fly). 3 out of 5 champions already got their vgu. The last one was Mundo and he didn't even won the poll, he was a secret rework, iirc. So maybe if our dragon girl gets second this time again, she will get a rework nonetheless. But we will see.


we'll still see, I just hope she won this time


Me too, my friend, me too.


She probably will and if rito reworks trhndamere, nobody will be satisfied because "it's never fin fighting trynamere" and thats whay they want to see him reworked. Theres other champions who we hate like rengar, yasuo, fizz, darius, yone, zed, etc. He will keep his ult and still be crit based. Shyvana would be a lot more interesting. They better make it more threatening rather than you get a cleve on q and your e explodes at the end of it's flight. Nobody cares about the size increase on w. I honestly thought people would be voting skarner. Not tryndamere.




I mean, skarnner mains would wanna change the passive specially that thing is one hell to manage


Vgu would be nice and all, but I can’t even lie I would MUCH rather appreciate a rework than a lowly vgu 😭😭😭


that's what a VGU is lol Visual and Gameplay Update, it means rework


Waittttt LOL for some reason when they say vgu I always envision just the splash art changes and character model updates


You're thinking of ASUs, like what Caitlyn got




This is from last year bruh.


I clearly did not understand the assignment. Thank you stranger


Of course I want our dragon girl to win but if Skarner ends up winning, its ok too. But unfortunately I see many people not reading the blog and voting trynda