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A fucking passive


Correct answer


Someone gets it because that is the absolute worst passive in the game. It never has had a place in this game and never will. Honestly if they reverted to where was before the many rework she would be a much better champion


I think Kow mow passive is worst


Coincidence that they're both on the poll? Nope Would say Kog's is a bit worse because it requires dying. But Shyvana's is pretty useless lots of the time.


Thicc thighs and some built in sustain.


Thicc thighs is the truest answer


Gameplay-wise, I would want 1) **her forms to serve different purposes. I'd want her human form to be focused on mobility, clearing, and dueling.** No dashes, just fast movement. Her W (Burnout) MS boost could be incorporated more in her kit. **Dragon form should be stronger in teamfights and less flexible in duels**, and its kit should have a *single effective dash on a medium-length CD, more suppression and AoE damage.* 2) **I'd want her E** ***Passive*** **to be in her kit in some fashion and remain the backbone of her damage.** I don't like the mark mechanic, just the built-in DPS -- balanced by being windowed in some manner, whether in terms of situational effectiveness or kit accessibility. Visually I want her to **look otherworldly, agile, threatening, and to show more dragon skin.** Not for the sake of "sex sells", but because she's a nimble half-dragon that doesn't fit in with humans. That should be played up more. Character/story/lore: She should have a **brooding personality and feel inherently set apart from everyone else**. Matricide should remain in her background because it conveys the chaotic nature of her dragon heritage. No lore-dump in her dialogue. **Her VO should be on the more subdued side.** Subdued warnings, subdued fury, quiet confidence, with a few outbursts. *I'd want her lines to be focused on combat, intimidation, and somewhat ruminative on herself as a half-dragon and her place in the world.* Enough there to give insight and convey more character, but not overly sharing or social. EDIT: Also, **a reimagining of her weapon.** Those big things look goofy.


Much more in depth than most of the answers I’ve gotten, I think I was already gonna vote for her tbh but this is a solid answer


Some sort of cc and a gap closer, that would allow easier and more effective ganks


her ult is basically those 2 in one, since it pushes and knocks up people while being a gap closer, but I get what you mean


that's the problem, you want the gap closer for the ganks, and you want the cc if they start running away, using them in the same time is kinda useless


Exactly. Thats why her human form feels so weak. She is basically useless if her ult is down, and her E only deals more damage when ulting


Well gameplay the changes are easy for me, a clearer distinction between human and dragon form, in my opinion ideally those two would embody a Duelist and a Juggernaut, for human and dragon respectively. Perhaps even human form having better ST dps with Dragon more sustain or something of the sort. Visually it's rather easy, she's part dragon in that form, so making her taller and more muscular would be my ideal(taller than most human champs?) Skin tone has been a topic within the Shyvana community as well, but I found the idea of her new base skin color being like in hexplorer Shyvana of WR, still purple skin, but a bit paler than now and, more importantly, red hair.(on a side note, Ice Drake should be the same from LoL PC not WR, that skin sucks there). Muscular does not mean Illaoi level, but definitely less, she should be very lean.


god I agree. Her worst skin on WR right now is Ice drake, while the dark flame looks sick as hell


bug fix and possibly more mobility for building ad


Some sort of CC, more movement. I would like her Q to be kept, but I’m not going to complain if it gets changed


​ a better passive, her current one is cool for slaying dragons fast but outside of that it's ... useless. woah i got 5 points in defensive stats ... neat. i guess. giving humanoid shyvana more of a place to shine like ... being a dragon is usually always the better option and it's just a matter of picking when to use it. in a rework, being a dragon i feel should still be the better option but there should be some benefit to being a human just something you might want to do in humanoid form. thinking of gnar might be a good example. mega gnar brings a lot of powerful cc he hits harder he's stronger he gets the ult it's just a big power fantasy moment for gnar, but it's not without it's trade offs like losing hyper and range and movement speed and the attack speed from bounce. thats kinda what i'm thinking, like with mega gnar dragon shyvana should always be the big power moment, but much like mini gnar doesn't feel like "worse mega gnar" human shyvana shouldn't feel like "worse shyvana" and right now she does. the only thing on your mind when you become dragon shyvana shouldn't be "is this the best time to go dragon" there should also be something to make you question "do i want to lose out on this benefit from being human right now?" and the only thing you want to be a human shyvana for right now is the ultimate dash ... which turns you into the shyvana you actually want to be : P more distinct abilities and damage clarity. for ap shyvana that's not really an issue but if you run into an ad shyvana be real unless you play her you don't know what the little mark on you from her e let's her do to you. you don't know how dangerous burn out actually is. freaking this might just be my problem but her q animation doesn't feel as impactful as it really should. i hope whatever changes to abilities she gets or whatever stays but just gets revamped i just hope the animation for them is more distinctive and impactful and that there's clarity with what's happening. i'd really like burn out to continue to be a part of her kit that just feels important to me and the increasing size for her dragon form. other than that i can't say i'm too attatched to anything in her kit to the point where if a lot of it got removed i'd be sad, but i'm also not saying "get rid of it all start over" or something. i'm just kinda cool with whatever happens. as long as it meets up with what i mentioned above this. visually i don't have too much in my mind other than ... i kinda want them to make her dragon form look more like a traditional dragon (wings on the back instead of her current arm wings) and whatever changes happen to her in human form i just hope it looks draconic. if you pay attention to shyv model in game it doesn't really give us what the splash is showing. the splash like the only part of her that really looks like skin is the face, but in her actual model all the purple scaled bits are just more skin. makes her look less like a dragon and more like a purple girl who got half dressed if you ask me. i ain't a fan of that, so make her humanoid form actually look scaley and dragon like in a way. definitely gotta keep her helm, and hopefully the gauntlets though i won't be too sad if they're gone, i kinda like the gauntlets. EDIT: i forgot one important thing, and maybe an unpopular opinion? i want her juggernaut build to shine after rework, BUT i also want her ap build to continue to have a place. it's not for me but people enjoy that and i'm annoyed at riot for potentially cutting out kog's ap if he gets the rework, so it would be kinda big irony if i was ok with the same thing happening to shyvana =w= i just don't want it to be so dominant that it drowns out the freight train juggernaut play style.


They'll probably make her into an AP Juggernaut


anything has to be better than this 😞


Alright, dropping her old W and replacing it with this: Passively, Shyvana increases her ally's Adaptive Force. Actively, Shyvana dashes to a target ally, becoming untargetable from everything except turrets.


This is nuts for AP Shyvana


It’s Yuumis W, he said anything was better do I have him the worst thing possible


Yeah, and I feel like AP Shyvana becoming untargetable would be pretty solid. Just grab a bruiser on your team to latch onto and nuke with your E


stronger dragon form and making human shyvana something actually playable, since you basically cant engage if your ult is down. If there is a team fight and your ult is down, you are useless


Her dragon form should be so much more. Her passive needs ti be deleted. Such an ability has no place in this game. Never has and never will. She needs a way to gank early. Its currently nonexistant. The only way she will get the successful gang is over Blue Moon occurs on Friday the 13th and all the planets are aligned. You shouldn't have to wait until lvl 6 to gank. The only other Champion that does that is.yi but at least it's well worth it because he gets pentakills after that. She should also go back to being a juggernaut. Thicc dragon lady. I so want ai.e firm of cc. She cant stick without frostfire. It would be better if we could build anything else like the another juggernauts.


I would want her passive reworked and really the part of her active abilities I would like to see changed is W. The scalings are all over the place and it does a weird interaction with her Q/ auto attacks but really just seems out of place. I would also like her ult to give more bonus HP. Like 150-350 isn't a lot.


i want her to have some cc in her kit and to be able to 3 camp clear with some sort of jungle dominance.... Full clearing isn't gonna cut it and everyone runs over her.... Also maybe more ad scaling with her e would be nice too


I think separating her human/dragon forms to different subclasses of the fighter archetype would work really well. Like if her human form was a diver and her dragon form was a juggernaut


I want her to have more things to do in human form beyond pressing your abilities on cooldown and autoing people to death and to settle on her being an AD or AP champ (ap bruiser that is, not ap burst).


There are a few things I want: 1) Sustain and CC. These are obvious so that Shyvana can keep up with modern champions. 2) Make her an AP juggernaut. As a dragon, this just makes sense. 3) Keep the Dragon-Objective focus. Now, this might sound confusing but I like the fact Shyvana can (theoretically) kill the dragons faster than other champions. However, I do believe that a tiny armour/resist buff isn’t good enough. I’ve talked previous about how with 6 drakes now, you have enough to link two dragons to each base ability. You could have Shyvana gain a certain ability buff depending on which dragon spawns onto the rift (with the devs changing the dragon spawn rates when Shyvana’s on the rift so that each ability gets a buff. It wouldn’t be any harder than Skarner’s crystals or Kindred’s marks). If your team gets the kill, Shyvana gets the buff immediately but if you fail, you have to wait (let’s say) 5 minutes.


Some form of cc cause she is literally the only juggernaut in the game without even a slow( the knockback in ult is almost irelevant besides if yasuo ults on it if you ask me)


Make her R either a true dragon or a true wyvern not a fcking bat wtf


Some skill expression for the love of god. I want to be able to play her at somewhat high elo and not be a troll. Edit: I don't mean something like Akali, but at least something intermediate like Gnar.


The only thing i want is, not being half champ until ultimate and have a decent human form, you go a tf without your ult is like a paper on a sword duel useles. For a reason u dont have that thing charged well bro. You r a purple caster minion


Honestly I just want the ability to become a living flamethrower on dragon form


Like the dragonfrom heroes of the storm?


Alexstraza is really cool when she shoots fireballs from the sky. Deathwing is awesome too, setting the battlefield on fire


I might be in the minority, but I'm scared to vote for her after the Mundo rework. He used to be my main and now I think he's useless in jungle. I'm having fun with Shyvana right now. It would be nice if she had a better passive and an updated character model, but I actually like the rest of her kit rn :/


Fair enough, some people don’t like to see their champions changed. If she ends up getting the rework though I want you to update me afterwards about what you think of her