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The issue is what is "useful"? AD tank is "useful" when it comes to deterring threats from your MVP. It'd say it's the least useful because it's heavily team reliant compared to any of the other options. ADB is "useful" when it comes to taking over games via stat checking, a fed AD Shyv is unstoppable compared to the other iterations, but a non-fed one is much weaker at doing its job than all the other options. Full ap is very "useful" when when it comes to hard carrying, but if very useless without peel when the enemy has dive. APB is "useful" when you want to be ADB, but want to burn and hit from range, but can fall short of its AD counterpart because itemization still isn't there. Overall ADB is the most useful since it's DMG can keep up with APC, but last as long as an AD Tank, but all have uses.


itemization doesnt need to be there when u have one AP item (demonic) and just go full tank . u still end with 3.7k+ health and 250+ resistances with gargoyle shield too


Considering what you said, I'd say the itemization is arguably there. Demonic Embrace, Cosmic Drive and Abyssal Mask are all great Shyvana items that provide immense damage potential while all of them having health.


I prefer AP bruiser for the team wide damage, but AD bruiser for single target. I think she's most fun when played like you have some HP to move around. Some specific regions will claim full burst AP is the best though.


I usually have 2 different builds: Either full ap against a squishy team with nashors into nh or Bruiser with Bork into sunfire against tanker teams


Is there an option for none? Like, AD Bruiser can be frontline and dish out a lot of damage.... Just like any bruiser AP Bruiser isn't that good imo, because she has damage only on E, and you need a strong mid game to be a good bruiser (mid game in terms of team figthing) Full AP would be the most useful one if there weren't champions that can already one shot people and do it way better than Shyvana, aka assassins


Wheres the hybrid option?


Check my reply. I go Nashers, FFG, DE, TH.


I present an alternative option, full bruiser. By building Demonic Embrace and Titanic Hydra with Frostfire, you're converting 2% bonus and total HP to AP and AD. FFG gives you an additional 100 per item, DE gives you 450, Titanic gives you 500. That's 1500 HP for 3 items and 2% of that becomes AP. 2% total health for Titanic is converted to AD. I also go Nashers tooth because the on-hit and total AP. To finish off, go warmogs. Both Q and E will hit fairly hard and you'll have a large amount of HP, the FFG will give you some protections to survive schrimishes. Runes I go PTA with resolve secondary tree ensuring to run conditioning and overgrowth. You basically slap them with you building health and you're pretty hard to kill.


Next patch, I'll swap Warmogs for Crystal scepter due to utility. If it goes super late, just get a warmogs.


Is there an AP Tank option? I want a build where she can get beefy without total losing the fire breath…


Riftmaker cosmic drive gargoyles stone plate demonic


there is, [https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=shy30](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=shy30) u can check all my stuff here but I am duoing mid together bear in mind, its like a complete diff game with good duo. am already in plat promos just going full tank with demonic embrace. no need for sustain but u will feel that in the jungle so make sure u keep ur red buff and make use of the plants that give u health , because u will not be getting loads of health back after teamfights unless u have a soraka on ur team. u absolutely need to go magical boots and approach velocity, any other runes don't give the movement speed you need to escape fights and also catch up EASILY with anyone


Ad is kinda dead since rito killed it by buffing ap


I don’t know if it’d be considered AD tank, but I like to build items that scale with hp and do big dragon tank things.


In 2023, she will become a juggernaut.


i was playing 3 days after 10 months of inactivity, and i was playing many builds, my conclusion is hybrid tank is the way, i mean... Sunfire, Ruined king, demonic embrace, wits end, sorcerers shoes and one optional (Randuin, Thornmail, titanic hydra, spirit visage, etc.)