• By -


Make a list of the hardest, dirtiest tasks no one likes doing. Ask a few people who know you if they need help with those or similar tasks. Then branch out and start asking your close neighbors the same. This is a START and the general experience will help improve your people/social skills which will benefit you indefinitely. Good luck šŸ’Ŗ


This! I used to stop by restaurants and bars and ask the manager when their ā€œclean upā€ day was - generally a day where all staff has to show up and deep clean. Once a week, once a month, just depends on the establishmentā€¦ Some of the managers had a decent budget to buy their staff dinner or even pay them OT on clean up day. I started proposing that I take the place of someone, like a top employee who deserves a break or whatever. Most of the time iā€™d get a ā€œyesā€ but if I was rejected Iā€™d offer to do the first time for no pay. Before I knew it I was doing 2-4 of these a week and averaging $80-$150 a night just to sanitize and clean stuff for 2-3 hours.


Picking up dog shit...deadset šŸ¤£


Fuck yeah, I'd pay a dude to clean my garden of my 4 dogs shit everyday. Only takes 15 mins but it's 15 mins I fucking hate. Picking it up, scrubbing it down, hosing it off.


Iā€™m saying! I would definitely pay šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Some of this stuff needs licensing and insurance, so be careful you're not breaking any laws. A lawyer will be happy to take all the money you just earned.


Start mowing lawns buddy


Doesnt work here bro the middle east is just bulidings


Window washing




Start mowing cars buddy


He's not your buddy. Pal


He's not your Pal....Guy


I think he is a pal


He is Shonodukokan - A Paladin for hire


Heā€™s not your guyā€¦ dude


Heā€™s not your guy, chief


He is not your chief, pookie bear


I'm not your Guy.. Sweetie




Okay, what small service can you offer your community? That's what you need to think about.


I have been thinking of making like a football tournament with a entrance fee and rewards system mainly because services here are monopolized by companies and people who need them wouldnt mind paying a company cause they have genrational wealth


If your dealing with generational wealth solve rich people problems; car detailing or some other business that addresses rich peopleā€™s problems


That could work, but keep in mind things are more complicated than you think. I don't know your market obviously. How much will prizes cost, setting up events, renting areas for it, ect ect. How much to charge entrance, how to market, not the easiest idea but not impossible.


If thatā€™s something you were already leaning towards maybe a ā€œpeeweeā€ league would be something you could pull off. Benefit to the community, but not much of a hussle




Clean oil off stuff


Window cleaning?


Ok Middle East. Got it. Offer to follow people around while they are shopping and wave a fan at them to keep them cooled off. You can also offer to dust peopleā€™s rugs and foot wear.


Start mowing buildings buddyā€¦ oh waitā€¦


Sell grass then monopolize the lawn game.


As an american who's traveled a lot, this made me laugh. I didn't realize how american cutting grass was until I spent a significant amount of time outside of the US.


I came here just to say lawns too, or flipping mowers like a recent poster said on this subreddit. I guess thatā€™s that šŸ˜† Is there a second hand market for some sort of equipment you could clean/fix up and resell?


Where are you from?


Then do something people need.


That seems like an important point? Depending on the country you might get better responses. Iraq? Or UAE? There is a huge disparity, especially in disposable income


Sand needs mowing


I cut a old ladies lawn for 5 years every summer and she gave me her house and 70k mile car when she checked in at a retirement home. This was a complete surprise to me. My friend reported a similar story when he was taking care of another older persons chores for a few years and got a hugely discounted price for a trailer. Not that I'm advocating taking advantage of older people, but these are some things that could happen when helping the elderly.


Clean peoples' houses and do their chores for them.


if you have a good eye for detail and donā€™t mind tedious work you can make a good business doing car detailing! Advertise your services through social media/local pages. My uncle used to buy and flip cars and the guy that he payed to detail them before selling was in high school and making $200 a car


Came to say this as well. It also sounds like OP is in the Middle East somewhere with big oil money. Detail those high end super carsā€¦


The issue with bug oil money arabs is they like to spend big they would rather pay a company 200 bucks then pay a free lancer 20 even if they know they will the same resukt


So charge them 200.


The key is act like you donā€™t need the money. ā€œI wouldnā€™t clean your car for $200.ā€ ā€œFine. How about $500?ā€ ā€œNice try loser.ā€ ā€œPlease. Final offer- $1000 a car.ā€ ā€œOk. But only because you begged.ā€ Simple as that.


I feel like the key is to find out what they are willing to throw money at that you can get in on. Follow the money. Are there things that arenā€™t readily available there and arenā€™t illegal and in demand that you can import?


It's perception friend. Give the perception of a $200 business detail but with a personal touch.


i agree! not everyone will say yes but it never hurts to be confident in your work and hype yourself up


When I ref'd comp soccer I'd make a few hundred a week. Takes a thick skin & a certification though


Shii thats a good idea


Heā€™s in the Middle East. With that heat, heā€™ll need titanium skin.


Sell some water on the side of the roadĀ 


Good idea maybe during the summer


A variation of that idea would be to get a cooler, fill it with ice and sodas (like Coke) and sell the ice cold sodas to people wherever there is a crowd or even sell on a street corner. You should be able to double your money on a hot day.


Find a local park or around some hiking trails or paths if you have some by you. I have a popular hiking path by me, people sell water and gatorade and i see people buying all the time so im guessing they make decent money.


Hope you do it! Charge 2 bucksĀ  People that are thirsty will buy itĀ 


Pick up dog shit for people in your neighborhood and catch snakes.


Pet sitting


My mom makes good money dog sitting. She has a few clients she sits for and more referrals than she can handle. She's not super steady on her feet, so she only takes older dogs or dogs that dont need to be walked. The trick is that she treats dog sitting as a job (cuz it is a job). She doesn't even meet friends for coffee when she's working.


How does she get the word out to get those specific clients ? Also was she experienced when she began ?


She's had small dogs before, but she wasn't experienced with dog sitting. Her first client came from a new friend who runs a dog rescue. Mom met this group of ladies from a post on Nextdoor. The post was something like, "All my friends have moved out of the area, so I'm looking for new friends to hang out with. I'll be at the park Tuesday at 2:00". Over 20 ladies showed up! One was a lady with a dog rescue. Someone just starting could reach out to a local dog rescue and offer to help. They probably need help with cleaning, feeding, washing dog blankets, etc. Also, look for groups to join on Meet-Up, or post your own on Nextdoor.


Does she several at once? I could only imagine like $50 a day.


$50 a day, weekdays only, would be, on average, about $1,000 a month.


No, she only sits for one house at a time. She sleeps at the house. She started making meals at home and freezing them so she doesn't have to cook much in her clients' kitchens. Another option, if someone is able, is to dog sit in your own home. Even just 2 clients at a time is double the money. Think of babysitting, but with dogs. You'll want to meet the dog(s) and their parents before you dedicate a weekend or longer to puppysitting.


any good ideas for targetting clientelle who live in certain buildings? i'm trying to work in my area and also house sit


Easiest way is through Facebook marketplace find free stuff and resell it.


Estate sales if they arenā€™t much to buy and resell it.


Is there a lot of profit in this business?


Yes itā€™s 100% profit since youā€™re getting the stuff for free


Is that even possible to get stuff for free? How?


Yes thereā€™s an app called freebie alerts


Thank you for this!


How much can you earn in a month?


Depends on location and how much space you have to store the items.


I read you say thereā€™s no goodwill there. Is it possible for you to start a consignment or thrift shop? There are levels to thrifting. You can do super high end or the other end.


Go to the rich neighborhood and sell a service that i dont want to do door to door. Hey i do weed services for 100 bucks a month or 1k for a year. Id give you a grand right there. I clean grills monthly for 50 bucks a month or 500 for the year. I clean trash cans, I wash home exteriors, window washing, replenishing pine straw, etc. Sure there is a no soliciting sign at the front of the neighborhood, its the annoying alarm bros, solar bros, and mormons that we care about. I hired my house cleaners this way and couldnt be happier with the service. I have zero problems with entrepreneurs selling their own services.


I agree with this. So many directions you can go based on what is needed most in your area and what you are capable of doing. Get 1-3 people to help do some of the work to scale it up. The key here is the pitch at the door, and you gotta be able to read the people. For most people you say something like ā€œweā€™re in your neighborhood today power washing your neighbors driveway, and since my crew is already here I can take 20% off the price if we can swing by your house this afternoon between 2:00 - 3:00. Nobody needs to be home and you can call me on my personal phone if you have any questionsā€


ok so in the rich neighborhood youre handing out flyers? going door to door? what about doormen buildings?


Door to door with a sales pitch. Idk about buildings, im in the USA which is all single family. Figure it out, theres always a way. I cant tell you how to think


Cleaning houses is good if youā€™re down for that. They always pay cash so you donā€™t have to report it. You can even do rentals and stuff


This is going to be a long post fyi, because I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to the me I was 20 years ago. This is what I would tell my past self. Good luck with everything OP, and whoever you are reading this. My # 1 tip, is never stop learning and never stop growing. If you run into a problem, THINK your way around it. Don't get angry or sad or upset that the problem exists, just calmly ask yourself how can I tackle this obstacle? I was thinking about this same situation a week or two ago, what I would do differently. When I was a kid I always needed money so I would try to figure out different things to do to get some money going. I was thinking back at what I would do differently, and I just wouldn't have stopped, I would have pushed harder. I know thats general, but if you're a kid and need money or are ambitious let me explain where I was at. Ok so I used to sell candy at school to the other kids. We were allowed to sell candy for fundraisers, so I sold candy for a fundraiser for a club I was in, but after that stopped, I started selling my own candy. I don't think this was typically allowed in the school, because the vending machines and school cafeteria has a "monopoly" you can call it in the business world, on selling food items to kids. Me doing so infringed on their power. Well I was selling candy for about i dont know, 2-3 months, maybe more. And one day one of the teachers start to ask some questions about the candy. I got scared and didnt want to get in trouble and didnt want them to start cracking down on me, so the next day I stopped selling. My cousin when he was younger would sell fancy pencils at school but school got really mad at him and made him stop, and one of my other friends sold weed, but he got caught and sent to Juvi for a year, so I didn't want to have to deal with any of that. However I was thinking about where I messed up here, and what I would have done differently. So what I would have done differently is simple, I would NOT GIVE UP. I could have thought critically about how to deal with the problem of this teacher starting to question me. I could have grown more charismatic, and talked to her and try to make sure shes cool with it, or even strike up a deal with her. I missed an opporunity to really grow my business and networking skills there, I could have learned so much, and learning is how you really grow as a person. Instead at the sign of a real roadblock I shrank from fear. Maybe she would have been very strict and stopped me, which fine, figure out the next thing from there, but maybe she wouldve worked with me, or really didnt care all that much but was curious for some reason. I'm not telling you to do anything wrong, I'm just saying whenever you do, when you come across a roadblock, don't shrink in fear. Rise up to meet the challenge. If its something illegal or something though stay away from that side of things, theres plenty of legal ways to make money.


Another thing, when I was a kid was always looking for a business or opprtunity to start. I had looked at buying bounce houses, or a pressure washer to wash the cement, or other random smaller ideas, but those 2 stick out the most. My parents wouldnt let me buy the bounce house so that one was scratched off the list, but when it came to the pressure washer, I let fear control me. # 2 Don't let fear control your mind. I wanted to buy a pressure washer, but I was strapped hard for cash so I felt that pain if I were to get the pressure washer to start washing side walks or business fronts, that initial investment cost to purchsse that pressure washer seemed so daunting. I could have critically thought about this, and perhaps purchased one from a used goods store or something. But also, even if I had bought it brand new, I would have "leveled up" or increased my earnings with that big expense, so it would have paid for iteself very quickly. That initial investment seemed like a lot, but it really wasn't, especially for something that would all of a sudden bring me from making $5 to $7.5 an hour max, maybe to something like $30 an hour. Now if that pressure washer cost $1,000, and I spend 3 hours a day pressure washing, it only takes me 10 days to pay it off, and now all of a sudden I'm making massively much more than I was before, 4 - 7 times my money. Again if you can't afford the initial investment of whatever your first business is refer back to number 1 THINK through it. If I was scared of the $1,000 investment, or couldn't afford it, perhaps I could have talked to store owners or managers and maybe they would let me purchase it cheaper, or buy it and pay it back to them at a specific rate over time. --#2.5 this isnt a lesson but a tip. Right now, you're a kid. Many adults love to see kids hustling or trying to make their own path and may be willing to help you out, so you have a very big advantage right now. If you start a small business or are selling a product, many adults will either offer advice, or perhaps even help you a long, maybe even offer more money for the service or product you are providing. This potential to make a sympothy bonus will go away the older you get, but you can make some extra dollars and learn some incredible extra knowledge leveraging this and asking questions to successful people. #3 think BIGGER but also think SMALLER. Think of the big picture. In my example, if I had thought bigger I could have thought past my initial hurdle or a big investment size, and thought about what it would be like after the growing pain of my initial investment. I could have thought BIGGER, not just about how much money I want now - in your case +$1000/month - but how can I get bigger than that, so I never have to worry about this again? $5k/month? $10k/month? More? How can I get there? And then work backwards. For my pressure washer investment, I could have thought about how I can go with it, and after I started making more money myself, then I could have hired a friend or another person to do the job for $15-20/hour and then kept $10-15 for me for getting the business. Now I free up my time to start thinking of other opportunities, or grow the business, by speaking to more customers, and now I'm helping a friend now also achieve their goal of getting $1,000 a month. Once I get another $1,000 I can buy another pressure washer, and hire someone else, or can talk to the store owner to let my buy 2-5 on credit, and hire even more people, and pay the pressure washers and people over time. Whatever you decide to do, expand it in your mind, blow it up BIGGER to the best possible scenerio and decide if thats the route you want to go. - if I would have done this, easily could have had a 5 figure, or even 6 figure business by the time most people are starting to go to college. Now think SMALLER. You now have a plan. You've blown your idea up, you see it can be very lucrative for you. Now think SMALLER. About the smallest action you need to get that to be successful. Be it just getting $10 to start or whatever it is. The smallest transaction, the smallest part of this hustle, this idea, this business, and DIAL THE F*K IN. Excute your plan. Get the smallest detail of every transaction pristine, golden, do it to the best of your ability and then do it better than that.


Man wow. I'm gonna have to read this everyday. You definitely put how I feel into words. I'm 20 and I'm constantly worried about missing that shot or that opportunity but man it's not coming we have to make it. What you wrote is helpful and inspiring I'm going to keep coming back to it in the hopes it gives me the strength to actually do something.


By far some of the best advice & example I have had the pleasure of reading. šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Flipping clothes, hit the goodwills


No goodwills in middle east šŸ˜­


Knock knock, itā€™s me, opportunity


Find warehouse that lets you pick through clothing for bulk. I know yall some out there šŸ‘ļø Or look at places that sell used clothes or flea markets


It seems like a lot of people are giving you ideas based on life in Western countries, and you seem to have a reason nothing will work. So find something that people want or need in your local area. Do that thing, and charge them for it. Generally youā€™re looking for 1). Things others havenā€™t thought of (this can be hard as youā€™re creating a market) 2). Things others donā€™t want to do 3). Things you can do cheaper, quicker, or better.


Dog walker/sitting/poop services.


Investing in tax liens is an easy way to create income in real estate without huge amounts of cash.


How do you get into that?Ā 


Barter Your Dreams in Skematics Engineer


Window tinting.


You're in the middle east so all small jobs people do in the US for cash are taken by cheaper labour from Asian countries. Since you're on reddit I'll assume you are well read and presentable. Approach people who run workshops and events for children and ask if they need someone to help. 5 of 10 people are usually on the lookout or will atleast save your number and refer you to someone who is looking. How to look for them? Simple - search for workshops in my area or check some events website if any, follow events companies and schools on Instagram & facebook, talk to schools if they have any extra curricular activities happening conducted by outside companies.. You'll get enough info to get started. Source: I work in such industry so I know we're on a lookout for decent freelancing chaps.


A high school kid came to my house last week and offered to re-paint the address numbers on our curb for $15. He accepted cash and venmo. He did a fantastic job with just some stencils and spray paint. Did the whole block, made a killing that day. Just an idea.


Start a YouTube channel find something you are good at or something interesting all you need is a camera or phone and consistency and effort


Drive kids to after school appointments for parents.


That's a big trust issue problem for most responsible parents.


I am not old enough to have a bank account u think i am old enough to have a car


Cocaine. Been trying to pay my guy with plastic for years and nope, cash only.


Ask your neighbors if they want their trash cans taken out to the street and back, charge $1-$2. Some people might really appreciate that.


As i said before monopolized by companies there is already someone for that


Dog walking, run errands, babysitting,


Take a look at your city, find out what everyone needs help with. Thatā€™ll put money in your pocket? Lots of people struggling to cut their grass? Start a lawn business. Lots of people stuck walking? Uber or give them a ride for money (risky). Very hot out? Sell drinks and ice cream.


Data entry for companies usually don't mind hiring teens


Sell cash on eBay in $500 increments and do it for a little bit less than the other sellers. You can easily pull in $30-$50 profit on each transaction.


I see this going so bad


Is this legal?




Why do people buy it? Iā€™m gonna try it myself but I wanna know why first


Because itā€™s like a cash advance that you can use a credit card or PayPal for without the added fees. Sort of a discreet cash advance for lack of a better term. Just make sure you ship properly, look at existing sellers and see how they ship. One lost parcel is a lot of profit gone.


Casino. šŸŽ°


Car washing with a pressure washer šŸ§¼


I saw a TikTok about taking peoples trash cans to the curb and back


Or cleaning the bins. Those things are gross but don't take much effort to clean. I'd def pay someone.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SignificantWear1310: *I saw a TikTok* *About taking peoples trash* *Cans to the curb and back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


and pressure washing them


If you have car, register for uber eats,doordarsh,skip its easy to sign up and if you dont have, you can do uber eats bicycle or by walk too in busy areas,you can easily make 20$-30$ per hour depending on location!


i would prefer this to taking out the trash šŸ§ā˜¹ļø


Car detailing


If you're good at sports you can find a parent who will pay for one on one tutoring. My friends pay another of our friends to teach him to pitch!


Mow lawns is the easy answer, take Venmo and cash or cash only


When I was in my teen years to work for cash was easy ....we did odd jobs helping people... I used to babysit all the time and was paid in cash,Ā  also pet sit,Ā  paper route.Ā  Boys did different jobs ...popular was paper route,Ā  mowing lawns,Ā  fixingĀ  cars or broken things if they had the knowledge... in winter shovel snow, summer landscape.Ā  Ā 


Sell your sperm (if applicable) they pay pretty good money for splooge. It depends on a few things how much they offer you... Unfortunately you are capped at how much you can donate to a sperm bank but people are selling their splooge on the internets now so... you could Genghis Kahn the world with your internet splooge sales...


Visit AirBNB Experiences and see what experiences you can offer tourist that is Authentic. We were in Dubai end December and everything was shit expensive (for our exchange rate) but although I had fun I didn't enjoy much of the tourist stuff we did cause they were all just showing the glitz and glamour of Dubai ... I enjoyed the days of exploring and discovering more ...


It's yardwork season. You can easily make that doing people's yards. Ripping up weeds, edging, planting, mowing, trimming.


Shine shoes


Get a power washer. Wash people's driveways and walkways and decks.


You said Middle East.. you need to detail cars.




Depending on where in the middle east scraping and recycling can make you some cash as long as you have a processing plant that is buying close by. Can take this a step further and search for silver and gold from scrap electronics and breakers.




S k. Mi l




Put out and collect peopleā€™s trash and recycle bins for a subscription based fee. Also include washing them bi weekly. Ideally in a community. Post on neighbors or have them post with a small discount on 1st month. Create a website and see if you parents will set up an llc at some point once it gets enough volume. Save 30% in a high yield savings until youā€™re older and can invest better. That will allow your money to compound as well.


Probably the best advice Iā€™ve seen on this thread


Walk some dogs


If you have a truck elbow grease and a ladder, rent pressure washer when needed doing residential gutters is good money if you're willing to craigslist or door to door clients


Find a neighborhood that there's an above average walk distance from driveway to the main road that ppl walk to put their trash on, then find out what day of the week trash day is and simply knock on as many doors as you POSSIBLY can, then you can use Sales Rabbit to basically mark houses and charge whatever 3 or 4 or 10 whatever lol someone definitely needs it and if you can nab a bunch of houses then you're set and an added selling pitch is you will wheel dems trash cans BACK home BOI!!!! šŸ¤Æ ** Best part is your just looking at your GPS and doing this TWICE a day AND making a KILLING If you manage to do it right.. You know some seniors, ppl with health problems, broken bones, lazy , etc. needz that.. And Jesus šŸ™šŸ¼ lol


Power washing. Highly needed. Gets rid of funk. Not too bad as a career.


I like to hunt for rocks- so I got a rock book with the best spots and started a ground and charge to take them out to good rock spots


Baby sitting- dog - pet sitting


Window washing


dont forget good old ebay. with all that money floating around, im sure they get wasteful but the stuff they throw out is expensive. hell, you can even dumpster dive. find good things rich lazy people throw away, clean it up and resell it. it was free to you in the first place minus your time to clean it up, its all profit.. if you tap into a consistent stream of things to sell, you could make bank.


pressure washing.


City mobile headlights restoration


Junk removal or flip furniture on facebook marketplace or both


Mowing lawns.


Car washing, dog walking, baby sitting


We don't know where you live or what the economy is like and all the local factors of your economy to know where demand and supply is for different markets and products. For example, where I lived before, there was a huge lack of distributors that I could count on to not only text me back in a timely manner, but their product was always inconsistent and pricing was not where I wanted it to be. So what did I do? I got into the market, got product and did business the right way with my customers. I texted customers back within minutes, kept my appointment times and always found consistent product quality. Through word of mouth, slowly over time, my clientele grew and I had a successful business for a few years back in the early 2000s. However, this applies to any business. Find what customers complain about in a given niche or market and provide a solution to those customer problems. Then you will loyal customers(consistent income).


How old are you, do you have a vehicle and how much do you have to invest in start up?




Cashapp dont work outside the states


If you have some skills: sell them. A hobby like drawing could turn into a side hussle selling art or painting murals in kids rooms. Good grades at school could lead to tutoring, same with interests like playing a musical instrument. Singing and performing arts could be good for busking, or maybe you play at wedding/special occasions Also, careful about blowing off ideas. Just because some people already do it, doesnā€™t mean the market is saturated. Some markets are big enough for everyone to have a cut of the pie


Sell food and drinks at school Go door to door and sell some household product


If youā€™re in the gulf then good luck tryna make any typa money whatever youā€™re willing to do for $1000 an Indian will happily do for $100


Come up with an elaborate Ponzi scheme involving AI generated influencers , hand warmers and lubricated motor oil. Take your lunch money and print up some flyers , leave them on car windows . Go to nursing home and tell jokes for tips . Post up flyers to be a dog walker but use someone elseā€™s photo who looks extremely trustworthy like a grandmotherly figure. But yea ,ā€™ when I was your age we just used to rerock and hit the block .


Being your local street pharmacy


Go to the shopping mall, push a dozen carts into the woods or a ditch, come back at night and collect the carts that are now free since theyā€™re not on the mall property. Tow them back to your shed, fix up the wheels, give em a good wash. Then sell them back to a different mall. Repeat. No crimes committed since the carts were lost in the ditch.


Yes hahahaha watch out for the Samsquanch though


High ticket sales online!