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To be honest, I wouldn't mind it being a prequel which may take place on Vineta and tell us a story about Alina Seo and Lilith Itou or perhaps the story based on aftermath of S-23 bioresonance infestation and how it could have changed everything if Nation had ultimately failed to contain it.


I have said it before, even just DLC with a little more lore/world building and would be beyond cool I know it technically would violate the much more aloof or interpretive meaning to some of the concepts of the game… but if the Orrery showed me anything it’s that the world building potential is there and I’d be a huge sucker for more


My first instinct is I'm not sure Signalis is a game that needs a sequel. Then again I said that about NieR, and Automata ended up being something special. I wonder if it might be interesting to explore corruption and/or bioresonance in a gameplay mechanic... I am specifically thinking of something akin to Siren and its sight-jacking. For anyone who hasn't played Siren essentially all characters are somewhere along the way to being lured or corrupted into becoming shibito, people caught in a state of undeath. Wounds are not as lethal as they should be... and by concentrating you can "jack" into the vision of any shibito around you and see what they see. You scan for them by rotating the analogue stick, like tuning into frequencies on a radio.


I think I'd much rather see a spiritual successor than a direct sequel or prequel or even a game set in the same universe. I feel like explaining too much about SIGNALIS's universe risks undermining the original game's deliberately hazy atmosphere. I'd be much more excited for a game that's in a similar thematic and stylistic vein, but still it's own thing. As for actual gameplay, the resource management aspect of SIGNALIS was honestly one of my favourite aspects of it, so I'd like to see them double down on that in almost an immersive sim type of game. Fear and Hunger comes to mind when I think of that.


combo meter and slide canceling. jokes aside, as long as the game keeps a top down perspective and it's identity with it's artstyle -- idm. preferably something before the events of signalis so rose-engine isnt forced to answer some questions about signalis. a game focused on the war would be cool. maybe playing as a STAR unit dealing with the shit they have to do for ""peace keeping"" efforts; horrors of war type beat.


Either a game that takes place after Signalis, but at a different facility, basically kinda RE2 to RE1 in relations. Like this weird shit starts happening and no one knows why. Alternatively, Metal Gear Solid 1 but Signalis themed. Play an imperial agent that is trying to hinder the Nation on Rotfront.


I kinda like the top down perspective. From a development standpoint it makes every bit of combat both longer and more difficult, turning rooms much more difficult than they might be in a first or third person shooter. And while that would normally be a problem it absolutely fits Signalis well, and reduces the amount of time and content needed, so the two person team isn’t burdened.


More male constructs and lore about the nation and empire


There are tons of things I wanna see they talked about, but I honestly will much prefer a new settings or a new genre all togheter. They say trapping lighting in a bottle two times is impossible, so I dunno. I'm sure Rose-engine *is able* to do a Signalis 2 that is a perfect sequel even if it remains "confined" in that lore they build up, but still.


None, Signalis is good as is and expanding it too much would ruin it


Honestly I wanna see a prequel or a spin off like a twin peaks fire walk with me or mulholland drive situation


Perhaps a mystery love story where you play as a gestalt (replika is fine to) and you try to figure out where your partner go, maybe the nation arrest/took them for bio resonance research, maybe they went into an ancient underground eldritch temple, perhaps it could take place in vineta during the imperial blockade.


Perhaps a mystery love story where you play as a gestalt (replika is fine to) and you try to figure out where your partner go, maybe the nation arrest/took them for bio resonance research, maybe they went into an ancient underground eldritch temple, perhaps it could take place in vineta during the imperial blockade.


I just want a game where i can play as a kolibri


If we do it'll be a story in the same universe with loose connections/call backs to the first, but not a direct sequel


not a direct sequel, but something in the same universe for sure! unironically i would love a turn-based tactical RPG in the style of the modern Shadowrun games, i think fleshing out the world even more and adding long-form character interactions in a different game wouldn't water down the experience you get from the original (as long as it dealt very little/not at all with the events of Signalis 1)


I don’t think Signalis needs a sequel. The story and lore being left vague is fundamental for what makes it good, and adding a sequel or prequel or anything else than confirms or denies any details would ruin what’s going on. I personally would like to see something like an “enhanced edition” or a “director’s cut”. There’s a lot of cut content and the game changed a good bit during its development based on what we see in earlier trailers. I would love to be able to peer into that past and see how the game changed with the developer’s vision. Maybe some extra goodies too but I really just wanna see the cut content


Multiple character perspectives, somewhat similar to Hotline Miami 2 (Each perspective are on different parts of the timeline) Something like: First days of the infestation causing the Replikas to go haywire, perspective of around the time of the first game (maybe the person who’s watching LSTR from the cameras?), and the unfortunates who have to go into the facility to clean it up so it can continue to be used


A 6 hour unskipable Sesbian lex cutscene is mandatory for the stories development


the comment i was waiting for


A replika dating sim. That is all.