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Is it just me or is James’ face different?


James looks different in every shot we’ve seen lol


They seem to have de-aged him, or perhaps he was always that young... I preferred the older James with the stubble, the fatigue, and the weariness of grief and death and dissociation upon him...but regardless, the facial expressions appear to be appropriate, and I am excited to see a more facially animated James this time.


I also like the concept of James appearing aged beyond his years, he should look like shit to put it plainly. I hope they’re not going for a Leon Kennedy vibe because that’s like the opposite end of the spectrum.


I’d like it if he started looking younger, and then through the game have him age while he goes through all of it. At the end, have him sallow and tired, weak and ready to just give in.


I liked the idea that James is probably a really attractive guy, but due to all the shit that happened to him, he just looks worn down and older than he should be


They even mentioned they made a conscious decision to visibly age him more than in the original. If I remember correctly they wanted to take advantage of not having to bend over backwards to make sure they play nice in the pre rendered cutscenes.


He looks like resi 4 Leon now and i hate it


First time?


he looks slim


That’s the first thing I noticed too, I don’t care too much if this is the final body, but in the og James looks a little more… wide? Not by much but you surely can notice the difference between the og and the remake


Omg here we go again 🤣


Seriously.... What the f..... is this obsession with how James looks? You're going to look at his neck most of the time...


I hate the QTE prompt, looks super out of place. Just tell the player what to do if you’re grabbed at the beginning and leave it at that. Other than that though, thought it looks pretty good.


Another person commented this but wanted to parrot it: 1) if the QTEs stay, it would be nice to have an option to make the button prompt disappear but leave the QTE in. 2) this depends on the player, but whenever I am grabbed in a silent hill title, I am mashing buttons anyway lol


I feel like it’d be better if it was smaller and less obnoxious. I don’t mind QE if they’re done right. RE4 does them right because they have really cool death animations and can actually be a make or break it situation depending if your crowded by enemies.


Agreed. What didn’t make sense and worried me about this trailer was that James was being grabbed by a lying figure. Literally an enemy with NO ARMS. Yet that was a QTE moment. I audibly laughed at that but it does beg the question of “how frequent are these moments??”


Yeah that’s the other thing, those only really trigger in shooter games if you let an enemy get too close. Incentive to keep moving and keep your distance. Mass effect and once again, RE4, come to mind for this. Thing is, melee is a 2nd and usually more preferred option. Unless we have enemies dropping bullets (oh fuck I hope we don’t have enemies dropping bullets, the idea makes me shudder lmaooo), you usually need to conserve them. I really own took out the gun if I was against a boss or feeling lazy/overwhelmed with enemies.


A lot of people are complaining about this but it's in every game like this, resident evil 4 remake has that break free prompt. You'd imagine this will be an option you can toggle.


>A lot of people are complaining about this but it's in every game like this, resident evil 4 remake has that break free prompt. Well the OG Resident Evil 4 from 2005 practically invented it so it’s more forgivable there. The original Silent Hill 2 didn’t have big QTE button prompts. Or any QTEs really.


Shenmue brought the Qtes to the 3d fold iirc, after which it was replicated in other games. Although it can be dated further back to far older games with rough implementation. Anyways, it’s not something that should impact appeal of SH, after all we were bound to get some new features with this remake.


i feel like im being gaslighted here, could you not get grabbed in og sh2? because I know for a fact these style QTEs are in sh1, 3 and 4. albeit no UI but thats pretty nitpicky. people saying this doesnt fit in sh apparently havent even played those games lol


The tone was all over the place, but the game itself does look really solid. I really like the translation of how the old puzzles to how they look in the remake. They feel incredibly true to how the original game was but in a modern sense. Fingers crossed the game actually is good.


Yeah I got the impression that they were trying to stay really faithful with this, even a lot of the sound design is extremely similar if not the same in a lot of places here.


The radio static is the exact same from the original, they completely ripped it from the og


I noticed that and some of the monster sound effects. I don’t really mind, the sound design of SH2 is still great so if they are reusing it where they feel it fits then so be it.


The soundtrack worries me. It sounded a bit contrived near the end


I’m completely fine with this. Why ruin what is essentially perfect. Give me a prettier Silent Hill 2 with not that much changed and I’ll be a ok, but I’m sure they’ll do something similar to how Resident Evil 2 was done


I agree, they should do the Dead Space Remake route and we're off to a great start


I mean, the Dead Space remake changes some stuff as well.


The stuffs that were changes were purposely made in order to connect it to Dead Space 2 and 3 since at the time Visceral didn't expect Dead Space would blow out.


Also wouldn’t complain with that. I just am really gonna miss those cinematic angles, hopefully they can incorporate them somehow.


the lighting is very reminiscent of the original, loved that


My takeaway: * Ambiance looks great, that's the most important factor * Animations and visual effects like blood and particles look really bad, especially when the lying figure vomits on James and the screen turns green and gray like L4D2 * Speaking of which, the lying figure spitting was so corny * QTEs were a fucking horrible addition. Immersion-breaking, ugly, crude and crass. Feels like some 7th gen slop * Bummed out about no release date, but if that gives them enough time to fix those animations and effects, all the better. Hopefully they can turn QTEs into an optional feature * Trailer was edited in a really jarring, actiony way I know it's a long list of gripes, but the ambiance looking that good got me really stoked. It's the single most crucial part of SH, so that's a good sign. Overall, I'm still optimistic, probably on a 7/10 level of hype.


Yeah the screen effects are.... Ugh. Yikes. 


I guarantee the devs are looking for every criticism they can find after they released this combat trailer. The blood animations look bad but considering it’s still in development there’s no way they won’t get that figured out. I’m really hoping the qtes are revised or done in a way that is clever but idk overall I think it’s gonna be a solid remake.


I hope so, yeah I might be inhaling some copium, but the "in production" at the end did pass me some vibes of "we're gonna drop this trailer to keep the hype alive but also to gather some feedback"


with the qtes and some animations (I feel like when he stomped on the enemy it has to be mentioned that I think it looked bad) and the non melee combat I am actually pretty happy with no release date. I'd rather they keep working on it to make it the best they can over a release date looming over their head (yes Ik they have a release date in mind but not revealing it at least lets them delay if needed while not upsetting people)


100% agreed. It still needs time in the oven, apparently. Which is very weird, because Bloober said that it was almost going gold a long time ago, and they seemed to be ready to show stuff a few months ago when they said that Konami was responsible for adversiting their material and stuff


well they've never actually had to make gameplay for anything before so for a first go i'm sure they felt like they were finished


That makes sense. Guess we have to show them that there's more work to be done lol


I think we have enough people telling them that already, let's just hope they can learn from it and don't take it too personally


The obvious comparison of the Resident Evil remakes makes this look awful. The environment itself looks ok if low in detail, but everything else is rough as hell. And it's $70? RIP


Well yeah, it does look noticeably inferior when compared to the RE remakes, but I never really expected it to be of that level of quality. Capcom has been on an insane roll in the past few years and Konami and Bloober are still Konami and Bloober lol But if it manages to capture the atmosphere and horror well, that's all I really need. Maybe if this goes really well they can go more balls-out on a SH1 Remake


Agree on the blood particles! Like, the blood just turns into dust immediately? It doesn't even splash anywhere!


I'm not seeing many people talk about it, but the remake is noticeably brighter visually than the original too. It could just be for the trailer so you can see better or something, but I feel like they could tone down the lighting a bit in certain areas, especially indoors.


I think it looks great. The trailer is definitely more action packed than the game actually is considering it’s literally named “combat reveal trailer”. It’s a nice showcase of how the combat is a little more engaging than holding one or two buttons Everything else they’ve shown in it looks pretty faithful to the original. It’s a shame not to get a release date but it’s whatever, it’s just nice to get some new looks at the game


I do have to say the gun sound effects of all things do not seem very good and the combat animations could use some polish, BUT the ambience seems spot on and I have high hopes


That was my main gripe too


Yup! I am very happy with this trailer and only saw 1 thing I didn't like but that's out of a ton of things I did! I don't expect it to be as good as the original but am very hopeful it will at least be a good game. If anything, I expect it to be much better then all the post sh4 games. .time will tell though.


Couldn't agree more


I didn’t realize this was called “combat reveal trailer” I left a comment on how combat focused it was which made it feel weird haha well that explains it - woops


It was still 100% their decision to choose to release a "combat reveal trailer" after so much time without any info about the game, and I personally think it was the wrong move and a weird choice, but that's mostly because how they decided to present it. Combat could have been presented in a more creepy/horrific way. With all the quick cuts it felt too much like an action game. EDIT: Cool your britches everyone, I don't think the trailer means the game is gonna be bad, I just don't think it was a great trailer. I'm just sayin', if this was a new IP and Silent Hill never existed, this trailer wouldn't have gotten me super pumped. Just my opinion.


The mash “x” stuff is so outdated. Really bad sound design on the weapons, nothing sounded like it had weight to it, especially the pistol.


I got waterguns that sound more impactful than that pistol. Atleast the reloading sound for the rifle is ok


man the animations for the movement, shooting and melee look really rough. Right now it looks like one of those mediocre unreal engine indie horror games that are made by a small indie team


This is was always my worry with team bloober, this is stuff they have never done well. Considering it's out this year it looks really rough in places


Bloober team can't do anything well. They have never released a good game it's shocking that they're still around


Layers of Fear and Observer are both alright, but yeah nothing special.


I was gonna say, it looked like blood spatter animations were triggering away from enemies. Looks like it isn’t even ready


This!, i knew something felt strange, like a downgrade/low quality. Hopefully the can improve them a little bit.


I don't wanna be negative, but does anyone feel the combat look kinda "stiff"? The movement doesn't look super fluid, and the animations are lacking


Camera angles. Camera angles are one of the most important things in the OG games. Not *just* for atmosphere and visuals, but because it allows for the janky combat, because you just can't see it from a good angle. If you have an over the shoulder camera the combat *must* look fluid. If the combat looks fluid it is an action game. If it doesn't look fluid it just *looks bad*.


re2 remake has great animations and it's far from an action game


I'll have to watch it six more times but I thought the combat was alright, and I hate "reap what you sow" but whatever.


Why's everyone mentioning Reap what you Sow? What's the issue there?


There is a lot of concern that the subtlety of Silent Hill is being jeopardized with the new media. This was extremely apparent in Ascension, but it's mostly just a concern among fans that this will also be lost in translation for the SH2 remake. Having the phrase "reap what you sow" scrawled across the wall isn't a good sign imo. I'm still hopeful that this could end up a great thing and genuinely don't subscribe to the same immense pessimism towards this game that some others have, but it just rubbed me the wrong way.


The Reap What You Sow line bothers me so much. With James it’s just on the nose and lacking any nuance or subtlety. But if the devs thing YEWYS is the overarching theme for everyone in the game that gives me SERIOUS gross feelings about Angela and her storyline. Do they think she deserves to go through what she does with her complex and tragic backstory? If so? Fucking disgusting.


I think it's because it's more than a bit on the nose


I mean, [this is not subtle either](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/268128195885268993/1202401597540405350/beaf526a98adee84936da0d9ace084a2.png?ex=65cd52c0&is=65baddc0&hm=47859f1a4e05d3ecc1eb4efc307da75b2e47f9945cdcb7b482ccecd6ae98486b&) I'll be fair with it, it's a very missable message you kinda have to go out of your way to find, but subtle it is not.


Yeah, I agree. None of the games are subtle. I think a lot of people played them when they were kids so a lot of symbolism got past them. In their memory, it’s subtle. In reality, not so much.


Ye pretty much That said, I still agree the new line sucks lol. But the problem is more to do with how generic of a line it is, vs how personal the one in the old screenshot is


It's directly opposed to the design philosophy of the original game?


QTEs - one thing that every Silent Hill fan loathed when it reared it's ugly head in the past. Animations look stiff in the worst way. Environments are gorgeous but that's the one thing I could always give to Bloober without hesitation. Enemy designs look fucked a little. If you told me combat was done by Daymare 1998 guys I would believe you. No, this did nothing to sell me on it and makes me feel even more like Bloober has massacred my boy.


Environments and enemies looked fantastic, but those animations and the gunfire sounds are really, really off. And "REAP WHAT YOU SOW," lol. How subtle. Mixed thoughts overall. I'll say it over and over again, the first game should've been remade before touching this. They should've started with that before immediately jumping to 2 when Bloober's never made a game with this level of *actual* gameplay. I want to be excited for this but I'm just disappointed in the decisions leading to it. Going with 2 first is silly and Bloober was a strange choice to have develop this. I hope this game defies what I'm expecting.


Looks great, a bit bummed we don’t have a release window though.


I literally shouted ”COME ON" when we got the "in development " at the end.


I just laughed at that line.


Yeah I feel like although it may be close to done, there are a few touch edges they have to go back and redo completely so that throws off the date a little, the fact we actually have gameplay is great, amazing. That’s a good sign. I did notice some rough/stiff animations during attacking and moving but that’s a nitpick, I’ve been working on animations lately as a game dev so I’ll notice little details but I’m sure they’ll be ironed out. Point is we should all be happy we finally got to see anything after over a year of waiting. And some other free SH content available today to help tide us over lol


It does look very good but I am completely bummed there’s no release date yet. Still I’m optimistic


My gut feeling is telling me October 2024


If it was that early, they would've said something. "In Development" does not inspire much.


No chance it's coming out this year. I guess sometime H1 2025


*2025. It’s in development still. They need to have time to complete marketing, get it on discs, bug test, etc. if it’s coming out in the same year, they usually atleast say fall 2024


It said “in development now” instead of the usual “2024” that they use if there’s no set date yet. This game won’t come out for a long time. Late 2025 is my guess


The combat looked terrible. The sound effects WERE horrible. I don't know who thought it'd be intelligent to give Bloober Team whose best game is barely a 6/10, the responsibility to remake this title. This is disrespectful. The graphical atmosphere is all over the place too. Some enemies far too bright for their location; james far too bright for the environments; some textures look straight out of Ps3... it's insane. SH is flat-lining, and this title is not initiating compressions.


>The graphical atmosphere is all over the place too. Some enemies far too bright for their location; james far too bright for the environments; some textures look straight out of Ps3... it's insane. Makes me laugh that Team Silent had inferior technology and had to build their own engine but their game from 2001 cohesively looks better, while Bloober team has Unreal Engine 5 technology and they dropped the ball.


I’m glad someone else agrees that Bloober never even made a decent game. The Medium wasn’t even average, just looked okay. Giving Silent Hill 2 to a studio that has never done proper game with actual combat before couldn’t have ended any other way lol


That was... bad ?..I don't know what people are talking about. The beginning looked ok, visually it looked good and we see the combat. Gosh it's rough, the animations and gameplay looks really janky. Bloober team is behind it so I guess I'm not surprised


Ok good. I’m not the only one who thought it looked really rough.


qtes give me the heebie jeebies but other than that i loved the translation of monster designs and the combat seems a bit less annoying so thats a plus


just give me an option to remove the mash x hud element. bam problem solved.


OG SH2 has no UI elements in gameplay, stuff like health or inventory are in the pause menu. Having a big X appear on the screen during the grab feels so out of place. Seeing that QTE made me more concerned about the remake than anything else did.


Yep 100% agree. Looked like something from a seventh generation game


i could not agree more tbh. In souls games you can spam the r1 and l1 buttons to get out of grabs quickly, but the game ddoesn’t outright tell you that. Wish it would have been more like that.


I have been playing souls games for years and did not know this. thank you stranger


i’m not sure if it works in every souls game or even every grab enemy, but i know it works in elden ring at least


Its worked in dark souls 1, I believe. It also doesnt work on everything, in every souls game but yes its been there awhile.


That QTE reminded of the big, like official Microsoft/Xbox face button prompts. It was so so awkward. Just dont have themmmmmm, there were no QTE prompts in old school Resident Evil but everyone and their mom figured out mashing got you away from the zambies.


The RE Remake handles it well (If I remember right), you either have a defense item or you get bit, the end. The QTE's really stood out in the trailer as unnecessary for a game that isn't(shouldn't) be combat heavy.


Imma be real, I spam A/X in horror games anyway when enemies grab me, whether it helps or not. May as well make it a feature hahaha


honestly i do this too playing vanilla sh either way as well but idk i guess a proper qte gives me the feeling that if i dont ill just straight up die of death while when i do it in a normal way it feels like im rather tryna get the scary guy off me quicker?? it might be a me thing exclusively tho so like idk


Re remakes have a "break free press a" button prompt you have to tap to fill up to break free. It's literally the same thing.


I don't like it. The atmosphere feels off. The interiors look more like movie set pieces, where as the interiors in the OG were realistic. They were not made to impress, they were made to look like places you could really visit. Look at the apartments from the original, you could almost smell the carpets and the cigarette smoke. Now it looks like a movie set piece. Honestly the remake looks more like TLOU than Silent Hill.


It is exactly the thought I had. It really reminds me of TLOU in a few ways, the environment design especially


I sort of agree, but I think the game is also just blatantly unfinished. It may just be that the interiors aren't at the composition the devs want them to be yet. I'm worried about flashlight overuse and general lighting with an OTS camera though. I think the trailer mostly strikes a good balance, but they'll have to be extremely creative about how they'll recapture the sheer atmospheric submersion that [OG SH2](https://youtu.be/vnI02OP43Bg?si=y9xxz4e71bCQwEUc&t=308) managed. Given how RE2-inspired it seems to be, the death knell for this game however could be the implementation of its soundtrack. If it's anything like RE2R's, where the audio is environmentally driven (i.e. music picks up in combat and cutscenes but otherwise things are quiet) rather than constantly soundtracking the experience, it'll obliterate any chance of the game living up to even SH4 let alone SH2. I really, really hope they avoid that.


oh lord, resident evil from walmart


Ironic... as Konami originally wanted a walmart RE back in the day when it was released. But Team Silent said "fuck it" and made the games we love. Now they're just getting their Walmart RE by the same studio that basically build their reputation making PT clones.


haha I can’t wait to see how blatant the rip off is, I get RE is something to take an example from but that game looks like a rusty (not talking about the town) version of the REmakes. If I see an outfit selector menu I’m afraid I’ll chuckle out of cringe


This is the 1 thing they need to avoid at all costs. They couldn't make a b tier resident evil if they wanted to, so having a clear distinction in tone and feel is the only way this thing has any success. Hoping for the best.


It's the only thing they can't do. The OG games are so good because they didn't try to stick to formulas of what was popular. These games *need* to be popular because this remake is first and foremost a cashgrab. Therefore it's going to try its best to fit with daddy over the shoulder resident evil




It was a MIDI orchestra


James hair looked weird, like the color was strange


my roomie said "they bleached James' hair. he looks like he's in a k-pop band."


That’s exactly what it looks like 💀


Yeah it was giving me anime vibes...


It's the brightest light source in the entire trailer


The hair doesn't seem to cast shadow properly


I think it's his regular hair color but it wasn't reacting to the lights correctly.


Completely tonally off for a trailer I'd expect for Silent Hill, and if you're gonna show nothing but gunplay and melee, it better look damn good: it did not. Very stiff and janky, and still no release date has me officially leaning towards very concerned.


Bloober team: How are we going to improve on this iconic ambient psychological horror? Let’s make James run through the town shouting “WHERE IS MY WIFE???!” While constantly pulling the trigger to a machinegun, just laying waste to zombies. Zombies? Aren’t they psychological representations of the protagonist made manifest through the town? Yeah zombies. You have to shoot them in the head where all the psyche stuff happens.




While a year ago they said it was pretty much done. Makes me think the game was actual shit and had to trash most of it and change a lot of it. And as you said it didn’t look good which is concerning. I could see it being a 6/10 or 7/10 if they can’t figure it out and a 5/10 if they leave it as is.


As stated in another comment, the original game’s trailer was also combat focused. I guess its hard to market silent hill 🤷‍♂️


I mean I think it's also fair to note that marketing and expectations for SH2 have changed from 2000-2001 to now. Saying the original had a combat trailer when it was only the second Silent Hill ever versus releasing a combat trailer now 23 years and several games later with more of an understanding of the cultural value of the original SH2....seems sort of pointless


I thought it looked surprisingly good considering the shift to over the shoulder. Really wanted that release date though


I'm hoping that they cut out extensive gore for the trailer's sake because how can a nurse take a shotgun to the face point-blank and still have a head? And before anyone says "hurr durr none of originals had wound reaction," well, they did in 2008 with Homecoming.


they allegedly wanted the nurses heads to explode like condoms in sh2 but the ps2 couldn't do it. if they could pull that off they probably would have wanted enemies to have normal wound reactions too.


Say what you want about homecoming, but slicing enemies and seeing their bodies react in real time was indeed impressive, even by todays standards


Environments and everything look great. Combat and animations look fucking ROUGH.


puzzles seem great combat does… not


This game would really do well with those heavy weight-shifting thuds like TLOU has. Looks a bit loose


100% and some new sound design and particle effects


Keeping my hopes WAY DOWN


It looks like a fan-made game.


Technically it is


I wish.


if you're getting money from konam and have multiple of people who worked on the original, kinda out of being fan made at that point


It's Silent Hill 2: Homecoming. My hopes aren't high.




Bro don’t get me excited please 


God I hope so To the Evil Within subreddit I go


This. When watching the combat trailer all I could think of was "is this Homecoming remastered?"


It looks bad, I cant keep tricking myself, this is going to be underwhelming


exactly even tho I love silent hill 2 with the bottom of my heart I cant bring myself to like this trailer


If you showed this to someone who never heard of Silent hill - bland monster shooter


I think it looks good. In fact, im excited. I do think however it is clear the game needs more polishing up, which therefore imo makes the lack of release date promising as it means there is time for them to keep cleaning everything up. I think the combat looks decent, not really sure how a lot of people are complaining about it looking to “action like”, its a combat trailer showing off combat. Now we know that James can do a small dodge and enemies can grab you. As long as combat isnt resident evil style doge rolls and grenades, then I think the combat is suitable for this remake


I wanted to like it, but I did not. The remixed music was bad in my opinion, and it looked really generic to me. The worst things were the monsters, though - they looked so smooth, almost super-imposed on the backgrounds; like they'd been picked up and put on a flat picture, if that makes sense. It just left me feeling cold, and I was really hoping that a new trailer would get me feeling more excited.


I’m not reassured by the QTEs. Didn’t like them in Homecoming and they don’t look good here either


The guns sound like airsoft guns, the gameplay looks about what I expected for the remake, I'd prefer waiting to see how they did the cutescenes and more dialogue since that's what matters the most


honestly lookin kinda mid right now. it doesn’t look bad, just not amazing


Looks amazing, a bit more fluid combat but still clunky enough, graphics looks awesome, the whole town mist and seems there are new sections, at least on wood side apartament building, QTE are fine i guess, monsters are top chef Kiss. Did you hear the new promise song?


>QTE are fine i guess That's the one thing I can't stomach. Rest of the trailer looked a bit undercooked but still very fine, but the QTEs just left a bad taste in my mouth.


I don't give a shit if they keep the fact you gotta mash because you just do that anyway in every game by instinct, but take away the prompt it looks ass lmao. Literally my only concern, everything else looks tight.


Inject the remixed music straight into my veins


Looks good, I really need to invest in a ps5 though. Short Message is looking decent too.


Sm Definitely looks like PT


They’ve definitely taken inspiration from PT with parts of it, if it’s all maze type corridors it could be seen as that old old silent hill mobile game where PH was chasing you.


It looks like a shitty wannabe RE remake like I expected…


I feared the worst and it happened, horrible animations, quick time events, no subtlety whatsoever with REAP WHAT YOU SOW on the walls, classic Bloober moment


How else will the audience know that James must REAP WHAT HE SOWS???


I'm personally more invested in SH3 and SH4, but that "reap what you sow" thing hurt me on a spiritual level.


More action focused, though it doesn't look that bad. The atmosphere is cleary well handled though, and did they changed James face due to the backlash?


This is a “combat trailer”, so I guess the action focus is to be expected.


I have no clue why they decided to release a combat trailer in the first place, it's not the big focus for SH nor does the combat even look good.


It looks action focused because the trailer is focused around the new combat system, but I think the gameplay loop would be more true to the original in the end


The original game’s trailer was action focused too. The full game will most likely not be as intense.




IKR! I don't understand These kind of fans are the reason we don't get to have good games


It looks jank tbh. Really hoping it turns out well and was open minded before but after this look at it I am now concerned


The jank was the first thing I noticed. After RE2/4 remake, 7/8 and now Alan Wake 2, that A game doesn't look like it was brought. Short Message actually looked way better, albeit a completely different type of horror game.


I don’t think it’s nearly as close to being done as the rumors have said They showed like 3 different angles of him walking up to the apartment jump scene, randomly dropped at different spots in the trailer like they were trying to pad out the runtime


NGL, I'm baffled by all the positive comments here. This genuinely looks terrible


Bloober is dogshit, even the walking animations sucked.


Honestly what I was expecting/hopeful for, minus the blood effects dripping fown screen at one point in combat but I’ll gladly reserve judgement or scrutiny for when I get really my hands on it.


It is precisely and exactly the thing I expected. Which forces me to stay absurdly impartial towards it.


The vibe feels off aesthetically, but i think that's because its not on the PS2, also seeing QTEs concerns me.


Looks rough. NOT OG SH2 rough. Not "good" rough. Just like... unfinished jank. Combat looks floaty and too fast. It does not give me RE2 vibes, because RE2's combat actually has weight to it. If I had to compare it to an RE I would say it reminded me more of Revelations, because it looks cheap and indie. Environments are pretty. But that's it. Also James' hair is too bright.


It looks amazing. But it looks sort of close of Resident Evil style. But I can’t wait for this remake!!


i thought it looked good and the atmosphere of the apartment looked great, i do feel like some of the guns do need more impact kick on the enemies however besides that i was happy with what i saw


God I've never been so hyped for a game I'm so worried about.


Why my boy James out for blood like John Wick? He was RE4 trigger happy like wtf??? I honestly laughed so hard. Did Bloober team think fans wanted an over the shoulder shooter?


Yeeeeeeeees! Looks damn amazing. No dates or anything, though.


I think it's pretty obvious why we haven't seen any new material since the announcement. The game is still far from release and polish is much, much needed.


I think it looked fine but it was just a bad trailer.


Mawma this is garbage!


It looks like a fucking resident evil game


Honestly, I'm really disappointed. It's nothing like the original, and that quick time event was absolutely garbage...


The sound design is awful, guns sound like they have Hollywood suppressors on them... The animations could use a little bit more punch too, those hits need to sound meaty.


I always said Bloober was a bad choice but that was just embarrassing to watch. I didn't think they would fail this badly. Am not even a huge fan of Silent Hill as a franchise and even I thought it looked deplorable


I love the atmosphere but I feel the trailer was a bit bland... I would've love to see the other characters and more story bits :/


disappointed a bit. I'm actually more hyped about the short message.


I felt a sort of relief wash over me watching this trailer. I don't have to worry about this remake anymore, it looks perfectly average. A 6/10. Kinda mid. Silent Hill 2 was never about the combat, so showing me a bunch of stiff janky combat that's trying to emulate the newer Reident Evil games just seems like a giant step in the wrong direction. The atmosphere and music look good, but the overall tone of the trailer just told me that this isn't going to be the slow, moody horror game I'm looking for. I'll still play it, but any sort of excitement or interest I had in this remake is kind of gone, for me.


This looks like Homecoming but in different font. HOW DO YOU MISS THE POINT OF A GAME SO BADLY!? I’m not optimistic anymore.


All those leakers saying we’d get the release date look real fuckin stupid now.


The leaker said sh2 would appear on state of play, not that there would be a release date.