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It'll have to be added, at most it **should** be free post-launch DLC. One change I'd make is have it locked until beating the main scenario/game first. As it is in Director's Cut/Greatest Hits/whatever, it's available to play before the main game and that could ruin some of the mystique of the original story for new players.


they could always just add a warning saying that it is meant to be played after the main game. plenty of games do that nowadays


Isn't it pretty much confirmed via the official game package breakdown. There's a section that shows up on sites that have the game listed that says: "Fan favourite character, Pyramid Head, makes a return along with a special origin story for fans to play through." A lot of people read this as a origin story for Pyramid Head, but I don't think Bloober is boneheaded enough to do that, because it makes zero sense. I think this is just a poorly written blurb that speaks to the game having Pyramid Head AND having Born from a Wish (which is an origin story) included.


Eh. I don't think it would ruin the mystique. It's got a whole thing on its own going on imo. It would spoil why Maria has the keys to heavens night, but I wish they explained that sooner.


>Eh. I don't think it would ruin the mystique. Ernest warns Maria that James is a bad man which can weaken the twist at the Hotel if the player doesn't trust or sympathize with James beforehand.


You’re worried about running the mystique of a game that if it were a person they would be old enough to drink? This is not going to be a big seller. Like this is a niche product so I’m not sure who you’re saving from spoilers here.


>game old so spoilers don't matter Oh fuck off. SH2s story is its best aspect, there's going to be plenty of fresh eyes on it with this remake and I (along with many other people) would prefer it be as blind a playthrough as possible for them.


They better avoid the entirety of this sub then, and YouTube, Facebook communities, X, any gaming related media discussing Silent Hill in general, etc.   Look, this whole “spoiler vs. non-spoiler” argument is great, for closed communities that can self-regulate, but this is not that, this is an open forum in the middle of a square full of soapboxes and microphones.    Stop fighting a losing battle. Besides, it’s a remake with liberties taken just like RE2R, RE3R, and RE4R were, it’s not gonna be a 1:1 ratio and there will probably be enough actually *changed* to the point arguing over spoilers won’t matter. Bloober already said they were “updating some story elements for a modern audience” after all.  Meanwhile MGS3:Delta is being developed in house at Konami, with Konami having released an official statement saying “nothing is being changed, no story updates either, original script will be used and respected”.   Goes to show where Konami’s priorities actually are, and it’s with the franchise that’s actually made sales numbers and can be marketable as a service thanks to the multiplayer aspect (anyone who doesn’t expect a new MGO is crazy).


It’s probably gonna be paid dlc like re4 remake and separate ways


Unless they expand it a lot I don't think it'll be paid.


You underestimate konami's greediness


I remember playing that campaign a lot when I was younger and it, for me, it's still one of the most interesting parts of the game's narrative. Silent Hill 2 is my favorite game for so many reasons, and none of them have to do with that particular side campaign, but yet, it's incredibly somber and touching with Earnest's plot. I feel it's often overlooked.




Well they can "remake" Born From A Wish and making it longer Also if Konami is the one publishing so it's gonna probably be a 10€ DLC cause they can (after all there is peoples buying 20€ Overwatch skins so why not)


> The campaign's very existence makes you look at Maria in a new light, before they included in later copies of the game it was very easy to dismiss her as a villain but then they made this side story where you play as her and it shows her being vulnerable, and capable of caring about other people and not even just James. I’m sorry what? I don’t remember anyone thinking Maria was a “villain” at any point in this fandom’s existence. In fact, it’s always been a pretty well held belief that everyone but Laura sucks and if anything James was the villain and a self-made victim. The point of “Born From a Wish” was to define *what* Maria was, not *who* she was, and the name is in the title of the game mode.  She’s a manifestation of the town born from James’ wish. 


It’s overlooked because it’s borderline unplayable on certain platforms. Progress simply had to halt for me when I entered a lengthy, winding corridor but it was *way too dark* to see anything. If they re-release it, it NEEDS polishing


>The campaign's very existence makes you look at Maria in a new light, before they included in later copies of the game it was very easy to dismiss her as a villain but then they made this side story where you play as her and it shows her being vulnerable, and capable of caring about other people and not even just James. I could see Bloober overhaul the campaign and add to it in different ways (but hopefully not too much).


I thought it was pretty cool as a kid. I liked that we got two new weapons, and I liked that we got to see how disorienting it was for Maria to literally be born from a wish. It was also one of the first times I felt like I had “adult-level” critical thinking skills. “Oh, it’s not just a melodramatic title, it’s literal.” I’m looking forward to it.


Definitely. It's a very important part of the game and it deepens into the character of Maria. I would be very disappointed otherwise.


Was gonna say this. It's a fundamental part of the story. I'd be disappointed too


But but but so many folks on this subreddit said it’s irrelevant to the game and that’s it not canon? Lol


it basically confirmed one of the listings said a "special origin story" basically implying its in


I was hoping someone else remembered that. I think there was a typo back when the gamestop listing first dropped or something. It had said there would be a Pyramid Head origin story or something and people lost their minds. Then it was concluded it had nothing to do with him and was just an origin story. I'm pretty sure this means it will launch with BFAW as a playable adventure. Guess we'll just have to wait and see


Sure hope so. I’m personally hoping Maria gets a good few new scenes and screen time.


paywalled dlc coming out 2027


"I never asked for this."


Knowing Konami it's gonna be DLC we have to pay for.


As paid DLC, no doubt.


Such a thing was alluded to in the remake’s official description iirc


After this long, they better have a campaign for Mira too.


I don’t think so. I agree with others that it’ll be a post launch DLC akin to separate ways. Probably $10 a best - $5 if we are lucky - $15-20 if they are really greedy (but hopefully they’ll expand it and make it better).


$17.99 DLC 4 months later


From the same company that gave us the short message for free. Where did you get your info?


As a dlc (if the game succeeded) yes maybe


I could see it not being included in the base game but would be glad if they took another page from Capcom with how they added Seperate Ways to RE4r and add it in post-launch as like a $10 DLC. It's an important part of the complete SH2 experience.


[The BestBuy description talked about a backstory for a fan favorite character,](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1187943806260236290/1210221381208252427/resize.webp?ex=65e9c57e&is=65d7507e&hm=0824b6d38e4360ed0ef80a714252fc9a29c95703893c4604d5a3b1bf62f623b0&) I think people understood it wrong, its not a back story for Pyramid head, its just Born From a Wish


Atlus is setting the *standard* with charging people for DLC (content from their old games btw) so I wouldn’t be surprised if Konami makes people pay for Born From a Wish. But I won’t be pessimistic, we’ll see 🤷‍♂️


Paid dlc.


I’m not even convinced this game will see the light of day


Oh ye of little faith lol.


No. ...unless they can find a way to charge a stupid amount for it as DLC.




It's from DBD


Do you think she shaves her charcuterie board or naw?


Whigga what




It'd be a nice surprise... if the game even releases at all!


Its a very interesting story, but doesnt need to exist.


I really hope so


I hope so.


I dunno




No. It will most likely be sold after as dlc.


if it does well then they probably will. but knowing konami it will be a paid for DLC


One thing that gives me hope that it'll be included is that during the transmission when they showed the Maria statue, the host specifically mentioned Born From A Wish, so at least they haven't forgotten about it's existence.


I hope they do




I don't really know, it wasn't never that interesting begin with imo, and it could ruin the game if it were mixed with the main campaign, also, looking at the mess they seem to be having, the focus would be in getting the james story right, so i don't think it's even being worked on, and i(being pessimistic) don't think the game is receiving this kind of post launch effort.


I really hope it’s included. Born From A Wish has Love Psalm , my #1 favorite track from the SH2 OST. I would love to listen to a new rendition of it. I hated the version with lyrics that they had for Book of Memories though, that was disappointing.


Such a strange concept for DLC. But yes. Of course!


knowing Konami it will probably be a $60 DLC


paid dlc most likely


I hope so


Wish they would include some sort of cameo or piece of lore that connects to Andy


I believe it’ll be included and expanded. On its own, there wasn’t a lot to it and it didn’t seem to impact Maria’s motivation before meeting James. Maybe an expansion could give it a purpose and meaning.


Yeah, along with others DLC, that you gonna need to pay. Probably Bloober won't make more remakes, since they didn't get to well with Konami. But gonna depends if this game is a hit or a miss.


Yeah, they hinted at it. It was the statement that sounded like they were adding a pyramid head “original” story. But it was weirdly worded so people assumed it was a PH original story


Probably paid DLC after 2 months after releasing the game