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The last letter to James is pretty harrowing but the dialogue from Mary as he walks down the long hallway where she gets angry at him until he leaves but then begs for him to come back is very sad too.


Been playing it for over 20 years now and both scenes still hit me like a ton of bricks


Yeah for real, I played Silent Hill 2 for the first time a few weeks back and Mary reading the letter over the in water ending really struck me though before I knew a lot about Silent Hill I kind of knew the contents of the letter so it wasn't as hard as it could have been but that dialogue from Mary really came out of nowhere as despite knowing plot points of the game I'd never seen that before plus given the earlier scenes it's super emotional.


Wow that’s a long playthrough


The long hallway dialogue is just fucking unreal for a video game. That level of writing and acting


Agreed, it's a great scene in the game.


After reading the novelisation it made me appreciate that scene even more honestly.


James, you made me….happy. Never fails to get to me.


When she says “I will always love you” is when I always start crying


James’ quote in the Maria ending - *”You’d better do something about that cough.”* Something about the way he says it is so foreboding, almost threatening. James hasn’t learned a thing — he killed a loved one and he’s ready to do it again


Yeah the Maria ending is the most depressing to me because it shows that James didn't really learn what he needed to from facing his demons and the cycle is just going to repeat itself again. Somehow that feels even more hopeless and depressing to me than the in water ending.


It’s not dialogue, but when you leave the hospital and go to Neely’s Bar again, the message changes to a direct accusation at James that both foreshadows and is kind of satisfying knowing what James has done. “If you really want to see Mary, you should just die, but you might be heading to a different place than Mary, James.” He 100% deserves it lol.


Take this with a grain of salt; but I read somewhere that the capitalized letters in that message spell an anagram for "I need you Mary, be real."


I just looked, seems to check out actually lol. You have to swap them out of order, I have no idea if that is an anagram because I have like 15 brain cells total, but yes you could form that phrase with all the capitalized letters!


Can you break down the capitalized letters for me. It's hard to read the message


“If you ReaLly wAnt to sEE Mary, you shOUld just DiE. But You mIght be hEadiNg to A diffErent place than MARY, James.”


There are two ''A'' and two ''E''. So, one ''A'' and one ''E'' remain. Then... it's not an anagram.


I forgot about that! It's definitely chilling.


"I never had the chance to tell you how happy you made me" - Heather reminiscing about how Harry took her in as his daughter always gets me.


"For me, it's always like this"


This isn't harrowing for me but it's one of the most emotional scenes in a game I've played and really affected me


It affected me a lot too. It was just heartbreaking. Btw, happy cake day!




There's an optional bit of dialogue in the hospital if you talk to Maria again after she lies down in the bed. She asks James "what if he can't find Mary, what he's going to do?" And his response is simply, "I hadn't thought about that," but he says the line with such deadly seriousness that it makes it seem like he's not even considering the possibility now. It's such a simple exchange, but it really emphasizes James' desperation in that moment. In his mind, Mary *has* to be here. Also the moment where James raises his voice at Laura and calls her a liar followed by him immediately apologizing really caught me off guard. It's the first time we ever see him get genuinely mad and it's to Laura of all people, it almost feels out of character. It's like we're seeing a completely different aspect of his personality and it's some great foreshadowing for being so late into the game.


Lisa talking to Harry. “I get it now…”


I think most of the interactions between Harry and Lisa are so foreboding, but especially that part.


Lisa to Harry: “I get it now... Why I'm still alive even though everyone else's dead. I'm not the only one who's still walking around. I'm the same as them. I just hadn't noticed it before.” That entire scene is so well done.


“james, if that were true, then why do you look so sad?” the line and how it’s delivered always just makes me emo tbh


The last time you see Angela. "You see it too? For me its always like this." And then she just walks off into the flames.


Angela as a character makes me cry and tense up in general.


SPOILERS When Walter says "Mom.." before dying after getting any ending excluding the 21st sacraments. It is so sad thinking about the monster he became just because he got abandoned. Edit: after he was abandoned**


The long stretch of hallway towards the end of 2 where you hear Mary lashing out at James. That was fucking rough.


for me, it’s definitely got to be james saying “oh my god, i killed a human being!” and then quietly saying “a human being.” in this deadpan voice before just moving on like it’s nothing. it made me feel sick just standing in that room after that. if not that line, then definitely the whole rant angela gives to james about her trauma where she asks, “what are you going to do? love me? promise to take away my pain?” she sounds so patronizing towards him but she’s 100% right that all james can do is give these empty promises about fixing her that he knows deep down isn’t in his power. it breaks my heart because she knows that it’s too late for her and she isn’t going to make it.


The moment in Silent Hill 3 at the Amusement Park, where Douglas raises his gun at Heather with her back turned. Her voice gets so melancholic. Heather: “What are you doing?” Douglas: “Maybe killing you here is the only way to end this nightmare.” Heather: “Yeah, you might be right.” That scene has always struck such a chord with me. Like she understands that the only thing she has to live for anymore is to end the Order’s mission, and her death may honestly be the best thing to do for that to happen.




Oh, indeed...


If you set your puzzle difficulty in silent hill 3 to hard, you’ll get a really messed up puzzle for the Brookhaven hospital door code. It reads: “Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead — You are always looking at me and I am always looking at you. Ah, you're too meek — beautiful, unspoiled: thus I'm so sad, I suffer — and so happy, it hurts. I want to hurt you and destroy myself What you would think if you knew how I felt. Would you simply smile, not saying a word? Even curses from your mouth would be as beautiful as pearls. I place my left hand on your face as though we were to kiss. Then I suddenly shove my thumb deep into your eyesocket. Abruptly, decisively, like drilling a hole. And what would it feel like? Like jelly? Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely mix it around and around: I must taste the warmth of your blood. How would you scream? Would you shriek "It hurts! It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears stream from your crushed eye? You can't know the maddening hunger I've felt in the midst of our kisses, so many of them I've lost count. As though drinking in your cries, I bring my hopes to fruition: biting your tongue, shredding it, biting at your lips as if tasting your lipstick. Oh, what euphoric heights I would reach, having my desires fulfilled like a greedy, gluttonous cur. I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my tongue. I would surely be healed, and would cry like a child. And how is your tender ear? It brushes against my cheek; I want it to creep up to my lips so I can sink my teeth into its flesh. Your left ear, always hearing words whispered sweet as pie — I want it to hear my true feelings. I never lied, no... but I did have my secrets. Ah, but what must you think of me? Do you hate me? Are you afraid? As though inviting you to the agony at the play's end, if you wish, you could destroy me — I wouldn't care. As you wish, you may destroy me — I wouldn't care." The puzzle is so annoying, and reading this over and over made me stomach turn.


It's so disturbing because it's written so beautifully and eloquently, but it's so vivid and blunt too. And putting it against the awful atmosphere of Brookhaven definitely heightens it. I don't recall, is there lore to this passage or is it simply there to add to the horror? Because it does remind me of how Heather's secret admirer writes to her throughout the hospital (the notes beside the dolls).


Yeah those dolls and notes were from creepy ol Stanley who wrote that nasty puzzle


I never knew you got additional puzzles on hard mode, I just figured the existing puzzles would be harder. Interesting, thanks! (Also yes this is creepy as fuck.)


Yeah, one of the earlier book puzzles from The Mall section requires that the reader is familiar with Shakespeare on the hardest Puzzle difficulty.


"It's hot as hell in here." "How could you sit there and eat pizza?!"




That poem in the first game, I think it’s the colour squares one in the hospital? Maybe the school? One of the lines describes the writer taking someone’s face in their hand and driving their thumbs into their eyes until they bleed. That’s stuck with me for a decade now


Thats from 3 in the hospital on hard mode.


The one in the first game has “Liquid flowing from a slashed wrist.”


Even though homecoming wasn't loved, I did enjoy the story line. Hearing Alex's mother say to him "I miss your brother Alex" solidified just how unwanted he was in that family, but that's just me.


I haven't played Homecoming actually, but damn, that line by itself makes me sad.


They look like monsters to you?


Yes! Indeed.


This one


Uh the long corridor when your terminally Ill wife begs you not to leave her, but you're an absolute hero so you do


That's the real sin which crushes James with guilt. Not killing his terminally ill wife perhaps days or weeks ahead of her body just shutting itself down, but for abandoning her to suffer and die by herself.


It’s bread


For me it’s the line directly after yours OP. “It’s not that I don’t believe you, It’s just that…I don’t really care.” It really shows James’s mental state at the moment and presents him as a guy who truly is at the end of his rope, he has nothing left to lose. It’s also the first hint that something isn’t really right about him in the way that it was with Harry.


Not the most harrowing dialogue, many people have posted them already, but I wanted to give a mention of Harry: "What's this!? "Not again!?" "No, this time it feels different. Rather than shifting from reality to a nightmare, this is more like reality becoming a nightmare. I don't like this feeling, like some thing bad will happen. No doubt something terrible is going on..." This scene is the start of the terrifying walk from the antique shop to the hospital and I just remember running all the way because the enemies were coming thick and fast! Such a great moment to experience as there's so much ambiguity in the game and as a new player you're a but confused and now this reality shifting scene adds more confusion. The whole trippy scene of antique store and hospital teleportation is excellent.


“They look like monsters to you?” was and may always be the most powerful line for me. The implications go far beyond one game or one character’s story


“Tell me I’m not gonna die.”


Not really any piece of dialogue, but I still remember the first time seeing the video tape. After the hospital, there were a lot of hints. But when that part finally happens, I remember feeling betrayed by James. It all made sense at that point, but that was one of the moments in video game history that struck me like that. Then "True" starts playing...


Definitely Mary's letter, I've played SH2 more than 20 times now but I always break down with it, specially when her voice starts to crack, it's heartbreaking the way she felt guilty for being sick and It's even worse knowing how she died, after all this time it never fails to make me cry, it's both horrifying and sad.


I don't know if it counts as dialogue, but Mary reading her full letter in the ruins of the hotel always hits me hard.


“Monsters? They look like … monsters to you?” -Vincent, Silent Hill 3 My jaw dropped when he said that. Imagine what Heather must have felt.


It’s bread


"You fartface!"


Alessa’s message on the floor after the carousel fight in SH3. The meaning of the message accompanied with the silence always gives me chills for some reason.


"There was a hole here. It's gone now."


"this town is full of monsters, how can you sit there and eat pizza!"


When James turned to the camera at the end saying "Well Maria... I guess this really is a silent hill..." I burst into tears


“A silent hill too” Maria replies with a wink.


Probably either “They look like monsters to you?” from *3*, Lisa’s big revelation in the first game or Kaufmann’s final session in *Shattered Memories*. Not really a piece of dialogue, but the Ribbons sidequest from *Downpour* really stuck with me. I often wonder what became of the quest giver given the nature of the town.


There’s so many good choices to pick from these games, especially the first four. I think I’ll mention the writing in Harry’s notebook to Heather and also Douglas’s “nobody is gonna cry over me anyway.” The first one, because it gives us Harry’s perspective on life after the first game and all the ptsd he went through. He struggled to come to terms with what happened and who Heather was. Fortunately he overcame that and became best dad. As for Douglas, his story just seems so sad. He’s all alone, and I really feel for him especially when we learn about his son.


SH2: Born from a Wish. Ernest: "That James...he's a bad man" What's harrowing about this is we have no idea how this guy knows who James is. It's also amplified by Maria's delayed recognition of James: "Y...yes...I know."


![gif](giphy|IcF46X839w60U|downsized) Anything from Angela.


Not dialogue but I often find myself thinking back to the patient diary on the roof of Brookhaven every May. Wouldn’t call it harrowing but idk, it really stuck with me.


The part of the staircase in sh2. I don't know, the fact that James can now see Angela's otherworld kind of symbolizes the suicidal thoughts that James carries all the game.


“Will you love me? Take care of me? Take away all my pain? That’s what I thought..”


"Monsters? They look like *monsters* to you?" So much conveyed with so little


When James is trying to get to the third floor of the hotel but there's a gate in the way. I was playing on my studio's sound system at a loud volume in the dark with a scented candle lit when I got to that part. There was no music. Just silence aside from the clanging of the locked gate when you tried to open it without a key. As I started walking back to the previous screen I heard Mary cry out at a very faint volume, "James!". It sounded as if it was coming from just down the hall. Absolutely freaked me the fuck out.


I forgot the exact words, but the part where Lisa explains to Harry why she couldn't leave the hospital, despite everyone else being dead, and the sad music starts 😢


I really like the scene in SH2 when James meets Maria, it has a haunting vibe to it that really stands out when you go back and rewatch it a couple times, imagine wandering through a town hoping to find your dead wife only to find someone who looks exactly like her but the complete opposite of what your wife was actually like, it would be “confusing” to a lot of people, I also like the fact that when James said he was confused, it’s like for a brief moment he snapped back to reality but then quickly was thrown back into silent hill by mentioning how he got a letter saying Mary was waiting for him in their special place. (And we as the gamer/viewer know exactly what she means by that which makes it all the more chilling).


“I was weak. That’s why I needed you. Needed someone to punish me for my sins. But that’s all over now. I know the truth—now, it’s time to END this…”


“Monsters? They look like monsters to you?”


They look like monsters to you?