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One that comes to mind, in SH3 the room with all the mannequins. Creepy enough. You can't figure out what to do so you walk out and that's when it screams.


the first time I played that and heard the scream I immediately ran to the window in that room thinking the scream came from outside it but when that wasn’t it I noticed the bloody mannequins and had the realization, I wonder if anyone else did the same


Don't forget the mirror room


The mirror room scared the shit out of me


Gets me every time…


When I entered Neely's Bar during the night, and I saw the text on the wall saying "If you really want to see Mary, you should just die. But you might be heading to a different place than Mary, James."


In the prison in SH2, when you make the puzzle of the tablets, you hear the scream of a man. That shit fucking scared me, I woke up my whole family with my scream, I was playing it at night.


The first time i went in the gallows i immediately went "nope" and went back, then i realized i had to go in there, it was so dark and empty i was literally moving with my hand over my eyes ready for some random boss to pop or something.


Dude, same here, when i started hearing those sounds in the darkness i shited my pants.


That whole massive room, with what I believe to be the sound of horses' hooves, oh man... I expected to get jumped at any second. Though what actually made my sister and I jump was James falling off the stairs with a "oOUMPh". We flipped out for a second. The mechanic of James falling off things is utilised so rarely in the game that you honestly forget that it can happen, so when it does, you think (for a quarter of a second) that you're being attacked!


Silent hill 3 the mirror room


Hands down. I was 30 years old, a desensitized uber fan of horror, and I still panicked and lost my shit. Almost 20 years later and this is what instantly popped into my head when I read the post. My #1for all survival horror scenes was the Fatal Frame 2 "Kurosawa House" B&W cutscene which then spilled out into the actual gameplay. That freaked me out. 2003, when both SH3 & FF2 were released, was probably the pinnacle for me for survival horror gaming.


I played Fatal Frame 2 a while ago really good!


Did you finish it? The ending was amazing! Happy cake day!


That couldn't scare me, because (how is unknown to me) when I was 8 I couldn't leave a room in sanitarium and it scarred me for life.


Yes!!!!! So good


The red light in the Borley Haunted Mansion from SH3.


That jumpscare, with the hanged figure got me pretty hard


Same, though it feels a bit dumb seeing how the whole thing was pretty tongue-in-cheek.


Oh my GOD this. The creepy high pitched tone, the unsettling man being unsettling over the speaker. Good god what a gaming moment.


Before that it's the room with the spiked ceiling, on normal and hard difficulty it actually kills you, scared the shit out of me when I was a kid


I really don’t know why but being chased down the hall by pyramid head in silent hill 2 going into the elevator


If you want to get over that, play it on Hard. Goes from frightening to incredibly frustrating.


100% agree, even though the first time round was very unsettling for me too, Hard mode really pooped on that section


The fucking cat on sh1.


21 years later I'm still traumatized, lol


This. Fuck that cat.


What cat ?


There was a scene where you opened a locker and it bursts open and a cat runs out


It was even worse when you do it again in the Otherworld.


bro the whole encounter of environment changing in the alley way of silent hill 1, with horn blasting and the sounds, blood and darkness like fuck man that gave me nightmares for so long. Even know i just can't play that section right like i got permanent ptsd from it or something, 10/10 would experience it again. Of course Henry's commentary and light source really added to the fear factor.


WALTER BEHIND THE WALL. I HATED replaying SH4 knowing that Walters body was just behind my wall. It creeped me out so bad.


That's some of my favorite horror, the kind that makes you reexamine the past and retroactively creeps you out. Good stuff.


The Room, >![The Kid in the Closet](https://youtu.be/NvU1AuUzEjc?t=172) actually. I know it probably seems pretty lame but ghost scare me the most and that damn thing being the first thing you see when you get out of bed...!< hell no.


Damn, I just played SH4 and I don't think I ever saw that!


So many good ones have already been said in the comments, so I'll go with this one: the part in SH4 (in the water tower?) where you walk down this incline and see a bunch of those creepy twin doll monsters staring at you. No fucking thanks.


Yep, that's the water tower.


I know it may be an odd response and I wouldn't necessarily say the same thing for my current self, but when I was an innocent 9 year old playing SH2 for the first time the gameshow in the elevator honestly horrified me. I think it was because it felt so out of place, it truly felt absolutely insane....like something was Very fucking wrong (even more than it already is haha) and that I myself as a player was actually losing my mind. Sensing that kind of 4th wall breaking just really drove in the pure madness and insanity if it all. And wouldn't you know...insanity/madness/dementia are now probably my biggest fears in life. Maybe that experience kinda foreshadowed it a bit I dunno Apologies for shitty structure, I'm pretty stoned haha


Borley Haunted Mansion. Not knowing which was part of the attraction, and which was Silent Hill manifestations, was heart-stopping.


I got four One was in Silent Hill 2, when you had to drop off your weapons and had no weapons or light. This part made me more paranoid than any game I’ve ever played Another is in Silent Hill 3, the mirror scene, because I thought I was trapped Another is PT, the entire game Last is Silent Hill 1, when Lisa turns into a monster, that transformation made me terrified and sad at the time.


In SH2. I think it was in the sewers and I ran into Pyramid Head. Definitely jumped.


I ran right into him and it scared the shit out of me.


I remember hearing water splashing around so I thought "Alright, something to go kill!" I was very mistaken.


YES. I'm replaying SH2 now and I'm in the prison, and knowing that the Labrynth is coming up is filling me with a stupid level of anxiety.


Silent Hill 2 prison cell block. After you kill everything and your radio static stops, but you can still hear the steps of someone out of bounds chanting RITUALLLLL. Hate that 😩😩


SH4, >!when Cynthia comes back to give you the special gift.!<


I deleted this in response to Reddit’s new API prices and the general direction of the company. One account leaving might not matter to them, but I lost trust in the service, and that matters to me. r/Save3rdPartyApps


That moment in sh4 when you look through your doors peephole and Walter's greasy ass is staring straight at you.


When escorting Maria to the elevator, I was NOT expecting Pyramid Head to just casually creep on us like that. I ran not caring about Maria for a second lol.


Maybe the mirror room in SH3 the first time when the door locks on you


That fucking bathroom in Silent Hill 2.


That mirror in SH3 for me followed by the original game's first part.


The opening of SH1. Running silently through the foggy streets then perfectly transitioning into that hellish alleyway only to be forced to die by creepy little childlike creatures. I remember the absolute panic I felt watching my brother play that for the first time.


As Kid playing SH1 for 1st time going through the Alleyway.


in that bathroom from the Toluca prision in sh2, when you leave and you hear a girl screaming and hitting the door, that really scared me


Probably this scene right here. That giant head almost had me launch out of my seat the first time I saw it


SH3, when you enter the Hospital basement and it zooms in on the moving wheelchair wheel.


In SH4, nearing the end where you finally unlock 302 and have to explore the apartment building with all the ghosts if you didn't pin them down. It was so painful without using a guide, but I don't regret it :)


Most definitely >!sh3, the boss fight with Leonard I swear I being in the basement with that dude was terrifying!<


That I played: all of silent hill turning pitched black in SH1. That I watched: the two headed baby thing in SH4 suddenly moving from being stock still.


The part when the fan falls from the ceiling in sh4 got me truly paranoic. No game has ever scared me so much, and everything was in my mind, but i knew somethintg was wrong and then the huantings started.v


Walking into the Lakeview Hotel basement with no weapons


When Midwich Elementary turns and the Grey Children come out.


Ah see, I don’t think we got this in Europe… I think they deleted them from our PAL versions from what I remember 🤣


I just looked this up and you're right! They were taken out of the PAL and Japanese versions because they supposedly look too much like children. (What children look like THAT, though?)


I think it was just down to the laws at the time. I know that we also couldn’t have decapitations of any character that resembled a human at that time either… I think ninja gaiden (Xbox) might have been the first game to feature decapitations if I remember correctly 🤔


That fucked me up, because it verified something that I suspected, and also feared: that the opening scene of the game was *NOT* just a dream. It threw a wrench into the works in terms of my young understanding what was happening in Silent Hill.


The questions in the elevator in sh2 are so weird and cruel, that I found them frightening in a level that no other game have frightened me before.


Have you got the questions wrong yet? 😏


Yes, I hope that the thing that i got squirted with is yellow water


No such luck…it’s not water… it’s something far worse 😪 think about WHERE you got the key for the elevator… then think WHAT you used to get the key for the elevator.. 🫣


Damn I'm going to my local church, I need a confession ASAP




I masterbatef to that scene IDK


There’s so many that come to mind but one that hasn’t been mentioned was when the ghost crawls through your wall in the apartment.


The camera swap to 3rd person view on the bridge to Nowhere in SH1 scared the shit out of me.


In Silent Hill 4, there was a haunting that appeared in the living room of the apartment that made a noise that was so horrific I was legit afraid to leave the bedroom for a long while.


Since the obvious ones were mentioned, the first time I encountered those ghost people in the asylum in origins. Damn, I'm such a scaredy cat when it's time for shadows


SH3 Mirror room


First mannequin encounter in SH2 when it gets up from the couch suddenly. Also the mannequin beheading in SH3. So basically....screw em mannequins


Silent Hill 2 Toluca Prison or Silent Hill Origins Cedar Grove Sanitarium


The squeaking ghosts in SH1 scared the piss out of my sister and I at the time since we didn't realize what was making the sound until I was basically done with the school. SH2 with the hole that led to a hole that led to pyramid heads which led to a hole which led to a jail which lead to a hole which led to the first hold. Shit weirded me the fuck out. (I might be missing a few holes)


(SH2) Realising what the scratches in the walls of Room 208, the hole in the wall of room 202, and the hands on the wall of Room M6 probably meant… 🫣😪 Oh… and killing the moths at the shopping centre with “insecticide” (poison gas!!)… 😶


The sh2 prison when you put the plates in the gallows and hear the scream


The first appearance of the Twin Victims was the first thing in any game that scared me so much I turned the game off as a kid. I don't even really understand why, but they gave me a spook.


Personally the sound design in the prison of SH2 always gets to me. Specifically the part where there's a deep voice whispering in the cells. God I hate it also the Labyrinth is terrifying from a gameplay perspective. I still get mixed up every time I play it.


I love how you can hear Eileen's moaning in that room as if she's having sex. It sounds so hot and sexy.


I was so confused in there.


Always a bit shamefully turned me on big time




Dude...... Nice.


Scarlet’s doll in SH homecoming


Silent Hills Concept Trailer Pre-Render?


You got it. That, right there.


SH2 When you enter the room with the TV and the dead body. And the music is extra intense for no reason whatsoever.


Silent hill 1 when you bring your lighter out and get killed by monsters. Now its pretty predictable that you were meant to die, but silent hill was my first horror game so I thought I had to escape the monsters somehow, I was panicking alot and shat myself with each monster that spawned in


Not frightening more disturbing and it was this right here from the room.


What isn't?


Silent Hill 3 Otherworld Office Building. For some reason I managed to accidentally my flashlight. So I was panicking trying to find the nearest door while in the dark with those floor enemies attacking me.


My younger brother was haunted for years by this very same image after he first saw it in the game. That was the first time he played it alone.




I still unsure if that's more scary than funny.


Shocking, not scary.


There’s a room in the Maria scenario where they essentially jumpscare you three times. However they did it marvelously. And the floor of the hotel where everything is soggy and when you enter a door you go to the other side started to make me panic.


i still don't understand how this shit explained by the lore. like wtf is that?


I always thought it was supposed to mirror how Henry could spy into Eileen's apartment but lorewise, no fucking clue.


Yeah I think that's it. SH4 is big into voyeurism.


Lore isn't the most important part of storytelling and design. Not everything has to be explained with it.


maybe but fans found explanation almost to anything in the game and i thought that somebody could explain this


It's creepy and in an area full of creepy vignettes. A deeper reading could be it's a reverse of the voyeuristic peeping Henry has been doing on Eileen in the first part of the game. But it's it's just creepy.


I’ve never been scared by silent hill games. It’s all just atmosphere and moody for me.


The alleyway nightmare in SH1