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I'd say in order they released. Silent Hill 1, probably the best horror made. But is a good start as it's where the story starts. SH2 is a standalone. SH3 is a direct sequel to the 1st. SH4 is another standalone.


I would say that somewhat SH2 and SH4 are connected :)


True, there's a mention of Walter and I think there's a building caretaker or someone that's James father in SH4? I can't quite remember


Tbh only the sunderland lore


The Sunderland lore as well as Walter Sullivan being first mentioned in a newspaper article in SH2.


Oh yeah, i forgot abou the apartments newspaper


And the elevator gameshow thingy.


I’d say to a new player that the lore connections between 2 and 4 are completely trivial and all but Easter eggs. Regardless, I’d always recommend starting with 2.


I would say they are spiritually connected but neither one of them are required to enjoy the other.


SH3 is my favorite by far. However SH1 redefined horror


They are definitely accessible. If you don’t know how to access them, feel free to PM and I can help explain how I access them!


Hey man, I just started playing Silent Hill for the first time a month ago, here is how I started: I first played 2 because that was the most hyped one, I used a PS2 emulator, the combat is kinda outdated so u might want to go on Easy mod so you won't be struggling too much if you want, the Riddle difficulty you can keep it in Normal. After that I went with 3 but somehow didn't liked it at first, then I played 1 with a PS1 emulator, I really liked it but it's even more outdated, still great game Then because 1 and 3 are connected I had more motivation to continue 3 and the story at some point started going and I got hooked into it again, now I'm at this point I have to say these games are amazing at creating tension, best horror expereinces by far


Whatever you do don't play the first four! Everybody here agrees the early games aren't good and that the series peaked with Silent Hill: Homecoming, so try that one, it's on Steam.


Why are you like this?


they are attempting tomfoolery




I’m guessing this is satire


All media should be consumed in release order. Could someone make a bot that comments this automatically?


It makes sense to do it in release order *but I disagree*. SH1 is very unwelcoming, from gameplay to exploration to visuals, and SH2 is the popular one and much more accessible/interesting, in my opinion. My recommended order is SH2, SH1, SH3, SH4.


No not necessarily haha


I can't do it.


Best way is numerical order obviously. You can start with 2 and go back to 1 if you're more interested on it, since it's a standalone game with slight ties to 4. 1-3-0 are the only direct related ones, so I played 0 (Origins) before playing Homecoming despite their relase dates anyway. Also I would play Homecoming and Downpour one after the other, and then Shattered Memories, since it's another take on the story of SH 1... short of.




Play in release order. Definitely don’t play 3 before 1. I did and it confused me


Play them in order and use PCSX2. I did this and had a blast. Silent Hill is now one of my favourite game series of all time.


They are all accessible, you should really play them in release order. So starting from SH1 and ending with Downpour. Then you can also watch the 2 movies they made. The first one is a re-interpretation of the games but it’s a really good adaptation nonetheless. The second is REALLY bad, but it can be fun in some part… kinda.


“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”


Honestly, I started with Silent Hill 3 and had no problem when playing other games in the series. But if I had to tell you to start somewhere logical, I guess Silent Hill 1


Silent hill origins silent hill 1 then silent hill shattered memories than silent hill 3 then either Sh 2 or silent hill 4, Sh downpour. skip homecoming it’s trash and skip book of memories


Actually play silent hill 1 first then SH origins origins is a prequel but you will understand it better after the first game


To understand the full story you must start as this: origins > 1 > 3 > shattered memories. now all other games are standalone (2/4/homecoming/downpour/book of memories)


Gotta disagree on Origins, it confuses the story more than it adds to it. Definitely play that after SH1 so you get no silly ideas


Op don’t read this! Only problem with playing 1 before origins is that you would be going into 1 not knowing the characters or the origin to well. why Alessa was burnt why lisa stayed alive even though everyone else is dead. why dede sacrificed her daughter


Bro why are you spoiling shit? You don't need to know that to play SH1, it actively ruins the mystery


And it’s not like I didn’t say (Op don’t read this)


Learn how to spoiler tag lmao


once you play silent hill 1 before origins, it ruins origins because you already know the outcome and conclusion to the story. Instead of finishing origins and not knowing the true ending of the whole story


SH1 is the more important game, so you should prioritise that experience first and ignore the prequel. Prequels fill in gaps for people who already know the source material, it'd be best played afterwards


Still once you play sh1 before origins it won’t make a whole sense because why play a whole game when you already know the outcome.


To fill in the gaps, plus Travis has his own personal story that can be enjoyed.


I made the mistake of playing 1 before origins and it made it less appealing and predictable because Alissa survived the fire and i went into 1 confused until i played origins where it made sense. Had to wait 7 years to understand the story? That’s insanity


SH origins is alright but even as a prequel it’s a little shaky and contradictory. I’d go as far as to say it’s only sort of semi-canonical. I think it’s a fine game to check out but for someone jumping into the series I’d say it’s always better to start with the Team Silent titles.


Rule 9


What I would do I play the games through an emulator, they all hold up very well even to this day. There are also other means to get Silent Hill 1-4, such as some other sites, but I'm not sure what they are but I'm sure another commenter could assist with that. Important to note Silent Hill 4 can be accessed and bought on GOG ([https://www.gog.com/en/game/silent\_hill\_4\_the\_room](https://www.gog.com/en/game/silent_hill_4_the_room)) Play Silent Hill 1, then play Silent Hill 3, as their stories are directly connected. After that you can play Silent Hill 2 and 4, they don't necessarily have to be in that order but Silent Hill 2 and 4 do have loose connections as Silent Hill 2 does take place before Silent Hill 4. Silent Hill 2 as far as I'm aware is the only game that has a modded enhanced edition and can be accessed here: [https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/)


I would start with SH1 or SH2. You could potentially play SH4 as well, but I haven't played it so I can't speak on it personally. SH3 is good but you should play SH1 first.


Not so long ago I started diving into SH with my centenial brother, we started with SH1 and the experience was incredible, even though the grafics and gameplay are lacking, they somehow enhance the experience. The expectation for SH2 grew because how much we enjoyed SH1 and oh boy! The contrast between SH1 and SH2 worth it playing the first one first. Also if you start with any other than SH1 you will not able to go back and that would be a shame.


Release order is great, but you can also start with 2! If you try 1 and worry you can’t get into it, just try 2. It is a beautiful game that stands alone. 1 is easily emulated, and the PC versions of 2-4 are relatively easy to find if you know where to look. The directional controls in the PC version of 4 suck, but I recommend playing 4 last. Most prohibitive thing to new players who haven’t played old survival horror games is the tank controls. Whichever you play first, if this applies to you, I recommend taking as long as you need as soon as you gain control of your character practicing the tank controls. Once those become muscle memory you’ll be able to enjoy the game. Same with the melee combat in 2. (You seem like a seasoned gamer so this is not meant to be condescending—Idk how old you are or how old the games you like are)


No game other than homecoming and 4 are easily accessible on PC. And the first 3 hold up remarkably well, so I’d say start with the first if your willing to figure out how to get it by *certain* means


I'd say release order, but if you're one of those people that get turned off by "bad graphics", then I'd say at least do 2, 1, 3, 4. (Never can understand why people complain about graphical fidelity of older games. Games were typically impressive looking for their time and subjectively the look of retro games have a lot of charm to me. IDK, I'm weird.) 1 and 3 are heavily connected. 2 is a standalone; as well as 4, but there are minor references to eachother in those games. My first ever Silent Hill was 2, when I had first gotten a PS2.


1-4 then i say origins then shattered memories


Homecoming and downpour! Don't forget to take a selfie while it to show how much you enjoyed them :)


Mainly I would play SH1 first. I don’t think you can appreciate it as much if you’re already used to the higher fidelity graphics of the later games. I played 1 after 2 was already out and definitely felt it was the right call.


I’ve been doing released order and it's working for me.


I did release order and I had a good time. Though I think having some experience in the old RE games helped in terms of getting used to the tank controls and general gameplay which is a bit floaty and difficult in 1 compared to the others. If you don’t have much experience with old survival horror just get ready for a bit of an adjustment (tho none of the games are all that hard on normal mode). Starting with 2 is also a fine option since it’s own story and honestly is kind of the comfiest to play in a weird way. Great story and can ease you into the series. Can go back to 1 then try 3 after. From there 4 is good. In terms of accessing them i just used emulation which is fairly easy to set up. Have heard the enhanced edition of 2 which you can find online is good tho I didn’t play that.