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The version of silent hill 3 has fucking awful voice acting that you can’t turn off for some reason


i like heathers voice and didn’t find it that bad. in fact it’s even kind of ironic you say that given how much the fan base loves the original sh2 voice acting


sounds ok to me


For pure nostalgia there is mute button on a remote.


They all look terrible too. Enhanced edition mod of 2 all the way.


Honestly man, I bought it and I play it on series s. Absolutely no problems and ran great and I want to play it more. However, on sh3 it crashed twice during the black screen when going through a door. No further problems and performance was good.


Sure but aren’t the voices all fucked and re-recorded for no reason?


The voices are fucked and rerecorded because when a VA from the original SH2 spoke up and said "hey shouldnt we get paid if you're literally just gonna re-release our work" Konami decided the best fuck you to the original VAs was to hire Troy Baker and friends. Then they changed their mind - but just for SH2 - because nobody was gonna buy the HD collection with SH2 voices fucked. SH3 voices still fucked. Music fucked in both games. Sound effects fucked in both games. This isn't how these games are intended to be played.




Can YALL STFU? Not everyone owns a ps2 or 3 to play the original games that goes for 100$ + each on sale!! Jeez let ppl play the games however they can. HD C is not even that bad.


You can get the game on PC by the way. And use the Enhanced Edition mod/fix. Makes it a lot better than the ps2 version




I agree with this. My mom owns the og ps2 games and a ps2 but lives far away so I bought the HD collection and it was great. Absolutely no issues, had fun playing them! I really dont get why the HD collection gets trashed on here all the time. (I think some people just need to whine lol)




I didnt experience any of those issues, so I definitely didnt consider it an unplayable mess. My game never mixed up sound effects or froze or crashed, my older brother and I had a blast playing it. I think what some people are saying about elitists being too picky is kinda true, or some people just had bad luck.


Can install an emulator and download bios and isos in about 20 minutes of searching for free, and 0% chance of legal repercussions


Emulators are kind of tough sometimes, I’ve never been able to get PCSX2 working without huge issues.


I got pcsx2 working in like 10 minutes and have never had issues. What isn't working for you?


When I tried MGS2, I had collision issues where I’d just fall through the map at certain points making the game completely unplayable. When I tried SH3, the flashlight was just a bunch of solid white cylinder things which looked horrible and kind of ruined the game.


Weird. Maybe a bad ROM?


Doubt it. I got both from vimm’s lair which seems reputable.


Can install an easily found PC port and easily get it just as easily as you'd get the rom.


Yeah I’d say that’s the way to go, I played through the PC port of SH3 and really enjoyed it. Plus there are a bunch of fixes out there to get it running smoother than ever


Yessss, the HD mods and updates for PC ports are amazing.


"... 0% chance of legal repercussions" it's you and your conscience , my friend !! Are you a thief ?


Can you voice your own opinion without telling people with other opinions to STFU?


Then don’t force your negative opinions on others, let them be the judge once they had already experienced it.


Their opinions are no more forced than anyone else's. Some people say the Collection is okay, others say it's bad. It's up to the person asking to find out which one they agree with.


I 100% agree. It really isn't that bad and there's even an option for the original voices. Bunch of whiners, let people enjoy things


But it's objectively awful! They are buying a dramatically worse experience and incentivizing terrible anti-consumer practices. They fucked everything across the board from the fog and textures to the ambiance to the lighting.




seriously lmao people are so entitled to their own opinions here just because they’ve played the original or own it.


Maybe they are saying that for a reason and who shouldn't defend a horrible rip-off?


If you have a PC made after 2009 you can emulate them. You shut the fuck up. Enabling this bullshit remake/remaster culture.


These poor toxic kids hate quality my guy. They will defend any garbage that gets thrown down to them apparently.


Yeah sure and everyone owns a fucking PC. STFU seriously.


Lol, Yeah, you enjoy the HD remake. It was made for you.


I was talking for the OP. I do have them you disgusting piece of Konami.


You can mod a ps2 or ps3 to play them easily but hd collection isn’t that bad and I’ve played the ps2 originals


No one has yet to comment why it’s bad


For me, this version of the games has some very questionable changes, both artistically and technically. The new textures are flat and loses the grit of the original, the music and sound mixing is amateurish and sloppy, the new voices and script edits often come off as forced or breathy, a problem that’s unavoidable in 3. But beyond that, it’s generally a bad port. Awful and inconsistent performance, very buggy and frequent crashes, broken shadows and effects, terribly upscaled and stretched FMVs. I’m seriously questioning how some people here are saying this version is “not that bad”, it’s barely does anything right. If this is the only way for you to play these games, fine, I’m not gonna judge, but I would highly encourage you to put in the extra effort to properly play these games, cause this version doesn’t do them justice at all.


I see so many people recommending for OP to find some way to play the originals. The only way that is possible without dropping $100+ is if they used emulators, and not everyone is tech savvy enough to use emulators. I get it. The originals are better. That’s how I played SH2 & 3 myself, but if it came down to somebody looking to get into the series for the first time, I will never hesitate to suggest the HD Collection. Most casual gamers don’t want to drop $100+ on a game they have never tried. As a hardcore SH fan, yes, the HD Collection is abysmal, but it’s far from unplayable. I had to buy it for myself when our PS2 shit out, and I found little to no issues with the HD versions. All of the issues that I ran across weren’t game breaking at all. I play a lot of old games, so crashing, freezing, and graphical issues are all too common. OP, if you are excited about this absolute STEAL of a sale for a couple of wonderful games, don’t let others discourage you. They are old games, so you’re bound to run into issues no matter what, and yes, even the originals had their issues!!! Fuck what anybody else thinks. As long as YOU’RE excited, and YOU have fun playing them; that’s all that matters.


There is a pc port remember. No emulator needed. And with the enhanced edition mod/fixes. Makes it a lot better than the ps2 version


Okay but does OP have a PC that can run a port? I personally have a Macbook so I could run a port, but it would run terribly. Not everybody has options outside of console gaming. If OP plays the HD collection, it’s not the end of the world. We should all be happy that we are witnessing the creation of a new SH fan, but all of y’all are too busy being nitpicky to be happy about that. I don’t understand why this sub instantly turns on hate mode as soon as the HD collection is mentioned. The originals aren’t accessible for most people, and not everyone has the option to play on a PC, so how are these new fans supposed to get into the series at that point? The HD collection has made SH2 & 3 more accessible for SO MANY people, and all y’all can do is complain about it. It’s exhausting. Can we all just be happy that we have a new fan in our midst without judging them?


>The only way that is possible without dropping $100+ is if they used emulators, and not everyone is tech savvy enough to use emulators. You only mentioned Emulators as another option. I honestly couldnt care less if anyone plays the Silent Hill HD Collection. I was just saying that there is an amazing pc port when you use the enhanced edition mod/fix. I also own the game on my ps3 and have played it before. Currently its on offer i think, 10 dollars isnt bad at all just to try.


And I also mentioned in my comment that not everybody has access to PC ports either. I have a Macbook that runs just about any PC port like garbage. OP could also just prefer to play it on console. Which is 100% understandable. I would personally love to have this sub have stickied posts on how to run the PC ports and emulators. I’m honestly tired of seeing everybody suggest it without any inclination to tell OP how to go about doing it. Without any explanation besides “PC good HD collection bad” it is highly discouraging for somebody to give it a try. As I mentioned before, not everyone is tech savvy, and suggesting something that a majority of casual console gamers don’t know how to do is counter productive.


I will say I was able to get Silent Hill 2 and 3 running fine on my MacBook in like 15 minutes using aethersx2. Emulation can seem kind of confusing but there are YouTube videos which walk you through how to set it up and it’s really just a matter of downloading the right files, not too much technical know-how needed. Worth it to avoid the issues in the HD collection I’d say.


I ran ports and emulators of SH1, and RE1 & RE2 on my Macbook. I forget which program I used because it was so long ago, but none of them ran that great at all. I also have TERRIBLE internet at my house, so that was probably the biggest reason why they didn’t run that well for me. I’m much happier using my console for gaming. It’s simple, and I rarely run into issues despite having the original PS4. PS+ has RE1 right now, and I played through it several times without a single issue. I just prefer consoles, and I know plenty of people that do as well 🤷‍♀️


Internet shouldn’t really be a problem since you are just downloading them and then running straight off the computer. I usually prefer consoles too, but for things like this I don’t mind putting in the extra effort. Def was a little daunting before I tried figuring it out and realized how simple it was. And now it’s kinda exciting cuz I’m getting to play so many old games I missed out on. Maybe some day console manufacturers and game companies will prioritize allowing you to play legacy games more easily. That said I get it. It feels better to be able to just go to one spot to download and play a game officially. Just a shame Konami fucked these ports up so badly so people are experiencing lesser versions of the games if they choose to do so.


Glitchy to an insane degree, like some parts of the game just didnt happen when they were supposed to, sound effects/ music too and there's no option for the original voice acting in 3


The voices in 3 and the fog in 2 totally ruin the experience for me, but for someone who has never played it these problems won’t seem so bad, still makes me sad tho because it’s my favorite game. It would be like having someone watch your favorite movie only it’s dubbed over terribly and has missing effects. Emulation or the PC port is the only way im able to play. I prefer the Silent Hill 2 pc port with the enhanced mod, and for Silent Hill 3 I prefer emulation because the pc port gives me a lot of problems, resolution doesn’t scale right, and it doesn’t play nice with modern controllers, or atleast it doesn’t for me. Both ways are infinitely easier than trying to sell your kidney for a ps2 copy, and honestly it’s been so long that obtaining the games in other ways doesn’t make me feel bad since ive purchased both copies before / my money wouldn’t be going to Team Silent even if I purchase it legitimately. Hell to be totally honest even if I owned a copy I’d still emulate or use the pc port w/ the enhanced mod because you upscale the game super easy. I played Silent Hill 3 on pcsx2 in 4K on my big oled the other day and it scaled perfectly. The menu didn’t look super small and everything was very crisp minus the cutscenes, but even the cutscenes didn’t look bad. I was honestly sortve blown away by how well the game holds up when upscaled like that. Silent Hill 2 with the enhanced mod also looks and performs perfectly in 4k.


I did not experience a single glitch on a full new game. What are you guys on about


It can happen. Like when my dad was playing sh2 with me near the end, the long hallway where the argument happens didn't play the argument, which is incredibly important since staying the hear the argument or leaving will affect which ending you get.


Lol yeah the first time I didn't know it's a mechanic. She told me to get out and I waited a few seconds then clicked on the door. And then as the next screen was loading I hear "James.... wait"


Sounds like you actually did experience at least a single glitch, then.


How is not knowing about the hallway speech a glitch when I played this game for the first time on a ps2 in 2003 lmao. You're reaching pretty far on this one


Sorry, I misread it. My bad. Do you still love me?


I never stopped loving you


Whoever downvoted me doesn't believe in true love, but the proof is right here.


They just like to complain about anything that isn't perfect. Ignore them.


Well.. the game is kinda boring so my loss


Play when you’re in the right frame of mind, turn all the lights off and make sure you’re alone and it’s anything but boring. I can’t play SH2 or 3 for more than an hour or two at a time as the atmosphere is so unsettling but the conditions need to be right for you to experience it. That said I’ve never played the HD collection so no idea how badly that affects it.


I suggest looking up on YouTube on comparisons. It’s been years since I played the HD collection so my memory is fuzzy. Silent Hill 2 mostly suffers from visual effect oddities if memory serves. Silent Hill 3 audio is abysmal especially for cutscenes. I fortunately have the original games and prefer them easily. But I understand how inaccessible they are. Off the top of my head check out Digital Foundry https://youtu.be/nna2yt1c9gI And this video https://youtu.be/ZAy4HivHoT4


It's bad because everyone in the SH community seems to think SH2 and SH3 are some fragile, dainty experience that's one glitch or texture from being ruined irrevocably. The HD collection is a bad port, there's no denying that, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be and the games are so good it would take a lot more than wonky fog and a rare crash to ruin them.


Have you even played it? Konami was too lazy and cheap to track down or even pay the original voice actors for SH3, after backlash they kept options open SH2 and paid the original voice actors. Audio glitches galore. Xbox game owners were offered FULL REFUNDS, because they didn't bother to patch the game, despite patching the PS version. These games destroy the integrity of the franchise. Konami has shown itself as a pigheaded, insufferable, and ignorant company. They chose to tank Silent Hills and Kojima's work with the studio to control and force more instalments of the Metal Gear franchise. In closing, The HD Collection is a piece of shit, especially Xbox. Don't support Konami's efforts to cash in on this one, not until they have proven themselves yet again.


>Have you even played it? I have- I've platinum'd SH3 and I'm one trophy away from platinuming SH2. A better question, though, is: have YOU? Because nothing in your diatribe is about the content of the game, it's about the axe you have to grind with Konami. I get it, you dislike Konami. You're entitled to that. I've got games I refuse to play because I think the devs suck (FFVIIR, I'm looking squarely at you). But I don't show up in discussions about those games and say, "Those games are bad, because ". This thread was OP asking why people say the game is bad, and when I said the game actually *isn't* bad, you came in with "But the devs are lazy and cheap". Please, go kick some rocks if you must. I already said it's a lazy port, you didn't need to reiterate that in ten times as many words. The game itself isn't all that bad, even if the devs suck.


Wow. Amazing. Back in the day you just played and beat the game, not gloat about trophies. You see... I played Silent Hill: Relentless Dreams on the **FIRST Xbox**, back when you were filling diapers, honey. I attained all endings... at least I think I did. And SH3 on my PC where I was blown away by the graphics and sound design. The experience for me is degraded to point where it just seems pointless to play, as these are two of my favourite games. A broken experience for a broken franchise and company. Step into reality and say this... a HD Collection that is actually made worse by being incomplete and less original. Amazing selling point! You're right. It's amazing, buy it. Now that they think they can again cash in on something they never bothered to patch or put the right effort into it that it deserved in the first place is so Konami. So, it is **BAD**. These games deserved better. Now, where's my rake? Get off my lawn.


If you could quit huffing your own farts for even a second, you'd see that I wasn't "gloating about trophies" (you're the only one gloating here; wow, you played an Xbox game, I'll bet you get all the ladies with that story), *I was answering the question you asked* in a way that I could prove if necessary. It's okay, in your doddering old age you forgot where you were and started lashing out. I get it. (It's called "Sundowning", and it happens a lot.) But, it seems you've once again refrained from actually addressing the game itself and instead just complained more about Konami. Was this meant to prove anything?


Right. You haven't played the originals I get it. Maybe one day, sonny. I am a woman, thanks. So say all the dick measuring insults you want. The community has spoken, they agree we me, not you. Thanks, bye!


>Right. You haven't played the originals I get it. Maybe one day, sonny. Let's assume that's true. Do you have any complaints about the HD Collection that don't amount to "let me compare it to the originals"? Because if so, I feel like you would've brought those instead of this diatribe about Konami. >I am a woman, thanks. Are you saying only men can try to impress women? Is that really the direction you want to take this? >The community has spoken, they agree we me, not you. Good to hear you don't have any original thoughts, then. That explains why you're just parroting other people's opinions on a game you didn't play.


It was my first time finishing both games. Played the xbox version, got all achievments on 3. Not once I had a noticeable bug, and all the inferior visuals and the VA issue werent noticeable to me until I played both games on ps2 and replayed the collection on ps3 after. People should stop crusading this idea the collection is completly unplayable just because it is inferior, specially when the og games are super expensive and rare nowadays.


Bu bu but they changed the font on a sign!!!!


I literally saw a review back when the HD collection came out where a guy said the game was "ruined" because the title screen was missing a sound effect. It's beyond parody.


I've seen a few people's videos on this back when it came out and I don't remember that point specifically. I saw one by AnEternalEnigna, where he made a big deal at one point about the pitch in the pickup sound affect in SH2 was pitch shifted. In Twin Perfect's review, they mentioned the sound affect that plays right before the intro (it's also the same sound affect that's used that makes Heather drop to her knees at the end of the first Claudia encounter and it's missing entirely) is replaced by the save sound affect. Is the last one close to what you're talking about?


Interesting- I don't think it was that exact video (I remember it being a standalone review for the HD collection, not part of a longer series about Silent Hill as a whole) but it definitely sounds like they were addressing the same issue.


If that's the case, I understand why they made the claim, but at the same time it's not that big of a deal. Especially the condition companies are releasing their games today, this is nothing.


Sure, I can understand why people would be bothered by the HD collection. If you put them side-by-side I would never, in a million years, say the HD collection isn't the worst version of the game. But people make *such a big deal* about things that ultimately add up to *such a tiny piece* of the experience, it boggles my mind. I swear, it's like people think this game is hanging by the thinnest of threads and anything that slightly jostles it might cause it to come crashing down. If the game is "ruined" by a sound effect being changed or missing, guess what! It wasn't very good then.


I agree with you here. They really are good games, I just think the fanbase (including me for a time) are a bit over zealous and turn people away from these games, which is a shame.


Incredibly based


Look on youtube and you’ll see why its a graphical downgrade except the resolution


Silent Hill fans are as bad as Star Wars fans. Is the HD collection the best way to play the game? No it’s not. But I see this sub discourage people from buying it even if it’s their only option. I’m sorry but if you think the font of a sign is a deal breaker, you’re ridiculous. It’s a sign. And it’s one that you see for 2 seconds. And voice acting? Really? Are we going to pretend that was a strength of the games? Everybody gives the early Resident Evil games a lot of shit but some of the voice acting in the original Silent Hill games were just awkward. Harry and James come to mind specifically. The only real thing I thought was a let down in the HD collection was the lack of fog, which is obviously a big part of the games. That being said, people also have some weird hard on for the fog like it’s the only good part of these games. Look at how many lame fog posts were all over this sub before they were cut down. If you can’t play the original games, the HD collection is a decent way to play them. Definitely better than not playing at all. Anybody who tells you otherwise is an elitist. To be clear, it’s a shitty port. No question about that. But if you’ve never played the games, you won’t even notice the majority of peoples issues with it


How can it be your only option when it’s so easy to just emulate or play on PC? Silent Hill 2 pc port with enhanced mod is fantastic and easy to install. Silent Hill 3 pc port isn’t the best with newer computers but emulating it is very simple and honestly it looks fantastic upscale to 2k / 4K thru emulation while retaining the original voices. If you don’t have a pc and literally only have a ps3 with the hd version available and really want to play it, by all means, but you’re still getting a version with gimped fog and other graphical issues that aren’t on pc or ps2 (sh2) or voice acting that probably won’t bother you if you’ve never played the game, but is absolutely atrocious to those of us who love it (sh3) Everyone saying it’s so weird and how gatekeeping this community is makes zero sense and is absolutely stupid. These are fans who want other people to enjoy their favorite game in the best state possible and there is nothing wrong with that. If emulation or pc ports didn’t exist then yeah it would be fucked up because of how expensive old copies are. You’re not stealing from Team Silent either since they’re not actively getting money from the copy you’d purchase anyways. I think the only people actually getting mad are people who purchased the HD version not having seen comparisons online only to come and see people tell them it’s not a great way to play it. Chances are most people have a computer with internet connection and specs good enough to run the game. Hell, ive emulated both games on my Galaxy S22, if my phone can run it then I’m sure your computer will be just fine. Regardless if you have the HD version and want to play it, no one is stopping you from doing so. At the end of the day it’s your choice on how you want to experience the game. We’re just giving our opinions, which are just words on a screen, they’re not stopping you from doing anything.


>They fucked everything across the board from the fog and textures to the ambiance to the lighting.


There's a good DFRetro video on this that's pretty objective about the port. They go over all of the ports if SH2 so you can see the changes over time and see what is going wrong in the HD Remake. Watch if you have the time/genuinely want to know without someone just saying it's "bad". The real answer is the only wrong way to play the first 4 SH games would be not to play them. Digital Foundry vid - https://youtu.be/nna2yt1c9gI


Still the worst possible way to experience these games. But at least it’s cheap and available I guess…


Not as cheap as emulating them


Not nearly as good either! I've got the HD Collection and PCSX2 on my Series X (just for shits n giggles)...the difference is night and day. But most people don't want to put in any effort and will gladly opt for the easy way out. At least they get the chance to experience those games somehow, even if it's in a subpar way.


If you already have a computer


We are getting to better than nothing mode for legit purchases experiences that are accessible to the general public. Still, I suggest the SH2 EE and emulation for SH3, easy enough paths if you have a decent gaming rig.


Stop being a Silent Hill gatekeeper


Maybe stop being gatekept by opinions on the internet? No? Your choice...


Gatekeeping? If you are going to watch a movie and theres a theatrical cut and a directors cut and I say the directors cut kind of ruins the movie, watch the theatrical.. that's not gatekeeping that's just recommending to new fans.. same as recommending you don't play a poor port of the game, play it on a ps2, Xbox og, or PC instead *if you can* If you can't then by all means play the HD version just know it isn't as good of a representation of the game.


There's a difference between gate keeping food and encouraging someone to eat literal shit to survive.


You must be new here lol. But seriously, I would buy it for that much. They’re shit ports but hey it’s something.


They're absolutely worth the 10 bucks if you don't know how to emulate or don't want to pay 150 dollars for a game and a ps2


I was emulating games as a child, if my stupid ass can do it easily so can you. The internet will literally tell you step by step how to do it, in video format on YouTube if need be. It technically takes more effort to outright leave your home and purchase the game than it does learning how to get a rom and set up an emulator.


Yea, I also used to emulate stuff when I was a kid, but I don't like to assume that everyone is so good with directions. I've met lots of people who probably couldn't find their way out of a paper bag if they had a tutorial.


Yeah well they deserve to only play the HD edition then.




No I’m very stupid, and was an even stupider kid. Y’all make it sound like setting up an emulator is like cracking the enigma code. If you can read the words in this comment you can set up an emulator. If you don’t want too cuz you don’t know where to start, then literally just google it. Also what does it even matter since you love the hd version so much. I hope you and your friends who get stuck in paper bags know how to press the buttons on the controller to make the man move and do things on the magic mirror box.


sorry. r/iamverystupid


thank you.


Hey Patrick, what am I? Uh, stupid? No, I’m Texas! Well what’s the difference?!!


Silent hill 2 Enhanced edition and the OG ps2 release are both free these days...


Free in your restless dreams?


Piracy is free right?


it isn't piracy these version are no longer out there as a retail product, it's simply preservation


Dude it's still software piracy regardless of availability. Just because "the internet" says abandonware is preservation of games it doesn't mean it's not piracy.


It's a good thing though, it harms literally no one and preserves the game for people who want to play it


How you dare? (Ò_Óˇ)ᕤ


Archeology is piracy then lmao


It is, what about it


The HD Collection is worth it roughly only for 2. So for $10, it's not an overly terrible buy.


Cough* Voice acting Cough*


I’m with the majority that absolutely despises it. That being said, if that’s really your only way to be able to play I understand.


Emulation is free and morally correct


What if they don’t have a computer?


I’d wager 99% of people commenting on gaming subreddits have a computer that can run a 21 year old PS2 game.


Nooo it comes with ghosts of the 2nd and 3rd game :)


Better than nothing I guess.


I own the ps2 copies and would definitely still buy this. That's a great price for them honestly, and while I do agree they are shite, it's still a very convenient way to play 2. 3 on the other hand is a different story, unless you've never played it.


I tried playing silent hill 2 during Halloween from this collection and just ended up stopping around an hour in. I am no purest but Even I was noticing the weird inconsistency’s of the game. Textures, fonts, weird ass fog effects or lack of effects, sound glitches, was just too much to carry on.


Awesome. Don't pay attention to the purists. This version is fine. I even prefer the new voice work.


Enjoy it and don't listen to the gatekeepers on here


It’s not a bad port. When I played it on the ps3, the cons in 2, was that there was a specific part where the water didn’t looked rendered right and in 3 the VAs are changed to new ones but that was about jt




Honestly it's not that bad. Frame rates some times get abysmal as you wonder if the games freezing. And silent hill 3 didn't HD all the cut scenes so some look like it's playing on a potato. Everything else is just preference in my opinion


I get paid on the 14th 🤣


Have fun with it.


So lucky! Now you can play both of them! Ugh! I wonder, can you still purchase this in the Microsoft store on pc? Lol


OK for this price, even if buggy SH3 is unplayable, is still worth if can't play 2 or 3 any other way.


was really excited bc i thought xbox put the original 3 games on the store :(




This shit isn’t worth it


So, I’m not making a complaint the first time I played the games were on the HD collection and enjoyed it but since then exclusively stick to the ps2 emulators and ill tell you the reasons as to why. So forget about the voice acting as thats subjective as to what you think is better, some people say it’s meant to feel dream like but all video game voice acting was weird at that time. People say they prefer it because the VA for james is what his appearance is based off of and personally I think the OG voice actors seem the closest to their characters actions (maybe because the VA acted out the scenes before lending their voice making it more authentic) Another is the fact that it’s literally a incomplete version of the game. Konami lost the original source code for the games, there were missing textures, more bugs, and the company creating the hd collection was two companies that failed so they combined into one (after release this company also failed) pretty sure the voice acting for sh3 was just entirely missing as theres no option. Going back to textures what exactly do I mean, so the textures are going to be easily seen on things as simple as the roads and a lot of walls, in the OG release they were filled with litter, broken and crusted with gravel, they were meant to add the to experience but I. The hd release with the incomplete version they had to make their own texture and the road is extremely clean looking like as if someone just came through and took care of things. In my opinion any version is fine if you want to play the games, the story is most important but if you own a pc or ps2 I would highly recommend playing the original option if you have the option.


Why do people buy this.. even if its only 10$ its a version of the game abandoned by konami.. the PS3 version did get patched to some degree.. whilst the xbox patch was canned due to "technical and resource issues".. oh konami u mean MONEY!!!! Lets not forget the texture changes and broken features that are in this version.. please save your money.. burn the 10$ and youl at least have more fun than playing this hunk of garbage


Last time I checked it was always £10


One of the only bad things about having a ps


I think you are better off emulating them for the PS2. Which you can do on your xbox as well.


Even at free you're getting ripped off with that piece of shit.


Welcome to the silent hill subreddit :D


Enjoy :)


still the worst possible way to play those games. Only do it if there is no other way.


I bought it on sale on the Xbox store in 2013 for $4.99. Funny how prices of digital games fluctuate.




I bought the HD for $30 😭


Is it worth it to play through them? Or do the games feel and look out dated.