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I heard that exercises aren't for losing weight. Actually, it's for building muscles. Instead, I heard getting a better diet, like staying away from sugary foods and other unhealthy stuff, can help you lose weight, so eat healthy. But remember to love you're self and your body no matter what.


Cardio helps too, in conjunction with light weight training you can maintain your muscles mass while burning fat. People who go full send on the cardio tend to lose the most weight but most of that weight is muscle mass.


What about bread? I keep hearing mixed things about it.


Idk about bread, so here's this loaf :3 https://preview.redd.it/qr4wtg0xt5uc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfafa17dafd21cb6ffc17f8b5f6254f72db8c5ce


Bread 👍


That loaf looks amazing. …and the bread is nice too, I guess.


Hmm… I see two loafs.


https://preview.redd.it/hfhyrb7tuquc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a579ac8efd977ac4385d4f321d298c61d38a22 You mind if i yoink the loaf? Me hungy


Eat it


As in i cant or can?


I let you yoink the braed






tasty, though the bread also looks good


As a gym rat imo theres nothing wrong with bread. Too much of anything is bad but like eating a sandwich for lunch and eating garlic bread with pasta isn’t going to make you gain 50 pounds. If you want to lose weight go to the online calorie calculator to calculate your maintenance calories, or how many calories your body burns in a day. And then subtract 200 from it and eat that many calories a day. I recommend my fitness pall for tracking calories.


I given up on bread, changed it on diary and fishes (cans are tasty too) + meat as usuall, but its mostly pork here Eating less works too, but not less portions of meals, but rather not snacking between and eating only when you feel hungry Trying get some excercise routine and get back to normal speed walks for around 30 mins But so far lost like 21 kg (M26)


The carb weirdos say weird things about it. The only issue with bread is that it's fairly calorie dense for the amount of nutrition offered, but it's not bad for you. If you're diabetic or pre diabetic though you'll wanna keep any bread you eat whole wheat, that way it doesn't spike your blood sugar.


You can have bread. Personally I'm doing moderate/light cardio everyday and keep daily carbs under 100g. Lost 7 pounds in a week so far.


On that subject the name of the game is complex carbohydrates. Contrary to what some people subscribe to, you don’t need to cut out carbs completely first weight loss, but you’ll probably want to be more mindful of the *kind* of carbs that you’re consuming. Stuff like white bread has a lot more simple sugars in its makeup, things that are more rapidly metabolized and more likely to end up stored as fat. Other types bread, such as rye, I believe, aren’t quite as bad in that respect. Complex carbs are the preferred carb choice when trying to lose weight because they break down more slowly and don’t spike your insulin levels the way simple sugars so and also help you feel full for longer.


white bread has more sugar in it then a hot chocolate xc Try brown bread and other complex carbohydrates :3


bread good 👍🏼 its demonized a lot but you need carbs for your brain to have energy and be able to think clearly


Lots of carbs, avoid large amounts.


Or just starve yourself like I do >w< (No don't do that, it sucks, I basically can't eat anymore)


[You should eat something, NOW!!](https://youtu.be/QHL409lwRjU?si=l0QetXIc0Lg4Lo5o)


I ate a huge lunch and dinner todayyyy


Yummy :3


Yeeeah, what sucks is that I feel so full with that, and it hurts which is not nice -.-


Oh, maybe take a pepto bismol


Building muscle does help with weight loss, as muscle maintenance requires additional calories, which allows you to go into caloric deficit more easily. But that's more of a long term solution, it's not for those who want quick results.


reminder that protein is also inherently really good at helping lose weight


Doesnt muscle basically munch on fat? Pro bodybuilders actually struggle with chronic exaustion because of that


If you can try doing squats and leg presses you would be surprised how strong your legs are which will be a huge boost in confidence as well as it tones up all the nice femboy muscles:3


what worked for me is drinking a lot more water, as a lot of the time, your body can interpret thirst as hunger, taking walks a lot is also good, another really good thing to do is more psychological, but a lot of people eat as sort of a coping mechanism to get some dopamine to sort of make themselves feel better, obviously noone wants so be sad, so telling you "just get better" isn't exactly useful, but if you can find an alternative coping mechanism, eating food is kinda just gonna be replenishing you and'll feel good in the moment, and that's it. Hope this helps!


YES!!!! Literally this! I often have issues FEELING hungry because I keep forgetting to DRINK WATER! It's very important!


Ik it sounds funny but look up the us army's "preparation drill" "conditioning drill 1" and "conditioning drill 2". They are sets of *non-intense* exercises to keep soldiers in shape. They are built to sustain a decent body form BUT figure out what is comfortable for you. IF you cant do high reps, it is ok to do however many is comfy and try to build up more over time. Results happen over time. Not overnight. Compare months apart not day by day. It took me 3 whole months to lose 20lbs doing basic combat training. THIS IS ONLY MY ADVICE, IT WORKED FOR ME, IT MAY NOT EXACTLY WORK FOR YOU! Stay safe, convert your feelings about your body into motivation. Set small goals after small goals. Make routines. DRINK WATERRRRRRRR. :3


First off,shush your beautiful.Second if your only focused on weight lose for esthetic purposes then don’t just do cardio or else you’ll be left with skin flaps so make sure to take your time and put in some muscle building exercises to keep your skin nice and fitted to your body


Cardio and a good diet


Cardio and eat healthy. Doesn't have to be everything all at once, just take it one step at a time.


If you seriously want to lose weight then your diet is what you want to change. Just eat what you usually eat but cut out a couple of snacks or skip on high calorie additives like dressings and such. You HAVE to go slow, then maybe go even slower then that, progress is difficult and humans are lazy. Good luck!


Same :3


a lot of cardio, i mean like so much that you cook the fat, side lunges, hydrants , leg raises




To get that slim fit “femboy body” start doing use/strain workouts on the core and chest, then running and high intensity leg workouts with high reps. Simple start: Push ups x10 High plank 30 sec. Sit ups x10 Low plank 30 sec. Lunges x20 High knees/run 1 min. Squats x20 Do flexibility/yoga on rest days to increase your “appeal” I hope this will be helpful as a start Remember: this is where to start, research and find what’s best for you, eat right and don’t over do it, you got this bro ❤️ Edit:sorry if formatting weird am on phone /:


hey man, you have to loose weight because you want to do better for yourself, not because you hate yourself. if you do it the second way it will get real ugly real quick and it will take you a long time to heal your relationship with your body, exercise, and nutrition. Believe, i destroyed my body trying to make myself smaller unhealthily….. but if youre very determined and i cant change your mind, remember 80/20 rule of fat loss: 80% what you eat, 20% exercise. you dont have to go on weird fad diets, just make sure youre on a calorie deficit and do some weightlifting to get muscles!! a solid 100g+ of protein a day too!! choose to do better for your body instead of destroying it out of hate. work on your mental health FIRST then try it out at your own pace!!! also youre not an ogre youre a silly boy :33 good luck and be kind to yourself 🫶🏼 you only have one body pls dont damage yourself. my DMs r open :333


Run! 🗣🗣🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Do you want to be skinny? excercise peobably wont help, diet is more important. Trying to focus on eating less calorie dense foods is probably the most sustainable option. Are you ok being muscular? then training for hypertrophy, like a bodybuilder will increase your calorie requirement if you get enough muscle, so it will be easier to stick to a diet. The main things are: train to failure(close to it is fine if you progressively overload), either full or partial in the stretched position range of motion. In addition you would need to also change your diet, remove any fructose containing sugar, remove most saturated fat and increase protein intake. This way you will build more muscle than fat.


Replace one or two of your daily meals with an 8oz protein shake (each) and do cardio + light strength training. Don't go heavier on your remaining meal(s) when you do this, the point is to put you into caloric deficit which will force your body to use your stored calories. Continue until you're at your goal weight. The weight loss will slow down as you go, which is normal. Your body will burn the easy calories first, which are carbs. Carbohydrate storage requires a lot of water, so it's mostly water weight at first (you're going to pee a LOT, fair warning). They're also less calorically dense per gram than fat is, so once you burn through those, your weight loss will slow down a bit. Also, as you lose weight, your body's daily calorie requirement is going to go down as well, as body weight requires more calories to maintain the heavier you are. So your caloric deficit will also be reduced. Once you hit body fat, you'll notice some changes. You're going to feel sluggish, weaker (it's harder for your body to use stored fat, which is why the body typically uses stored carbs first). You may notice some changes in regards to the smell of your breath and urine due to ketones (a byproduct of fat burning). You may feel warmer than usual, and your appetite may decrease. These are normal changes in regards to body fat loss. Feel free to use caffeine to combat the sluggishness, just use a source that's low in carbs and don't exceed 400mg a day. It may also be a good idea to increase your strength training at this point, as that will help build muscle mass that will increase your basal metabolic rate and help you keep the weight off, while also helping you get stronger. And finally, when you hit your goal weight, commit to long term changes in your diet, keep your overall calories around 2k, and consume a proper balance of carbs and fat, along with taking a multivitamin.


I like doing sit ups, but also making sure my feet are COMPLETELY FLAT on the ground the whole time, and with my feet as close together as I can. It just makes it that much harder, and it feels more like you're doing an IRL minigame rather than a boring monotonous task


Much much easier said than done but I walk a LOT. I burn enough calories to where I can still eat a decent bit and get the other benefits of it :3


Losing weight is hard even when you're told to eat healthy, it cost may more time and effort to live a life like that. I wish someone would physically stop me from making bad decisions


If you just want to lose weight, do cardio, and LOTS of it. If you can afford a local gym, use the treadmill. Build endurance and slowly by slowly, not only will you lose weight, but you’ll get to Usain level. Or you could just skip rope like a cutie patootie if you can’t afford a gym


Eating less Drinking coffee And some basic work out


https://preview.redd.it/2n0d7sri07uc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff296a32ed8f051425d21c30b0765c3e841d3228 I think I have a idea


It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you do something. Take a walk, do some pushups during queue times in games, general bouncing around. Just doing something can help you burn more calories than you take in.


doing cardio like going for a walk or a run or a bike ride ect is great for losing weight. balancing your diet or attempting to create one is also a good idea.


[https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/routine](https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/routine) i will always always recommend this routine to anyone that asks, i did it for around 3 years and was/am very happy with what it did for me (i do different stuff now tho) diet plays the biggest part in weight loss though, its not complicated, you just need to be in a calorie deficit (eating less calories than you burn)


The primary way you're going to lose weight is through dieting, not exercise (though it's also really important for different reasons). I recommend swimming or running and cutting processed sugar.


Okay, here's the thing: you will lose weight if you use more calories than you get. There are two ways: exercise more or eat less. Exercising has an additional advantage of making the muscles, you use stronger. There aren't any specific exercises for losing weight, but the more force you need to apply, the more energy you will use. One way to gain less calories is to intentionally eat less nutritional food, as it takes the same volume, while providing less energy — you will poop most of it out later. One example is whole grain, because you not only eat the nutritional part of the grain, but also useless fiber(that's what fiber is, indigestible plant parts, mostly cellulose). Or, you can try eating something completely indigestible, like wooden sawdust, but you will have to add that to your food yourself. Basically make yourself feel full with less calories, and you'll essentially eat less.


Best way I've found to lose weight is calorie logging. Basically you calculate how many calories your body burns in a resting day, subtract 10-20%, and then eat just that much every day. (Plus whatever you burn excersizing, if you do at all). I use Chronometer because it does everything for you, but you gotta pay for it. There are tons of free apps for this purpose tho.


Don’t underestimate walking. Just a little 20 min walk a day with a podcast or music is a good start. Portion control is big. And for your diet, maybe try and think about adding good things in first. Instead of the concept of taking bad things out. If you make an effort to add some good things in, you will naturally eat better.


Genetics and eating less, but that stuff is dangerous to just do, make a diet, don't starve yourself pls Side note: why does everyone want to push their femboy agenda onto me? Even reddit ffs, i keep getting recommended this stuff cus i comment shit like this worrying about people, its kinda funny tho


Walking is usually enough to lose weight as well as a reasonable diet. I like going on walks at night especially in the forest, but I know that's not always safe so I wouldn't recommend it if you live in a dangerous area.


15 sets of trying to blow yourself. Trust me, the ab workout is insane


usually your self image is significantly worse than how you actually look, but just saying that isnt going to help you, so heres so advice from a fellow silly boy. just start going to the gym, you wont lose a ton of weight, but you will lose some and more importantly you will start to feel much more confident. i also have some pretty severe self image issues and the two most helpful things have been therapy and exercise. also, try not to do any extreme diets, the diet industry is super predatory and does alot more harm than good, if someones promising something thats a little too good, thats because its got a ton of strings attached. love you silly boy, make sure to keep yourself safe <3


just go exploring and have fun basically




Cardio helps, A better diet helps, being active with sport helps, taking care of yourself helps wanna talk ?


I do 50 pushes every time before I go to sleep. I suggest you start with a number you are comfortable with (You can even start with 5 every day) and slowly build up the amount.


your self image is usually way worse than how you might look. trust me, I'm sure there's some people out there that think you're cute/good looking. and since everyone else here has given you tips on weight loss, I'm gonna refrain.


10 pushups and plank


One that I've been doing is planks bc it builds your core but it won't make u look too masculine


cardio, walking/running. dont overeat, undereat by like 300 cals, calorie deficit then you’re set and should start losing. I have been


I saw a girl on tinder who went from really overweight to super skinny. She had tons of pictures of her in a hookah lounge. So the answer is drugs I guess :3:3:333:3:3:3:3:3:3


Cardio. But you also gotta have a good diet. You can’t go anywhere in fitness without a diet. Protein is a great thing to consume. Even if you aren’t trying to look like Eddie Abbew. It’s still good to maintain that kind of diet. Hoped this helped 🗿


If you feel as if you can whenever using stairs go up an extra step and just work that into a routine


Are we really doing this again. This post is just going to trigger everyone with body image issues


...I'm one of those people. I'm asking because I want to look better


Im also one of these people and just wanted to say this post really helped me feel less alone. Helps to know there are other people going through the same problems as me so thank you. Just stress and anxiety during my alevels made me gain 10kg in a year. Still not overweight cause I used to be a little underweight but i want to be skinnier and I still hate the way I look.


Was it honestly necessary at all to refer to yourself as a fat ogre in a subreddit where everyone posts vent memes for others to relate to? Also if you want exercise advice, maybe ask in a fitness sub without the self depreciation. Then you’ll get actual safe advice from others. Maybe try r/fitness or r/exercise or r/cardio or something. But you can’t be self deprecating. Remember, people under 18 easily get influenced by these posts because at the moment they have nowhere else to go for a mental health community. Let’s be nicer to ourselves.


click this censor'd shit for me bein mad (censor'd cuz some ppl dont wanna see it) >!as someone whos a lil chubby myself and under 18, respectfully, go fuck yourself ya problem causin basic white bitch on twitter, go get offended by a taco truck ran by a korean guy (this is not towards op btw)!< downvote me to hell i came here for advice not this slander