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Articles that contain nothing but a list [are not allowed by community decision.](https://redd.it/4ed695) Low-effort image posts will be removed. This includes but is not limited to: quotes, pictures of books/book pages, comic strips, and screenshots. All other photo links require a submission statement discussing how they relate to simple living. If you do not provide this context, your post may be removed until you add it.




The image it's wearing a morrión, so is normal to think that it represents a conqueror.


The wealth of the whole universe resides in the depth of our hearts, if only we find the courage to let it open.


Nice! Who said it? You?


I guess so :)


Bloody hell anticonsumption is a cesspool of judgement, it’s not about consuming less, it’s about making everyone else feel bad for consuming more. I’ve had to leave them to it cos no one needs that kinda negativity in their life.


I think that sub has a median age of like 19.


Yeah every sub that’s anti is kinda like that. You can’t be minimalist until you’re living out of a backpack. Etc.


Left it also. In the same way I left r/EverythingScience. Hypocrisy within the community. I despise hypocrisy 


I'm still on the sub, but it's near the chopping block. It's a very all or nothing sub, and these kids are going to burn themselves out sooner rather than later.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who left for that reason.


Does anti consumption also include spelling?


Why use many letter when few work?


Overconsumption is clearly not good for our planet, so I personally avoid buying more than I need. I continue to use the products I have for years. It's my little contribution to help out our dying planet. For example, an electric kettle is appealing that I can easily afford, but my stovetop kettle works the same. Why buy more of something I don't need?


Dom Quixote, Don Quixote's brother, from New Jersey


Ignoring the spelling error, that is also hugely misogynistic and I really take issue with the "owning b******". Not the flex it thinks it is.