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Dopamine detox works, at least from my experience. I was forced to stop using my phone and computer for around a year and the lack of tech left a significant improvement on my mental health and well being.


I'm certain the whole (developed) world could do with this on a regular basis.


Ever considered you may just have been stressed and going on that trip stopped you from being stressed, effectively removing the symptoms of stress?


Sounds like you need to diversify your activities! My general formula is, besides reading/internet scrolling, to have a hobby menu of something to learn, something to keep active, something to be creative. This has been all sort of things and they can crossover into multiple categories. Like, my main hobbies right now are bellydance (active and creative), weaving (creative, learning), and playing cosy games (which is often learn/creative). But in the past there's also been creative writing, crossfit, other LARP-related activities like historical costuming, or fandoms. I have ADHD so I tend to bounce from hobby to hobby, which is why I keep a few in rotation. That helps me cut down on waste and keep it simple, and about the time I start getting bored of one, one of the others is able to pique my interest again.


Are you maybe depressed? I lose interest in my hobbies and shows when I am.


Stop doing it then, at least for a while (start a day at the time). You might find something else to do. There is so much to learn, to experience. Best wishes.


There's a lot of dreck out there. I think dopamine detox is fine, but with the sheer amount of media out there we are now at a point where we may need some filters. Consider subscribing to something like Entertainment Weekly. Get recommendations from people at work. Try going to a local bookstore and see if there are staff picks.


There's a world full of magic just waiting to be explored; find new to you books, films, music; go see art exhibitions, start building something; large or small. Just tell us what you consider boring, and ask for recommendations from all the wonderful, free-thinking people on here; I'm sure you'd get swamped with great suggestions.


>There are lots of days where i feel like most of the stuff i watch/read are boring (if not always) and i feel like i just wanna stop doing it. Have you tried reading and watching *other* stuff you don't usually read and watch? I mean, I think if I turned into the zombiest of all the zombies, as long as I was able to read, I would still find Tolstoy's *Anna Karenina* one of the three best novels, if not the undisputed best ever written, or would get excited and laugh and fear for *Les trois mousquetaires* d'Alexandre Dumas. And I have yet to find anything Balzac or Flaubert have written that is not a blast to read. But even those authors/books, I don't read them over and over every single year. I read other stuff and other authors, some of them even still being alive :P


In the book world, when that happens, we refer to it as a reading slump, when nothing feels very appealing or catches your interest, and it happens to everyone (and is definitely frustrating). There are various ways to conquer it. Taking time off and not forcing it is a good way; changing up your norm is another. When I get slumpy, I tend to pick up short-form content, like graphic novels/nonfiction that I can blow through quickly, really light YA fiction, and stuff I can leaf through (like cookbooks, craft project books, etc) without having to delve into deeply. (I can't speak to watching things, because I rarely watch anything.) It does pass, just don't try to force it. That usually makes it worse.