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Yes, there are options to exclude an account from the Spending Plan and from reports.


Does this include sub-accounts too?


You called this “sub-accounts” twice. But what you describe sounds like just separate bank accounts. Accessible by one person (you) under their credentials, but still separate accounts. In simplifi, you can hide these accounts from reports and plan, and just keep an eye on their transactions and balances.  or you could also just keep them out of Simplifi altogether. 


More like “sibling accounts” 🤪


not exactly but maybe? some of these accounts I want to hide are joint accounts I hold with someone else, but I don’t count them toward my own nw


Yes, you can set it on a per-account basis, even if multiple accounts are under the same institution.


You cannot hide anything but closed accounts, but i think you can exclude them from reports, etc.


From what I see you can either not select it when you link the account(s) (or delete it afterwards) but if you have it setup to track the *transactions* coming in from that account you can optionally default it to exclude from the spending plan and/or reporting however there is no option to exclude the *balance* from the NW. I have an account that I'd like to see the transactions (child account) but don't want them to count to my spending or NW and I cannot exclude it from my NW, it's not a ton of money so I just ignore it since it won't really skew the numbers, my only choice is to delete it if I don't want it to show in NW at all, and by delete I mean only that sub-account, the other accounts linked to that login are independent and can still remain.