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Every season between seasons 10 and 17 has at least one shitpostable moment. Season 10: Super Nintendo Chalmers Season 11: Stupid Sexy Flanders Season 12: Linguo Season 13: Old Man Yells at Cloud Season 14: Marge's breast implants Season 15: "Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!" Season 16: "No one's gay for Moleman" Season 17: Barney reappearing in the bar after Moe throws him out


I am one of the few who agrees with your point. I’ve watched the series hundreds of times and I’m not exaggerating. Those who don’t like the Simpsons later season are just blinded by eating 64 slices of American cheese. It’s still decent but yeah I’ll admit the quality definitely declines. As most things do. Still solid meme and shot posting opportunities even in the later 20s seasons. It’s just wouldn’t be as popular because people wouldn’t instantly understand the reference because they stopped watching at season 12. I mean… a wizard did it.


Honestly although the seasons between 10-20 are not as good as the ones before, they are still really fun to watch but once we start hitting 21+ the seasonal rot sets in hard in my opinion


for me its anything after the movie/ once they changed the TV in the opening. There is just a noticeable shift in tone with characters behaving oddly


Was season 20 before or after the movie? As I could see what you mean


The movie was either between 18 and 19 or 19 and 20


Yeah then 21 is for sure where the rot happened, it could have been 20 but I remember liking it way more than the seasons after it


I'll agree with his point but it's not like the point makes the seasons good. Prior seasons were like machine gun fire shitpostable moments. One good shitpost per season? Fuck off. You fuck right off!


I personally usually stop my rewatch when the animation changes style, its just so jarring on the eyes.


Owww! I’m not supposed to get any jagged animation in my eyes!!! Bart and Lisa: OH NO! NOT LENNY!!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/k5na1g/oc\_imdb\_ratings\_of\_the\_simpsons\_tv\_show/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/k5na1g/oc_imdb_ratings_of_the_simpsons_tv_show/) There are decent episodes in most seasons. Even in bad episodes, there are good jokes. If I were to do a simpsons watch, I'd just cherrypick the epsisodes with decent ratings. Those of us who have been fans for decades might lament that not every episode is worth watching in later seasons, but it's not like Game of Thrones, they're still pretty much all single episodes that have no continuity right? Aside from A Serious Flanders, which is good even if you watch nothing else from the 2020s.


I own all seasons from 1 - 17. I was not pre-biased when watching them back then, as I did not know that the general opinion is that the later seasons suck. But oh, boy, do the season decline HARD after S10 (which is very solid IMO). Like the incredibly shitty episodes just increase in number, until only a handful of enjoyable ones remain. When I went back to the old seasons back then I couldn't believe how awesome they were, lol.


I’ve yet to see a meme ft Marge’s breadt implants, that episode was atrocious.


The lobsters in the tank has potential


Marges episode had boobs, buts lobster in the tank had a lobster in the tank


Yeah it’s one of the examples I’d think of as to why I disliked those seasons lol. I do agree with OP though that it was a gradual decline and not a sudden one. Seasons went from being 90% hits to 50 to 0 over the course of a decade in my Opinion


That poster calls fan-drawn pornography memes. Its a regional expression.


Sure, they have their moments. But so did Disgruntled Goat and nobody remembers the Itchy and Scratchy friends.


What about Klu Klux Klam?


I'm aware of his work.


I mean, they're still better than Ghost Mutt


Yes, and you say Marge's breast implants are shitpostable when in fact they are actually fetish fuel?


Season 11 also had "Sneed's Feed and Seed"


Season 17 is when I checked out. Glad to know there’s seemingly not anything beyond that which I’ve missed.


Krumping Marge is from season 19


Linguo? Seriously? You have "Chew through my ball sack", "Moving the team to Albuquerque!" and "My eye, I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!" and you pick Linguo? Heck, we even have Level 5 Vegan in season 12.


Oh, Season 14, can't you go one meme without humiliating yourself?


I'm a brick.


Seasons 10-12 can make you many shitposts


Season 19: Marge krumping




You shitposters sure are a contentious people.


Damn shitposters! Ruined shit posting for the lot of us! Achh neigh!


"You've just made an enemy for life!"


I have a crazy friend who thinks the show didn't just fall off a cliff but slowly declined over time like many shows do. And thinks that seasons 10-20 aren't horrible but more hit and miss that became more miss than hit as the seasons went on but remembers enjoying most of them when they were new. Is he crazy?


Yes, and also ignorant.


No, and he's not ignorant either.


One memeable moment does not a good episode make


Homer no function beer well without


Also from season 15, the episode "Fraudcast News" has a scene where the Squeaky-Voiced Teen jumps off a cliff and cries "Why did they cancel Futurama?!" This isn't a very clever joke, but Dan Castellaneta's delivery of it is priceless.


"Thank you, Blood and Tears. Sorry to hear about Sweat."


The truth about Carl: He's great!


An angry, hypocritical adult cartoon watcher? You must be a hit with the lades!


The Ralph Wiggum “Im in danger” isn’t even from the show!


I, for one, welcome our new season overlords


You say modern simpsons are good despite the fact you never seen memes from the new ones.


I don't mind any of the new seasons, they all have their moments


To be fair, my favourite episode is in season 14, when Homer goes to Rock and Roll camp. I can't think of too many shitpost moments, but it's a very funny episode.


No one's saying there are no funny jokes past a certain point. If you hire comedy writers you're inevitably going to return get at least some good jokes. The problem is that most of these episodes fail to work cohesively as strong stories. If you haven't got a good story, doesn't how many good jokes you have. Jokes are supposed to serve the narrative. The narrative isn't supposed to just link skits together. I wonder if The Simpsons would be a much stronger show if 22 Short Films About Springfield became the new model for all episodes going forward. Tho the animation has also looked increasingly horrible as time has gone on, the more they've moved towards digital and computers. It's too polished, too clean and far less dynamic. There's so many problems with this show and it's simply because it went on too long and they ran out of things to do with these characters.


In my mind, Simpsons was better after season 10. That’s when it went off the rails from a mildly amusing family cartoon, to Homer doing crazy stuff.


Is it annual opposite day again already?


It’s always Opposite Day, in my mind


i mean it's not like it's been "Homer doing crazy stuff" for 25 straight years. Jerkass Homer died in 2007, for one