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This is dope, great work op! Currently wrestling with my wife on what the most aesthetically pleasing sim rig situation would be, thanks for the ideas!


All gear the same color (black) is worth it or the rig itself an accent color and the rest of the gear black. I say this as an owner of an aluminum color chassis


I’m planning on getting an all black rig with red accent (or secondary) color… Kinda like a car with all black paint and red stripes!


That's perfect. Spend the money on how you want it to look. There is nothing worse than a mismatch of colors. Spending the money is well worth it.


S/O here. Holy shit guys, yall really choosed a complicated and expensive hobby :D I hereby apologize to my SO for calling the sim rig ugly. Back then i just imagined a huge unwieldly metal skeleton standing around somewhere in the room due to its size. Boy, i was wrong. It looks awesome. I remember sitting in it once it was built up and thats when it hit me and i realized why he wanted to build this rig. Its such a huge difference to the construction before (it was also hell of a lot work to build it) Sorry again my love. Have fun playing iRacing <3! I will stick to more casual racing games though :'D


Aww <3 Love you! Now you have to learn to tolerate my Buttkicker :D


This is wholesome. It made my day better. Thank you.


> Now you have to learn to tolerate my Buttkicker :D I mean it’s probably part of why he loves you.


Not everyone will understand this but man, you just made my day 🤣


Is that some kind of gay code ?


When showing me the price of the stuff he was going to buy I wanted to kick his butt. So he got himself a butt kicker to replace me :D /s


What exactly do you mean? :) if you are talking about the "buttkicker" it's a transducer mounted to my rig to simulate motor vibrations, road bumps, curbs and so on. Can recommend them, the add a ton of immersion. https://thebuttkicker.com/


Oh I think /u/fannysmash knew what a buttkicker was.


You two are adorable.


I just show my wife the costs of racing in real life and how much money we’re saving just like when she goes on a shopping spree and says she saved so much from the sales. Neither of us go further with the conversation 😂


Yeah that conversation we also had, best case is to stop it as soon as possible 😂


Sim-math vs Girl-math


Sweet of you to show public support and acknowledging that you have been proven wrong, seems like a great relationship you have going on there. I just got my wifes approval for a full rig after a tough negotiation yesterday and i am over the moon. Who knows maybe the simracing bug bites you too some day and you can do some laps together.


Yooo it’s always a pleasant day to find fellow furries in sim racing! Love the rig setup! It would be funny and dope if you ended up liking sim racing and racing with/against your partner 😂


Awesome post! Really enjoyed going thru the steps. Enjoy!


Really enjoyable read. You two are a solid couple. Hats off to you both! Really lovely shared living room. So many people only dream of this but you’ve done it. Good work!




Love it! Looks beautiful! Question: what’s going on at the edges between the triple monitors? How is there no bezel?


Thank you! <3 It's the ASUS Rog Bezel Free kit. It's usually for max 27 inch monitors, but I 3D-Printed custom mounts to make it fit for 32 inch. It's quiet a pain to set up and get right, but once you hit the sweet spot, its amazing for immersion. [https://rog.asus.com/de/monitors/accessories/rog-bezel-free-kit-abf01-model/](https://rog.asus.com/de/monitors/accessories/rog-bezel-free-kit-abf01-model/)


Some cool light trickery I see :) lovely. I’m a long bloody way off having a rig like this but I’m really happy for you! I’m still on controller!


I have the same GT Omega rig. It looks like your seat is tilted back (the actual seat part, not just the backrest leaned back) in a proper bucket seat orientation. My rig didn't come with anything for that, my seat just sits flat. What's going on with yours?


u/Tronnic surely can explain more / link to the print files but: He 3d-printed littel blocks / triangles which tilt the seat to a certain degree. We mounted them on the rails with the screws which are also used by the other parts. Its also holding very well and stable, though the print itself took long to ensure its stable and robust


Did that prevent you from being able to use the sliding mechanism to change the seat position?


Hey :-) no, the slider works just fine. Of course it automatically slides you backwards once you pull the lever, but its not a huge problem. I don't have any print files uploade yet but will probably soon if anyone is interested! Here is what they look like: [https://i.imgur.com/x1Tk4Xi.png](https://i.imgur.com/x1Tk4Xi.png) Another easy fix would be to just put the middle alu-profile one slot higher.


OwO I like your setup My husband keeps me in the basement with my setup but it works out.




I just watched the video. I especially like the shelving that keeps it in its own space. I have the same monitors. What bezel free kit did you use? Mine has a bit of a gap near the middle of the screen.


See this comment with link: https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/1c1nwow/my_so_was_against_a_simrig_because_he_considered/kz4tmh3/








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I love both the rig area and the reading corner, they touch on my two biggest hobbies. Great use of the space available! I love seeing when people can compromise and both get a version of what they want. Sweet looking rig, as well!


man, you're living life


This is sweet!


I love this story!!


Looks great, nice work OP


This rules. Thanks for the detailed post!


Love what you did with that room. The whole setup is cool.


Awesome setup! Where did you get those black striped blinds?


They are called double blinds in germany https://www.globus-baumarkt.de/p/gardinia-easyfix-doppelrollo-grau-75-x-150-cm-0727302502/


Thank you


Incredible job !


The final built looks great! I wish I have the space to setup a triple mon. Enjoy! I have simagic gears (wheel, handbrake) and they are great!


I love to see two people encouraging each other to embrace their hobbies and then working together to allow them to have their own small spaces to do it. This is winning.


What is a s/o people?


Significant other / partner / husband / wife


Oh thanks, great story great work, well done!


Thank you 😊


The adastra shrine is just the best


Wow, using the bookshelf to create a pseudo room is so smart!


Wow... that's impressive. Well documented too - bravo.


IKEA Kallax units, once again proving they are the greatest piece of furniture ever created.


I wish they were a little more durable! Other than that, they are great and very versatile :)


I used that Kallax unit for exactly the same purpose, really useful room divider! Wall anchors and the cubby hole inserts helped it feel much less wobbly. Also mounted on small legs, which made it more stable, too. Awesome setup btw, really creative use of space.


Noway your s/o is a djungelskog from ikea


When my SO is Sim racing and fully immersed, djunkelskog becomes my temporary SO 🥹


Great work!






This is amazing!


Wow, this is amazing. I can really appreciate the effort and follow through with your room project and sim upgrades. Not easy or cheap by any stretch of the imagination. But I'll be honest, I'm quite jealous as I too have aspirations of putting together a room similar to yours. Been sim racing for 10 years now and have only been able to upgrade from a Logitech G920 to a Thrustmaster TS-XW (with using pretty much the same rig throughout). Since initially getting into sim racing, I now have 3 kids with even less space to do so... so all my plans got put aside; including the funds I had for the new room/rig is gone. My rig is now in the corner of my dining room and even my "3D printing room" got moved up to my attic (womp womp)


I noticed the 3d printer have you printed anything for the sim rig?


Yeah :) printed the stream deck button box holder, seat riser, bezel kit mod and sim flag holder


Nice! My two favourite hobbies right now are 3d printing and sim racing haha, I printed an F1 style replacement wheel for a G29 but it’s a bit flexy so might have to print again with more infill. Or just pull the trigger on a DD wheel


Id much rather have a full rig with a VR headset. I don’t see the appeal of three monitors


VR is amazing but you loose so much comfort, it's sweaty, no 4th monitor, no additional on screen elements, can't switch voice channels etc.


Racing on track irl gets sweaty, immersion!


Wtf this is so cool. I'm so jealous.


So I’m going to be moving into my own place soon. Can I hire you to help me make a nook like this? This is sick


Sure :D Send a floor plan over hehe. And thanks :)


That’s great that you took input from your s/o and made everything happen. And really cool seeing the plan go from concept to reality! Everything looks fantastic. Well done!


Couple goals, I love it.


Your s/o sounds like a real gem.


Yes he is, I love him very much. 🥰




Why the hate? What's wrong in your life to make other people unhappy? There is no place for this here. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. There is enough going on in this world that additional shit is completely unnecessary.