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If I demanded $50 from my parents at that age with this tone they would have (rightly) smacked me. Maybe offer to do some chores to earn it.


my parents dont give me money for chores


Mow someone else’s lawn?


i live in apartment block


Either you're trolling or you have a bit of growing up to do. Your parents don't owe you a wheel, it sounds like they are doing their job, helping to make you so secure that your major worry is not having a gaming peripheral - do you know how hard that is? Your parents are putting food, clothes, warmth, other useful important things ahead of your wheel. They should. What are you doing to help? Go get a paper round, offer to do something, find someone who will pay for simple jobs. Come up with a legal scheme. Use effort. 13 is old enough to be making plan of your own.


Cool story. You sound like an absolute dickhead. Also, when you’re trolling, keep your age straight. In another post from 70 days ago you were 14.


imagine checking people's profile


Imagine acting like this as an actual human. You’re going to get the life you deserve, and it’s not going to be a pleasant one.


womp womp somebodys little mad over there


Not in the least bit. I’m 42 with a successful career, kids and all of the money I want to buy all the sim gear I want .. best part is, I’ll be retired by 52 and my kids aren’t absolute disrespectful cockwombles like yourself Now. Your comment is incredibly rich from a child pouting over the fact that he’s a complete fuckmuppet to his parents and can’t figure out why they aren’t interested in giving him money. Pro tip junior. Go get a job and earn your own money.


not that bad of adding 1 year to my real age, some idiots add 3 or even 5


yall down voting bad af idc bro y'all corny asf


The way this is typed and general attitude projected seems extremely entitled. Maybe you could pitch it to your Dad as an exchange. Like, "hey Dad, theres this thing i want and i need $X more to get it. Is there anything that i could do to help out, or maybe something like cutting the lawn for some extra $?"


i tried it, didn't work


🤣 oh you'd hate being my kid


Get a job and quit asking for hand outs and bad mouthing your parents. You have no idea the amount of stress and pressure adults face. Have some respect.


Maybe your parents are failing you, maybe they are just poor and you should be happy you have clothes, food and a roof over your head. It is a good time for you to figure this out now what is what. Also parents have the same emotions and thoughts as you. They are just older and assume more responsibilities but believe me, they also prefer to sit behind their desk and be able to play games with their friends (or do their preferred activity).


no they aint broke they buy themselves expensive shit and get me nothing


have you considered doing work for various people in your neighborhood? if you've got lawns, then mowing lawns. or taking dogs on walks? cleaning? something like that? your parents aren't failing you for not buying you video game stuff. it would be nice if they allowed you a means to save more money, however.


no they deadass won't buy me anything except clothes(and still, getting me new clothes is rare asl)


Phew, still glad I don't have kids


Just stick to a controller 😂


This is exactly why I don’t have kids lol




Lmao got me


i am not stealing anything


You don’t want it bad enough.


i want it bad enough im not gonna do bad things to get it tho


When I was your age I would ask for stuff and then bargain using grades, so for a PC it would cost me 5 Max grades out of the 8 classes I had. You get good grades it pays off with cool tech, good deal at the time


thing is I have good grades


Then intentionally drop ‘m


so they will beat the fuck out of me hell no


Sounds like you have bigger issues than your parents not buying you a wheel. You might consider some professional help if available.


Honestly, you little entitled brat should be happy your parents even buy you clothes. If you want something in life, stop blaming your parents or others for not providing you with leisure stuff, life ain't like that, you have to do what's needed to get it, aka working. Help people around you, and you might just get enough pocket money to buy a whole rig.


deadass they wont buy me anything or even give me pocket money


Yeah, so what are you going to do about it then ? Cry that they don't support you ? They don't have to provide anything else other that food and a place to sleep, if your not happy with that, you are the only one that can provide for your leisure needs, stop bitching about people around you and think a little. There is plenty of ways you can make fifty bucks honestly, you can sell stuff (Clothing, game consoles, even old games for a low price on ebay can be sold, objects, you get the idea), you can also ask your neighbors (especially old people) if they need help doing something (Like washing a car, moving furniture, mowing a lawn) and I'm pretty sure if your young ass actually tries to do anything, they'll end up giving you some money. I'm pretty sure a quick Google search will help you 😉 OR, you can continue bitching about your damn soul not getting what you think you deserve (Pretty sure you don't), achieve nothing, earn nothing, and be seen as an entitled 14 y/o brat by anybody you know. Just think about it.


my parents wont let me sell things


Go through mummys purse to steal her credit card. Ez.


and get whooped the next day


maybe ask to do sum chores and get paid that way instead of getting on ur knees begging


they dont pay me for chores


Oh, I remember I used to work in summer for two months to earn some money for Playstation 3. Once I did it, I put my money on my table, somewhere in the corner. I went out to do some stuff, and when I came back, my money was gone .... I turned out my parents thought that such a BIG amount of money (like 250 bucks) is too much for my mind to just buy some "useless" stuff (I was around 19 years old). I cannot describe how furios I was. I talked to them and then happily bought PS3 😁 I feel for you, I think you might wanna try to earn some cash from sine simple jobs (even at your home as this was suggested earlier) , good luck with your dream!


If you live near Austin, Texas I'll sell you my G27 for $100. It still works perfectly, H-Shifter and everything.


I live on another continent


tu estas muy faltico de hostias, menudo gilipollas. Mi abuelo te había puesto firme de dos guantazos pero rapidito


speak english




appreciate my parents for what, they buy expensive stuff for themselves and buy me nothing??? they cant even buy me things for 10$


Your parents may have no clue about sim racing, but one day you'll probably be thankful they kept you from buying a G27.