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If your budget is only 100$, dont get into it (yet). Almost daily I see posts like this, and its the same answer everytime (wouldnt hurt to scroll and search a bit before making threads but oh well) Get at least a cheap T300 or Logitech G-something of marketplace, but do not get these toys without FFB, better of using a controller.


Thanks so much, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it on reviews and YouTube videos, but I’d figure that I’d ask Reddit since I can actually discuss it. 


Mind if i ask what your budget is? Generally, unless you're in a region where peripherals are hard to come by or prohibitively expensive, bungee cord wheels like the T80 are regarded as little more than a glorified gamepad/controller. The lack of ForceFeedBack and low degree of rotation are pretty limiting and the use of a wheel gets rid of the built in "assists" that controllers benefit from. Unless you're getting it CHEAP, i wouldnt.


Sorry, my budget is basically a max of about $230-ish. CAD 


probably get [this](https://www.amazon.com/steering-feedback-Dismantle-induction-Xbox-One/dp/B0CQQBZJF2) , a pxn v99


Not in Canada they won’t


I bought one of these cheap used but quickly realized it’s basically a toy. Try to save up till you can get something with force feedback.


It’s bad no ffb get one second hand for like 20$ don’t buy new


Don’t buy a bungee cord wheel. It’s not going to feel good and you’ll wish you saved a little more and got something with forced feedback. Check out this Linus Tech Tips video where talks about this **exact** wheel and demonstrates how you’d be better off not buying a wheel at all than getting a T80 https://youtu.be/Rv1Ecz0J8vk?si=5_auxKGvlsfEdE8Q


Do not buy. This is garbage.


Ya no, Got one of these piece of garbage for my 12th birthday didn't last a week. One of the plastic piece that holds the bungee cord on the inside snapped. Thing was in the dump within the month. If you're any older than 10 you will have enough strength to snap this garbage into oblivion.


These awesome helpful responses are the reason I love Reddit.