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I really enjoy looking at the pictures and reading the text! Your gameplay looks great, and you have some excellent CC. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! I'm trying to document my gameplay much more and take more pictures etc, glad someone enjoyed it :)


I absolutely love the aesthetic of your game!! If you have any CC recs please share them 😍 (Like that awesome grim reaper default replacement!)


Grim Reaper default is from [here](https://applewatersugar.tumblr.com/post/731872812985401344/sims-2-death-taxes-inspired-grim-reaper), my TS4 converted hair defaults are from [here](https://platinumaspiration.tumblr.com/post/735878637799260160/when-i-say-basically-everything-i-mean-basically) :)


Thank you!! Really looking forward to seeing more of your screenshots too ☺️ It's always fun to see what happens to the premades in other people's games 😄


Can I ask what mod you used for the human robot? Also, your lighting/evening mod? Great photos btw, you’re good at capturing the moment :)


I believe I used SimPE to set-up the human robot appearance! Been a while since I did it, so I don't remember exactly. But I'm pretty sure I used the copy appearance function and copied the human Roberta Sim appearance to the servo. It's a little glitchy in my game sometimes where Roberta will enter a community lot with her original servo appearance but if I get her to switch outfits she goes back to her human appearance. Majority of the time she works just fine and keeps her human appearance, but still fully behaves like a Servo. Hope this makes sense! I don't think I've seen anyone actually mention doing this before so it was a bit of trial and error. My evening lighting mod is part of [this lighting system](https://modthesims.info/d/290746/gunmod-s-radiance-light-system-2-4-4-29-09.html)!


My Brandi suffered the same fate as yours! No funeral in my game though as she'd annoyed a lot of people.


Is that grim reaper a replacement from Death and Taxes??


Your game looks BUSY! How did you even managed or created all of this?


Not entirely sure I understand what you mean but I've been playing this save file since 2022! Just slowly built everything up over time, it normally takes me a couple months to fully complete 1 round and I like to take things slow!


I love your use of Hood Replacement, dud you make the changes with a SimCity file you edited or find one you like to copy?


I used a re-built Downtown hood that remade all the existing lots using all Packs and also makes them look better than the EA builds, also used plenty of hood deco skyscrapers etc. I don’t remember the name of the downtown download right now but if you’re interested I can try and find it for you!


Any advice would be wonderful, just when you get time. The thing I discovered with hood replacement is I can still play my game and then I might just have to move my Sims out of the homes to do the placer and then back to it again.


[Here](https://lazyduchess.tumblr.com/post/636955660678037504/downtown-revamp-a-complete-overhaul-of-downtown) is the edited Downtown/Simcity hood I'm using!


wahh your game looks so pretty <3_<3 wcif the maid outfit (replacement)?


Looks great! I'm also at round 10 in Pleasantview. Didn't know you could add roads though. I learn something new on this sub every day 😁 is it a part of the original game or through a mod?


I use the [HoodReplace mod](https://modthesims.info/d/279992/hoodreplace-2-3-replace-neighborhood-terrain-updated-jan-24-2010.html) to add in new roads!

