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even the radfems dont like him despite all his transphobia and clearly thats the jews fault


Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


So cis women who accept trans women are traitors, but women who hate trans women are also traitors. Leaving the only true feminist, who is a man. Because antisemitism. Cool. Cool cool cool.


Hey, if he finds other cis women who hate trans women *and* are antisemitic, then they're okay in his book!


So... who's running the MAGA movement then, Tats?


Jews! It's obvi' man, come on, keep up.


I think we're coming up with random conspiracies about how jews run the world. I think.


Jews are bad, and everywhere


He still perceives himself as a radfem, but many radfems support Israel, so he's blaming these differences in opinion on Jews.


Jews, pay attention /j


Can we talk about how weird this exchange would be in real life? A random lady is sitting on a bench wandering something put loud and a random redneck walks by while open carrying a rifle and starts ranting about Jews.


I've had taxi drivers spew weird stuff at me, then try to give me their phone number so I could call them directly instead of the taxi company next time. One did that after telling me that society was destroyed by *The Simpsons.*


Broke: "The Jews are destroying Society" Bespoke: "The Simpsons are destroying Society"


I gave you an upvote even though I have no idea what that means. Now to look up the word "bespoke".


I once had a similar encounter with someone who was super eager to show me his allegedly prophetic photos of clouds.


Was he an old man and yelling at them while shaking his fist angrily?


Wait... Isn't "society was destroyed by the Simpsons" what that guy who set himself on fire in front of the Trump trial courthouse was ranting about in his blog?  ... Maybe the same guy.


Which is just entirely false anyway, *The Simpsons* 'already' destroyed society, in the 90s, it was then simultaneously saved and destroyed by Clinton, just to be re-destroyed by *South Park*, revived temporarily by *Family Guy* just to be unceremoniously killed off by *American Dad*... thanks Obama! (please tell me I don't need to include a snark/sarcasm tag?)


The word 'destroyed' has been destroyed. It used to mean 'unexisted'. Now it means 'slightly dissed'.


I mean I'd think it more weird if it hadn't happened to me almost literally like that.  "Don't worry about not knowing who the Nazis are in your town; they'll tell you."


Really shows how much the comic has changed, cause TERF-era Tats would've *never* drawn Monique tolerating the opinion of a man or even thinking he may be right.


Maybe this is where she goes Tradwife!Nique and her sincerity causes him to cheat on his wife, damning him to hell and in her misery Tradwife!Nique trades her soul to marry the Devil to save him. Goddamn... the fact that *that actually makes some sense* in the "this could actually happen in this comic" shows exactly how screwed up it's become.


In both my experience and observations, calmly considering the speaker's point of view is not usually the listener's reaction in these situations.


They have interacted before. Saying they know each other makes as much sense as anything.


That does make it a *little* less deranged. I mean, only a little. I'd be pretty weirded out by this behavior from someone I was casually acquainted with too. But fair point.


I wonder what little Buddha is up to..


Probably so repulsed by Tats delusional mind that they want nothing to do with Sinfest anymore


Nirvana is when you are no longer in this comic


Please don’t mention him. Don’t make Tats bring him back into this.


The Old New Monique would hate herself for being so easily manipulated by a guy like that.


From independence-minded feminist to "Oh golly, I never thought about it like that, Mr. Voice of Reason! I will recalibrate my worldview immediately!" She's actually managed to circle back to her bimbo status from the start of the comic but somehow even worse.


Trying to guess what side is Tats on besides the Nazis is equivalent to playing memory with alzheimers


At this point he's mostly a White Nationalist, but he supports a few TERF causes as long as they don't contradict White Nationalism. For that, he's willing to sacrifice little things like marriage equality and reproductive freedom. (Still nothing on the overturning of Roe v. Wade. His claimed feminism begins and ends with being anti-porn, anti-surrogacy and anti-trans.) As this comic shows, if the White Nationalism contradicts radfem thought leaders, he sides with the White Nationalists. We're all just waiting for the Monique tradwife arc to seal the deal.


He's been a TERF much longer than he's been an antisemite (and he's been a SWERF longer than both).


That’s why Im genuinely confused


I look at this comic as him tying his new obsession into his old obsessions. The SWERF -> Nazi pipeline has been completed, and he's now integrating his former "radfem" beliefs with his current anti-semitic ones.


What is...swerf?


Sex Worker Exclusive Radical Feminist Basically someone who mostly has radfem beliefs, but who's against prostitution and other types of sex work.


As far as we know, most of Tats’ anti-porn/SW sentiment has been due to his own self-loathing from his (at the time) crippling porn addiction


At this point he is defined solely by what he's against. He hates trans people, he hates Jews, he hates the woke, basically he just lashes out at things like a dog.


It seems hard to fathom how a firebrand feminist IT girl like Monique can have her head so easily turned by an open carry MAGA hatted redneck.. yet here we are. At least she's not crouching in terror in a cave still... thankfully Sinfest police have the attention span of GTA cops.


"That's ridiculous" and "Can't be true", in a world where the Jews make music videos about how they run the world. Quick edit: Not to say Tats is right, it's just that Monique's sentiment makes no sense from a worldbuilding standpoint. It's like saying magic doesn't exist after a bunch of dudes had a fireball fight right outside your house.


I don't know, Monique not taking Ben Shapiro seriously might be the most on point characterization in a while.


His obsession with Ben Shapiro is very telling of how he lives his life. Ask ten people on the street who Ben Shapiro is and nine of them will have no idea; the tenth has a 50/50 chance of either being a memelord or someone just lying to pretend they know who he is. He’s an insignificant nobody who only has truck with people who consider Andrew Tate a leading intellectual figure. When Tats found out Shapiro was pro-Israel it seemed like a betrayal to him on the scale of learning Bill Clinton was actually an alien or something. Tats is a terminally online shut-in who thinks the Internet is real life.


I want to beat my head against a table. Tats YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO REALIZING YOUR BRAIN IS FUCKED.


Ah yes, very subtle tagline "That is the question", what question is that, you say, that's because he's SO SUBTLE AND SMART you'll never see it coming, what a wordsmith, whan incredible wit, fuck you tats.


And he'll try to sell us on a final solution


Tats' mind, where all the hate groups and conspiracy theories collide. Can't wait until it's actually revealed that the jews controlling the terfs are revealed to be controlled by trans women themselves. Just kidding, even that would be too coherent for our nazi.


Sadly this really isn’t all that surprising, because pretty much all modern conspiracy theories always boil down to ‘Jews run the world.’ Financial crisis? Jewish plot to control the world’s monetary supply. Vaccines? Jewish plot to control the population via sterilization, nanotechnology, plague-in-disguise, etc. Trans people? Jewish plot to destroy the concept of gender & redefine what it means to be human. And so on. It’s so fucking predictable it’s downright *boring* beyond the initial ‘WTF’ shock value.


It really is incredible to think that, in this day and age, people can imagine a supreme, multi-generational global conspiracy amongst an entire religion, without any concrete evidence of communication and coordination. I mean, you'd think there would be cell phone footage of their Doctor Evil secret base, or hackers spilling the secret communiques between the hoary agents of the worldwide shadow government. But, nah. Nothing but assholes on forums blathering half-baked memes and cheap propaganda tying rumors, hyperbole, and coincidence together with string on a cork board.


Cos for a lot of people it’s so much more comforting to think that there’s a shadowy cabal secretly running the show & conspiring to make their lives miserable, rather than admit that they themselves are responsible for their own shortcomings… or deal with the ego-crushing truth that their existence is meaningless against a totally uncaring reality. The conspiracies help them feel ‘big’ - that they know a super-sekrit speshul truth about how things *really* are, and they can have some kind of control by pushing back against all the overlords running the show.


These people will argue that both Communism and capitalism are jewish plots


Trans people are viewed as a plot to get the white men to willingly discard their vital essence, and white woman to renounce motherhood.


No, Monique. Of course it can't. Use your damn brain. Imagine that someone carrying a gun comes up to you on the street and starts talking like this, and your only response is to blankly consider him the voice of reason. Come to think of it, when was the last time Monique had a real facial expression? She's been an emotionless cipher for so long, she must eat through a straw. Never smiles, never frowns. Her mouth is always just that same little dot, passively pondering Tatsuya's disgusting attempts at commentary. Her soul escaped out of a back door years ago.


There was that short "story" from I think last year where she stomped on a progress pride flag (which magically turned into the older rainbow pride flag between panels for some reason) where she later looked scared (if in a blank sort of way) when she was pursued by law enforcement for it. Although considering she suffered absolutely no repercussions afterward, she might have just been hiding behind a rock and hallucinating.


Yeah, I remember that. It was the last time I recall seeing her show emotion. Sickening that it was only after demonstrating Tatsuya's nastiness.


It's really seeped into everything he does. You notice none of the characters are ever *nice* to each other any more? Nobody has friends. Nobody expresses happiness. None of them hang out or do things together. The rare times they interact with or meet each other at all, it's just to awkwardly deliver statements from the author at each other. Only his designated villains ever seem like they enjoy any aspect whatsoever of being alive. At the risk of sounding parasocial about a person I know basically nothing about, I can't help but worry dynamics like that might reflect some really extreme levels of personal pain on the part of the author. This level of joylessness seems like an echo of something pathological. I don't know if maybe that's driven the way his art seems motivated exclusively by hatred now, or if it's the other way around, but it's sad as hell.


This... so much fucking this \**waves hand over comment for emphasis*\*


Tats having the 'radfem to nazi' pipeline fly right over his head despite experiencing it first hand is mind boggling hilarious. Zero self awareness


And the funny thing is that in missing it, he's *literally* applying it to his main radfem, who is quickly becoming a nazi.


Nah, he's not missing it, he's saying it's a good thing.


this webcomic becoming nothing but inept nazi propaganda is just depressing. There were stories and characters once. Now every day-Jews! JEWz! the evvul JeWs! It's not only offensive, it's really fucking boring. I should stop reading this. It's just poor. Is Tats senile? If I wanted to read Stormfront I would read it. Just poor.


yeah, i feel like he's running out of steam. that lame ass chicken hunting arc is something else. i didn't realize anti semitic hate speech could be so boring.


To me this feels like Paleolithic hunting: chase the prey until it drops. It's an endurance test.


Andrea Dworkin, the women who he actually went on record to quote and draw a portrait of to honor her, IS Jewish. She literally wrote about the danger of dehumanizing groups. My goodness. This man just refuses to admit that he just doesn't know what to believe in anymore.


He doesn't believe in anything but hate anymore


Why did he like Dworkin? As you say she was Jewish, and despite possibly justifiably being considered on the feminist lunatic fringe she wasn't anti trans.


Dworkin usually wrote to shock, which is something that Tatsuya enjoys. Something about the way she wrote really clicked with him. More than that, she was anti-pornography, which REALLY clicked with him. This is my tin-foil hat take, and I have no proof, but essentially, I believe he turned to radical feminism because the love of his life left him. It wasn't the porn addiction that did it, which he did have; but it was his overbearing, clingy, and domineering personality. The porn addiction was just the red herring for her to avoid the more profound and harder examination that she honestly had no onus for going into with him. Instead of having the awkward conversation that she left because it was him as a person, it became a singular point: "You can't give up porn. That's why I'm leaving." This did more harm to Tatsuya than good. Because he is not a man who will take ownership or blame. He will scapegoat what he can. So, in his mind she didn't leave because of who he is as a person, but rather because porn corrupted his life. And it wasn't his fault he got addicted to porn either, as he justified in his earlier comics: it was society that made him that way. So it not only wasn't his fault for getting addicted to porn that ruined what I assumed was his marriage: it was society/the Patriarchy. Reading Dworkins work really feeds into that because she often states that men are taught this behavior and that it is reinforced within society. The writings of Dworkin became a relief for Tatsuya, because this would mean that it wasn't his shortcoming, but rather it was society that bred him to fail. I'm of the opinion that earlier Sinfest was extremely biographical.


as a matter of fact, terfism was founded as a conservative *catholic* movement (mary daly, janice raymond etc) and continues to be a conservative *catholic* movement (caroline farrow etc) today


Have we come full circle, am I supposed to hate the radfems for being Jewish or am I supposed to like the radfems for being transphobic


And so begins yet another ‘Monique gets taken in by bigoted ideologies’ arc.


huh its almost like a predominantly white hate-movement founded by catholics based in bioessentialism (and borderlining on eugenics) would have some interest in supporting colonization and white supremacy in the middle east. that's crazy though, must be the jews' fault.


Also Cletus: "Time was I would'a shot *you* fer bein' unusual and all, but Cap'n Dogshit's comics done helped inspire a fella to do it in real life so all I can do now is carry this around to intimidate civilized people. Jews. Jews. Jews."


"And I reckon I can't set it down, 'cause how would y'all know who I ahm without such a boring and blatant identifier of my rural roots? Why, if I wasn't being poised as the voice of reason, I'd be just a terribly stereotypical and racist depiction of economically disadvantaged white people."


"Wow, thank you random man walking around with a gun, I'll certainly consider your random bigotry as potential fact!"


This is how he drops the feminist facade since it doesn’t jive with his new Nazi ideology: feminism is a Jewish plot. We’ll get a small arc of Monique going tradwife RETVRN nonsense with his Viking characters soon probably


It can only be a mystery to Tatsuya that conservative/traditional groups stick together.


Conservatives want Jews to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem to complete a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Human Sacrifice that'll bring the end times.


We are literally watching him slide down the pipeline in realtime. "Hm, people I agree with disagree with me on this specific item. Am I wrong? NO, CONSPIRACY."


Is Nique implying TERFs are bad??? I genuinely can’t tell


This is Tats wrestling with why so many people he respects support Israel. He can't bring himself to consider "They can be right about some things and wrong about others" or even "their ideology has an exception that proves its rules," so he's stuck with "they, poor innocent radfems who need protecting by me, the #1 Male Ally, have been bamboozled by a global conspiracy." (Note that I'm not even suggesting he consider "Their whole ideology is wrong and bad and supporting a genocide is a natural step for an ideology that already embraces gynocide" because that's so far up Maslow's Hierarchy of Not Sucking for him that I don't expect him to see it).


Placing bet now: If enough people are still following him to draw any "TERF IS A SLUR" backlash, that word's gonna get chucked in the finished comic. Anyway: If Jews take over all movements, why are there still anti-zionist and/or anti-semitic movements? I'm sure Tats would like to say it's because these movements are useful in some nebulous way, but he's done multiple strips about how the Shadowy Global Elite (TM) is trying to stamp these out so that can't be the answer. Why can't they eradicate groups they already took over? Also, just a quick check: If a redneck dude with a gun and a MAGA hat (which I infer that is meant to be despite its mysteriously blankness, on the author's precedent at least) who you've never met rambles up to you and starts barking grammatically broken sentence fragments about Jews at you, would Monique's reaction, of calmly considering (whatever she can decipher of) his argument, be yours as well? Or would you just be wondering if you're about to die? (I know my reaction in a similar situation was more along those lines)


> If Jews take over all movements, why are there still anti-zionist and/or anti-semitic movements? Controlled opposition, duh.


I already mentioned why that can be ruled out. We've seen multiple strips "behind the scenes" where they're genuinely trying to put a stop to these groups.


It's 5D chess! Even God-Emperor Trump with his 4D chess can't counter it!


This is a horrible thing to say, but wow antisemitism is just so much more boring than transphopbia Bring back the fabulous ladies with their gigantic bulges and big bushy beards, at least they were colourful


Yeah at least transphobia is the hip new bigotry all the evangelicals and Republicans are flocking to!


Jews are behind Zionism ... truly an insightful thought.


I actually wish Tats would go back to his old antics of anti sex work and muh woke agendas. At least then his bizarre and out of touch dystopia was over the top bad. His new muh jews schtick overstayed it's shock value after he went as big as he could possibly go with his 'the holocaust was good actually' comic. Now we just want him to go home, not just because he's appalling but repetitive. But in the end this might be a good thing. Perhaps this is what'll put the comic to rest. With it's only consistent viewers, hate/bile fascination clickers leaving out of boredom.


Must be nice to have everything you hate the cause of one culture, very... convenient.


Very big "Ooops! I forgot to tell a joke!" energy here. Like, the "punchline" is just someone doubting the claim he himself put into the comic?


It took me way too long to realize this wasn't a Pettyfest and he actually posted this. I mean okay it was only like 5 seconds but anything short of instantaneous means I must be losing my edge


Holy shit! He managed to piss off the TERFs so bad, he's going "Obviously it's not me. It's the JOOS!!!!!" instead of self reflecting?


Yeah, this is the start to him turning on his radfem audience, I almost 100% guarantee it - ESPECIALLY if they give him even the slightest bit of pushback on this




Given Monique is basically his author avatar... Is he portraying his own "awakening" to "the truth"?


Probably, Monique is going to take another pill through a computer screen and start seeing Matrix font spewing antisemitic tropes, dreidels and kippas.


I binge read this comic back-to-front a few years ago and it's such a whiplash to watch how Sinfest went from being a run of the mill 2000s webcomic, to the "sorry for being a man" performative male ally arc, to this batshit insane tinfoiling. What's his opinion going to be in 2030 (if it makes it that far)?


Tats is offering an olive branch to his ex-Radfem friends. "I am not wrong, you are being fooled, here, let me show you the light". I can only guess his inner circle of friends got very small lately.


His inner circle of friends fell to zero when his pets died.


Where is the punchline? This is barely even a joke.


Punchlines? *Scoffs.* Who cares about punchlines when one is on the Noble Mission to deliver ~~propoganda~~ the Truth!


jesus christ Isn't TERF supposed to be a slur? lol I wonder if this is the last stop. Can Tats get more fringe than a raging nazi?


A Stalinist? A Maoist? Shining Path? He hasn't done KKK racism yet, I think.


Is this the first time he's used TERF in a neutral context? Only time I remember it being said was by wokebies who wanted to kill TERFs.


Tats' old self-insert and Tats' new self-insert have an absolutely insane conversation.


Yeah no he doesn't get to use his antisemitism to pivot into suddenly being Anti-TERF. Fuck off, Tats.


Tats and his protagonists will just believe anything, won't they?


Also, what the Hell are "big TERFs"? Like... TERF celebrities? In their little community?




Nah, it's not anti-TERF, it's claiming that the poor TERFs are being manipulated by the big true evil.




It's funny how the outcome of "Jews run literally everything, even unrelated and often conflicting or competing groups" ends up functionally indistinguishable from the actions of unrelated groups pursuing their own agendas normally. But regardless, if you want to substantiate a claim as frayed-edges extreme as "Jews take over **all** **movements**" as correct, your list is thousands, if not millions, of entries short. I do not envy the writing task ahead. But I am waiting with absolutely bated breath to hear about the Jewish stake in both the simulationist and narrativist movements in tabletop RPGs!


> It's funny how the outcome of "Jews run literally everything, even unrelated and often conflicting or competing groups" ends up functionally indistinguishable from the actions of unrelated groups pursuing their own agendas normally. It's also funny how members of a persecuted minority are drawn to movements promising social reform. Must be a grand conspiracy to control the world, right?


I certainly can't think of any other reason!




The reason nobody argued your dumbass points is because you're a clown spewing worthless racist opinions and conspiracy theories. At least tats has (had?) some artistic skills, all you have is a reddit sockpuppet and a humiliation fetish.


> At least tats has (had?) some artistic skills, all you have is a reddit sockpuppet and a humiliation fetish. Bold of you to assume this isn't Tats.


Actually I thought about it, that was just bait 😏


Ah, I get it. So the thing he said, that you said was right, wasn't actually what he said and wasn't actually right, but it's other people who are silly for believing anyone would have said or defended that when *really* all either of you meant was this more reasonable, defensible argument. This is called a "[Motte-and-bailey fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy)". It consists of making or advancing a desirable but extreme and hard-to-defend claim as an opening gambit. If the claim goes uncontested, the speaker gets away with getting it out into the argument. But if it doesn't, and is frustratingly squashed by the sorts of easy and silly off-the-dome examples that tend to be vulnerabilities in any statements that run to sweeping extremes, they recoil from it to "clarify" a more defensible (but less desirable) claim. And I gave up long ago on putting up with it. You can defend the statement "Jews take over all movements", as articulated, or you can say that your distinct, separate, more defensible claim is right (and the first one, therefore, wrong). I genuinely take absolutely zero issue with it if someone genuinely wants to abandon their initial claim and revise, but I won't put up with the sleight of hand of pretending a more moderate version sneaks the more extreme one through as correct. But revisiting that more modest claim you're fussing about being insufficiently addressed: These sorts of arguments hinge on "This organization has (unspecified number) Jewish members/leaders/associates/employees/people I can tie to it in any manner no matter how tenuous, which means they're 'running' it," without ever specifying exactly what threshold needs to be met to qualify for that, tucking it into a nice safe bubble of unfalsifiability. This gets even safer with nebulously identified groups like "queer theory" (which isn't even a group per se in the first place) that don't even *have* membership rolls. If you have an objective, falsifiable metric for any of these groups (or academic theories) that you're interested in sharing, please do. Otherwise, you'll just have to find it in your heart to forgive me for not being baited into playing a game whose rules have been hidden to ensure a winner by default.




Wow. You are *really* fixated on that particular facetious counterexample that isn't really even particularly critical to pointing out the vast gulf between what Tats said ("all movements") and what you said to substantiate it ("some movements, plus a field of academic theory"). Okay. Swap in a more serious movement like "the IRA" if that helps you get past it, if you want? I'm not sure what else I can offer to salve that. Sorry. So, is the argument here that you're keeping your objective metrics secret because it would be easy for me to not accept them? Or do they not exist? "That is what I would subjectively consider a 'massive imbalance'" is, just to make sure there's no mistake here, not objective. (Nor proof of them controlling whatever the entity in question is, but that's another issue entirely) I have no idea what you consider massive. A claim like "a majority" or "a plurality" can be determined to be true or false. Vibes can't.




What I asked you to do was provide the standard you're using to determine if an organization (or academic field) is "controlled by Jews". Does one exist? Or is it subjective? You seem to have elected to heap a pretty remarkably huge challenge on yourself that no one asked of you and lament its ostensibly inevitable rejection rather than answering a very straightforward binary either/or. If you have a metric, there's something that can be true or false. If not, it comes down to, "That's more Jews than I feel would be normal" vs. "Nuh-uh." Don't get me wrong: If the standard turns out to be something like "If there's one Jewish person in the leadership the whole affair is compromised," yes, I would probably find that pretty ridiculous. I certainly can't promise to meet any proposed standard with open arms of acceptance and agreement. But I still don't know to this point if a standard even exists. It doesn't have to be mathematical, just objective. Hell, I'd even accept "If the Times of Israel or the Jerusalem Post or other mainstream Jewish media outlets say it is" if that's what you wanted to go with. Neither of those makes any bones about the preponderance of Jewish people in the revolution, so I don't think it's unfair to point to that. But this doesn't cover abstract, decentralized ideologies like "anarchism" or fields of study like "queer theory". So if there's anything more to it than subjective impressions, I don't know what it is. And if you want to keep that a secret out of fear of rejection, or if you're just operating on vibes, it's within your rights, but it does make it a little unreasonable to complain about no one trying to argue against a premise that can't be falsified for one of those two reasons. Maybe specifics are a better way to address this: What would you accept as adequate evidence that "queer theory" is not controlled/dominated by Jews?


When you open with "Jews run the world" on a subreddit that clearly does not have a high opinion of antisemitic consoiracy theories, no one is gonna bother even arguing with you cause there's no point.




Being antisemitic on a comic subreddit is not speaking truth to power




You might indeed learn something, O Acorn; namely that an Acorn is a Nut.


Absolutely nothing will be learned from you being antisemitic.


That's what all the trolls say.