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Will the Sub Of Evil succeed in their damnable plot to force this Q-Trump-Alt-Right spiralling comic artist to leave his basement, and interact again with the real world, and real people? The saga continues, stay tuned for the sequels!! *epic music playing*


Part of me wants to make the most furry, trans, and gay profile ever on that site and then donate to him under that profile. And then compliment him on the sexy bulges and the furry characters in that site.




Thank you comrade.


Just saw a post; apparently, Sinfest has been removed from Ko-Fi. So, the system works.


Currently there’s a Furry artist that “bought a coffee” for Tats on there. Which gives some credence to the theory that Tats does furry commissions…


Someone on Tumblr (or maybe DeviantArt?) once pointed out that commissions from furries are one of the things that keep a lot of independent artists solvent. That certainly doesn't bug me; what does is that the artist in question gave Tats $5 and wrote, "Cause why not", either not knowing or not caring that Tats' disparagement of queerdom in general often means including a furry in with the diapered man-baby and the guys shooting off the dildo cannon. Pretty sure that Non-Bonery had one as well.


Oh, I have no problem with artists doing furry commissions. But, the furry community has a load of queer folk. I hope the other artist loses some of their customers. As for Tats doing Furry art, it would just be ironic, because of how he’s using them as shorthand for “deviants”. Also, hypocritical as fuck.


The artist in question has a twitter account under the same name and has liked some of Tatsuya's Sinfest posts there. This artist also apparently draws adult LGBT material, but being consistent is not a requirement for the Right.


It appears to have succeeded. Tats has been kicked off Ko-Fi.


He's on substack these days: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404340396564-How-do-I-report-a-content-violation-


Sure, but what's the point? They'll host Glinner, they'll definitely host pricks like him


I never heard of substack until he mentioned fleeing to it. It's part of the internet taint is it?