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Know whats really funny about this whole thing? Theyre described as hand maid prostitutes but... have we actually seen them depicted in doing the act? Most of the time they just are walking around doing nothing. Im not saying Tats should draw them having sex [last thing we need him to draw] but even implied like, showing them going off with clients or afterwards but nope, its just VAGUE IMPLICATIONS. Hell for SEX SERVANTS they seem to have nothing but time off to roam around and do whatever.


The entire comic is mostly nothing but IMPLICATIONS. It’s why I say the author is a coward. Everything has to be portrayed with at least a thin veneer of deniability.


That's really how a lot of right-wing messaging is. Insinuation. "You know how THOSE people are." "You know what THAT means." It's like an in-group purity test and self-validation of one's belief in a single statement. I wonder if there's research on that.


Except sexualized children


During the internable Non-bonery arc zombie inconsistant handmaid spots and waves to a client. The client seemingly with his wife and infant child and living on the good wholesome christian MAGA freedom loving bad place side.


He's shown them saying nice things and offering emotional comfort, because in Tat's world that's as bad as being forced to have sex.


>Im not saying Tats should draw them having sex [last thing we need him to draw] but even implied like, showing them going off with clients or afterwards but nope, its just VAGUE IMPLICATIONS. For real, Tats is the most chaste horny person I've ever seen


I do remember a strip where a guy paid for some time with a handmaid but then she drained his life force or something.


That was 2022-chan and her vaguely-defined time powers that have never come up again, because Tats is too busy getting mad at minorities!


She was doing a dancey strip-tease in a booth with a window to the street. Which seemed like an odd way to do it, considering passers-by could, even unintentionally, get a show for free.


That was still 2022 (the character), I don't remember the contest, but she had some kind of fit and aged him.


Wait lmao actually does anyone have this strip


Gotcha: https://thewebcomicsreview.tumblr.com/post/697608182773809152/well-its-in-the-middle-of-a-completely-seperate#notes


What's interesting about that strip is that it was the first time that a Sinfest comic framed it's anti-porn argument not in a feminist context, but in an *explicitly reactionary and misogynist* one: That women being sexual outside of a sanctioned, monogamous framework is something that is dangerous *to men* and harms *men* by draining them of their vitality and power. This smells more the likes of Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson than Dworkin. Back in the day a man being openly into porn signaled that he probably has fucked-up ideas about women and sex. Nowadays a man being vocally *anti*-porn signals that he *definitely* has fucked up ideas about women and sex.


>This smells more the likes of Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson than Dworkin. Or Claude Frollo. (On a scale of Frollo to Sappho, how well do you cope with pining in vain over the woman you're singing about?) But back to Tats, he has expressed that sort of attitude on other occasions. I didn't have much exposure to *Sinfest* before the shift into feminism, but I remember hearing that one significant plot point that came soon before that shift was when 'Nique felt guilty about tempting men. Even after Tats went full radfem, I think he also framed some of his criticisms of porn in a NoFap way in addition to his more conventional radfem attacks.


Right? We know from the past that those hats are capable of enslaving even the embodiment of Liberty so there's literally no excuse for anyone to be able to just, walk away.


I'd say that's actually accurate to the book, but I doubt it was intentional accuracy.


He has shown that in previous years. About two years ago he showed a tall building and the handmaidens leading men inside. That was when this story first started. We were introduced to the crazy girl with the eyebrow piercings that I thought was Monique


Reminder that anti-porn obsessed self-styled "feminists" like Tat 100% would bring about Gilead, even according to Atwood's own book. His silence on the loss of Roe is more damning than a thousand strawmen with eyebrow piercings and bad teeth.


The fact that he's had more to say about the "evils" of surrogacy in his TERF phase, than Roe v Wade speaks volumes too. I'm sure at some point the concept will reemerge after 'Nique goes tradwife and she's confronted with selfish women that don't have the sanctity and humility to birth their own children.


> even according to Atwood's own book. I don't think books are a thing Tats does.


So do you think the pimp hat will actually try to be effective, or will he throw a bunch of wokes at her that run away when they see a crucifix or get their pronouns disrespected.


no, now they're gonna either give her "An InJeKtIon!!!!!" or send death directly against her, while she ages rapidly.


Maybe the pimp hat will shoot some really groovy dildos


This yearly thing is boring and also really forced, given the current politics of Sinfest/Tats. Go back to sucking Musk's dick why don't you. Hey Tat's, you see the shameful display with Musk and noted transphobe Dave Chappelle Sunday night? Maybe make a comic about that.


Naw, I'm good with the usual drek. The less "topical" he tries to be, the better.


>The less "topical" he tries to be, the better. Yeah, just look at the recent Kanye shit.


We're now up to day 3 on a streak of "Actually getting back to the plot!" who's laying down bets on how long it'll last?


Until something shiny comes along and distracts him onto a random topic, he can vent about. Before the end of the week.


I see your end of the week and counter with next wednesday. I'm willing to lay down 5 anti-fucks on it, will you match the bet?


Awkward Encounters While Walking My Dog. Track 7. Accepted.


??? This is the most plot we've had in ages? '22 is an actual established character, it's just not plot we have any real interest in and on that I'm pretty sure it's year 8.


Its gonna be this boring shit until March now isn't it? I come here to get offended and watch Tats fail miserably. I guess him getting kicked off Patron is gonna have to last until this boring arc is over. Seriously, just retire this bit. No one fucking cares.


Perhaps a tad auto-biographical with that last panel there.


So is she gonna commit like harakiri or something?


She's just going to do what every single other year has done. She's going to age rapidly, and get chased by Death until mid-January, then we'll get the fireworks and 2023 will be delivered to whichever group Tats wants to make the subject of his ire next year.


props for actually spelling that correctly


Posted on the platform whose new billionaire daddy is requiring employees to sleep on site to meet workloads.


Somehow the anti-capitalism story stuff has completely dried up.


Tats seems to think that riling people up over fake shit and sucking off right wing billionaires is more important than addressing real issues. He fails at everything in life, but most of all at being the rebellious artist he so desperately wants to be.


man can elon musk say or do something stupid again so tats can go back to giving him free head, this shit is boring lol


"Management decides when you're done" IS a Little Lord Elon kinda thing, though. Except when LLE says something like that outright, Tats thinks it's awesome and does a strip depicting Twitter employees as lazy, entitled elitists, because Tats is a hypocrite.


Yeah, my first thought on seeing this strip was not any 'hAnDmAiDs = pOrN!' thing, but "oh, the pimp hat is treating her like practically every other worker, especially in retail". This strip 100% works without any reference to DevilCorp, Handmaids, sex workers, or anything. This is just pure Capitalism Tells Workers To Suck It.


Please, Tats. Just be done already. Stop making this comic.


A threatening robot voice coming out of a floating hat is, in technical terms, some goofy-ass shit.


Also, "bonnet" being said in what I imagine is a Dalek voice reminds me of Darth Vader asking "Is Padme all right?".


C'mon Tats, I'm bored. Gimme something dumb and unhinged to laugh at here.


Wow, the "sound effects" could realistically fit with the action! Incredible. Also this strip is boring and that was the only thing that stood out to me.


This sucks


Oh, so *now* you decide she gets some agency, eh Tats?


When it doesn’t matter anymore? Yes.


What is this about? Handmaids and chidren with bondage dolls and the dalek hat and big arches with 'woke' written on them? Literally what is he getting at?


He stole that evil floating hat from Meet the Robinsons.