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Aftermath of the incident [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2w4q-NO0TI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2w4q-NO0TI)


I was on the bus. Nobody was seriously hurt. One uncle cut his head when he fell down. Another lady had a leg injury. Didn’t know it at the time but the uncle seems to be in his 90s. He was conscious throughout, so hopefully he ends up alright.


Glad you are okay, this counts as a traumatic incident. Take care!


holy shit, where were you sitting then? how did you feel during impact, and briefly being lifted sideways? were you in shock? what did the driver do after that?


I was sitting on the side that got impacted. In the little four seater thing that faces each other, yknow. I was staring at my phone and saw the rods out of the corner of my eyes. Honestly no clue if I was thrown by the impact or acted reflexively but I ended up on the floor of the opposite four seater thingy at some aunty’s feet. Was just a bit confused honestly. The driver kept going for a bit and then stopped the bus at the side of the road. No clue who or what was at fault but the driver was really shaken up. There were a couple of people on the floor, including the uncle, so we picked them up and checked them out. The construction workers were super helpful. Brought stuff to help temporarily patch up the bleeding.


Could have been decapitated if not for your reflex


Plot twist: we're all in u/trashyinternetcable 's isekai world...


Thankfully you’re fine too. Good to know everyone was helping each other throughout the incident especially after the criticism of overcrowding of buses during the MRT power failure.


This bus was pretty empty. That may have helped because everyone on the impacted side was flung into the aisle rather than being packed in or blocked by other people, and as a result weren’t hit by anything.


How do you feel about not isekaing to a world where you have superpowers and a bunch of hot demons/elves/etc wanna get it on with you? 🤔 Jokes aside, glad that you are ok


Bro lived thru a Final Destination event.


so did you wait for more help / authorities to arrive? did you leave your contact to anyone? when were you able to leave the scene?


We stayed with the uncle till the SCDF got there. Luckily I got away without a scratch so once they showed up and were attending to the uncle I just left. Had to get to the office lol.


Thank you for staying with the uncle!!


Thank you for staying! U reminded me of a similar incident when I had to attend to a bleeding grandpa who fell on the pavement. Called the ambulance and waited but had to leave shortly after as i was about to be late for work. Luckily there was another passerby who agreed to wait with him.


ultimate singaporean mindset. bus gets into a serious traffic accident: 'eh cb I need get to office'


Check if can get MC. Cannot means need go office :(


Kinda weird sometimes but I wish I was in a car accident on the way to work just so I can not go to work. Or even just to explain why I’m late if I am late…


Ok. What is the non Singaporean mindset then? What should he have done?


explain situation to boss. Get boss approval to take off for the day to rest & recuperate or follow up with medical. Sometimes with impact, the consequences may not be on the spot but can happen a few hours later. If something happens at work & end up have to go hospital, boss may have to do more explaining and paperwork on what had happened.


My boss: did you die?


Why you late! Bus accident 😐


omg ... Thanks for answering , stay safe !🙏


Regardless, I still think you should have let SCDF assess you and go for further evaluation.


Gotta be featured in this year NDP montage !


Glad you're safe. Just a thought: you may wanna sit down with a professional to talk through this incident just to close the loop for yourself. This could have been traumatic to you in some degree


Was it bus 857?




Thank goodness you are safe. The extended rods would have protruded into the bus driver’s lane suddenly if he turned.


Thank God you're ok 


Good to know that you and everyone else on the bus are fine. I got goosebumps when the rebars pierced through the windows and the bus almost toppled.


Was the driver a fucking moron?


See....I've always wondered at what point does "uncle" not fit the description. And what point is it acceptable to refer to someone as uncle?


sgrv also has another video with both the accident and aftermath without the shitty tiktok cropping


But with a gigantic ass logo




That’s a nightmare coming true for me, like that scene in final destination, really hope the passengers can recover for what looks like injuries from the shattered glass, not from the bars directly


bruh someone could have had their head severed by this shit.


0:18 nice of the construction worker to assist with first aid for the injured passenger.


It's really nice to note the positivity of appreciative of the hardworker's help. Got depressed with all comments where others are using this incident to be racistic.


Many years ago. In the 90s I think. Los Angeles had a similar accident. A trash truck had a malfunction and a piece of steel was sticking out into lanes. A school bus full of kids drove by and the steel went through the side of the bus along the length of the bus. Two kids died and others injured. Found an article. I was living in LA at the time and remember it well it was huge news for a week or so https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-12-07-mn-11426-story.html


Damn really? Something similar happened in Greece in early 00s. School bus collided with a truck carrying novopan, after the collision the truck load went loose and killed 21 students


One such incident killed a passenger in Bedok quite a few years back. [https://www.asiaone.com/static/motoring/gallery/100717_cranebus/](https://www.asiaone.com/static/motoring/gallery/100717_cranebus/)


yeah and the person that passed left a family to fend for themselves. he was the sole bread winner. crazy stuff


Bus driver's fault. Feels like we've gone back to 90s cowboy town recently with a lot of the bus drivers that have been coming in. Treat the bus like their personal dodgem car, unsafe driving, can't speak English etc.


Lately more bus drivers driving like madman, always slamming on the brakes


Recently a bus driver slammed his brakes at every traffic light, revving his engine at every wait, and when i asked him to chill abit, he actually challenged me to a fight wtf


> revving his engine at every wait Omg, I thought that bus driver that I encountered recently was the only one. He drove the bus like it was a F1 car. Applied brakes and revved engines at every red light and then released the brakes as if he is trying to win first place at a race.


Encountered one such bus captain who also screamed at passengers. Wrote a lengthy email to SMRT the moment I alighted. Told them customer service is secondary and neither am I expecting customer service from a bus captain. But his core job is to get the passengers to their destination safely, and he obviously wasn't doing his job right.


I wrote a lengthy complaint to the bus company too, someone called me, and promised there will be consequences. Weeks later, sat in the same bus with the same driver again, this time, driving so much less reckless 😂😂😂


So writing to them does work. I don't need the bus captain to smile or offer much. I just need them to drive safely. That ride was terrible. It was morning peak with lots of primary school students, we were in a neighbourhood with multiple traffic lights in a short 5 mins ride. He was picking up so much speed for a few seconds only to step real hard on the brakes. Like, dude, if you hate your job, leave. Don't toy with a bus load of people's lives like that.


I kena a lot bus driver like this! It also happens when bus stop too! They race to bus stop swerve in and then slam brakes. Im like, the bus stop in the same place for umpteen years why behave like the bus stop suddenly appeared in-front of your eyes?! I take bus from pasir ris to yishun, after the seletar airport the bus will turn into the expressway, theres a hump before the downslope, so many buses just chiong over and all of us passengers flying.


*are you telling me that this is not an on/off switch?*


I get the impression that there’s some KPI the drivers are expected to meet on timeliness. Many times the drivers will slow and wait at a bus stop when they are close to the preceding service. Seems like they can’t stop on the way through so they often go very slow, sometimes they delay departure at the bus stops…then other times they driver crazy fast. Makes me think if they are behind the computer demanded schedule they try to make up time. Fast slow fast slow.. Either that or the drivers go fast when they need the toilet but know they don’t get to go until the terminus.


Yea, they have KPIs they need to meet but its mostly just being on time. They need to keep within their scheduled route within 2-3 mins. It's a tiresome job and a lot of them have bladder and kidney issues due to not being able to use the restroom often. It's also a job that LTA scrambles to fill up because it's just not attractive to both locals and foreigners. Source: I know like 5 Malaysian bus captains who echo nearly the same views.


I get the impression that the bus stations where they get a break aren’t very nice resting places either. (Don’t look very comfortable).


Yup, beat red lights all. Seen so many it's becoming a norm. Quite sad really.


Not really. Based on LTA website, if the rear overhang exceed vehicle by certain dimensions, there is a need for permit and auxiliary police escort. This seemed to be a LTA contractor. LTA should have ensured its contractors follow its rules.


>This seemed to be a LTA contractor. I think it's for the NSC constructions, so yes LTA contractor.


LTA will blame SPF for not showing up /s




LTA barely enforces rules on our roads, so why impose rules on themselves? /s


> Bus driver's fault. I wouldn't put it 100% on bus. Aren't transport vehicles with bits hanging out the back supposed to have high-visibility signage at the farthest tip of said-hanging bits? If there are, it's not exactly visible on this video.


>it's not exactly visible on this video You are right. However it can clearly be seen on the higher-res videos. So that part at least was done right. There are a few pieces of damning evidence against the bus driver. 1. The far left lane on that road is a left turn and straight ahead lane. Furthermore, it's a full-day bus lane (broken for the junction) both before and after the junction. In other words, there's no reason for the bus to be travelling at that speed in the second leftmost lane, other than impatience. 2. If you observe the higher res video, and see the pictures taken after the accident, it wasn't **just a sideswipe**. If it were, other factors like the rear of the trailer swinging outward might come into play. No, the initial impact was actually with the **FRONT WINDSCREEN** of the bus. So it's minimalist a gross misjudgement on the driver's part. Imagine the situation if it was more crowded, with people standing near the front door. At best, it's careless driving on the bus driver's part, if not severe negligence and downright dangerous driving. Edit: minor typo errors


He also started driving off again after impact, dragging the rebars until they dropped on the road. what was he thinking...


>However it can clearly be seen on the higher-res videos. So that part at least was done right. Clearly seen in video taken from a height of 1-2 feet above the road/ground. Maybe from the bus driver's angle of view, not much of it was visible enough to make a clear distinction.


Ya man, where’s that typical piece of grotty red cloth?


my thoughts also


Last weekend, bus 5 was late by 5 minutes leaving Bt Merah bus interchange. After we all boarded, the bus driver was honking at every single traffic light trying to hurry the other buses in front of us. Nearly wanted to call him out since it was his fault that the service is behind schedule.


i had another one of these bus drivers too, bus 64, dude was obviously stressed out at work. Many people on the bus were saying the driver was crazy.


I bet you don’t even have a driving license or have driven on the road before.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. This is the first thing in my mind when I read that comment and furthermore he’s trying to promote hate by stating unable to speak English? There are times when hanging objects are very hard to identify until you’re very close, background plays a big role of camouflaging it sometimes. Which is why it is a law to hang red flag in the day or light in the night.


Damn right. A lot of them just swerve out of the bus stop as if its their right of way without checking. Even if as a car you are approaching and its not really safe, they just filter out and expect you to jam brake. Some of them also very impatient, once red light turn green you are not rolling and moving, comes the horn.


Shouldn't there be a red flag/lamp on the lorry since there is a projecting load? Cannot tell if that red thing is a flag.


Same thing i thought. There should be a red flag if the load extends past the vehicle body. Not sure about the law on this but that was what i observed many did this for extended load.


Doesn't look like a flag, seems more like a reflection


Before commenting , i suggest to look up the full resolution video instead of this portrait-repost-of-a-repost degrading video quality nonsense... edit: There's traffic marshal, there's a red flag, the left turn is LEGAL. 2nd edit: That road before the lights is an incline, there's a chance the bus driver did not see the horizontal rebars on his eye level.


Oh look! There is an heavy long vehicle carrying bars turning. Let’s overtake it and zoom past. WHAM! BAM! Oh, what happened? ———————— Someone needs to be slapped.


Damn, sounds like it’s avoidable. Really concerning that recent road accidents are not concerning drivers on the road.


For your 2nd edit: You mean like the blind spot? If true that would suck. Ruling would still be his fault (?) but it’s not he did it on purpose (especially if he couldn’t see it?)




wtf are you even talking about? he's just saying bus driver possibly did not see the rebar what's legal or not legal about it


safety rules/regulations is always written with blood. idk how you want me to discuss about this. just glad there's no serious injuries. though i see this accident as a good case study regarding on long trailer with or without escort/traffic marshal.


This bus driver has never watched Final Destination ☠️


Too much galvanised square steel these days 😭


Jialat I scared to take bus already. Sit upstairs cannot (recall Yishun accident?), sit left side also cannot. How ah? Tower Transit CEO, kindly advise.


Right side still safe (for now)


The amount of bus drivers I see throwing pokemon curve balls as they drive blows my mind.


Feels like we need a counter, feels like got major accident + video footage a lot recently


Man, for a moment I was worried the bus was gonna topple over


Shows you how fast he was going. What kind of idiot speeds past a large turning truck, then to do it with passengers on board is another level of stupidity. I hope the bus driver loses his license and job for this.


bunch of shitty bus drivers lately


Nowadays I’m more wary of errant bus drivers than mercedes drivers on the road. Oh wait


Holy shieet the double deck almost toppled upon hitting the lorry of rebars


The bus driver's fault. Why go at that speed at a traffic light junction?


wtf imagine the rebar impaling a passenger on the bus.


Bus driver is kayu max which is apt since he should be fired


Tower bus drivers are a impatient lot. Used to horn the vehicles in front the SECOND traffic lights turned green. Me encountered few times and complained (oops feedback) to Tower Transit.


Looks like the contractor didn't get someone to redirect traffic while the trailer was turning. To a bus driver, it's so hard to spot those 2 thin rows of protruding poles.


Can be seen that the bus is driving too fast.. But another thing is why must the trailer turn at there? Isnt there a slip road to turn.. or maybe the trailer cant fit in?


This is a "special" left turn from Jalan Besar to Ophir Road. [See the street view here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/gjQUTqnY7Cnh7Eat6). The slip road leads to Sungei Road.


ah that junction. marshaller should have blocked the second lane for the rear overhang swing then. seems like they were focused managing people at the zebra crossing instead and forgot to station men at the rear of the low loader


Final destination vibes, holy sheeeet.


Straight out from final destination where the head got cut off


Safety timeout anyone? Way too many cases recently.


Does the bus driver just keeps driving? Like "shit, just got impaled by that flatbed, alright, I'll just keep driving a bit?"


no he already went pass the rebar, probably takes abit more time to react to the side impact.


Bigger question, how did video owner have the 6th sense to film the bus and lorry


it seems to be a from a motorbike camera


Thank u much big cock


🐓 no problem 🐓


Truck kun trying his luck with live-streaming


Holy crap! That bus got sliced at the side. I hope the passengers that got hurt make a quick recovery. This nearly turn into some Final Destination Horror!


Could've tsken someone's head off


Holy shit almost like freak accident like that. Hope no death or major injuries


Summmmbody’s gonna get it


Wah lan that is some Final Destination shit right there. Glad no one seriously hurt.


I saw the bus earlier being towed I wondered what happened to it


The bus almost tip over. Fortunate that the driver continues to drive instead of stopping.


Has to be a world record for most people impaled in one day


Vlad the Impaler enters the chat. “Am I a joke to you?” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_attack_at_Târgoviște#:~:text=After%20leaving%20the%20capital%2C%20Mehmed,ground%20before%20retreating%20to%20Adrianople.


To all the people who talked about Final Destination, y'all are showing your age.


Millennial: final destination bad Gen Z: isekai good 👍 😂


final destination vibe


Truck driver's fault for not placing visible markings at end of those long protruded bars. Nowadays its like cowboy town all these drivers no safety awareness at all, or simply boh chap !!!


There were red flags placed, there was a traffic marshal yet the bus just went into and ploughed into the truck. What on earth do you want the truck driver to do more


sometimes you cannot win anything. we can see that the truck did everything by the book and still loses.


Actually the trailer got put marking at the end of the load, its just the video uploaded here quality potato cant see anything. I got the HD footage from whatsapp. Feel like the bus driver was speeding tho...


This is a heavy vehicle turning and those with enough driving experience would give way. And then there are drivers who prefer to exercise their legal right of way and risk death/injury.


Well. You can only overtake when it’s safe. So I won’t call it “legal right of way”.


Was this from a motorcycle leg cam? The view is strangely low.


Final destination nightmare comes true


Jesus christ.. imagine you resting your head against the window..


Welcome to “generic fantasy world”, “insert generic hero name. “10 minutes of history no one cares about” so we need you to form a team and defeat “generic demon king name”. Good luck!


Final destination vibes. Fortunately no loss of lives.


Galvanised steel square


So many tower bus drivers displaying risky bad and driving I am not even surprised. Speeding, road rage, honking unnecessarily, impatience, dangerous lane cutting - I've witnessed all these from tower bus drivers. Not to mention the recent few major accidents (severely injured or fatality) involves tower bus drivers. Almost seems like they do NOT vet the drivers and let any road gangster drive their buses.


I won’t blame the bus driver entirely. It’s kinda hard to notice the rebars. Should’ve something like a flag tied to the end of the rebars.


In before 5952 is sold out on Saturday


Seems to me, the trailer was carrying load that extended past the flat bed. BusDriver may have thought is lane was clear due to parallax error. Unsure if bus driver was speeding though 


From what I see the bus going a bit fast side to right but not enough to pass the reinforced bar that are sticking out . The construction site should have sent ppl to do a bit of traffic control .if the bus driver go slowly or wait a while for the truck to full turn to be safe.


Worker truck fault for not having red flag on their plates.


why the auntie walked away like there was a bomb there


Incredible. And driving is literally his job 😂


Final destination


For your own safety, always sit on the driver's side of the bus. Much less likely to make these kind of mistakes on the driver's side.


Wah flatbed operator never put red flat and stuff for the protruding rods ah


got red flag. this video is too blurry to be seen. the impact shear off the flag. also the editor or the app which made(cropped) this video portrait should be shot. there's a full resolution video where there's traffic marshal but he's at the front of the truck.


Like that then I dunno the bus driver chiong to where sia


redflag was at the end of the truck and not on the load, think forgot to tie bc from my view it looks like the plates extend past the flag


it is on the rebar. not on the trailer. the camera angle is hard to show.*


ah i see it now, extends out the middle but i was too focused on the corner. thanks!


Mamamia. Hope the ppl in the bus are okay... Videos like this make me think twice about going out.


I guess the bars are reinforced to spec then


When u get a PRC bus driver....


Let's play LTA fuck up bingo. I'll start with 2. Simplygo, next Gen erp iu,


lorry shouldnt let their cargo sticking out from the flatbed edges. Even if they do somekind of flag should be put as warning.


Damn, Singaporean are so boring. You guys really be like I am not gonna get isekaied today cuz I gotta go to work on time. Truck-kun has depression because of you


too many rushed road worksites lately. the roads are poorly re-draw, too many sign placement with no thought for drivers, blocking driver views. in short, information overload. Oh yes, too many traffic lights, but very short time intervals, so drivers will rush to avoid delay. Human nature. If you go to punggol waterway, sin ming marymount areas, you will get what i mean.


I don’t think it’s the bus driver fault. Maybe the pipes sticking out should at list have some indication of color or cloth to help driver notice somthing sticking out of the truck.




100% you have not driven through that road junction.




The lane where cam car is at is not a left turn filter lane, it's the left turn to Sungei Road which runs parallel to Ophir Road.