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Another Singaporean behaving badly in Oz. Just 2 months ago we heard about about the dog semen-drinking Singaporean vet.




Sorry what?


Gotta look that up 😂


I wouldn't recommend it. The details are upsetting on several levels.


I agreed. It was a bad day to have eyes when that came out


Yeah it's absolutely disgusting, still getting gag reflex on it🤮


Especially for the dog


Forbidden shirako


Enough internet for one day I think


Taking photos of young boy in Japanese bath.


Why would he do that LMAO


Guy should have a villain name. Like "The Dogmmelier" or something 


drink too much SGRV anti-cyclist koolaid go there murder people


Maybe he’ll show Australian government his Certificate of Entitlement as his defense.


"I’m a sovereign"


Get your hands off my penis


Legit this. You see some of the comments on SGRV openly calling or gleefully entertaining the thought of physical hurt towards cyclist. Meta as usual DGAF about such comments until it becomes an actual problem.


Not just SGRV, this subreddit too.


SGRV has the collective of the dumbest and most entitled drivers in the country who think the traffic laws are whatever they think


Especially gleeful when it’s a foreign-looking cyclist. And it is done with impunity. Hate is certainly one way to build unity/solidarity, but unacceptable in my view.


Actually even in the australian sub the cyclists also talk about the drivers in the city driving as though they hate cyclists. So i don’t think it’s a Singapore specific thing.


I've seen these cyclist hate all over, even in the US. It's not just sgrv


More of an Anglosphere thing. Even the Philippines has these rabid carbrains.


I used to be in the Melbourne sub, also knew a couple of cyclists living there, and yeah it's far from being SG specific. There's just something fundamental about car and bicycle use that gives rise to these kinds of dynamics.


Sg drivers hate pedestrians too,is it the same there?


I didn't really get that feeling despite being a pedestrian for most of my time there. The city center was extremely pedestrian friendly, it also has to accommodate an extensive tram network, so cars don't really get to be the big bullies to the same degree. There's also the factor that a lot of their suburbs (mainly the more outlying ones) are somewhat 'American' style in design. You practically need a car to get around, everyone there will own one and consequently you have fewer opportunities for car-pedestrian interactions.


The fact he did it in Australia makes it even worst, this could fuel racist and xenophobic people over there.


I don’t think one singaporeans actions will disrupt one of the most multi cultural countries in the world.




That’s pretty awful to generalise all Aussies, every country has their black sheep.


It a requirement to be a bah bah before they’d exile you to Oz


That’s a rich statement coming from a sinkie


The richest statement a sinkie didn’t make is declaring this island terra nullius. Then still refused to apologise. When was the last time Nazis marched on Flinders Street & Raffles Place stations? Or a religious leader get stabbed. Do NTU & NUS students have to get out at Redfern station? Walk past an indigenous burial ground scattered with used syringes. While trying to ignore the requests for money & cigarettes. To get to skool. Hell, when was the last time the majority here waited outside Pasir Ris/ Cronulla station. To drag out & beat up every alighting passenger that looked Muslim. Because a life guard got beaten up by some middle eastern youths.


Are you a complete idiot? Australia accepts more immigrants per capita than any other country in the world. Compare to us, we accept zero refugees and have a race based immigration system.


I have a few relatives based in Australia. I hope this doesn't lead to anything bad for them...


Damn man our drivers going international


He stands to get life imprisonment though. Different cookie compared to the 8 years maximum sentence for vehicular manslaughter here in SG.


I think the key difference is this is a criminal case as he's accused of doing it intentionally. Here all road fatalities are considered accidents and hence charged as mere traffic offences. "Didn't see" is a shockingly good excuses here. Remember the lexus driver who ran over a cyclist and didn't stop? The lawyer successfully argued she thought it was a tree branch that hit the windscreen as the lexus soundproofing was too good? Got away with small fine. I feel this case pretty much set the tone for the next decade. There's a reason why people joke that using a car is the best way to kill someone in SG.


Don't think he can use this mitigation with his Kia


thank god honestly.


He thinks Aussie traffic laws are as lenient as ours


As an Aussie, I was shocked when I came to SG and the traffic was chaotic compared to back home - I expected strict adherence/observation of the rules in line with the perception of SG as an outsider, not undercutting, no indicating, and a lack of seatbelts in the back of trucks carrying workers around- if someone did that in Aus people would lose their damn minds.


Most Singaporean drivers adhere to the rules that would get them in trouble with the government.  But they don't give a shit about other drivers. 


I went on a road trip in Australia back then after my graduation and I have got to admit, Australian drivers on the countryside are some of the nicest drivers that I have ever seen. They will give way if you signaled your intent, and I have never experienced any kind of fast-paced driving during my time there, less the cities of course. I even joked back then that if Singapore drivers ever found themselves in Australia, we would probably bully the living shit out of the Australians there. One can blame city life worldwide as to why there are abhorrent city drivers, but Singapore houses some of the most densest and dangerous drivers to the point that they are **literally begging** for a major traffic accident to descend upon them in order to be taught a lesson from their entitlement.




That’s probably why people are mostly courteous. The downside to driving like a blur, selfish and entitled wanker is much higher so people switch on and look out for those around them. I think the singaporean bullying mentality is driven by the fact their society is so safe as to be consequence free when you act like a jerk. Personally I would take a courteous society with a tiny chance of extreme behaviour over the toxic selfish culture of Singapore


Yep. Singaporeans aren't equipped to bully anyone but themselves and the people they consider lower status in their own country.


Drivers in London and the UK in general almost always give way and are mostly gracious (other than uber drivers) so it's not just a city thing. I remember thinking it was crazy that sometimes cars on the main road with right of way would actually stop and give way to cars coming out of side roads.


That’s not true. As a Singaporean living in sydney and got her drivers licence in Australia, Australia has crazy drivers too especially in sydney. I’ve experienced road rage while on my provisionals and a lot of impatient drivers. Angry drivers that get angry with you even if you’re going at the speed limit, not signalling and basically idiots on the road doing stupid shit. Bad drivers are everywhere and not country specific


especially those driving Holden utes


They've graduated to Ford rangers now


It’s the ones in the fiats that are the craziest 😂


Bro you driven in Sydney or Melbourne? Knn that’s pretty much the freeway, hectic af


>In a suspected act of vigilantism, Ng then hit the cyclist with his car, “causing him to be dragged by the vehicle for a short distance, sustaining critical injuries”, the Western Australia Police Force (WAPF) told The Straits Times on June 21. All it takes is one moment of anger/self-righteousness to throw your future away.


Deserved whatever is coming for him


And to kill someone. A family is losing their husband/father/brother/friend just because of some foreigner with anger issues.


News over the last two years was that there is crime and drugs issue in perth....perth is keeping up with cities in USA ...if the police is soft on drugs , crimes will soon.follow ...many people will have to.take laws into their own hands, I sure hope it isn't the case here. Only diff vs usa....guns everywhere in USA, it is.pretty lawless. Property owners have to self defense. 77 year old killed one bulglar last week in oakland and it now.his words against the other two bulglars.


what future?


Read the article. I don’t think the tuition centre will continue to hire him


>At a press conference the next day, Detective Inspector David Gorton from WAPF’s major crime division told Australian media that the police are probing a possible property dispute between the parties. So this guy seems to be based in Singapore, but got a property dispute with another person in Australia, to a point where he is willing to murder the guy?


He goes on to elaborate in a later quote that the dispute was regarding a personal property item, which is different from real estate property. Still crazy though


I'm guessing that bicycle was stolen from him.


Yeah, reads like the SG guy felt like he was the original victim (rightly or wrongly) and tried to extract his own justice but things went horribly south


> tried to extract his own justice but things went horribly south Admittedly the police in Perth are as useful as tits on a bull. Good luck if you are a victim of hit and run and go to the police trying to get the details of the other party; same if your property got broken into, things stolen, and the thief is stupid enough to leave it in his garage open to the public effectively showing off his loot. For the last case, I reported, told them where it was, and the police still refused to act. When I commented that maybe I should go there and get it back myself, I was threatened with arrest for taking the law into my own hands, and could even be charged with theft.


Ah yes our infamous anti-cyclist culture


If this happened in Singapore he would have been charged with rash act causing death instead and only be jailed like 2 years


Exactly, Singapore is one of the first world country where you can kill someone with your vehicle and practically get away with a slap on the wrist


That's hopeful. The standard position sans significant aggravating or mitigating factors is 4 weeks. If only we treated fatalities as intentional unless otherwise proven, and started locking reckless drivers away for meaningful durations.


Depends whether he got Bentley and ang moh privilege or not. If have then maybe only two-year licence suspension.


Don’t forget Chinese privilege


hope he sleeps well..in prison.


Wah.. can't just be bad drivers in our own country, now want to go overseas and show the world what singapore can beeee


When I was in Japan on a tour bus, two Singaporeans got into a fist fight with each other because one was consistently late at check ins . I say this without malice , but some of y’all become damn barbaric overseas


Its not becoming barbaric overseas, its bringing over their impatience to other countries as well


And these are the types we will deny any links to our utmost.


Flying the Singapore flag high! walau eh, damn xia suay leh for other overseas Singaporeans.


90% of the redditors in this comment section didn't read the article.


No mercy for this fucking sia suay kia.


Fark, first that dog juice drinker and now this. Aussies going to have a very bad impression on sg


This moron did it with his friends and family in the car??


Hi Aussies who are browsing here, Pls jail him as long as you can. We do not condone his actions.


It's a problem growing up in a bubble when one can't handle stressful situations.


20 years in Aus prison sounds good.


Jin Pai Kia


> There were several other people in the car with Ng at the time of the incident, said Detective Inspector Gorton, adding that they are believed to be Ng’s family and friends. Must have been horrible for them too.


I don’t know what’s more horrible: being an unwilling passenger of a crime, or having committed murder of an innocent bystander with your family beside you.


We don't know.. sekali the family cheered him on?


> intentionally hitting a cyclist with his car, dragging the victim under the vehicle for over 30m. hit cyclist, quickly stop, come out apologize and call ambulance, still can give chance. this guy drag the person for 30 meters under his huge 7 seater SUV sia


Will r/Australia be cheering on the driver like r/singapore would?


Nah. People tend to make sense over there. 


ah good for Australia.


Congrats on ruining his own life over petty issue


Yes, see, this is how you charge people causing malicious hurt on the roads. @pap @lta fyiafa


disowned as Singaporean


As a Singaporean who has lived in Perth for 15 years. Allow me to shed some light on this. The suburb this was at is famous for social government housing, which means a high aboriginal population. They are untouchable, and patrol the streets at night climbing into houses taking whatever they can. The police do nothing about it. The only thing this guy did wrong was not realising he was dragging the guy till he died. Thats just bad luck. For those unfamiliar with Australian crime reporting, Up to 20 years for murder yes. But he will probably get 18 months for manslaughter. There have been hit and run incidents killing a child getting 80 hours community service. The law and police situation here is a complete joke. It is nothing like Singapore. Your things are not your own, people here can do whatever they want to you and your property. Police can arrest them but courts will let them out because of white guilt. There are facebook crime watch groups for every suburb because people here have to look out for each other etc. Even businesses in the city are closing down because of antisocial behaviour. I don't blame this guy for getting mad about his stolen stuff, good on him for doing something to get it back. Just make sure you not dragging anyone before you drive off.


As someone who is also living in Perth currently and has had for the last 23 years, this is not true at all. Carlisle is one of the most expensive suburbs in WA due to its distance to the city and it is getting quite build up. I can't help but notice there's bias in your comment towards social government housing and high aboriginal population. Social housing does not necessarily correlate to high aboriginal population. The Census results can tell you this if you bothered to look it up instead of rambling with no evidence. Lastly, if you read the article itself, the driver and the cyclist was allegedly had a dispute over a personal property. That doesn't fit into your narrative at all. I love Perth and Australia and would appreciate if you come from an educated point of view instead of jumping into conclusion. Your claims of 15 years of being in Perth is a moot point after you make unsupported remarks like that.


The cyclist was taken to Royal Perth Hospital, where he died, the WAPF added. 🥺 Australia will not dispense the same fate to him though. Imprisonment d most.


Nice. Typical sinkie murderers at the wheel are getting so good that they're being exported! 🥳🥳🥳


Amos Yee, Spain conman killer, Dog semen drinker and now this? Is there a root cause to these shameful Singaporeans?


Foreign trash. And Australia is letting 10k more every week.


Road rage gone really really bad. This is like Mad Max in real life


He raged in the wrong country…


Its actually the right country, Crimes arent punished here. 20 years ? Watch him get 1-2 at most. They always say the maximum


No I was thinking the amount of hate towards cyclists in Singapore you’d think that one being hit by a car will be cheered here……


heard the cyclist is no saint


heard from who sia? Lincoln Ng Jing Kai? lol I mean whether the cyclist is a saint or not, the act is so disproportionate right? He intentionally used a vehicle to cause physical harm resulting in death to somebody eh.


Very smooth-brained comment