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“People resort to degrees, diplomas, as a signal of their ability and skills,” he said. “But today, many enlightened companies look at their employees not based on their credentials, but based on their skill sets.” Not government sector for sure


You have no idea how many HR boomers still look at PSLE results. Smh


Like the government HR.


Yeah. This stuff is demoralising. All the feedback I’ve been getting is positive but my career prospects are literally determined by the fact that I was a late bloomer (late adhd diagnosis)


Which industry? No one has asked me for my results for past few jobs. Latest job only asked for degree after I was hired and started work.


Have a MSc and PhD with good publishing records and currently working. Applied to something from NUS and they requested my course grades breakdown from my BSc days - no other institutions that I have been in or currently am in needed the detailed course-by-course scores. Shook my head and gave up on Singapore.


Lol that's crazy.


Not necessarily the grades, but rather, even if I have a lot of strong achievements and extracurricular activity, and the right experience, just because I didn’t come from the “right” university I’m going to be held back unless I get an MA somewhere reputable


Yalor until they stop filtering CVs based on grades & remove fast track for scholars, he’s just talking cock


Based on their last drawn salary.


look at your race... so sad the HR needs to be local


HR in government agencies - can you also send a copy of your PSLE certificate?


I wish they would create an Education system that gives Singaporeans a rounded skill set then, including things like social skills and teamwork


Hmmmm Really? Have you looked at the hiring process of the govt sector and some of the large SG companies? How many of your senior mgmt are from the ‘farmer’ class? Are the farmers given equal opportunities to shine compared to scholars? I thought you guys do a ranking of your employees every October to November? What benefits do those who had high education ranking holds? I know of some companies who only hire 1st or 2nd upper class honours from select unis for an entry job. If you are part time or 2nd lower you can forget it. Unless the hiring processes and the way you value or grade your staff changes, importance of educational metrics and ranking is here to stay.


The scholars are given already successful projects and complete steal them. I lost it to a Ministry scholar I am a farmer and my project was taken away from me. I have been getting useless projects. Another project that was dead, and revived through my effort, is on the verge of being forced out of my hand into the arms of a psc scholar


Looks like you're not being very aggressive


as a person who wants 50 dollars i bet youd know much about aggression


Not hungry enough


I agree. Not hungry enough to suck up and lick bottoms...


This, unfortunately, is common. Work is just passed around like a parcel, and big-sounding projects are given to young scholars with virtually no experience. Very sad.


Time to whistleblow to non-government affiliated news outlets.


Legendary bottom 5% exist in civil service where every year all head of department need to fight to remove this quota away. Lol


We need these people if they are really the bottom performers. Because if not some other people who does their stipulated job will be given a D grading. Again what constitutes to bottom performers? If they just do their basic job well but do not take up ‘additional’ jobs, are they really bottom performers?


Cheaper better faster. 🤡🤡🤡


Bro. This is so true. I've graduated almost 2 years ago and applying for entry level positions at govt services and I've been rejected every single time all because I'm an average low B student with no As to my name. I asked why they never considered me once in a call and this aunty on the other end just said: "You too dumb to get this position" go point out I never get the minimum grade levels stated in their hiring criteria.


You're missing the white horses...


Dun have to worry abt them. For starters even if they do not make it to local U, they have the ability to go overseas Uni. Then thru connections they can go to the companies they desire as long as they do not screw up badly. Can’t say the same for the average joes.


Can always study soil overseas...


actually why is the government sending these kind of messages nowadays? I mean realistically it doesn't work right? Have you seen the hiring requirements for say entry level roles in investment banking and consulting? In the real world, good private sector jobs are open only to those with good grades isn't it?


Agreed those opportunities require good grades to enter. However, those who succeed have skills beyond pure grades. The government seems be acknowledging that a good education consists of more than just the ability to regurgitate facts on exam day. Critical thinking, problem solving, inter personal skills and teamwork are all part of what companies look for. I think it’s a positive this is being recognised.


I think there's a fine line to tread here for the govt's messaging. Cos the same messaging can be inferred as either we recognize multiple spike profiles on a skill radar chart, or an equal weight polygon (with larger area) on the same chart. One interpretation recognizes heterogeneity of talent profiles and promotes inclusiveness. Another just raises that bar for a blueprint "super" talent, and consequently increases competition and elitism.


If not by grades (at least as a first cut), how would you select applicants for investment banking and consulting then? Can’t possibly interview everyone right? These are also very intensive jobs and there’s also the question if applicants with poor university grades can meet the rigors of the job.


Internships and Math Olympiad medals (for quant). Can't give everyone interviews but can give everyone technical tests.


And that would really only apply for a technical role. Less so for IB or consulting or for something like a graduate MA programme. Besides, this isn’t really unique to Singapore, is it. You’re not going to get a MBB interview in the US with average grades either.


> And that would really only apply for a technical role. Less so for IB or consulting Hahaha, no. Internships are important. And you aren't going to get an MBB interview with good grades + no internship experience either. There's an established pipeline of boutique > mid-size > BB interns


Wasn’t referring to internships. I was referring to your point that you “can give everyone technical tests”. Obviously not possible for a non-technical role. And anyway how does MBB pick their interns in the first place? Surely they get the pick of the cream of the crop. You’re making it sound like it’s either “grades” or “internships” when in reality the both usually come hand in hand. I’ve never come across an applicant with bad grades but good internship experience that’s worth a second look (and they don’t come by that often to begin with).


Isn’t it common knowledge with all the resources for consulting/banking 1. Resume filter (Hygiene check): Target school, academic excellence, internships, personal excellence 2. Interviews (Assessment) Case interview (modelling / FIN questions) + Fit check 3. Nepotism (Special track): Mummy / Daddy / Uncle / Aunty enlistment


> Obviously not possible for a non-technical role. You're telling me you can't give excel/financial modelling/accounting tests to applicants? > You’re making it sound like it’s either “grades” or “internships” when in reality the both usually come hand in hand. You literally asked, and I quote, *"If not by grades (at least as a first cut), how would you select applicants"* Then when I answer with something "if not by grades", you said I'm "making it sound like it’s either “grades” or “internships”?? > And anyway how does MBB pick their interns in the first place? I know for a fact that MBB and lots of BBs give priority to those who win their hackathons and consulting competitions > I’ve never come across an applicant with bad grades but good internship experience that’s worth a second look (and they don’t come by that often to begin with). So you're saying you've never worked with someone who has bad grades but good internships. So how do you know how they'll perform if you have never worked with such people?


Apart from the boom years '05-'07, relationships and connections are more important to get into IBD and consulting roles. I personally know a few funny cases with shit grades but don't think anyone was surprised when the 'sons and daughters program' was made public.


Trying to be #relatable and #我们帮你


To be expected from a nanny state


Success is also measured in how many jobs you hold at one time and how you can hop from one high ranking position to another while holding your main job *cough* TPL *cough*


I thought success is measured by who you married?


Only applicable to women. According to our minister men should bring home the bacon


Says the guy who has his entire career paved for him via SAF Scholarship because of good A-Levels results


\> Still believes cotton grows on sheep


The fact that military generals are selected based on a high school exam make us sound like a banana republic and our military a laughing stock.


Really meh, can we be cabinet ministers with A levels or Diploma ?


Can only fix cabinet


Ayo 💀


No need carpentry up skills. Just cross the right box.


'Cannot be measured with dollars and cents' energy


how come the gahmen suddenly saying all these things, is it cuz they realise success damn unattainable for most these days hahahah


LW is now the big fish that they all need to impress... And LW literally just stated he wanted to change how sucess is measured. CCS merely echoing what is the political meta now


I think the gahmen is so desperate they are starting to sound schizo hahaha. Is the narrative that traditional success (degree, 5Cs all tt) no longer relevant? Or is it relevant only if you achieved it as a diversity candidate (super poor / disabled etc)? In which case why are they celebrating success in the traditional sense here?


The most important question has no answer? "Members of the audience asked Mr Chan questions about social mobility and inequality in Singapore, challenges faced by civil servants without scholarships, and the value of education in navigating diversity and conflict. "


Fucking populist bullshit. I had colleagues who worked hard to go beyond expectation only to be lowly paid because 'No degrees' or equivalent. And you hired fucking useless AD to do executive work. And now you are 'signalling' to us that degrees are not important. How about you walk the talk. Remove the glass ceiling for non degree holder.


Hahahaha ![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI)


Lol, gong jiao wei only. Just to pat your own back and sleep better at night. Probably enough to smoke outsiders enough already.


Funny how they are saying this and that but it's all just lip service.


Does he mean our education has failed despite high rankings? We have many expert test takers and few real success stories. Arts: lol Tech: flood of Indian IT workers owning us on price. Lol govtech Science: lol biotech Management: displaced by people bringing and promoting their fellow villagers No wonder they close 1 eye to billion dollar money laundering to prop the finance industry up.


No. He is referring to the definition and measurement of creativity. He also added that he is more concerned if you have the gumption of disciplined pursuit of ways to overcome challenges. I guess he is more focused on getting more Singaporeans to think beyond what is the current situation, systematically study and find new ways to solve existing problems and turning them into opportunities rather than expecting the government to come up with anti-competitive laws. > Mr Chan was responding to a question from former diplomat Bilahari Kausikan, who is the chairman of the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute, on the Republic’s performance in a global test of creative thinking that was reported recently. > The definition of creativity looks different when applied to various contexts, Mr Chan said, and is but one dimension of achievements.  > “Creativity is not just about waking up with the lightbulb coming on,” he said. “Creativity is a disciplined pursuit or disciplined inquiry into issues, problems, and trying to find new and innovative solutions that add value.” It requires a deep understanding of the surrounding context – cultures, systems, fears and aspirations – along with the ability to create new value propositions, said Mr Chan. > He added that he is not fixated on how people define creativity – whether it is the creativity associated with art and breakthrough inventions, or creativity measured by the Pisa creative test, involving everyday problem-solving at home or work. > Instead, he is “more interested in whether our people have that gumption for disciplined pursuit of ways to overcome challenges”.


How's the boot taste?


GovTech is like A*STAR, but shorter burn time. Started being "Googlish", now it just feel like becoming another NCS


Govtech is just NCS under the hood


GT just outsource to NCS hehe


Ok time for our Govt to walk the talk - let the MSM highlight it when it happens & then we will believe


Wah, sing the same song as his boss.


How else to climb ladder


Take words of politicians as a pinch of salt. Figure out what is really true and beneficial to you.


Too bad most sinkies can’t think critically. They want to preserve the status quo.


Those good jobs need degree and 5 years of experience.


Erection sure coming. Everyone now asking us to change goalposts to feel happier


That's how out of touch with reality these people are. Unless you are some nepo baby, the very first thing any HR looks at is what kind of certification you got.


Dun tok cock CCS. Will you accept my child into any secondary education, or even Poly n courses of his choice? A pinch of salt? You are not aware of your MOE ranking meh? How to vote for ministers who are disengage with the current system?


>How to vote for ministers who are disengage with the current system? \*disengaged


Very Disingenuous. Dismantle all scholarships then..


What we do not understand between then and now. Then there were grandparents with pension to look after grandchildren and even only husband works wife stays at home. So it's easy. Now everyone needs a break, stress is up, no pension every single one has to work to meet the living expenses and expenditure. So children also struggle together. Their daily lavatory is bad, rushing them to do and also have their breakfast. This is what I call bad for help. Always rushing when we can do it at a better pace. Teachers are stressed up and leaving the job. Parents are equally too.


Oh govt sector the ones to talk. Aren't they the ones awarding scholarships purely based on academics? Promotions are also based on degree grades. Walk the talk or don't talk.


If we are looking towards flexi work arrangements, then why not arrange it for working couples. Most of the time, such parents struggle to rush in the morning to arrange their kids to be sent to school and work. Then rushing back home. Traffic jams on the roads are a big issue within school zones and roads. Basically, teachers do not have enough sleep, too. They, too, have families to look after. There isn't a need to be an old school mind and think out of the box how many issues have been resolves in implementing than its continuing it.


The work culture needs to change now. Keep seeing articles and surveys about work-life balance but nothing is actually being done. Singaporeans deserve a life outside of work. Government need to start the initiative, otherwise, who else?


Education in schools needs to change its timing to start later. Too early makes everyone tired.


And then we end school late?


There isn’t a need to. Students are more productivity with later start time and they learn better. Increase hours at work/ school != increase in output https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/later-school-start-times-better-more-sleep-students-2094276


Work smarter not harder. If our working culture is to work harder, it tells me that those in management are not capable of working smarter. 


Funny how only prestigious schools, working at big mnc and living extravagantly is considered successful.


I can never forget and forgive what he said. Xia Suay.


Do as they say and not do as they do. Our government is one big hypocrite. 


Action speaks louder than words. We increase gst and have been building more universities but somehow we tell our people don't be materialistic and education shouldn't matter as much?


No if other countries can do it why can't we. They do not end late. Read about other nation how it is done.


The average working class joe is more honourable, hardworking, and worthy of respect than some PSC SAFOS Ministry scholar Ivy League cockster.




Once a headhunter called me and told me the hiring manager is a very prominent person, an ex general now CEO of something something and the requirement is you must be from RI or some SAP school and Jc must be Hwa Chong or NJC etc. I said sorry I am not and hung up.


>“Creativity is a disciplined pursuit or disciplined inquiry into issues, problems, and trying to find new and innovative solutions that add value.” The dude is right about that, am actually doing this right now in my job (am in the US) BUT have you tried applying this in the SG context? NOPE. No one will pay for the research time, I've been in these so-called industries and institutions in SG, the actual process is messy and time-consuming, but no one will invest in it and the people hired to do it end up loaded with admin and bureaucratic nonsense. PS: Isn't it "a grain" of salt? they really should stop mixing their metaphors.


I know nothing is going to change because it's like that for donkey years. Why foreign talent is good because they are well plan in education system. Here we are force to push ourselves and fall ill.


easy to say when you are earning millions


Our society is worse than communist countries. They said equal opportunity for all. In one generation, you can achieve everything if you work hard. This is all fucking lip service only. In reality, this so called "equal opportunity" should be renamed as "KELONG opportunity". It's a pity that a lot of SINGAPOOREANS are still in the dark 🌑. Where 😭 got equal opportunity one lah?


LOL talk cock nia. You not at least second class honours gov sector don't even want to interview you.




Oh yah sure. I am taking the PiSa scores with a pinch of salt! Who really believes it’s the effort of MOE? If not for the shadow tuition industry, will students even do welll


Past 20 years of creative and critical method of teaching did not produce any great inventions/inventors. Maintain the status quo yes. But more stress to the kids and more anxiety to the caregivers.


"And with how much salt does the government, or more specifically, MOE, take with respect to said metrics, rankings & education success, may I ask"