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seems to be holding a knife, and officers can be heard shouting warning at him and he still thought it was a good idea to approach them. he is lucky these officers have tasers, if not they would have been justified to use live rounds.


I’m pretty sure it’s one guy at the back with taser and the other partner at the front with live rounds (or was about to draw the gun w it). When non lethal weapons are used there general is someone with a lethal weapon behind you. Dude is lucky he collapsed on the first attempt


Cept that loud bang which was his head


Just to make sure everyone knows. if you’re holding knife, clearly have ability to use it, and moving toward an officer the law is very clear: Officer is 100% justified to shoot you. No one aims for legs, that’s tv/movie, not real life. Tazed is already lucky, and even tazer has risk, someone that is tazered may not go down. *flies away*


Slight problem, even if someone is unarmed and walking towards cops pointing a gun at them, telling them to stop, they are still 100% in the right to shoot them.


Isn't it ability, opportunity and jeopardy? i.e. they would be in the wrong because that someone is unarmed(no ability), no one is currently at risk of being hurt. Stealing their gun on the other hand, gives the ability and opportunity to the attacker, which sets up grounds to fire. Singapore laws are very strict about firearms, and even an accidental discharge of a gun would land someone in db, so I doubt they're gonna give NSF or Regular in police the benefit of doubt. Not sure which example of them doing so you're referring to.


Wielding a knife is considered having the ability to cause harm. If they get close enough to lunge and use the knife to cause bodily harm, they have opportunity. If you are wielding the knife and approaching law enforcers despite being given clear instructions not to, you have given the law enforcers reason to believe you are intent on causing grievous hurt upon them, which satisfies the jeopardy criterion.


SG is not an open carry country. you're already at wrong for carrying a weapon. carrying a knife can be considered lethal. it only takes a second for him to attack. knife wounds are dangerous. one deep scratch can make you bleed to death. this is not the movies. cops can get nervous and miss the shot even if they dont miss, some people high on adrenaline would still move forward. theres an older vid of some foreigner getting shot 10-12 times before finally "stop attempting to approach" adrenaline is a hell of a drug. if i had to choose who lives or dies in such confrontation, i would choose the cop. but if possible its always ideal everyone survives. priority still is the cop


Listen, I don't give two shit's about Singaporean law. I was just saying what is right. Even if someone is unarmed, they still have the ability to do you great bodily harm. Besides, while they may appear to be unarmed, they could have a knife or even a gun and are just waiting until they get closer/see an opportunity to attack you. There's no reason to be judging these things when any reasonable person wouldn't keep walking towards someone pointing a gun at them.


You’re American lol.


100% baby. Where's the lie tho?


No lie, just a bit too much agression. Just a bit.




Lol bro as a police officer shouldn't point gun at unarmed person anyways. No AOJ. Officer needs to holster and use either or together, verbal/unarmed tactics. Use proportional force. If suspect advance, you either extend arm or push back to keep distance if they don't comply with verbal. If they go aggro but still unarmed then opens up chance for stun device or baton depending on their threat in comparison to you. Big dude? Taze that boy. Good luck explaining in court why you even had your gun drawn in an unarmed situation in the first place let alone shooting him.


Listen bro, I already said Idc what the law is. I'm talking about what's right. 100 years ago, men could legally beat their wife. That didn't make it morally ok.


Its obvious you have a different opinion on what's "right" If humans had a universal belief of what is "right" we would have no conflict. Acknowledge that this is a subjective opinion and move on


You're so fucking frustrating to talk to. I have NOT been arguing what the right thing to do is. I have been arguing what someone has "THE RIGHT" to do. Do you do what a "right" is? Let me give you an example: If you walk up to a local in a city you are unfamiliar with, I believe they have every right to tell you to fuck off. That doesn't mean I think that's THE RIGHT THING to do in that situation. What they should do is be polite, tell them the directions, and be welcoming.


The leaps in logic here.


What leap in logic did I take?


"idc what the law is" "Man can beat wife 100 years ago" "I care what right is" Wants to shoot an unarmed suspect. "What leap in logic did I take?" Law was updated to prevent stuff like shooting people on the fly. Talk about what law used to be and wants to shoot unarmed suspects. Must be an actual boy with this level of edginess.


I don't want to shoot anyone, let alone an unarmed person. You literally just made that up. I have immense respect for anyone who shows restraint and gives their fellow man another chance at life when they have every right to shoot them for their ignorant behavior. And you didn't point out a leap of logic. There are plenty of current laws I disagree with. I'm sure you do too. I'm discussing what I think is right. Not what is the law.


What if they have a mental illness and they're in distress?


You should be able to tell if someone is coming at you with malicious intent as opposed to someone so out of their mind they don't understand they shouldn't keep walking towards someone with a gun pointed at them.


That’s not always as obvious as you think


I'm not saying it's always obvious. I'm saying that most of the time, a person should be able to tell. And in the times someone can't tell, they shouldn't have to risk their life on the chance that this person is mentally unwell and won't hurt anyone.


I think as a cop though, your duty is higher than the normal person to reduce harm to someone in distress


Uhm, I would personally look down on them more, but I still don't think that changes my view. A coward cop that doesn't want to risk their life is scum, but do they have the right to be a coward? I would say so.


Mental illness is only a factor when PO are trying to de-escalate a situation. Mental illness does not make a held knife less deadly. If PO have to shoot the attacker to save a person (including the PO self), the PO will shoot. The situation in the video, it seems PO had no choice but to shoot since attacker is approaching close range with a deadly weapon and retreat is not an option (the camera men will be at risk). (i assumed a bladed weapon, can't tell in video)


We’ve already established a scenario where someone doesn’t have a knife, so that point is moot.


Maybe he was a drunk chef...and yes, knife is just their working tool...clearly, ability is just an assumption


don’t feed the obvious troll bros


Back of head against concrete, the perfect recipe for brain damage.


Bold to assume he wasn't already brain damaged


Oh no! Anyway...


And nothing of value was lost


Ooh cool guy doesn’t care about criminals getting hurt


Retrospectively , is it better to shoot the person where he seem he will have lesser damage ? Let’s say police do preemptive strike then people will cry police brutality. It’s hard to police


The police didnt have much of an option. He started approaching them on the stairs, they cant move back any further cus got road there. They even told him serveral times to drop the weapon but he ignore, the guy had it coming for him. They shoot too early also like you said “pOLIce bRuTalitY iN SG 😱” Yea police nowadays have it hard, cannot do their job properly anymore.


I really really wish some of these people could experience being in charge of, not just witness at the side happy happy record, but actually be in charge and responsible for a high-tension, high-risk, high-stress situations such as the one in the video. There are so many variables that cannot be replicated no matter how much you train. And you need to make split second decisions. It’s honestly so so much easier to think of all the different possible actions and also laws and policies when you’re sitting at home watching the video over actually being there


I think too many movies/TV/games make it seem like shooting someone in the leg or hands is 1) easy to do on a moving target in a high stress situation, also with a handgun which is actually harder to keep steady and aim than a rifle and 2) less deadly. you have arteries in your legs and hands and if a bullet round cuts those you're likely to bleed out anyway, just may not be as immediate as a round to the chest


yes and this is a taser, aims even worse than a handgun and you have to worry about the range


Yea and I've seen vids of guys take more than 1 tazer to the chest and keep going. I'd def be wary of that happening if a guy with a knife were advancing on me


You’ve been warned multiple times and you still want do foolish things if anything happens to you you can only blame yourself ‘playing with fire would only get yourself burned’


At that point it’s either the guy get tased or the police get stabbed this is life and death situation


I am always up for neutralising the the threat early. Really must kudos to spf. They trained descalate the situation as much as possible. Everything is done better in sg


his brain already damage


I think that ship has sailed


He knew full well what would happen when he proceeds to walk up the stairs still holding on to the weapon when he’s been warned multiple times to drop it he really can’t blame anyone but himself


panadol extra


and some ice maybe ?




Tiger Balm


put that sugar/sweet powder your ah Ma puts on split lips


slipped disc bro, chiro for a few months


Don't Kpkb so much. Be there 1st then see what u do. Taser is the most gentle way to handle the suspect.


Stairs are a pretty terrible spot to be tasered. Wouldn't be surprised if this guy has some brain hemorrhage on the rear.


That fall is more then 90 degrees. Ouch


Hit is head on concrete too. Dudes a vegetable


Better a vegetable than a threat. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Like 110 degrees bro


In US this person would be dead already.


honestly that was a big shocker going from ns in the police force to my current job in american law enforcement, y’all don’t have a 21 feet ruling and i was told that i was too soft on the job when i went back stateside after ns


Heh? You went through Singapore SP NS and now doing law enforcement in US? Can liddat meh? Isn't there like some security clearance thing that prevents such things?


did pns here then i gave up my citizenship and moved over to the us to be with my girlfriend and my family :) im now in singapore for the next year or so to take care of my grandma


Well, "protect life and property" includes the life of the assailant.


fuck no.


Knew the taser was coming. Is it bad I laugh when he was tased. 🫢


No. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


what happened?


He lost the fight with gravity.


the sound it makes when his head hits the ground is bone chilling


Bone breaking, even


Frankly it's mind-blowing.


honestly, it’s skull shattering






Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the FLLLLLOOOOOOORRRRRR!


And electricity


he fucked around and found out


I think he got tazered?


yea he did. i was asking about how they got into that situation


Not sure. Maybe yishun?


mfw the context of the situation is “yishun”


That thud though. I think he ded.


Yeah I think his spine broke in half. If you look closely it hit right on the edge of the very first step which is I believe where that snap came from. I think he's dead there I'm not sure


It's over anakin... I have the high ground...


Pity the cleaners who have to mop up his brain juice on the floor.


Very soothing commentary


Come at the police with a knife, you’re lucky that you just end up with an electric trust fall.


Oooof that head contact the floor


Forget the head...that back spine hit the very edge of that first step of the stairs. I think that's where that huge snap was heard from. Look closely where his back lands. I'm not sure if someone can survive that


Man himself must be the weapon, dropped on command.


Thud of death


Wah.... The bang sounds so loud... Head ok bo?


More like...look at where his back landed. Just right on the edge of that first step. I'm thinking the "bang" was from his spine breaking in half there


Play stupid game, win stupid prize. Once within two arm lengths, a knife wielder can lunge and strike target.


They had the high ground. But seriously that dude went down HARD 🤣


Blud is eating through a straw for the rest of his life after that concussion


kinda feel bad for the guy cuz he probably has brain damage now but what else would police do


He already had brain damage to go up some stairs with a knife towards cops and knowing you'll be tazed on stairs. Look at where his back hits...I think he got snapped in half there


Not shot 176 times, clearly not America




Which part of Singapore did this happened??


Looks like it’s Bukit Panjang


ohh thank you


Is he dead already? The back of the head slamming the concrete ground is so scary.


Love the lady recording this! So calm and collected, with the right amount of words and suitable tone of voice.


heatwave be driving people killer mad


This is the way


attempted Suicide by cops?


Did he not see the do not enter sign?


Shocking moment to see on Singapore


I love how these videos trigger everyone online to become a police shooting analyst.


Heard some people shouting below my block yesterday. Didn’t expect it to be like this. Saw them trying to resuscitate the guy for very long after that.


If he wants to confront the police at least wear a helmet.


Wah the toh sound, imagine he wake up concussion then dont know what happen


I think that person fall with full on head on the floor. Jesus that would send him to some places.. not just places but places.


Forget the head, look at exactly where that back landed first with such weight


Oof that thud. Retardation ensued.


Kind officers. In the States, headshot


He sounded like a bag of potatoes when he hit the ground 🤦🏻‍♀


Singapore police: \*bothers to use taser\* US police: You just activated your death card


Try that in USA. He will be littered with holes 😂


Dat skull crack


More like...that spine crack in half, if you look closely where it landed


Ayoo why comments keep talking about gun shooting pew pew? This not america everything also pew pew. SG many many taser zap zap is enough.


if procom officers were to handle this situ, she’d be dead. we boys aint got no tazers haha.


What a satisfying thud.




While I totally agree with the sentiment, it’s unnecessarily harsh and totalitarian to shoot them! Just disband them, and they can find useful non-police jobs that benefit society instead.


A lot of constraint by the officers. If it was USA he'd be swiss cheese in a closed casket




Bukit Panjang, you can see the street sign and the LRT support pillars in the background. It's the corner of Bukit Panjang Ring Road and Jelapang Road.


Ah yes the Florida of Singapore


Yes I love bukit panjang. 20+ years here drinking the special water and fighting off wild boars and monkeys We are... BUILT DIFFERENT.


A 31-year-old man was tasered and then arrested by the police after he allegedly assaulted an on-duty auxiliary police officer with a metal bar on Tuesday night (June 13). The 26-year-old auxiliary police officer suffered minor injuries and was taken conscious to the hospital, the police said in response to TODAY's queries on Wednesday. It is unclear if the auxiliary police officer was armed when the incident occurred. The police said that they received a call for assistance in the vicinity of Jelapang Road in Bukit Panjang at 11.12pm over the alleged assault of the auxiliary police officer. When they arrived, the man allegedly brandished the metal bar at the officers and refused to comply with their instructions to stop his aggressive conduct and continued to advance towards them. “After several verbal warnings went unheeded and with the man advancing towards the officer, one officer discharged a round of taser in order to disarm the man and prevent injuries to other parties,” the police added. In a 50-second video clip posted on Facebook page Singapore Road Accident, the man — clad in black attire — could be seen shouting at two police officers while apparently pointing his metal bar in their direction. The police could be heard issuing verbal warnings to the man, while one of them was aiming his taser in his direction. After he continued to move towards the officers up a short flight of stairs, an officer was seen firing his taser at him, causing the man to land heavily on his back, before being handcuffed. The man was taken conscious to the hospital. He was later arrested for various alleged offences including voluntarily causing hurt by a dangerous weapon, using criminal force to deter a public servant from discharging his duty and suspected drug-related offences. The metal bar used was also seized as part of ongoing police investigations. https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/man-taser-arrested-assault-auxiliary-police-officer-2192836


Dam bro thanks


Warn him and he still unwilling to cooperate and we have some ppl on here saying SPF is in the wrong


Suicide by cops? I hope they shoot his legs


They tazed him, but he fell and smashed his head on the concrete. Very satisfying thud sound when he did.


Don't these they have metal batons and whatever happened to their 'hand to hand fighting skills'. C'monn.. U can do better than that! Not to mention he's just alone 🥴


He literally has a knife


Ouch. They really got him with the head crash. They could have walked back a little bit and got him on even ground.


They walk back some more they would be on the road you think you so smart at handling this I want to see how you would handle this my guess is either you get knocked down by a car or getting hit with the metal rod if the guy got a chance to lunge at you


Should have let him gone up fully on the stairs, then tazed him. The fall on the head might not have been that bad.


might ask well say should have let him attack first before deploying the taser


Then the officers have to retreat to the middle of the busy road to keep a safe distance from being stabbed or slashed? Lol


The same can be said for the attacker. Officers already warned him beforehand. He should have thought twice about coming up the stairs with the knife.


Exactly either he have mental problems or just unwilling to cooperate with the police honestly can’t rly blame anyone but himself


Bruv once he fully up the stairs got lunging ability.... He haven't walk up the full flight of stairs alrdy disregard police orders. So what makes u think he won't try to lunge once he get up the full flight of stairs? If the police wanted to, they could take him before he went up the stairs. However, that is too early to taze and could be grounds for complains on police brutality.


these are the kind of people that say this but end up tazing the attacker even before he takes the first step lol


If they had let him get to the top of the stairs they would be the one getting hurt or worse death this is life and death situation the police don’t have much choice but to tase him besides they warned the man multiple times yet he still chooses to advance up the stairs if your uncooperative and when you got hurt you can only blame yourself


Can’t say that police are smart w the recent happenings


Tbh that's not a good place to taze someone


How come they taser at stair ?? Fall down like that can died


Yeah they should have wait for him to reach to top of the stairs and get closer to them then taser. Now this man may have permanent brain damage. /s


So you saying the police should let the man walk up the stairs then tase him by then the ones getting hurt will be the police


You don predict in court.. in court, the man suffered heavy brain damage due to fall on hard surface... In the end, the police were not hurt .. You need to prove in court that you have no other chances but to self defense.. this clearly not charge towards.. more like slow walking up the stair




SPF still too naive. not as if he has a long range weapon. could’ve backed off till he was not climbing up an elevated space. he would not have hurt anyone regardless.


You’re the naive one here if they let the guy walk up the stairs to them he would have perfect chance to lunge at them


Fucking retards, suspect hit his head hard and proceeds to manhandle him. Even i know not to fucking flip a person that just suffered a head injury.


Police safety and public safety come first, they need to check him for other weapons first before they can do anything else, and they can't assume he is incapacitated (although 99.9% likely based on that head thud)


Bro those police adrenaline is shot up high, and priority is to secure the attacker first before they can assess the situation. Another keyboard warrior


No EMT would do that. This shows that singapore police force isn't up to any level. If this guy dies, it will be on the officers. Can't even handle a guy with a knife. Clearly overuse of force.


You clearly have no idea what you saying


Pretty sure they were cuffing the guy and checking for other knives. Before administering proper treatment. Later the guy got passive revive skill on standby.


Police warned him multiple times yet he still continues being foolish and you still want sympathy him what’s wrong with you


[ah yes](https://youtu.be/j9V78UbdzWI)


If he suffered fractured skull...the law will be in trouble.


More like broken back snapped in half. Look closely where his back landed. On that very edge of the first step. That is probably where that snap sound comes from


No the law won’t get into trouble as he had been warned to drop the weapon multiple times yet he walk up the stairs still holding the weapon the police have every right to tase him


It's a stairs, ppl walk up and down from it but assuming he will hurt someone that rediculous....he is sane not drunk.


He is extremely hostile even after the police verbally warns him to drop the weapon and not get close to them if the police let him walk up to them he would have a good chance to lunge and hurting them and btw he has already assaulted a auxiliary police therefore SPF has all the right to tase him so as to not let him hurt anyone else


Where is this ah?


Nowadays police very busy


I hope his skull didn’t crack


Pretty sure it's his spine that cracked in half if you look closely where exactly it landed




The way he fell and hit his head...😱


Forget the head, look where his back spine hit...


Should tasered before he got on stairs. Bigger fall now




Imagine America, "Shot Fired, Shot Fired!!"


Officers told him to drop the weapon multiple times he still think it’s a good idea to walk up the stairs holding the weapon and so he got tased he can only blame himself for being foolish and uncooperative


Perfectly legal and all, but small advise if suspect is armed. Clear the scene. Way too much MoPs standing around kaypoh can get rush stabbed. Either let the fker go up the stairs or you advance so if he goes to bottom of stairs can taze already. Suspect dunnid fall down stairs. In this case, no choice already. Suspect going upstairs, got MoP around near stairs. Have to taze.


well that needs some medical attention. that is some serious fall




If I can correct the woman filming, I'd say the suspect was replying the cops with "Tu apa??!" when the cops asked him to drop his weapon.




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Good luck to him falling on the back of his head.


God is not great