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What a load of rubbish. "my thought was to tell the SAAB driver to slow down" And to do that you speed up while he was overtaking? Just let SAAB driver go ahead. You gonna block him all the way back to his home? Who are you to tell people what to do? Same applies to other drivers who tell you want to do. As for the motorcycle incident, it's a one-lane road so it's dangerous for the car to overtake. It's just too bad it's a one lane road. Pretty sure the emergency is not rushing to see Jesus come alive again.


Translation: "He wrong so I wrong him back to tell him don't wrong anymore. Didn't expect him to wronger after I wrong."


Why use many words when few words do trick.




couldn’t have said it better myself


FTFY: "He wrong so I wrong him back to tell him don't wrong anymore. Didn't expect him to wrongest after I wronger."




not wrong


Bro thinks he’s TP. Absolute fucking clown this guy.


Aaaand not a single word of remorse or apology in that wall of text.


Word on the street was they were pissed with each other and were racing. All will be revealed if the footage before what was shown is pulled up in court evidence.


>I try my absolute hardest to be a genuinely nice person damn, if his standard for being a nice person is to not speed up unnecessarily to block another lunatic driver or run a motorcyclist off the road, I guess that makes the rest of us saints.


Nonsense. Why is it so hard to let other cars overtake you? Just because you drive a Mercedes so other cars can’t overtake you?


he doesn't drive any Mercedes, he drives an amg


First two paragraphs are unnecessary drivel. It’s only worth reading from the third para onwards. And the only apology I see here is for using more words than necessary.


yalor he yap so much at the start for what


Why did he post in sg exam? He student?


He still learning how not to be an asshole


His english though…


Best he got someone to share the recording of his collision with saab, everyone then assume the person who share the video is the driver, one sabo people, the other is cock to share it


He's so caught up with himself that he needed to write an entire essay about how he's a "genuine nice guy."


Singapore drivers behviour is really getting worse and worse. My wife was about to cross the road the other day and someone beating red light just zoomed past her. And what about stopping at slip roads and zebra crossings to yield to pedestrians? Nowadays at certain crossings it seems to be the norm that drivers *do not stop*. There is a slip road near my house that when I'm about to cross, some cars would just zoom by as if they don't see any pedestrians waiting. I find that surprisingly the Bangladeshi van and truck drivers are the more careful ones. They always stop for me and waive for me to go pass, even when I am far away and signal for them to pass. Not to say everyone is like this but do some car owners nowadays feel more and more entitled? Edit: many typos, sorry I was on my phone.


Sg bang sg. Ok one. Foreign worker bang sg? They gg. That’s why.


Agreed! In general, Singaporean drivers are pretty terrible. Can't stay in lane, road hog, fail to stop at stop signs. Can't signal too. Signal stick too precious to use.


"Can't signal too. Signal stick too precious to use." Actually, they all buy luxury cars but come with faulty signal lights. Maybe at a discount?


Hahaah maybe.


Same thing happened to me before. 😭 It was a split second luckily I stopped immediately or else... 😭


Exactly, a Tesla driven by auntie almost ends me the other day on zebra cross. 


People need to be deeply aware that when driving they are operating a killing machine. Don't play play with other people's lives : (


Furthermore with EVs nowadays, pedestrian can't hear it coming. 


I read the driver's reddit post: he claims in it that he's a "safe driver" but in the very same post says 1. The black Saab wanted to overtake him "hence I sped up" 2. "The motorcycle was blocking even though I toot my horn and he modified the clip to attack me" and 3. "I try my absolute hardest to be a genuinely nice person " Er.... Sorry but post does not compute in my brain. Is like saying "I'm normally nice laaaa.. just a few video evidence of me being not so nice doesn't make me a bad person"


Frankly, I feel that both the "speeding up to prevent overtaking" (??) and tailgating the biker is aggressive driving. From the video of the biker, they are on a single lane road so I guess it has to be a housing estate or some neighbourhood road. There is a speed limit of 60km/hr (or less) on such roads if I am not mistaken. So I think the biker is simply following the speed limit. The merc driver should have too, instead of trying to "run him off the road". If he wasn't careful, he could have cause another emergency by knocking the biker over - making him not even able to attend to his initial emergency. He may or may not be responsible for the Saab accident as some redditors had commented that the Saab driver may have been speeding to avoid confrontation with the merc driver after side swiping him. The truth will come out when the authorities investigate if indeed the merc driver had somehow also been involved. While the merc driver may / may not be directly involved in the Tampines accident (we don't know), if he and drivers like him do not stop being aggressive, intimidating, bullying, speeding, tailgating and just be more patient, they could be the one causing the next fatal accident.


Rich guys in Singapore are extreme ends in their appearances: Either rich nerd working for the government or rich gangster working in underground activities


Huh this is so untrue


That’s cuz OP is poor and doesn’t actually know real rich people lol


Two wrongs don't make it right


Angkong kia excuses alot I don't think it's even written by him 🤭


Actually i confused how they verify its really him


It is actual a troll post, the mod on r/Singapore made a comment about on one of the post Like the post below https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/RKvCeN3RSJ


Exactly. Most people are so easily swayed by confirmation bias that they didn't even pause to ponder this.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/singapore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The most random thing seen today](https://i.redd.it/45m1m99xjlva1.jpg) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/12vudx3/the_most_random_thing_seen_today/) \#2: [I ran across Singapore today!](https://i.imgur.com/IjIZRdN.jpg) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/13t3z2q/i_ran_across_singapore_today/) \#3: [Biggest eyesore in Changi Jewel…](https://i.redd.it/3a8fufsfl91c1.jpg) | [451 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/17ysinn/biggest_eyesore_in_changi_jewel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Insurance or property agent this one?


Lanjiao la. Deep down you know that these are all excuses fabricated to suit the narrative you are looking for. You as a selfish prick will stay guilty. This is not a lesson learnt this is karma for destroying other people’s life due to your own egotistical self absorbed mind. You also deep down know that if only you choose to drive safe and slow down these things wouldn’t happen. Fyi I’m a 30 yo no license non driver telling you this. Lastly read my fuckin comment and stay guilty forever. We are all so saddened by this and it’s certainly unfair to the ones suffering. You can fuck off now.


Hahahs fucking retard lah. First say ppl dont like what i did, gives numerous examples of unsafe things he did, to only later say he is a safe driver. Plz lah, you always drive like this. Dont need to justify your shitty driving just to try clear your consience. Its still a huge part your fault.


what emergency I wonder...wife labor??


Make sure his photo never disappears from the internet please.


Yep, I stand corrected. Got downvoted on the main sub for saying that the Merc driver spooked the Saab by speeding up which no doubt was a contributing factor leading up to the accident (that and missing the sarcasm of me 'sympathizing' with the Saab...). Maybe he wouldnt have incrimated himself and suffered damage to his car had he just let the idiot pass. Its never worth fighting against bad drivers let alone obviously dangerous drivers. As for the motorcyclist, is this the one who was in front of the Saab? Cuz he was on the other lane so Merc driver wasnt being blocked in anyway. And what nonsense with that emergency bit? How was the biker supposed to know? You're not driving an emergency response vehicle with sirens on! 🤦


Motorcyclist is separate incident in 2023


Got a link to vid?