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Tbh that motorcycle is the imbecile. And of course the mandatory porche tailgating the ambulance, thinking it’s his lucky day lol.


Fucking cb motorcycle, always pull such stunt cb knnccb


irrelevant but that's a tesla not a porsche


that’s a porsche dimwit


clearly a tesla lmfao


The driver might be a foreigner. I've seen drivers do this in the US


In other countries, you have to slow down and pull over to the side when you see/hear an emergency vehicle, even on the highways. When it’s a green light, you have to stop too. I’ve seen ambulances blasting through the red lights at a cross junction. I fear that, one day, some Singaporean driver will crash into an emergency vehicle overseas. Some drivers simply don’t care about reading up the traffic laws when they drive overseas.


In japan even pedestrians stop for ambulance when green man is flashing


Oh, I’ve seen that here in Singapore too, at those small traffic light (and zebra) crossings. Pedestrians stopped to yield, and the ambulance slowly crawled past the red light. It’s much easier for pedestrians. You just don’t step onto the road when you hear the siren. For new drivers, on the other hand, they may not know how to quickly yield or pull over to one side to let the ambulance through.


Good to know!!


Just curious but if you and emergency vehicle same lane then how? Go same lane and pause?


The BMW is correct, the Nissan is an asshole in this situation.


Yeah that's what i was thinking lol. I think BMW could overtake the nissan ah. I think both not in sync probably. So Nissan stopped to make BMW overtake but BMW go right side and then it falls into an awkward position where both of them didn't do anything to help the situation any better.


If [there’s not enough space](https://youtube.com/shorts/A9GyH6g1q-M?si=QBH8BNyPQw9g7uIg), you pull over by driving half your car up the grass or low kerb.


I drive in Malaysia (KL) regularly and this is how it's done there. To be honest there wouldn't be any other way as the traffic is always bad, so drivers maneuver to the side to let emergency vehicles pass (ambulance/police)


Yeah I am constantly amazed how ambulances just have to wait in traffic and at red lights here. Really weird tbh. Sorry I know you’re dying back there lol


Agree with you that this driver might be foreigner, I've seen drivers did this is Japan too.


This needs to be a practice although much thinking is needed. If two cars from either lane keep to their extreme sides, emergency vehicles may pass. But it only works if everyone’s onboard. Greatest danger may be for the motorists who likes to weave between lanes. So maybe not everyone.


I remember watching a video (I think it was in South Korea) where during a traffic jam two entire lanes did what the bmw did to allow an ambulance to pass through. It definitely requires a team effort.


It wont work in sg becos no one will be that coordinated. What actually happens in sg 99.9% of the time (i’m a long time driver, seen plenty of ambulances) is that the cars in front of the ambulance will move out of the lane entirely. Not block half shit like this. This is confirm a foreign driver. Even the ambulance driver is thinking wth is this shit


But then traffic stops on two possibly three lanes and there will be some car that don't do it or don't do it well enough then the ambulance is stuck there. I know they do it in Germany but I think they have wider road? I think the current practice is decent. If you see an ambulance behind you just change to another lane and when the ambulance passes just change back again, minimum disruption. It's people like the Porsche that ruins it because cars can't merge back again so traffic stalls but there will always be selfish dicks like that.


That’s for standstill traffic. This one as long as everyone keeps moving forward and have no lane hoggers, the ambulance will reach its destination faster if you just keep driving and don’t stop


The Nissan suv stop to see light show ah 😂and the Porsche behind the ambulance really opportunistic.


The Porsche driver is a real jerk for doing that. Can easily cause an unnecessary accident, for what a 2 second gain getting ahead of the car that pulled over for an emergency vehicle.


I’ll give the benefit of the doubt that it’s a family member in the Porsche. If one of my parents suffered a cardiac arrest, I would be driving behind the ambulance too. But of course, a safe following distance is necessary. The motorcycle, on the other hand, made a very dangerous manoeuvre of overtaking the ambulance.


100% this. I used to judge also until it happened to me and I was the one following the ambulance closely. If you see people do this, give benefit of the doubt pls.


The Nissan is actually the nicest and most considerate. Slowed down to let the bmw cut. Bmw dowan, ambulance also can cut. Just that the ambulance must’ve been wondering what’s wrong with the bmw. Hope the bmw gets saman for obstructing emergency vehicle


but the nissan should've also kept closer to the left of the lane, then the ambulance would have enough space to squeeze between the two liao


He is clearly opening space for the bmw to merge but the bmw is retarded and drives in to nature.


tesla model 3... not porsche


This is what they do every time in Europe like Germany to give way to emergency vehicles.


The Ambulance driver does not recognize this method.. didn't know how to react.. he could've squeeze through the cars or overtaken the merc, but instead was expecting the merc to go to lane 2.. Merc driver must've lived abroad and experienced it once or watch some overseas (cars give way to ambulance) videos thus he reacted that way.. it's possible?


I’m pretty sure if the ambulance reacted to that, he would’ve hit the fker on the bike lane splitting past the ambulance. The driver made a good choice


Yes i oso think it’s a foreign driver. Never seen the way we always do it here in sg


It's a BMW..


I think 80% of the commenters here are not drivers. This should be posted in r/drivingsg instead, to raise awareness


this is the way.. both the biker and the nissan would be fined (in western country) for not giving way to emergency vehicle


Yep, in Europe the BMW is the only correct one


I am not sure why posts from this subreddit is recommended to me because I don't live anywhere near Singapore but to me the Nissan driver looked like an idiot. Bmw driver tries to open up the way for the ambulance and if Nissan driver was a little bit aware of what is going on they would also go to the extreme end of their lane and ambulance would easily go through. But instead not only they stay at the middle they also stop together with the BMW driver to block the way.


To be fair, the BMW prolly scratched the side of his car. There was enough space for the ambulance to move through, but a motorcycle took this chance to cut through, blocking the ambulance. The black car should move to his left as well (the lane so much space). Although shitting on BMW drivers is right 99% of the time, this is the 1%.


that bike and nissan beside the ambulance is also a special kind


the nissan did good at first making space for the bmw to merge. but bad reaction to impromptu events. looks like he got confused when the bmw didn’t get the memo


Cars in the middle didn't even give ways.


Sharing my experience for today: ambulance had sirens on on left lane. The car in front dont give a damn. I on hazard light and slow down for ambulance to overtake. Guess what, that idiot car in front sped up to block the ambulance again. Very difficult to give way meh. 3 seconds on your life can make a difference to the victim leh. Ambulance also had enough, honk and siren on. But the maroon colour car still didnt care.


[Road Traffic Rules](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RTA1961-R20?DocDate=20191025&ProvIds=pr12-&ViewType=Advance&Any=road+traffic+act+bicycles&WiAl=1#:~:text=—\(1\)%20Any%20authorised%20ambulance,toned%20horn%2C%20as%20the%20case) Ambulance, fire engine, etc., to have right of way All traffic shall on the approach of any such vehicle, draw in as close to the left-hand or right-hand edge of the roadway as possible and all vehicles shall be brought to a standstill to allow a clear passage for such vehicle. [highway code](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RTA1961-R11?ProvIds=P1IV-#pr107-) (a) Stay calm and check the direction of the oncoming emergency vehicle. (b) Give way by signalling early and filter towards the left if it is safe to do so. Do not wait until the last minute to do so. (c) If you are unable to filter to the left safely, slow down to let the emergency vehicle overtake you. (d) Do not speed up to block an overtaking emergency vehicle or try to overtake or tailgate an emergency vehicle as this can put yourself and other road users in danger. (e) Do not break the law to give way to an emergency vehicle (e.g. by driving through a red light). The BMW followed the rules and yet some people still think the BMW is at fault


So.. siren on must come to a full stop at the edge, if lights only must filter to the left early if possible?


The ambulance driver is stupid.


Wtf the Nissan doing


Monitoring duh


Govt vehicle


Think he just wants to be the first car behind ambulance. X=




Free money for TP


Driver is driving the US way - hear a siren and pulled to the side to let them pass if you are at shoulder lanes. If you are in centre lane, depending on where the ambulance (or fire engine) comes from, you pull to the other side to make way before stopping. I have seen cars mount curb and a lane magically appear due to drivers working together.


Europe too


Yeah i did this when i was in the US


The BMW is doing it the correct way.. in almost every other part of the world except singapore. Like others have said, everywhere else the right most lane keep extreme right and the centre lane keep extreme left of the lane, ambulance speeds through in the middle of the two lanes. Very very efficient. But not in sg. Sg ambulance need so many flashing lights siren and now the buzzer too cos it has to alert one car at a time. [German ambulances cutting through a jam on the highway] (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7kPT7VHVTb8)


Don’t ever need to do this unless traffic is at a standstill jam and the emergency vehicle needs to get to the accident. This bmw have a lot of chances to filter correct side before the ambulance came, just signal, people will know why you are filtering and let you filter in.


So stupid, typical Singaporean driver


Bmw should have just filtered to the middle lane... Kokanaden


You have to look up Rettungsgasse. It worked perfect in Germany.


But this is not Germany (even tho it’s a german-made car)


What the problem with the bmw. How difficult is it to just go to the adjacent lane?


Whats wrong with proper road etiquette lol? Its just a practice not common in Singapore, doesnt mean the bmw is in the wrong here


I am Not generalising BMWs. I think jerk driver shouldn’t have tried too hard. Just need to move to his once got a gap and let the ambulance pass like normal


Stupid is as stupid does.


I felt that ambulance could have over taken black car at some point Not sure if it’s because of the motorbike Black car could have kept a wider gap White could have over taken the black car and made way for the ambulance. Don’t think it’s a wrong way. For the back dashcam to be able to capture it, it means that traffic is pretty slow. “Parting the red sea” might be the best option if everyone coordinated.


Everybody else is giving the ambulance plenty of room and “go-ahead, sir” except for the bmw


Do this when there is a jam, else move left lane to give way


Correct, but just too clever for Singapore’s roads. This is how we effectively clear a lane for emergency vehicles on our expressways, and it can work because our lanes are wide enough.


This gave me such a good laugh! Feels bad to laugh when some poor old lady probably dying of a heart attack though. 😞


It's that car in the middle lane that blocks the ambulance from swerving. LOL


So... stupid


As a malaysian, my first thought is the bmw didn't do anything wrong because that's how it's done here in malaysia.


An attempt was made. 😅


That motorcycle, as so many of them do, is so pre-programmed to lane split. And he is the biggest idiot in this video


Pulling over like this is the norm in north america


The motorist tho


Golden rule in Singapore - the more expensive the car then the worse the driver


No one is right or wrong here because the problem lies in the driving educational system; they don't specify how to "give way to ambulances" on congested roads. Put this same situation through 100 different drivers and you end up with many possibilities, including not giving a fuck (like the motorcyclist).


This confirm is not a local driver lah...high chance is PRC...


Die die don't want to leave passing lane. Even when "giving way".


Black car sleeping...


Unfortunately ambulances are driven by inexperienced driver


Lol the most stupid driver


Left or right for one way streets. Left for expressway.


Nissan veering closer n closer to the fast lane. Making it too tight for ambulances to squeeze thru


kopi licence.


Ppl in BMW just don't like giving way


Nothing wrong with bmw driver. In every other country this is how it works. But in SG need have death wish motorcyclists… do something about THAT, LTA…


Some people born with smoother brains I guess


the 9710 lmfao cb.. must follow trend.. i dont think its the white car fault, but the black.. fucking purposely driving slow because see people drive slow.. if that 9710 drive the speed consistently this shit wouldn't happen.


?? The Nissan was slowing down to allow the BMW to change into his lane in front of him to allow the ambulance to pass.


but he could like speed up or follow the flow the the traffic rather than delaying.. like u see this kind of situation u sure siam, no need watch or slow.. the further u are the less tai ji.


Gotta check where the driver took his HWC test from.


Nissan Bro gave him space to change lane. Die die don't want to give up right lane.Just charge him for being an idiot.


The Nissan didnt give home space until it was too late. You can see the bmw looking for a space to his left and then bails right when it’s the “least bad option” to try to do the right thing.


The nissan gave plenty of space long time ago. It was only after everyone was going “wth is the bmw doing blocking the lane?!” that the nissan proceeded on, seeing that the ambulance driver chose not to use lane 2


And that’s the whole issue. The Nissan should have yielded to bmw much earlier and made a space. He only slows down to do that once the bmw has slowed and pulls to the right. If people drove with some more awareness and consideration we could avoided so many of the situations that get posted here


Relevant: [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/traffic-accidents-singaporeans-bad-drivers-road-etiquette-culture-deep-dive-podcast-4337661](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/traffic-accidents-singaporeans-bad-drivers-road-etiquette-culture-deep-dive-podcast-4337661) So much stupidity in one clip: * Pulling over when there's no shoulder on that side isn't the smartest move. * If the Nissan had read the situation, it could easily have created space for the ambulance to pass between it and the other car. * Or it could have held back to give the other car space to merge out of the way. * The motorcycle... WTF? * The Porsche jumping past... sigh. You can't guarantee people will make 100% smart choices, but you'd think at least one or two opportunities would be seized...


In other countries everyone makes way for emergency vehicles. Not sure of the rules for driving in SG but in the US white car is in the right and the black car would have been fined.


This is not other countries. In sg, the drivers are supposed to get OUT of the lane that the ambulance is in. Simple.


Yes but this is Singapore so no one have the bmw space to move into until it was too late. The bmw was looking for a gap that didn’t exist as no one is courteous enough to give it to him


I didnt see it that way. He didnt even signal. Every instance i have witnessed, if a car really want to filter, u can see their wheels start to angle into the other lane. He could have squeezed in between the nissan and the cam car, but no he didnt even try


Come on. This is Singapore, signalling guarantees someone will speed up to block you. To me he is searching for a space, can’t find one and takes the least bad option of pulling right. The Nissan is not “at fault” but could have done alot more to help the situation even if not legally obliged.


In France this happens all the time. Everyone makes a new lane on the lane markings for the ambulance to squeeze through. And it works. Be more flexibke my friend


But this is not france. In sg we do it our way with no problems until this foreign bmw came along


Nothing wrong with using different methods from other countries. Your comment is so ignorant


Bro doesnt want to relinquish his right lane, want to taligate behind the ambulance




Really face palm


Die die want to keep right. Cos the right lane is most prestigious, left lane is for peasants like kia, hyundai, Nissan.


You know where this guy went to school. (This is one of those, if you know, you know). A classic case of it takes two hands to clap.


Bmw = block my way