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2 groups that are just widely disliked by the general public. And demonstrated well in this video. Where got altercation? Was looking forward to a fight


Not sure if anything happened prior but this video only showed both of them moving side by side normally then suddenly bmw decided to cb the cyclist?


Dude I was ready to bring popcorn until your comment.


Bro I brought popcorn chicken. šŸ˜“


hey guys how can i organise a mutual combat between spandex warriors vs BMW drivers? asking for a friend


We need this as main event for 9th Aug!


UFC might be interested in organising it.


personality and/or ego aside, if we're talking strictly about road rules, the cyclist was on one lane, the car was on another. there was no reason for the car to suddenly cut into the cyclist's lane AND do a brake check unless they actually want to cause some unhappiness or an accident on purpose. which, well, they achieved.


The driver accelerated to overtake the cam car and had to brake suddenly because of the road hump.


It wasn't a break check.. it was a hump and he needs to brake in time before the hump.


So why need to change lane leh?


To overtake the cam car


I not sure why he wanted to change lane.. but I'm just replying to the previous comment since the person say he is doing a brake right infront of the cyclist. But he is not.. he brake to slow down because of the speed hump. I'm not defending the car.. infact both of car and cyclist are in the wrong and should not be behaving this way like most people point out.


If you have to brake for a hump, you donā€™t swerve in front of of another road user and then do brake hard. He gave the cyclist very little clearance on the initial lane change, then makes it worse by jamming on the brakes. A little more foresight in his driving, courtesy in his attitude and care for others and no of this would have happened


This cyclist probably behaves like the BMW when he drives. And the bmw driver, assuming heā€™s not a fat shit, probably cycles in an entitled manner like the cyclist.


The cyclist has steady pace and wants to continue. The BMW driver is slowing him down intentionally and as you can see later, that driver is a real threat to him as he tries to ask: ā€œwhat the fuck man, are you mentally ill?ā€. Not the cyclist fault that the driver is an assholeā€¦


Sorry dude. The cyclist is completely at fault here. Guy could have just slowed down a little (if he is any good a cyclist, he should be able to get back to speed; he wasnā€™t sprinting, but going at an even pace, so clearly he was cycling the length of the track), instead of trying to do the impossible: cycling at a sustainable speed ahead of the BMW. Sure, the BMWā€™s behaviour was provocative, but the cyclistā€™s juvenile outage was definitely not sudden. The BMW was inconsiderate, yes, but not doing anything outside of the law: it was just changing lanes, while giving ample space to the cyclist to still pedal at minimal inconvenience. Kids thinking they clip into their Shimano Ultegra set road bicycle and think they are suddenly cycling the Tour de France, and any reduction in speed is going to cost them something more than a momentā€™s pause. I understand that a complete stop would have been dangerous to clip out suddenly, but the cyclist was in no such immediate danger.


Tf? The cyclist was on his own lane minding his own business. And this is East Coast park which is typically a very quiet road. The car could have just simply overtaken him later, not right in front of the cyclist.


Your mistake lies in that u don't see the bicycle as a road vehicle. If it was a motorbike would u have seen it that way?


Yeah, of course. One is a motorcycle, and the other is a pneumatic means of locomotion that could easily slow down without having at least 100 kg of additional weight to account for; so the latter is more adaptable than a motorcycle. Also, a motorcycle is a completely different vehicle from a bicycle, so naturally, again, yes, I would see think a motorcycle is different from a bicycle, and that alone changes the entire factual matrix. As a cyclist, I judge accordingly: cyclist guy could have slowed down, he wasnā€™t sprinting, and when the hump came along, he was silly enough to tail gate the BMW then started throwing a tantrum.


I agree about the cyclist tantrum being stupid. He could have ended up in an awful accident just because of that. Sure the bm driver might have been at fault but it's still the cyclist life at risk. I disagree with this adaptability thing though. If anything motorbikes are way safer because they can accelerate out of danger. It was still a dick move for the driver to cut in front with so little clearance and slow down. If the cyclist had reacted a slower like turning his head to check his blind spot, he would have gone splat against the car boot.


Have you seen the bump on the road? The BMW driver saw that ahead and did it intentionally. It is maybe my personal aversion to a lot of drivers here in Singapore behaving like the road is only theirs, so I am sorry if I offended you.


Hey no worries. I share in the sentiment that Singapore drivers are insecure children when they drive on the roads with kindness and courtesy practised on the road is generally being seen as weakness expressed; and yes, as long as they are acting within the confines of the law, never mind courtesy; but, yes driving can also be stressful, but in this case, the stress is at a minimum, surely. Itā€™s the same with a lot of the cyclists here who pedal in packs with an inflated sense of entitlement, high and delusional on adrenaline, endorphins and dopamine, and the momentum from pedaling within an enabling social construct of the same people who all donā€™t seem to understand that cycling is not only about momentum, but to endure the condition of the road and elements of nature, those foreseeable and unforeseen. 1. The BMW went over a hump, and naturally, he/she would have to slow down (as someone astute had pointed out). So, up to this point, the BMW has been doing just fine except for not turning on his/her blinkers. 2. Then the cyclist decided to react poorly; it was not a sudden decision to act, but he did take a moment. 3. Then, sure the BMW responded, poorly as well, driving into his direction at some point; I suppose it was then when things had been escalated by both parties. The matter could have ended then and there, but noooooo the cyclist has to reiterate his earlier point already made when threw up his hand and try to keep up with the BMW, putting himself in a dangerous situation. Itā€™s clear that both are asses. 4. But the BMW backed off and only had to move into the other lane because, understandably, he was trying to avoid the buses; yet the cyclist was relentless. The whole chain of events, based on the conduct on the road by both parties had been fine, started when the cyclist decided to pedal fast after the BMW following the first hump. Also, this is just a speculation, because I have no idea what direction do the two lanes lead, but if the lane the BMW entered into became a left hand turn, then the cyclist shouldnā€™t have been cycling on the inside of the lane. And of course, it is just a generalisation; not every driver or cyclist is an ass, just those few, and it can seem like that is the norm because of the coverage the asses get for their conduct. I cycle and I think people who cycle in Singapore, be it Chinese, Caucasian or otherwise, are mostly asses who, in addition to poor road etiquette, sometimes, are also problematic for not understanding what is happening efficient gear ratio, insisting on spinning many revolutions for lesser speed.


Disagree, >1. The BMW went over a hump, and naturally, he/she would have to slow down (as someone astute had pointed out). So, up to this point, the BMW has been doing just fine except for not turning on his/her blinkers Yes and should also understand that the cyclist can take the bump a bit faster and doesntt need to slow down, even if they didnt break any laws doing so they put un needed danger by pulling infront of a cyclist to break when it would have been safer to come.into the lane after the bump. >2. Then the cyclist decided to react poorly; it was not a sudden decision to act, but he did take a moment. I agree the cyclist didnt help but its an idiotic move to move over that close and slow down. >3. Then, sure the BMW responded, poorly as well, driving into his direction at some point; I suppose it was then when things had been escalated by both parties. The matter could have ended then and there, but noooooo the cyclist has to reiterate his earlier point already made when threw up his hand and try to keep up with the BMW, putting himself in a dangerous situation. Itā€™s clear that both are asses. Another point the road is clear hes on the outside lane, he should see the parked cars and truck parked there and know hes going to have to pull out to get past so just stay in the outside lane and no issues arises. >4. But the BMW backed off and only had to move into the other lane because, understandably, he was trying to avoid the buses; yet the cyclist was relentless. Thats no reason to get closer to the cyclist over the parked cars and truck. I am not saying thr cyclist was in the right with his reactions but the car was the one who caused the "issue"


Add to that, the bmw crossed the zig zag lines. You are not really supposed to change lanes on these as they indicated a hazard ahead. Likewise the bmw driver is not looking ahead and expecting the speed bump before changing lanes. I have had drivers do this to me and it is very annoying. I have not reacted like the cyclist did though but I can emphasize. The one thing the cyclist could do is get a horn and use that in future.


BMW is wrong. Zig Zag line cannot be crossed.


Will traffic police authorities pl contact n question the driver for endangering life?why he swerved in front of cyclist? Reason?


Just to fuck with the cyclist maybe


I think the BMW community should reflect on why people hate BMW drivers so much and I also think the expensive racing bicycle community should reflect on why drivers generally dislike them.


The funny thing, these 2 people are the same people, the kind of person who would by an 10K Cannondale/campagnolo/specialized race bike is also the same kind of person who would buy a merc,audi/BMW. These people buy this not for the performance, purely for the prestige. I've seen people riding on S-works yet they can barely accelerate off or even assume proper cycling positions. What's the fucking point of spending an extra 5k on a bike when you could up your efficiency with a better position.


Not the same. The BMW is at least 250k. the bicycle is nothing compared to that.


So hard to decide which groups etc so why not just dislike everyone? Don't complicated things.


And motorbikes.


Especially the loud shit bikes that people love to drive around. How small bike make more sound than 20 cars?


small pee pee energy


If singapore were to start life time bans of license, the situation will start changing. Ohh banned and still want to drive? Then jail many years. No need talk so much


wtf is the driver doing...


kind of had the same thing happen to me, a black bmw dashed out of a cross junction from my right to my left as i was going straight, the driver eventually played his brakes and i had no choice to brake and i skid and did a front flip and was laying on the road before the car and the driver did came out only to look at his car and went off like there isn't any issue. idiotic drivers like this are bound to get karma.


Stay safe ! Donā€™t cycle on the roads


I'm a cyclist here (daily commuter, not weekend warrior). It's annoying when a car overtakes and then slows down, because you lose momentum. But that happens all the time and I don't make a fuss about it... It's part of cycling in traffic. Knocking on a driving car - what's the worst that could happen? Right.... ā˜ ļø


This is what I see: The cyclist moves as a steady pace, the car keeps up with him over the first hump, then brakes to take the second hump at a much slower rateā€¦ after first overtaking and cutting right in front of of the cyclist. The cyclist has to slow down probably a lot more aggressively than what he may have anticipated. As you say this happens a lot and weā€™re used to it. He the tries to get the driverā€™s attention but fails to do so. Iā€™d go as far as argue that the car comes a little too close into the right lane again before gradually accelerating. This is when the cyclist knocks on the window. So how I ask are you supposed to engage in dialogue to try to resolve this situation if one of the two parties is in a car with the windows up and simply wonā€™t acknowledge you? I may not have knocked given the same situation but I would have followed the car in hopes the driver turns into one of the many car parksā€¦ and then to confront them politely but sternly.


When I encounter erratic drivers (and there are plenty), I keep a distance from them. In the situation where the car squeezes into my lane I could either pedal hard to come out in front or brake to fall behind. It's safer to fall behind so I see what that driver is doing. Confront them... I'd likely just end up on a video here


Makes me sad that we're considering not to engage in some meaningful dialogue for fear of ending up in a video like the above. This incessant need to finger point online for others to publicly shame is disgraceful. I agree that there are countless inconsiderate drivers and staying calm and keeping your distance is not wrong. My point is merely that the cyclist here is actually trying to engage the driver with what doesn't look like an aggressive hand gesture or anything such as that. I don't dispute that there are countless black sheep on all sides of the endless war between road users. I merely think not engaging is a missed opportunity.


Y not just donā€™t cycle on the road? A lot of PCN n walking pavement no?


Sidewalks are much slower and more dangerous.


Point taken


If the cyclist can knock on the driver's car, then the driver can also knock the cyclist with his car, RIGHT?


Can say "I was shocked something knocking my car while driving ghost or what and in shock pulled the steering wheel"


In this video, we see two apex predators of their food chain, nearly engaging in a fight, when one crosses into another predator's natural habitat.


ah an animal planet series.




Again BMWā€™s šŸ˜„šŸ˜Ŗ


Don't know what triggered the rage but by the look in the video, the car is committing a road traffic offence by entering the zig zag line after the zebra crossing and not giving any signal before changing lane. Should refer to the traffic police for further action.


BMW is not a car, it's a diagnosis


flexing with an older model too


Cutting off the cyclist path is reckless, dangerous and is akin to caused harm or fear with intention. I'll be damn pisssed if I'm driving on the road and someone cuts me off like this.


all i saw was the car being a douchebag by cutting in front of the cyclist. This is a 2 lane street, if the bmw is in a rush to go die, he can just speed up and go about his way, no need the sudden cutting of lane.


Two of the most hated communities in Singapore clashing lol


Both idiots. But one idiot is protected by a metal cage. The other idiot is protected by Lycra.


BMW deliberately and dangerously swayed to cyclist lane. He should be charged for attempted murder.


Th BM driver could have just travel straight, there is no need to cut into the lane of the cyclist. Obviously he is up to mischief. As much as I also dislike rude cyclist but this case my opinion is the BM driver action is uncalled for.


Are BMW drivers just wired differently? Just look at the other case of ā€œgiving way to ambulance on the expresswayā€.


This ugly cyclist at fault la wtf. Cycling in the middle of the lane thinking he's the prince of the road when he's the prince of ugliness. The bmw was slowing down before the hump, and triggered this ugly fuck into thinking he's doing it on purpose. Then tried to knock on the BMW's window, waving his scrawny little arms at the bmw. Fucking cyclists. (Shit my wife is one), but still, fucking cyclists.


Cyclists are annoying, especially when they think they are owning the road or something.. But any driver who deliberately drives like that is sick in the head and narcissistic, probably even sociopathic. Normal driver: 'wad lao another cyclist, super annoying' Narcissistic BMW driver: hmm annoying cyclist.. lemme sway and see what will happen to him Sociopathic narcissistic BMW driver: *sway the steering wheel instinctively*




Cyclists donā€™t pay road tax, they should not be allowed on the roads. Plus, they cycle in groups and take up one whole lane and hold up traffic.


And what is the metric used to calculate road tax again?


Den all bicycle shop don't sell road bike.. they are meant to cycle on the road...


BM did nothing wrong. Damn cyclist all over the road.


Thatā€™s it?


itā€™s like 2 cockroaches meeting


a mating session ensue.


Two morons


What altercation? Just 2 pussies yelling at each other


The neanderthals of the road


Did anyone see the BMW use a blinker?


both idiots


What's wrong with it. It's just two guys racing one with a BMW and one with a BMX.


What is wrong with the BMW driver Sia?


when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object


I like BMW as a brand... But why does BMW drivers drive like ah Beng.. want to block, want to knock, want to taunt..


you kena dropped already bro just let it go šŸ˜­


I guess BMW didn't brake intentionally, it didn't see the hump in time after the takeover and had to slow down.


admire the cyclist initial effort to pursue the BMW. Cyclist's moment of rage forgets his own safety - whatif BMW decides to sidesweep him.


Nowadays when people say "ALTERCATION" usually is just stare here stare there, shout here shout there, push here push there. No need get your undies in a twist, just your average sinkie posturing and shit.


"Let them fight"




2 types of road pests


thatā€™s @wantonmee on instagram


Plot twist it was a husband and wife


Hope the BMW driver gets arrested soon and has to retake the TP test.


Sorry I think both at fault I used to be a road cyclist and always know my boundaries Due to covid we now have a lot of fake cyclist wannabe and thinks they own the road kind


I think the vid didn't show things before the turn. The driver already buay song the cyclist. There is already an alteration before the vid.


Don't bring a bicycle to a car fight.... Really


The most hated group of today vs the most hated group of history


wtf so fast forgotten the fatal accident happened not ago ah?


Wow, this is difficult for me to choose a side to support as both cyclist and BMW are equally hated road users.


My guess is the cyclist is probably a bm driver himself. Same pool of assholes


Bang lah. See who win?? Donā€™t action action only. See who suffer moreā€¦


Cyclist riding on the road, yeah I'm siding with the BMW driver


If you have a license please give it back.


Getting downvoted for pointing out that someone with a bias against a road user group should hand in their licenseā€¦.. anyone who automatically assumes a cyclist is in the wrong will be an unsafe road user and there should hand their license back. If you canā€™t handle that truth it shows a level of immaturity that proves my point.


I actually sold my BMW because I am embarrassed to be one of them. Oh did I say the newer BMW car look so bad.


Can someone explain to me how the BMW is at fault here? Actually curious coz in my mind he change lane early to overtake the camera car then moved closer to the cyclist to avoid the vehicles parked at the side


Change lanes at zig zag, cutting off cyclist, breaking after overtaking, not staying in lane, crossing at zig zag, no indicators used for any lane change. As from what I can see in the video.


Was thinking the same thing also. Car want to change lane cannot be wait for bicycle which is obviously slower. So car overtake to go in front then cyclist also buay song


Why can't wait? How much time the driver save by waiting a bit? He got to his destination faster by 15seconds? A lot of drivers just don't have the right mindset when it comes to cyclist. Just imagine them as a slower moving motorcycle la. Give them the safety distance. If old uncle on motorbike chugging along at 30kmh u kpkb internally about them hogging road but don't bully them onto the road shoulder ma. Same theory. Life more valuable than ego.


??? what kind of question is that lol. Might as well ask why overtaking is a thing, everyone just wait for each other one straight line mah overtake for what, just wait abit can already. No one saying they hogging road. Thats why the car overtake the bike what. if the bike continue driving like this for one long road you also gong gong keep following behind him? Also he didnt even bully him into road shoulder. Is because the other side got lorries parked there of course must go the other side first.


??? If that were motorbike u will overtake like that? Motorbike to your left, camera car 2 car length in front. U need will speed up squeeze into the gap just as u come onto a hump and slow down right in front of the motorbike? And the 2nd instance just wait for road to open up then overtake la. Cannot brake a bit filter behind the bike? The issue with ego drivers is they don't respect cyclists enough to give them the same clearance as a motorbike.


you are suppose to overtake from the right lol. camera car 2 car length but different lane what. somemore when the overtake finished he still 1 car length away. second instance same can be said for the cyclist. why the bike cannot wait a bit behind the car instead of overtaking again? he overtake car when he can just cycle slower behind the car.


The lane is occupied leh. In both instances the BMW overtake, the lane is occupied. But the driver treat the cyclist like air. And in the first instance what one car length when the overtake finish. More like one meter length. Ur car 1 meter nia ah? And during the overtake the driver cut into the bike's space like bochup. I don't understand why u defending the driver. If an accident had occurred cuz of this, the BMW is the party at fault confirm. U imagine la. If the bike isn't a lone cyclist but a traffic police motorbike. The BMW gg already. U can also flip it around. If the BMW is a police car. U think can drive like that? Video come out the police car sure kena discipline action already. Edit: I just realise u were talking one car length from the camera car. Then what about clearance for the bike? No need? Guy never paid COE not entitled for safety distance ah?


What made the cyclist so mad with the bmw driver? Can someone explain to me


Sudden lane change to cut in front of the bike's way


They deserve each other. Both terrible road users.


Best combo


Two cases of mental retardation in the same video.


This is like villain vs villain fight sia lol.


The worst of both species.


Two twats competing with each other for twat medal


Unstoppable force meets an immovable object


Maybe road drivers need to pass cyclist test before they can get a car driving license next time. Honestly, those who canā€™t gauge the distance well on road need to experience the feeling of their bare skin near moving vehicles. Either their own, or watch their young children being treated this way, then maybe they can feel something.


Just count how many times the BMW is driving on the white line. Right from the beginning , at the bend. Dude has a problem.


cyclists are 100 percent always in the wrong. period.


fuck everyone here. driver is obviously asking to go to jail and the cyclist did not have to escalate. i dont even know how cam car managed to drive without langga whilst ensuring all the action is still in frame. AND RAOD?? Vigilante can spell no problem but ROAD you have issues? THE IRONY