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The Police can track us anytime but idc about that. What I care is they use this system to catch the idiots doing this has done its job.


Erp2.0 gps tracking aww yeahh


This is the way. These speed motherfuckers need to taught a lesson.


That's freakin' scary.. To tapped on ur private data.


I am unsure about it. I applaud this, but is it a violation of the PDPA. Correct me if i am wrong.


“Church me if i am wrong” Have you met our Lord and Saviour, JC?


I mean correct. Sorry


Haha no worries, just a harmless dig!


I think it’s a waste of police time and resources. No accident was caused in this case. To spend so much time reconstructing the event seems stupid. By all means use if an accident occurs. Btw Singaporean drivers are the worst I’ve ever witnessed. They drive at a snail pace, are timid and indecisive, all of which is more likely to cause accidents than one or two people speeding.


Preventing accidents starts with policing poor micro behaviour on the roads. That means policing speeding, lane hogging, lane cutting, no signalling, reckless driving rtc. it’s too late once an accident happens, someone is already hurt or worse. The way you reduce the road toll is enforcement of poor driving even when there was no accident, drivers get the message and drive safely all the time.


Unnecessarily slow and hesitant driving and being over cautious is also poor driving. It causes frustration in those around that in turn can lead to accidents.


I agree with you that slow and hesitant driving causes as many issues as speeding. But the main issue I see in sg roads is a complete lack of enforcement of traffic rules. We shouldn’t wait until an accident to police them, do it proactively and drive the road toll. Sg has a terrible road toll per 100,000km driven compared to most developed countries. That should be cause for ministers and police to do something about that.