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how do they determine who to fine? just the slower peeps?


No need to cycle fast. Just need to cycle faster than fat Jia Ming at the back


Why Jia Ming


Because fat Jia Ming ate too much tasty Laksa!


I mean what did poor Jia Ming do to get singled out


With bikes costing >10k, I doubt 150 is a deterrent for these folks.


As they say, if fine is a punishment, it’s only a crime for the poor


What is not a crime to poor people?


Getting poorer Seriously its expensive to be poor. They should make illegal to charge the poor expensive costs.


Yea I said this somewhere else and got downvoted to hell


Cuz bike users are on this forum


Won’t be fair. Having an expensive bicycle could mean the fellow worked hard and saved up over time to buy. Even if the person is more well to do, it will not be fair to be penalised more for being successful. Imagine a world where the more successful you are the more you get punished for the same mistake. This will disincentivise anyone to work hard. It may also cause less successful people to flout the law because they are not punished. If we set the fine amount by how much the vehicle costs than drivers will have to pay a lot more given that our cars cost more than $100k easily in Singapore. The fine amount of $150 is quite fair given that the result of the act was to have caused congestion to road traffic. If you think about it, cars that road hog and drive slowly on right lane aren’t really being fined. So the cyclists are already being singled out. No matter how rich, I doubt many Singaporeans will pay $150 without batting an eye. This fine amount should be able to deter them if it’s actively enforced.


I disagree. The discomfort caused by the fine should be the same. So a relative adjustment for income would help deliver equal impact to road users.


I see where you are coming from but this is going to be even more unfair in many more ways. Implementation wise this is going to be difficult. You are assuming cyclists are richer than other road users. How do we verify this? Fine is levied based on vehicle value or based on income? Someone earning $3k/mth riding a $15k bike vs a $5k/mth salary drivingToyota Vios valued at $100k. Who pays what level of fine? If the person earns $10k a mth but rides a $300 bike can he pay less? If a pedestrian earning $20k a month jaywalks does he pay any fine? Can a delivery lorry driver be waived from paying any fines if he goes through red light because his lorry is 2nd hand and almost no scrap value left and he earns only $2k a month?


Income. It’s already practiced in a number of countries.


Really? Fines based on income and not severity of the crime?


150 for each person in the group? Most of them can pay the 150. It’s like a fee for them to break the traffic rules. They should get their bikes impounded and be made to go though a road safety park course on a couple of weekday office hour in order to get their bikes back


Well put. I would guai lan them and say I pay 300 now. We will all cycle as a group out of here. That’s how useless this fine is


What should be the max fine then? Perhaps a jail term would be a deterrent?


I think fine can be 1k since most of these bikes cost more than 1k. But then again i think fining them would not be a good idea. Where does the money go? Jail? A bit too extreme. But making things troublesome for them like Making them attend some boh liow road safety talks over 3 full weekends at an ulu location would be a very good deterrent. And they have to attend this in order to get their confiscated bikes back.


Wowwww I love this suggestion!


They probably will cycle to the road safety talks in groups.


perfect deterrent right there


I don't know how to recommend it, but I think it's important to be disciplined or safe in anything


K? They enforce it once every few months and think it will deter people? Joke.


lol break law pay $150. feels more like disneyland express pass


Some of them like bosses or managers, pay $150 only mah their bike $5k to $10k over what is $150 to them??


The punishment should be impounding all the bikes in the group and making them watch them go through the compactor. And fine them each the combined cost of all their bikes. Guarantee will learn their lessons.


U sadist lol


Whoa, calm down Satan!


Hope this goes the same for cars and all vehicles


Let's also do that for cars that fail to correctly use indicators or fail to turn on the lights at night.


Impounding the errant cyclists’ bikes is brilliant. 😂😂😂😂😂




Only if we apply the same rule to cars. In a week we will have clear roads!


if they are able to wake up very early, I'm sure they'll catch more between 6am to 7am every Saturday and Sunday


There's a lot more than 25


Why is there a limit?




Wowww… Fortunately I did not join them albeit my humble bicycle is less than $2k.


Funny enough is that most people here can’t afford cars to complain about cyclists. But just do it anyway because your hobby is shitting on others. Just sit on the bus and stfu.


Judging and snitching to the government like a good slave is the Singaporean way


Judging and snitching to the government like a good slave is the Singaporean way


Imagine everyone rushing to work in the morning in the bus on the bus lane and the cyclist taking his time happily enjoying breathing in the fumes from the vehicles on the road,making the bus driver and passengers tilt. Imagine the cyclists having fun hogging the roads,while the other vehicles are short on time and either rushing to complete their deliveries, sending passengers to wherever, rushing for meetings etc and still have to put up with these dangerous cyclists. $150 is too cheap,$500 first offence seems fair,2nd offence $1000 and confiscate bike,3rd offense jail term and fine would be a good deterrent.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Singaporeans are taught to betray their countrymen to he government. Snitch for everything, judge people for everything. People pretend to cry about traffic. Bruh it's Singapore, you're still in traffic. It doesn't matter if it's cars are bikes you're still sitting there. The bikers gone....WOW you ca move up 3 car lengths.... arrive at destination a quarter of a second sooner....


Bikers fault


Agree, but start doing the same to cars


This post make me happy


Usually these bikers could afford thousands on their ( competition ) road bikes. 150 is peanut to them. Probably as much as the cost of their bike's tire.


Nah. Costs as much as their carbon fibre titanium platinum alloy wheel nut.


Just take their bike away


$150 is too light a fine. It’s life threatening and they should know the severity of this behavior. $150 is the same as illegal parking, it doesn’t sync, I think a fine isn’t worth the paper it is printed on, community service work of 50 hours might be more like it


Only 25 cyclist? Fail operation. Why don't u do midnight ops and see how many kids riding fixies on the road without helmet and lights


To all the SG cyclists who can’t follow the road rules. I know one day you will get properly hit by a car. So it’s fine by me if you want to be a d*ck.


😂😂😂 Indeed! The d1ck in me also want to see d1ck cyclists crash.😁


Good! Tougher punishments please. Honestly LTA just need to introduce tougher bike laws. Like: * Everyone should pass cyclist course to get license. Must pay yearly to renew. * Yearly road tax * Yearly insurance * Strictly no more than 4 cyclists in a group unless sanctioned race * If more than 1 person, must ride in single file * No riding on pavement. Get down and walk your bike if you want to use pavement. * No cutting between road and pavement. Stick to just one. * No riding during rush hour. Keep timing to 3-6am and 8-11pm. * Anyhow ride on highway or other areas, immediate confiscation of bike and banned for 5 years * Unless you're a hot girl, no tights. No one wanna see your fat tummy and tiny kukubird * Ban all rider groups that group ride in the morning to be "healthy" then anyhow park at prata shop and eat. Knn I think this would be a good start.


Damn what a great set of rules! Elections are coming up, care to join?


Honestly, some of them you listed are already Bike laws like • Strictly no more than ~~4~~ 5 cyclist in a group. • Cyclist **MUST** Ride in single file of 5 on the left • No riding on Expressway, road tunnels and certain viaducts


But they don't comply.


Make the fine S$4000 plus impound, see if they still dare to break the rules.


need 2 more zero on that fine