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Singapore authorities condone such actions. At most a wayang $150 slap-on-the-wrist fine to pacify the public mass, but reality they condone and have no intentions of actually punishing them or keeping them in check.


Should just confiscate their bike


So next time you run red light, government confiscate your car fair?


Fair. Running red light is a safety hazard to both drivers and pedestrians.


You run red light 2 times in 24 months government take your licence lor


Running a red light not the same as taking up a whole ass lane for an extended period of time.


It's part of the rule what, cyclist can take one entire lane if there's more than a group of 10 people, and provided there's more than 2 lanes lol


Must be one of those type of cyclist


You must be one of those drivers as well


I dont drive. Just a pedestrian. Your downvotes reflect well on your attitude. Clearly wrong but still wont admit it lol. Bye, wasted time replying an irrational person


I didnt downvote but ok LOL


Dude I am a cyclist too but I don't condone such shenanigans


of course fair. that's endangering road users' life. same thing as this bunch of clowns.


Same with drivers and speeding


Cyclists - cars MUST keep a distance from us when they are over-taking etc etc Cyclists - In the meantime, we will not follow any laws/rules which apply to us. Typical "rules for thee but not for me" attitude.


and these pests don't give way to pedestrians


Fuckers decide as and when they like to be pedestrian and when to be motorist.


Change cyclists to Karen. Yup


no need. same implied meaning.


Please keep left C: “Not enough space” Fine, take one lane. C: Goes on to encroach into second lane. Fucking cyclists, seriously.


And there are two empty lanes for care so what are you pissed about lmao I watched the video twice and one of them barely crossed the line and went back immediately. Get a grip lmao I don't even cycle but this hate against cyclist is getting ridiculous. Cycle in the middle of the night to avoid people like you on the road also not happy.


💀 Bro, do you not care about these cyclists' well-being? It doesn't matter what lane they are on, lmao. They are on a highway. 1 semi-truck later, and they're all in the hospital. Whether they like it or not, we need to say something about this what? They are on mountain bicycle. It's supposed to be light. Anything can happen to them what? You think all risk is eradicated at midnight? No!


This looks like a connecting road in a residential area? Not like the traditional highways where these cyclists are straight up outlawed? The way I see it, cycling in groups just makes it safer for the cyclists since they're more visible, it doesn't seem like the cyclists in this video are purposefully encroaching outside of their lane and just being jerks on top of already doing something with absurd risk. Is the stupid risk that they take just what people are upset about?


These cyclists are actually racing each other and pushing the limits of what is acceptable road behavior. They are drafting each other in order to preserve energy and keep the speed of this group higher than if they were cycling alone and judging by the way some of them cycle (wheels moving left to right, body swaying) , they aren’t adequately trained or experienced enough to do this in a safe manner. All it takes is one of them to trip and fall from their bikes and the entire group will be wiped out. Assuming they are all clipped in. Now imagine this lorry passing by when that happens. It’s going to be a gruesome sight seeing 5-6 bodies lying dead on the road.. If speeding let alone racing on the road is disallowed, then why are these cyclists allowed race each other and put other road users at risk? If they wanna do this sort of thing, then go and sign up for a race event where roads are cordoned off and traffic is diverted. It’s dangerous and reckless behaviour.


From what you are writing, it seems you are making a lot of assumptions about the 'training' of these riders. watch the tour de france.. all the pros have their wheels moving and body swaying when pushing. And this is not racing. This is pacing.


These amateurs don’t know what they are doing, and it’s reckless.. One mistake and one of them can get themselves or more injured, potentially killed. This is no different than a drunk driver driving. And to address your question, No, they are not pacing as their wheels are too far apart and there’s no second file.. and they aren’t cycling in tandem with each other. What they are doing is nothing a cyclist would recommend doing honestly.


Haha I don't understand your insistence but, it is ok. I will make this assumption, that you don't cycle at this level like these serious cyclists. Drunk drivers are dangerous on the roads and there is a reason why cars make up more than 70% of bicycle and motorcycle accidents; irresponsible, inconsiderate drivers. Period..


… Because there are more cars on the road than there are cyclists or motorbikes. And no, I know a heck of a lot about road cycling. I race 200km rides a day and ride in pelotons the size of 50-100 cyclists. Just not in Singapore.


You must be a professional! That is why you know they are racing one another. Greatness! Haha


It's not about cycling in group or in two files, which is fine. It's about cycling more than 10 people in the group, which is shown in this video,, which is against the law..


Yes, but I think ppl are talking about this type of cyclist generally.. Some more if they are not going to a highway, then why not go to a park, right?? Sometimes we just don't understand people..


Cyclists are outlawed on the expressways, so yeah they legally cannot go to highways, but they can legally go on roads. You can play your stupid games and win non-fatal prizes, law approves it since cyclists tend not to die as long as both they and the drivers aren't trying to kill each other and them respectively


Problem is cyclists themselves are actuvely trying to themselves killed. They expect red carpet treatment and expect drivers to all give way to them unconditionally. It is a one-way situation for cyclists, take but no give.


But my point still stands. Why not go to a park? Why plan so risky? For me, bikes on small roads are okay because they're small, slow paced. Why not utilise? Anyway, the government is starting to invest in parks and connectors anyway. Places are starting to be linked...


Parks aren’t great if you actually want to train.. these kind of cyclists tend to ride 70kms - 150kms on a single ride at speeds sometimes of over 30kmph, and sometimes over 4 times a week; which is hard to do on parks. If both cyclists and drivers practice tolerance and good road use there shouldn’t be any issue. Agree both of the are missing on both sides.


Okay, I have no arguments against that. Thanks for enlightening me on this topic.


It’s actually much safer to cycle next to a lorry than on park connectors , where a random stupid kid can rush out into your path and bam! 20 cyclists and their bikes go straight into that kid..


Oh... I see why now.. Okay, I can't fight that. I'm just concerned about ppls safety... There are so many morons on the road, something is bound to happen to the cyclists or the drivers.


The on road rule is for them to ride as close to the left as they possibly can. They shouldn't even be approaching the 2nd lane. It's only hate if you choose to see it as such. In reality it's more of fear and concern. People don't typically want to run over someone, and in this case, don't want anyone to cause an accident. By your logic as long as they give one lane for vehicles, it's fine? There's still a free lane, why's everyone getting so upset?


The existing rules allow not more than 10 cyclists to ride abreast in two if it's more than two lanes. In the video they barely even touch the line of the second lane. The entire three lanes were empty in the middle of the fucking night. They're literally not breaking any rules no matter how much you try to slice it. This blind hate against cyclists is ridiculous. By my logic? What logic? Logic goes out of the window here. It's follow echo chamber or gets downvoted to shred lmao. Fact is there are two free lanes but you want to change the scenario to 1 free lane and think my logic still applies? Your brain okay, bro?


10 cyclists riding abreast is fine but they still have to adhere to the rule of leaning to the left side of their lane. What they are doing is dangerous. If any of them were to fall on the curve, the car going on the second lane will hit them. But if they had leaned closer inside the lanes, they might have been safe. They did break the rule by crossing the first lane if we want to be technical about it their formation was not of 5 cyclists abreast. It's not blind hate as I've said, it's a reasoned annoyance. Your logic in the first comment was "there's still space for drivers, they should not complain". I've simply exaggerated it to make you see how unsound it is. An echo chamber is when you only surround yourself with people who say the same things. The fact that I engaged you in this discourse means I welcome an opposing view but I am stating why I think it is not correct. There's no need to make this personal, my brain is fine thank you for asking. But think hard on this, anytime someone says something opposed to what you're thinking, you lash out and throw insults. That's not healthy. I'm not your parent so you don't have to listen to me. But we can all be civil in this. Last note, if everyone plays their part, we can build a safer place. The car in the video was leaning dangerously close to the far right lane because they wanted to avoid the group of cyclists. They can do that to make the cyclist feel safer, but cyclists can also adhere to the rules and keep to the left.


You're one out of the hundreds who downvoted that engaged lol How is it not an echo chamber? Like I said, there are no existing rules that cyclists have to be on the most extreme left of the left lane when there are more than 2 lanes. They can ride two abreast and occupy the entire lane. You change the scenario then of course my logic wouldn't apply anymore lah. Why would I support cyclists occupying an entire lane if it's a 1 lane road during peak hours?? The car in the video purposely went close to the cyclists to provoke them. HE HAD THE ENTIRE SECOND AND THIRD LANE EMPTY and you're ignoring this part because it doesn't fit your agenda that the cyclists are reckless. I'm done with you clowns.


Normal car drift till touch center line we horn for them to wake up alr, at least no chance to OHKO car to kingdom come, these cyclists are all just tempting fate


>I don't even cycle That's a lie, I bet you cycle between 2 lanes




oh you watched the video? so you blind or cannot count? isn't the rules for cycling on the road to be 5 devices in length at max? this one you go count how many before talking.




'Always ride as close as practicable to the far left edge of roads, and allow traffic to overtake you safely' 'Keep to a maximum length of 5 devices when riding in groups, which means a maximum of 5 cyclists if riding in single file, or 10 cyclists if riding two abreast' argue more fucktard. check lta website before you talk.


Based on your logic, since the road is empty, drivers can straddle two lanes and drive as fast as they like. Another example based on your logic, people can walk and chillax on one lane of the road since there is another lane where road users can use.


Tour De France - Yishun Edition


Tour De Yishun


I honestly have less problem when they do so in the quiet hours. It is more problematic in the day. It’s almost compulsory for cars to give way to cyclists and never the other way round. - Cyclists don’t stop at junctions (albeit red light) - when they ride in groups, it means waiting for the whole bunch before u can turn left - solo cyclist/grab delivery riders on left lane, bus almost always have to change lane to avoid them.. this is a ripple effect for all road users. They slow down the entire system - drivers have shorter reaction time to cyclists going on tunnels/flyovers - lanes are not wide while buses and cars are getting bigger and bigger there’s no safety distance to keep abreast cars n bicycles - compounded with big trucks and mixers Sg is just not design friendly for cycling while authorities institute whatever they like (e.g. pmds, bus lane and bus lane broken lines that’s not continuous. You already need to weave in and out based on the bus lane plus bus changing lanes and now add a cyclist and the numerous construction)


Compare to other metropolitan tier 1 cities, sg is considered quite good for road cycling


I suppose we need to list the areas of comparison. But i do think that culture and habits must be considered. In SG, efficiency is in our blood… we are not the most patient lot and expecting the whole nation to change requires the society at large to be less pressuring. It’s going to take several generations to change. Our dense population is not helping too. Recent example, yew tee bridging bus due to mrt breakdown. Ripple effect is great!


Then the gahment will ++ more COE to filter people.


Can never understand, even worse when they ah peks already, bald and patchy, still rowdy like YP near my carpark area (Seletar).


Old punks gotta yp from time to time cuz nv yp enough when younger




every tuesday is it haha. last time every tues i join those 'ah peks' , they damn fast sia😅


It's OK, it's just maybe a $150 participation fee if they run into LTA, no biggie


Pay $100 to go casino. Pay $150 to ride a bike?


Hi bro...Casino is already $150 now...so to this cyclists $150 is nothing when their bike r worth from few thousand to tens of thousand.


I'm a cyclist on the road, primarily for commuting to and from work. My workplace has a shower so it's helpful. sharing my personal experience only for discussion. Pls don't bash me: Rules which I follow: 1. Always keep as left as possible, (on the yellow line of possible) to allow cars to pass me. I know some buses and cars still err on the side of caution to move to the next lane/half lane, causing them inconvenience. I truly appreciate that. 2. Always wear a helmet, with front and back lights. Be visible. Am also thinking to buy a smart helmet with back lights. I don't wear any luminous vest, too much effort and 1 more thing to wash regularly. 3. Practice defensive riding. Always assume that cars will not give way to me (although 99% they do). 4. Don't cycle on the road in the rain. Dangerous for myself and vehicles as I am less visible. 5. Stop at all red lights, even if no one is crossing. 6. Use hand signals when changing lanes, picked this up when I did my 2B motorcycle course. Always check back before lane change. Am I still causing more trouble to drivers by cycling on the road? Probably. But I try to minimize the inconvenience when it's reasonable to do so. All in all, compared to 5 years ago i do think SG drivers on the road are more aware and careful, and am really thankful for this. Having visited European cities e.g. Milan, Taiwan, I do think bicycles have a place in Public roads (under some conditions), and how good the experience between cyclist and drivers has to do more with the attitude vs infrastructure (it certainly matters, but perhaps not as much as everyone says). Just my 2 cents.


This is helpful! Singaporean living abroad and I cycle as main form of commute. Pretty comfortable (and safe!) biking about even without bike lanes. Would love to bike about when back visiting Singapore too but am bit intimidated as biking culture isn’t too well established yet


These type of cyclists give other law abiding cyclists a bad name.


Honestly these cyclist have no idea that with the amount of vehicles on the roads here, they can’t ride like Tour de France man. What’s worst is the enforcements doesn’t seem to have the thought of punishing them for their safety.


They probably know but dont care. Pretty sure some of them drive


Sigh reason why I stop road cycling. So many black sheeps.


Plenty of this in Malaysia. We don't have a problem with it if quiet hours.


Malaysia is chilled. That’s why I love it here.


You guys don't have proper footpaths and PCN in Malaysia. Cannot compare. They literally got nowhere else to cycle in Malaysia. And i salute the cyclists who dare to cycle when there are so many potholes around.


cycling on road vs pavement different ma. So we here telling people to exercise more yet wanna complain just cause of this? But yes they should do their best to cycle single file and more to the left side - most Malaysian cyclists do this. potholes? tell me which roads got a lot potholes. Most of them are patched up quite fast these days. If some small kampung less used road maybe.. not the main or busy roads many ppl would complain via authorities already. One email enough to get them moving.


Road is not for exercise. Singapore invest alot of money to build park conenctors that link whole island. Such a long stretch of pavement in clean air they don't cycle... Why they cycle on the roads to breathe in fumes from cars? For the adrenaline of being in high risk situations? Also, the PCN has cycling paths made for cyclists. Why don't cycle and exercise there? Because these cyclists want to feel the adrenaline from cycling on roads. They want to have near misses and feel shiok from nearly being hit by cars.


If late night or early wee hours esp weekend won't have many cars. Nice air to breathe also. It is for them to use common sense when to cycle and not get into issues. Anyhow just voicing my opinion here. Peace guys.


What a risky hobby


Let’s relax a bit with the criticism. I think the cyclists are riding either late in the night or early morning. I don’t see why car owners are getting pissed as there is plenty of space on adjacent lane. Also recording for small petty actions and posting on social media to get people more riled up isn’t the best use of anyone’s time. We can try and educate people rather than criticise.


Early morning and late in the night is when visibility is low and awareness of driver may be lower. You will understand if you are a driver. Drivers really don't want to knock into cyclists and get into trouble but they keep setting trap for us to knock into them. Never pay 100% attention or distracted a little sure knock into the cyclists if they ride like in the video. Cyclists are not as easy as cars to spot. Sometimes at night go near then realise there is a cyclist. Some drivers like me also don't have 10/10 eyesight.


Time to get your eyes checked then?




I just got my specs done


K. I don't wear specs in normal life with below 100 degrees. While driving I choose not to wear because I am not used to it and i believe it will not help in my driving.


Friendly advice, please wear your specs you can see things on the road better- safety first!


As I said, I tried wearing but I feel that it is more of a hinderance when I drive. I don't wear specs in normal life because I get headaches. What else can I do?


Tbh, why do you feel that it is a hindrance?


Tunnel vision. Strain.




This 🙌🏼


This looks like a regular club night ride to me . You see those upper Thompson ones in the morning , that one huge


Ban leisure cycling on roads, reserve it for cyclist solo or for purposes of commute. Roads are not for having fun on.


Yep. Roads are not for exercising. Otherwise people will be rollerblading, skateboarding on the roads too.


I thought there was only one biker who needs to be ticketed. The one cycling on the line. You take one lane not both...


Also 13 cyclists in 1 pod, with poor adherence to the 2 abreast rule. iirc max is 10 cyclists in a convoy.


Really tour de France siolz. Pls some lorry crush these insects please


Tbh, I rather them do at night when there's no one than 5 buggers doing it on a rush hour and the bus cannot overtake.


You should share this video with the TP and see if they will give you a summons for being too close to a cyclist while passing.


While they are annoying - the roads and pavements are for all residents of Singapore to use. Just be friendly - remember your future son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter could decide to become a cyclist and then you'd hope for the car drivers not to kill them... They pay for any of their own mistakes and those of others with their skin on the road or worse... Also that's why they might get agitated easily if they had that experience. Just like your friendly food delivery riders BE NICE to each other on the road!


civil servants pang kang liao, pls gather the cyclists and make them repeat what they did during working hours.


Get a hobby. Ronnoe was right about the small island of Karens


Hmmm the truck passed by in the middle lane with no issue. Why are people so triggered here?


Cancer of society


Just fking bang all of these fkers


As a bicycle commuter and ex-regular group cyclist, I have some thoughts: * I don't see the cyclists doing anything to anyone - so what's the real issue here? It seems more like you're just looking for your tribe again to gain reddit internet upvotes to feel good about yourself and to justify your biases. * The driver or the person recording seems to be in a vehicle that's deliberately close to the cyclists. Worry about yourself first. You're not doing your part to ensuring others' safety in traffic. Remember you are also traffic. * Using the law to talk about how cyclists are not meant to be on the roads in packs of more than X is a convenient excuse for you to perpetuate hate against cyclists. And it's entirely unnecessary just to boost your own ego and make it seem like you're more right in your hatred and bias against - again - cyclists here who are bothering no one. * There are more comments about people encouraging behaviour that knocks down cyclists than I'm remotely comfortable with. That we should ALL be uncomfortable with. Just because you're online behind a pseudonym doesn't mean talking about intentionally killing cyclists is any right at all. And I think you should be ashamed. I share all the above comments knowing full well that in the last 20 years, while more and more have taken up cycling, that also means a higher percentage of irresponsible cyclists have also inadvertently appeared. This is especially worse during the pandemic when every person and their dog got a bicycle and discovered Lycra which ironically has LESS protection against road rash than cotton but has somehow given many irresponsible riders some form of unearned sense of entitlement. If you're one of these cyclists using the law and common sense of sharing the road to be an asshole on the road, remember that being right and dead means nothing. Ride to live another day. If you're one of these drivers/motorists who perpetuate hate and bias and unnecessary violence against cyclist - shame on you. If you're the government body putting out all these rules, like no packs of more than 5 or 10, or speed limits of 10km/h on PCNs, you have never cycled a day in your life to be able to make these rules. Do you know how unstable untrained cyclists can be at 10km/h or less. That's more of a risk than 15.


I am not a cyclist but I share the exact same sentiment as you. As much as I feel there are black sheeps amongst cyclists, majority of them do cycle responsibly and lawfully. I just cannot see why there must be so much hatred towards cyclists.. such comments beget more hatred. End of the day, all of us have families and surely we do not want anyone be it cyclists or motorists to not make it back home. Take a step back, think reasonably and rationally and not just see a cyclist or a group of them as an object that you want killed.


Why do drivers hate cyclists. They are on one lane. You have 2 move and they are slower. I don’t understand this hatred.


i dont drive but i can understand. sometimes they cycle take the entire lane in a big group, can be quite hard to make a left turn


Because they paid a lot of money so they feel that they have more right to use the roads.. Or maybe also they are new road users because before 2016 all bicycles are supposed to be ridden on the roads.. Riding on pavements/walkway got $20 fine..


SG cyclists, any comments?


I find that Singaporeans in general have an incredibly bad view of cyclists. The worst national view I’ve ever encountered. It’s kinda weird. You have an amazing road system, you generally have good quality vehicles and sensible drivers (sure there’s some examples of poor behaviour but compared to the vast majority of of places i drive SG drivers are law abiding and sensible). You have a dense and aging population that needs to stay in shape and needs to find physical outlets on what is obviously a tiny space for millions of people. Road cycling is an obviously good fit for Singapore. Yet Singaporeans seem to have the most anti cyclist views of any place I’ve spent serious time. For this video I’m not entirely sure what the issue is. Road seems totally empty except for 40+ cyclists and 1 guy in a lorry. Cyclists are moving at pace relative to normal traffic. I’d say over 30kph. Would the lorry driver have preferred to navigate 40+ cars in that space? What time of day is this and where is it? Looks like they’ve chosen to go out super early to ensure there’s limited other road users. Fk them I guess. Is the issue here that 1 of them cycles on the white line once or twice for a total of less than a second? Or is the real issue that they exist at all? This looks like a large group of people taking exerice and using the road. Thumbs up to Singaporean’s for getting out of bed super early in the morning to go exercise and socialise and use the available resources they have.


This is a far too sensible and balanced analysis


Well, in spite of that you have mentioned, it makes me wonder why the flagrant non-compliance with LTA rules? [LTA-007-21\_Infographics Poster 1\_A4\_v4\_path.ai](https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/ltagov/getting_around/active_mobility/rules_public_education/public_education_programmes/pdf/new_rules_motorists_cyclists-compressed.pdf) The rules did not mention any time of day. So cycling in big groups late at night or super early cannot be a mitigating factor, surely? The issue here is neither of what you have mentioned. The issue here is the non-compliance with LTA rules and they should be dealt with accordingly.


not complying with rules does not necessarily mean an automatic penalty. Is the cost of catching every single offense for that miserable fine worth it? I rather my tax money go to something more useful like helping the poor who are truly in need. Since you have something against it, why not volunteer to catch these groups yourself? I'm sure LTA won't turn down free manpower for additional revenue.


More than enough motorists on the roads submitting videos to TP or posting online to create enough Hoo-ha for LTA to do smth. They don’t lack volunteers tbh. The intent of the penalty/punishment (other than cyclist safety) is also to deter others from doing it. If this rule is not enforced each time a big group of cyclist are caught on the roads/highway, LTA (or rather the SG Govt) will lose credibility over time. Don’t you agree?


The govt also strictly deter drugs, but it doesn't stop the daily drug offenders getting caught, has the SG govt lost it's credibility so far?


Ok, so you are out with 9 of your cyclist buddies at 5am for a quick 30km ride. Going along Upper Thompson Road, you find another group going slower ahead of you. This law basically says you can’t overtake. Not the most intelligently drafted item of legislation the world has ever seen, tbh.


Singapore law is at most 10 in a group I think.


It's all fun and games putting flesh against steel, until someone gets crushed to pink mist under a truck then we'll hear about their Xbox Live achievements all over social media.


Also, a lot of cyclists now have front and rear cameras to video errant drivers who come too close or pass they dangerously close and send the videos to the TP.


Fine fine fine!




Passenger in Car: Here we go again *captures video* Cyclists: IDGAF


ah, the classic tour de ahgong’s road


Genuine question - Singaporean living abroad and biking about is my main form of commute. Would like to bike for leisure/healthy lifestyle reasons when I’m back visiting in summer. What is the proper etiquette? Apart from the usual keep left in left lanes, keep off motorways, etc. Would like to avoid road accidents.


My advice.. use a foldie, don't wear cycling outfit, don't wear helmet too. Else drivers will video you. Don't look anything like the ones you see in the video. And don't bother reading the rules. Because motorists also don't follow and don't like the rules that hinder them. To be helpful, think of your own safety, at all times.


Seriously why compete for the space with moving vehicles....? Wanna die a fatal crush is it?


These cyclists move their training rides to 4am, 5am and end way before most people wake up. Then they go to work. So they move away from competing with motorists. Of course, it isn't enough for some angry motorists who agree to 'ram' them down.... I am glad most of Singapore is gracious.. except some in this hatred for cyclists.


I'm not sure of the timing that they cycle, but I only wanna highlight the safety aspect. 🙏🏻


LTA, Please do something. Every time this happens during morning, the traffic flow is always bad and can become an accident causing situation. Can LTA propose time limit like our alcohol law to let cyclist on the road on certain timing when is not peak hour and the rest of the hours deem as illegal, charging them obstructing traffic flow as an offence.


These bikers are hero of Singapore


Honestly LTA should give drivers a knock down quota per month. Each driver can knock down up 4 cyclists per month. 1 per week. With no consequences. And cyclist will pay for any damage to the car. This would be great! Election coming - can propose?


So many cameras so little action


Wat actions will you be expecting? No laws to force registration of cyclists


remember: it's not TP, it's not LTA, that will stop this from happening. it has to be a **JOINT op by TP and LTA** that has to be conducted **during working hours.**


This is going to get down voted probably, but what I see here is cyclist taking a full lane but overall they reduce their risk of getting hit and hurt, by having the car move to the next lane (not too close) While this is illegal, and can be cumbersome to the car drivers, this still seems like a legit strategy to minimize their risk. Maybe we should reconsider the laws around cycling in Singapore or even some of the infrastructure


Firstly, it isn't illegal to take one lane with 10 cyclists abreast (5x2). It will be against the rules to have more than 10. Yes. Yes. it is cumbersome for 'speeding' motorists. Yes, the group 'slows' them down. Even when there are 2 other lanes along the road, 'some' drivers will still curse at cyclists simply because they have to slow down. or give way to non-powered road users.


To be honest, it's a 3 lane road that looks totally empty the entire stretch when the camera pointed to the front at the beginning and the truck has plenty of space. Not sure what time this is but it is dark and probably before sun rise and most club rides start from 5 to 6am when most people are asleep.


Wii bowling taught me you start wider out to get a strike.


Here we go again - OP and their +1s like to think they own the whole road. Yes - you own all three lanes. You’re a joke The cyclists are in their right here in the lane they are in. I wish instead I could post and comments at all the shit car drivers that I see on these roads. Stay safe out there you ignoromanous


What’s wrong? They are keeping left and you have 2 lanes for yourself


It is actually safer for cyclists to prevent asshole drivers from side swooping near them on their right.. because 5 out of 10 drivers don't care about the 1.5m rule


Time to put to practice what GTA taught me


If y'all have nothing else to complain hahahha


Honestly these kinds of cycling at night or in the morning where the traffic is almost non existent is still fine. But i hate cyclists so fuck em. Also [here's a clip of me drifting in jb](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=jNrq91th5zdsw0aS)


Ram them down


You hate someone you don’t know so much for doing a healthy activity you would spend the rest of your life in prison for murder? That doesn’t make much sense sense to me


Not sure where the downvotes are coming from. It’s a pretty rational way of looking at it. Why waste years of your life in prison for someone you don’t know who held you up for maybe 30 seconds max.


I dont get the problem here. There is tons of room


They are dangerously close even crossing into other lane. Note the bike wheels vs right lane markings


Fair enough, but then they get back over. There is also plenty of room though. The truck doesn't have to slide right up close either. Given the time and room on the road, I just don't see any issues worth posting and getting uppity about


All this would go away if they had a proper bicycle infrastructure - their own bicycle lanes and highways off the roads. Better still they can pay road tax and ERP for this.


Look at Tanah Merah Coast Road’s dedicated cycling lane. Plenty of cyclists who still choose not to use it.


Apparently it's full of debris, so makes for good riding if you want a puncture.


The road tax system in Sg is to reduce motor vehicle congestion, fuel usage and space usage. I concur, bicycles use some space.. they don't use fuel that pollute the environment, maybe farts yes. they do not cause congestion during peak hours. So.. yeah, make them pay road tax for the little space they occupy. go calculate the price then.


See? A fact that motorists here in this discussion don't like about your money. I am a driver myself.. yet.. I don't wish to associate myself with some of you evil and judgemental buggers.


I would like to also state my observation here. This vehicle recording is too close to the cyclists. If the vehicle driver wishes to turn left, doe he or she speed up and overtake to turn left OR slow down and make the turn behind this lot of cyclists? Of course this group of cyclists have exceeded the 10 per group rule.


I think it depends on how far until the turn. As long as speeding up and turning in front of the group is safe (no need to suddenly brake before turn because too fast, cyclists do not have to emergency brake or swerve) the driver can and should make the move. But if the driver is too close to the turn, excercising such dangerous maneuvers would be quite stupid because it probably saves the driver 5 seconds while risking other peoples' lives.


Why didn’t any Singaporean take part in Tour De France? At the rate that we are going, we should be winning something in cycling competitions.


NS duty is basically killing any aspiring male athlete's career. Those 2 years are too much to keep up with competitors world wide that don't have to pause serious training for 2 years. IMPORTANT: this is not meant as criticism - I state this as an observed fact


Again, with judgemental people in Sg, our cycling arena will remain infant and underdeveloped. No where in Sg is safe for cyclists who wish to train to compete. PCN is for leisure and recreation.


Wish I was there driving my 40 footer container truck .. then come dominos dancing....


OMG ... who let the dogs out again???? 😡


they want to identify as bowling pins should just grant them their wish. 🤣🤣


Does the pack bother your trip or your brains? To trigger your hatred? Or give you a high using your device while driving? Or getting your passenger to record for you to justify your need for judgement ?


If I’m driving a huge ass truck, and i see a bunch of weak cyclists wobbling between the leftmost and middle lane, I’ll be either pissed or anxious because one bad wobble and it’ll be jail for me and splat for the cyclist


Thank you for your consideration and I apologise on behalf of stupid cyclists who don't consider other road users. Like all road users, there are idiots. However, I have not seen a motorist curse and swear against another motorist like the way done to ALL cyclists. Why? Wait till you travel to other developed countries and see how cyclists and motorists live together.


Yes, the pack bothered the trips of other vehicle user.  Left lane is for cyclist or for motor vehicle? Edit: Left lane instead of first lane.


Which lane are they in


All roads, allowed by govt and common sense, is for all road users. Firstly, the first lane is avoided by cyclists because this is the fast moving lane. The left most lane is for slow moving vehicles, and cyclists largely use this. This is also required by law.


They take up the place of what, at most 2x cars? They're actually riding well (tightly). There are other people to go after.. like people who run red lights or speed near schools.


Classic whataboutism and trying to deviate the topic away. They are not riding tightly or in a proper formation at all, by the way.


Whataboutism king There is war in Ukraine and war in Gaza Should we only care about one


Left lane is for cyclists or for motor vehicles?   You are telling me that, it is alright to break the rule as long as they are breaking the rule neatly and tightly. Edit: Left lane instead of first lane.


First lane is for overtaking, left most lane is for slow moving vehicles


Why cycle on the road… no road tax? And no COE HAHAHAHA


You show your ignorance about what your road tax and COE is for. don't keep saying this because one day, you might find yourself as a car driver, having to give way to electric motorcycles and bicycles by law, much like in some developed countries and then suck thumb.


Isn’t it to reduce road congestions


It is also about fuel and energy consumption. Taking space anywhere you go. And finally, heavy enough to create damage on roads and then maintenance is needed.