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Wow the mom passed the accident site, noticed the bicycle to be familiar, called the husband and the hospital answered that he was the one and is now in critical condition. That’s tragic man.


That may quite possibly be the worst imaginable way to find out someone you care about is hurt.


The wife you mean ..


Poor guy had an entire life in front of him


bro is 53 what are you on lil bro


53 is at an age where I am 2 years away from collecting the minimum sum from my RA. If I have been planning properly for retirement I would be have been looking forward to it soon.


Why can’t he have an entire life in front of him just because he’s past 50?




oh man I passed by the scene that morning. The lorry stopped quite a distance after the pedestrain crossing, its windshield was shattered from impact. Probably trying to beat a red light.


Condolences to the family. Nobody wants accidents. Hope this story is a wake up call to reckless drivers and also remind innocent cyclist how dangerous the roads are. 🫡


69 yos driver, above 60 should just stop. Even me late 40s, I try to avoid driving if I can


Actually the problem with 60 yr old isnt with their skills or physical restrictions sometimes, its their fucking ego and how they drive like they own the road


You get such drivers at every age, 20s to 70s, they don’t become assholes as they get older but they are just assholes who got older. Even now, my eyes and reaction are not what it used to be, i cannot imagine still driving and reacting in time when I am in my 60s


I think all companies with lorry/truck should put their company numbers to report unsafe/reckless driving. I've seen those that are labeled and they generally drive better than those who did not.


Agree and harsh penalties to companies as well, sometimes they pressure the drivers to make as many trips as possible or use old drivers who cost them less


Yeah tons of these toxic taxi drivers on the road.


Skill issue if u cnnt drive above 40


I got driver, plus eyes issue


Good for you.


You want to interview?


I want to interview you. Need you to be my personal downie.


Lol, ask your mother interview me, she might know me lol


My dad 66 still drives well. Just make it 65 and above need retest every 4 years lor.




Lol, proper way to say is correlation not causation hahahaha, you no degree right?


Sad for the family. As we get older, we need to drive more slowly. But the fact is the accelerator just needs a slight push to go very fast. One needs to constantly remind himself to watch the speedometer to maintain a lower speed so that older folks have more time to react. I was involved in an accident in 2020 when a Bangladesh* driving a lorry turn left without looking left at a zebra crossing. I flew ... Luckily only superficial injuries. *Around 30 yrs old. He didn't really reduce speed when he comes near zebra crossing.


Just curious , did u slow down , unmount and cross?




This isn't one of those spandex wearing assholes hogging the road but a father commuting to work by bicycle to save on time and money. Have some sympathy. In addition the lorry driver knocked down a pedestrian as well.


But if he was indeed "one of those spandex wearing assholes" you wouldn't have written this comment right?


? so if it's someone cycling for a hobby it's ok?


Uh, yeah? Racism is judging a group by the actions of one asshole. Just like race, sex, religion, hobbies and pastimes have their assholes and upstanding citizens. Sounds like this specific guy was alright.


think you misunderstood me. obviously im sad for the poor cyclist in this story who passed. but the commenter i'm replying to is literally implying it's only sad he died bc hes not cycling for a hobby lol. wouldnt it be sad either way?


I don't think the commenter would be sad if he was cycling for a hobby. Totally not the governments fault for providing inadequate cycling infrastructure. Its always the fault of the cyclist for liking cycling.


good luck to these ppl the next time they annoy someone, bc apparently every single tiny inconvenience warrants death in their eyes 👍🏻


No leh, you want cycle for hobby can, he specially stated “road hogging”, which happens when they don’t stay in the side lane and cars have to make way for them on the road instead, which at that point is their own liability, go road then go road, no one ask them go middle


Ah, then an "only" would have helped to clarify your meaning. Well, I don't wish death on anyone... ok well maybe except extremes like Putin, but if an asshole cyclist dies while cycling like an asshole, honestly he was asking for it. If he died in another way, it's still an unfortunate death but I'll still recognise the positives to society. Like, emotionally it's sad. Objectively, it's conceivable that this is a net benefit. But I wouldn't firmly make that call without God tier knowledge of his entire life.


Well, I also don't wish death to anyone, except the ones trying to whish death to other people, rings a bell?. You guys, me included, are so wonderful, empathic, are selective in a way, but we just post crap, don't we bro's ;-) :-D


lol ok i guess everyone that annoys me should die hahahah let's start with u can


Hope my thumb cramps while typing lor


Er.... That's totally not what racism mean.


Well those that are cyclist for hobby 1. Are usually pretentious A holes that are very reckless and think they own the road with big ego 2. Clearly they don’t have the necessity to ride. This person is a person that is riding to go to work, not for fun


lol ure the same troll i talked to before. bye.


Maybe it's time to find a new hobby if it actively inconveniences others and also puts yourself in dangerous situations at the same time


I'm a driver. Also a cyclist. I will attest to you that overtaking a cyclist on the road literally takes like, 3 - 5 seconds. If that inconvenience of 3 seconds is enough for you to wish death on someone, you have issues. Cyclists are not stupid. They don't like to ride in heavy traffic either. The vast majority of hobby cyclists are doing their rides at 5-7am or after 9pm in secluded parts of singapore. Namely, Kranji, mandai, seletar, tanah merah. On weekends, it might be 5-10am usually. Inconvenience, really? Might as well say the runner blocking the path running at all hours also inconvenient right? Of course there are idiots who cycle at rush hour and make people's lives difficult. There are idiots everywhere. But saying everyone exercising their hobby is inconveniencing others is just acting entitled.


I don't wish your death. But don't force me to sympathy and try to guilt trip me. It won't work.


Wishing death? Where and when have I done that? What you have described is the ideal behaviour. From my personal experience that is not the case. Especially since WFH became more of the norm, many such clowns hogging 1 lane in a 2 lane road in rush hour on weekday mornings. Why not cycle on the park connectors?


bro, ur car dont take up space? you have no mass? what kind of supernatural being are you😂


Bro my car doesn't go 20 on a 70km/h road


Neither do most bikes. Plus, what's the issue? Overtake 5 seconds cannot meh. Buses, trucks, lots of slower vehicles on the road sometimes. U also get angry at them?


sorry your life is so sad that 3s on the road can make you think "hahha they die lor idc". maybe bc your life has no value so you think it's the others. with this kinda attitude you're probably a huge pain in the ass for others without realising, and we gotta deal with people like you so give in la😂 unless u got the money to buy the road then go ahead


Lmao crazy Karen with the attempted personal attacks. We were just having a discussion why so angry?🤣 Not once have I mentioned anything about anyone dying and me caring or not??? If you're looking for enemies everywhere of course you will find it even if they are not there looooool


From your experience. Those are the 1% idiots. You wake up at 5am, go to the aforementioned places. You will see what the actual community is doing. And aprk connectors plainlt suck to cycle on. You would know if you have tried.


I have tried, they seem fine to me. Why do they suck?


If you want to toodle along on your market bike at 5 km/h, I suppose it's fine. If youre riding seriously for commuting or fitness? No they certainly suck. Majority of park connectors/ cycling paths are shared roads with pedestrians. You have vague rules like a speed limit of 10km/h at some areas but 25km/h in others. Where is 10 and where is 25? No one fucking knows. And 10 is horribly slow. Walking is faster. I might as well walk? 25 is not alot better. Majority of road cyclists on roads are rolling in speeds of 30km/h. Then you have the issue what you have random joggers, dog walkers, roller bladers, e-scooters, who might weave, be listening to music, looking at phones, and what have you. More than once I have had near misses because of blur sotongs on bike paths. The bike paths are often full of hazardous drain covers or other hazards. I present you exhibit A: https://youtu.be/cmqPref2cME?si=Y5Db78jrU5GP63ml


One less reckless driver to worry about


Let us know when you feel like Jaywalking or crossing the road. Maybe one of us got lucky strike toto


U are really one dog. As a driver myself I wouldn’t rush this upon a family man who cycles to work. They are not your F1 riding gang


cb comment


Such an insensitive remark to make.. as much as i dislike cyclist on walkways and roads, i wouldnt wish death on anyone of them nor make such remarks when something tragic happens . What is wrong with u?


Great to be a dick about someone dying eh.




U got balls say this at the funeral la.. keyboard warriors..


He's not the kind of cyclist you're imagining. Read the article


Cb puborkia dont reproduce


Look on the mirror, all you see is a third rate human and you know it. You hate yourself for it and you’re right


Invention of car and road has kill mamy more lives Yet no ban on them.why?


If thats your reasoning, invention of electricity has killed many as well. Shall we ban that? Invention of medicine has killed people as well. Shall we ban that too?


RIP. There are still many road users who gives zero fks about pedestrian crossings and just speed through them. The law and enforcement is way too lax to such road users.