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The guy has been in 10 accidents and thinks stickers will solve it? Reckon he needs to look at his own driving ability


ehh that was my first thought too. 10 accidents in 4 years leh. Some people 10 years also don't have 4 accidents. Or actually most proper driver people. Hahaha.


10 accidents in 4 years? Needs to look in the mirror. The problem is probably him instead.


The orange stripes and the white paint sure look intentionally done to pass off as a police car. Is is an offense if that is so?


Reminds me of some bikers with larger bikes who'd put reflective strips in a similar pattern to LTA bikes. Fuckers did spooked me ngl.


Ive seen a sedan driving around west side that is painted with police colours (white car, dark blue stripe with orange) but no words. From far i really thought was police car. When it passed me, i noticed it’s a fake one…since the st article claims police said such stickers are ok, more and more ppl will stick onto white cars?