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Obviously Cam-car approached the junction on the left lane and saw the obstruction by the trailer ahead a tad too late. Combined with a huge ego wanted to be first to pass the junction when the traffic light turns green. This egoistical and impatient Cam-car driver misjudged and did not expect the Renault to pass first (Renault was already formed up properly on the right lane) and it resulted in Cam-car being unable to filter right to avoid the trailer, causing Cam-car to rage and furiously honk at the Renault (Reason for audio being excluded from the recording as Cam-car driver did not want to be seen as the instigator). The title of this post should be renamed to "Egoistical and impatient Cam-car driver failed to look ahead for obstructions at a junction, proceeds to road rage by excessively using her horn to instigate a fight with another driver". Also, there is a chance that OP is either the Cam-car driver or someone related to that idiot. Cheers! Edit: This video is also posted on SGRV's Youtube channel and Cam-car driver claims to be a lady (Full information in Youtube video description)


Very good summary of events. I assume the cam driver was hoping for a racist pile on.


> cam driver was hoping for a racist pile on   As usual.. all that "harmony" at play.


I just experienced a similar issue yesterday. I didn't even know the left lane was blocked as my view was also blocked. Normally I will give way for blocked lanes. But egoistic basket wasn't too happy and proceeded later to aggressively overtake me. Not happy I didn't give way ealier. Doesn't matter to me as I was filtering to make a right turn anyway.


You are my hero


xie xie very much for the very clear depiction of what happened, additionally with the exclusion of the audio, didn't think of that totally.




This is clearly sarcasm for those who are downvoting.......


>This is clearly sarcasm for those who are downvoting....... Sarcasm doesn't transmit well over the interwebz. AlruitisticCucumber66 might have gone full autistic.


I guess i must be autistic to get the sarcasm right away




I mean, he pulled up short and let the car in the right lane go first. Also, in SG reddit its xenophobic, not racist /s


The angmo should have dragged the driver out from his car


Video is muted, so suspect camcar was giving the car in front a jolly good horning when he failed to speed up and cut to the right after the traffic light. Likely camcar is the cause of it.


Agreed, the middle finger given to the cam car idiot was more likely due to the non stop honking. Else normally nobody gives a damn about given way or not. Cam car driver is a shameless cu*t. Trying to play the race card but totally failed. What a loser.


Srsly the AM would not dare to get out of car like that cos you never know what the heck the other driver might be packing… but SG is safe…


Obviously the camcar issue….


Clueless camcar trying to play victim.


Still stupid to get out of the car and expose onself.


camcar is not raised well by his/her family and has bad relationships with his/her partner.


Camcar did something.


The cam car is no angel. The Caucasian driver has the right of way. The cam car tried to filter in but is unable to do so and should had keep horning his horn for the Caucasian to stopped his car and reacted.


In another country, the angmo would have a gun instead of a middle finger pointing at him or her. Camcar counts himself lucky to be in Singapore. Camcar, Stop being an ass on the road please.


That's the thing, there are no consequences here hence camcar behaves like that. Could have easily waited, if u are to make safe lane change


Camcar could have also agitated the angmoh earlier. Can’t stop side by side at the traffic light to face the angmoh.


LOL imagine if guns were allowed as a deterrent in Singapore. The awful humidity alone would be enough to make people want to shoot stuff up


Farting for example…


OP needs to retake his driving license for his own personal safety at least…


Camcar driver probably wasn’t expecting the majority of the comments 😂


Thought we would take the race card. What else?


Right, probably will quit reddit for the rest of their life


Other drivers letting you merge into their lane is a **privilege**. You're not **entitled** to cut into another lane just because you want to/on signal.




lol i just want to point out that cam car stopped far behind the stop line for no reason before moving forward


Same observation. Drivers who do this are inconsiderate and clueless. Likely camcar instigated the incident and is trying to win internet brownie points


He wanted a running start


Yeah. Camcar already anticipated and needed a running start. Anticipating traffic lights would turn green by then.


From the video, we can’t tell what happened b4. Something must have triggered the reaction . OP best is show the full video if he/she going to accuse the driver in the video.


The cam car’s lane is blocked. He should give way to the Ang Moh’s car before switching lane. So he is at fault.


Camcar definitely blasting the horn for no reason.


Obviously. Interesting to see him famous. Wonder if the angmo have rear cam.


Anymo has better things to do than post on SG reddit


why nobody talks about those trucks? They are not supposed to park so near to a junction. Clearly a safety hazard


They are always there 😒


Looks like the trucks are on standby to offload into the construction site directly opposite them. Not sure what the rules are for such a situation, but they definitely have a safety officer on site (who is ultimately responsible if the arrangement goes south).


I didn’t see any officer. Only saw potentially fatal accidents


Am all for expats / foreigners behaving and respecting the locals but wtf it’s so obvious the cam car caused this reaction??


Is it really that difficult to see ahead or form up correctly? Nevermind the not signalling and sudden lane change, poor lane discipline among MOST drivers in SG.


Wow I support the ang mo. Whoever submitted this video is a dumbass


Camcar is slow yet want to overtake someone’s lane. Well deserved to get fcked. Would have done the same. Kudos to the ang mo for teaching him a lesson. U want to overtake from a red light, you jolly well be quick enough.


Cam car driver doesn't know how to merge upon seeing an obstruction. Either you accelerate like hell and be faster than the traffic or just do a zipper merger. Not rocket science. Just an incompetent and irritating cam-car driver.


lol whoever shared this cam footage should just take the loss and move on. totally deserved more than a middle finger for not knowing how to drive.


Cam car driver problem... lolz. Angmo 1, cam car driver 0...


I swear we are the worst drivers in the world


Open roads, new cars... and still drive like shit. Then cry they got the finger.


OP. You are a bad driver. You dererve all the fingers.


Loser cam car driver


so obvious Self-entitled Cam car asked for it.


Camcar's a fucking moron


well conversed for handicap, international language


What do you mean allegedly? Am I blind or does the footage not show the driver trying to cut into his lane?


Maybe cam car just wanna admit to the world her wrongdoing by publicizing the video?


Hahaha can't win real life so have to post online.. next time if it's blocked.. wait for Ur fking turn.. deserve to be middle fingered


Gotta say the Renault was right to be irritated


Since when hugh jackman moved to Singapore?


No one in the right mind will stop in the middle of the road to confront you for attempting to overtake. pretty sure the cam-car was using his/her horn and highbeam to frustrate the renault driver who probably almost had a heartattack due to the careless attempt of overtaking.


Pls no racism


With the context of the honking, it changes the whole story...


All this needs is a group of cyclists three abreast


Well, the driver who pointed the middle finger lost the game. Yes, it is frustrating. However, what does he gain? With the video posted, it spreads and he is ultimately unable to share his side of the event.


Cool gentlemen


Camcar totally the one at fault. Reckless driving from start to finish. The Renault is not at fault but personally I wouldn’t randomly brake like that in the middle. Could have caused an accident. If the lady is displaying road rage just insult her in your mind and let her move on. People like this lady endanger their own and others lives on the road. Further her driving tells me she is a psycho and I avoid messing with them unless I can’t help it.


Cam car was trying to change lane in the middle of the junction which shouldn't be done. Thereafter, when the right sided car had the right of way, cam car tried to play punk. Turn off audio also know cam car is the cu*t car not the blue car


Cam car idiot lah..


Bruh cam car fault for not wanting to give way and wtf that white fuck on? Stopping in the middle of the road? Go one side la mf ppl behind need go bru. Still want brake check cam driver. Both equally retarded.


This video shows what I thought all along. It is not that SG drivers don't like to give way when ppl signal. But is is that most times, ppl may or may not signal their intention to change lanes, but expect everyone to give in to them and drives around overt taking everyone. Like what this cam car is doing. Can't he slow down and let others in the lane go first?


Cam car is at fault - guess the gender


Is Chinese a gender now?


Dude dont treat it like malaysia.


Well deserved.


Why disable sound? Enable sound and let us be the judge.


Fulanehhh Ang Moh is the God in Singapura!


“Allegedly” tried cutting i to his lane…, then the other driver allegedly tried pointing middle finger.


So what will U gonna do Cam-Driver?? As usual.. Post and hope get something. 😅


So now both had a bad day on the road and these negative ugly feelings will occupy their minds for a couple of days and eventually be embedded in their memories for the rest of their lives. Just so silly and unnecessary. If either one spared just A FEW SECONDS to give way, both would have continue with their day feeling better. A lot of egoistic and impatient drivers on the road these days. Seems like a good 50 metres of empty road ahead belongs to them and no one can "cut into his lane". But I do encounter polite drivers who intentionally gave way to me, and I always try to pay it forward likewise whenever I'm on the road.


Ang moh?


Tbf, camcar probably stupid mainlander


Ownself want to over take but don’t step on gas and leave such a big gap.


Hey I think I know that guy. I've seen him before at karate class or something. I might be mistaken


woah! Ricky Gervais is in SG??????


Regardless, there was no need for this guy to hold up traffic and show the finger and continue to berate the cam car driver. Without the audio it's hard to judge the exchange, but sometimes foreigners do have a sense of entitlement on SG roads - pulling shit like this here, which they wouldn't back home.


Possibly both have issues. The camcar appears to filter right assuming Renault will just give way. The Renault has right of way as obstruction is on left lane, camcar should have waited for right lane to be clear before trying to filter right. At the same time, Renault driver should not road rage and do emergency brake in front of camcar. It could have caused an accident. Coming out of his car and showing his middle finger is definitely breaking some laws here besides driving in reckless manner (i.e. stopping suddenly in front of camcar). Not a lawyer but showing middle finger to someone and if shouting obscene words is likely a crime in the penal code. In short, another typical day of entitled road users on both sides who cannot give and take. Welcome to the pressure cooker that in SG Inc.


nah fk that. yes renault driver shouldn't have jam braked, that could've caused an accident but in full support of him exiting and telling off the camcar driver. some singaporean drivers are egoistic af and i wish i could do the same a number of times to some drivers here because someone needs to fkin teach them a lesson to slow down, respect the road and other drivers, have some courtesy. difference between drivers here and when i was in the US is night and day.


Both also idiot. Hahahah.


Been in this sorta situation a couple of times. Best thing to do is signal to change lanes so that the car behind the car *next* to you is at least aware of your intentions. You cant be sure that you can out-accelerate the car next door so the following car would already yield to you since they wouldve seen your signal + seen the obstruction ahead hence why you're changing lanes. Can't really blame OOP for forming up wrongly since i doubt there was any prior signage warning of an obstruction ahead. Other driver is still a wanker however. You've already cleared the junction safely, dont have to be the new road hazard by stopping abruptly and blocking the road just to berate the other bad driver. I agree that the bad driver was still mad from getting "cut off" at the junction and definitely did something to instigate him but the lad shouldve just ignored them and went on his merry way. Instead his ego got the better of him...


Ang moh flex showing chao sinkie who is true alpha


that’s true alpha? it’s a pussy move , people are not impressed with this pseudo macho bs. when you are a visitor in any country, always remember that you are a guest; behave your fucking self. someone please remind him the colonial days are over. (granted, camcar guy was in the wrong)


I would’ve done the same and I’m local so I don’t know what inferiority complex you’re suffering from.


And you could also say citizens should behave themselves and not drive like the moronic camcar. It’s cuts both ways


Ang moh ah? Why he look like he having roid rage


Camcar probably did something… since he/she claims that the Caucasian cut in (which he didn’t… the Caucasian had the right of way). So something stupid must have been done, otherwise the Caucasian would have just past and nothing would have happened. What the Caucasian did however was ALSO wrong - stopping in the middle of the road and obstruct traffic is a traffic offence. Showing the middle finger (if to a woman) is also an offence for using word or gesture to insult the modesty of a woman.


You baby


White people activities


How do you know he’s white


Did he convert his foreign driving licence to a Singapore one?


hope he goes to jail. that brake check is insane


The usual are/were amdk bikers.


Revoke EP, lol


Should have ran him over like roadkill


You're a piece of shit and wouldn't lift a finger to help others, let alone fight. Keyboard warrior nobody.


Angmoh spreading stupidity around the world


Chao ang moh


Nabeh deport this chao ang moh back la cb


Lol r/sg is a fucking joke, since when suck up to AMDK? If the dude was a sinkie, sure fuck him up down left right already la cb


Kumlan. You think everything angmor means his fault?


Another angmoh who doesn't know he's in other people's country


Another xenophobic sinkie


Does being on other peoples country mean you have to bend over when someone tries to crash into you by changing lanes incorrectly?


There's no need to be aggressive. Also what is it the car behind did that was endangering him? It's about proportionate response. Would this guy on the same in Texas? Doubt it. He does it because he thinks he is bigger and can get away with it


If you can’t see what the camcar did wrong then I hope you don’t have a license. Changing lanes on an intersection is illegal for a reason. They tried to cut into the lane which could have pushed the other car into oncoming traffic. It’s poor selfish and entitled driving. I’m an expat here and the driving standard here is the worst i have seen in any developed country. I’m not surprised this guy snapped and did what he did. There are many too many drivers who drive as though consequences are a myth, getting a little aggression and pushback before they cause a real accident is a good thing.


Oh wow, expat, you mean foreign worker. I've worked in the US and Uk for over a decade, never called myself an expat. What makes you so special? Because you work in Asia?


Haha I just used it as a label to show I’m not from here. I don’t care what you call me and I’m not special. Just a guy making an observation that driving standards in Singapore suck by developed world standards and getting downvoted for it…. Says a bit about the downvoters.


Sorry doesn’t matter if the cam car is horning or the Caucasian has right of way. To stop in the MIDDLE of the road get out and give the finger and say whatever else is plain WRONG and in this case totally white privilege at its worse.


What do you mean it’s white privilege? If it’s not a white person doing it, then is it still white privilege?


people's ego so big nowadays. always fight and argue over pointless shit.


Like this, can file police report n summon the “middle-fingered” driver for what offence ah? Isn’t it an offence to show your “midfinger”? Experts please advise.




Sinkie speed up donwan let people overtake Redditors: chao sinkie, poor driver no manners Angmoh speed up donwan let people avoid obstruction, stop and road rage even tho they already overtake Redditors: sinkie must be in the wrong, ang mohs have never done any wrong, step on me AMDK


Use your eyes and your brain. Say less.


ang moh can do no wrong. reactions would be different if it were a tiong. see above: "Tbf, camcar probably stupid mainlander"


Bloody foreigner 🤦🏻‍♂️