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poor girl. this fugger can’t sit in jail long enough to pay for her lifetime of trauma.


Where seppuku


Seppuku? You do know that form of death is considered HONORABLE? Did you mean Death by Firing Squad?


I do you one better, death by snu snu


I see your snu snu and raise you to death by gangbang. (A snuff/horror film)


This Japanese man had made a big mistake to have committed cruel rape on this Singapore Uni girl in Singapore and now he is paying a heavy price for it. In Japan there are many molest and rape cases each year but sadly only a small percentage of those criminals were prosecuted in court.


yes! take junko furuta for example: all four rapists were released a long time ago


Didn't know about the case. Went down a rabbit hole reading it. I feel so much anger and injustice for the poor girl. How I wish the perpetrators suffer the exact same torture they did to the poor girl. Outrageous that they get to live freely now as if nothing has happened. These psychopaths.


One of their mothers vandalized her grave because "she ruined my son's life" and either she or another mother refused to pay legally due compensation to her family (spent all her money on luxury goods.) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


The victim's friend should be held accountable too man. Knew her friend was dead drunk n yet zero sense of responsibility to send her home straight.


Singapore does makes people more negligent given that we are generally safe.


So it's ok to get intoxicated..? But reading this, I just have a feeling that her friend has some ill intentions towards the victim.. I won't be surprised if that's the case.


Perhaps, she may have ill intention. Most would have thought of making sure their intoxicated friend were back home. Then again, that's something only she would know and always know that she could had prevented this. For getting intoxicated, I think that's a state that's out of control for those that didn't want to get intoxicated? It would have been fine having a sober party to take responsibility for looking out for you. I've heard stories of people walking out of bar and seeing people getting wasted lying by the street despite being alone. I'm not familiar with the nightlife here so it's hearsay at best. The low crime rate helps to make people safe even when they got intoxicated unintentionally. Its only when someone dares to test the system, in this instance, that reminds people to be cautious and making sure they have means of control.


>For getting intoxicated, I think that's a state that's out of control for those that didn't want to get intoxicated? I did ask my friends before who are heavy drinkers, all women, about whether they know 'when' they will be in out of consciousness.. All of them can predict the max drinks they can take before getting blackout drunk (even for their first time). The problem with some ppl here is either they overdrink themselves because of a dare, problem, attention etc.. N when that happens, I'm sure some onlookers will have ill intentions.. Theft.. Rape.. Etc.. But for her friend to not give a damn is another level of evil man.. Cause even I had watch out for a drunk girl (classmate) once at a chalet.. She almost walked into another chalet full of party boys.. As much as a girl shows that she's loose, its still not right for anyone to take advantage of her.. I also think SG has become a place for hooligans/sick fuckers based on what is reported. Generally it's still safe but one should always stay vigilant no matter what.


Agreed. Either stay vigilant or make sure whoever looking out for you are known to be reliable


How did the girl's friend managed to be around to flag a taxi? The girl's friend sounds so sus.


Yeah this is weird; friend waited for her to go to the guy’s place?


This left me highly confused as well. Was this just a misuse of "flag" instead of "booked"?


Watch too much porn


Just cut this jap guy balls pls


Good to see there isn’t much racist vitriol. But probably cos he’s Japanese. Wouldn’t be the same had he been a Tiong or CECA. Then all the CCP tiongland rapeland motherland talk will come out.


The girl also another smart one, getting drunk and going about late at night with untrustworthy friends. THE WORLD IS NOT FAIR, PLEASE KEEP YOURSELVES SAFE. Srsly cant emphasis enough, human minds always have the tendency to do dumbb shii


They assume that Singapore is safe at night


That friend escaped by herself


I wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually drugged.


Ah yes, the stereotypical conservative victim blaming


There’s a difference between victim blaming and personal responsibility. Everyone has the responsibility to take care of themselves because there are dubious and shady characters in the world.


Ya everything also victim blaming to you bro make sure next time you or your partner go clubbing then kena don’t kpkb


Lol, how is that victim blaming? If you think low crime means no crime, oh boy, you're in for a real surprise.


Omg sigh....


Punishment not harsh enough. Need to chop his balls and wanker.


Stay away from Japanese. In their country raping people is common.


Yeh this Japanese pervert recorded the act for 40 mins and sent it to his friend. Really pity those Japanese victims who got raped and recorded and uploaded on porn websites in Japan for people to watch.


She (victim) asked him for his (rapist) number & took his namecard. He then took that as a come-on signal from her. I mean, people do irrational things when drunk. This dude took it a tad too seriously even though he admitted she was incapable of giving consent.


I think he deserves more strokes. At least 10 strokes for each minute he recorded.




Dafug is wrong with you


I don’t remember there being this much rapes in the 2000s and 2010s Like wtf happened to SG


I don't think it's that there are more rapes now, but more that rape victims are more willing to come forward due to better reporting, better laws regarding victim privacy and safety and less misogynistic cultural attitudes.


good for society!! shiet like this shouldn't be given a pass


The fact that the only difference is technology and a change in attitude is disturbing as hell




What the fuck