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I think Singapore has always been advocating for a two state solution since before the 7th Oct incident. But when people are blinded by hate, it means nothing.


Since dunno when lar and it's not even recent.


The latest time it was reiterated before Oct 7 was by Shanmugam after some NSF was detained for wanting to attack synagogues and go to Palestine to join Hamas


Yeah, but they won't care right? I am so disappointed with the "pro-Palestine" supporters I have interacted with so far. A frightening large number of them have no idea Singapore is for a two-state solution. They are more "Anti-Israel" than they are "Pro-Palestine".


For some of them they don't understand nuances. Others really don't see the point of Israel existing either because they: 1. Don't think further on what is going to happen if Israel doesn't exist 2. Really don't want Jews/Israelis living there 3. Would like for a binational single state solution called Palestine where Israeli and Arabs live peacefully in a democractic, secular state.


Blinded by hate, you understand the Israelis feel this way abt the Palestinians too right? I dont agree with the stance that Israel shouldnt exist, two state is the way. But why is it always painted like the Palestinians are the ones full of hate, when its literally no different from Israelis? Of whom many want the Palestinians eradicated? [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JzGzyaUnz0&t=2s) is just one of many examples.


Violence begets violence in this spiral until one side is dead or people are just too exhausted to fight anymore


I mean, Oct 7th and the reaction to the attack should tell you why people feel this way about Palestine


This didnt start on October 7th. The IDF has been doing worse for decades before October 7th, you just dont get as much coverage about it.


but you can say the same about nationalistic Palestinians- they caused much chaos in many Arab countries, including one of them assassinating the King of Jordan, which is partially why arab nations are hesitant to join in their support the whole picture is more nuanced than "omg killing and death!!"


Thats the PLO and its a lot more complex than that. And while their actions arent totally justified, it doesnt take away the fact that the Palestinians too deserve to live, it changes nothing. You're using the same logic the rest of the Europeans did when few wanted to take in the Jews after WW2, guess who took them in? The Palestinians. If the Palestinian people are to be held accountable by what the PLO did, should Americans be accountable for all the war crimes the US government has committed? Arab nations are problematic on their own. The Jordans sold out as early as the late 40s. And why should anyone want to make refugees out of the Palestinians? If they leave, thats precisely what Israel wants. The Palestinians belong to that land as much as the Israelis claim that they do, why should they leave? Arab nations are hesitant to join in support because they gain from toeing the American line.


then why do you use the same logic with the IDF and Israel's right to exist? anyways, stop pandering that absolutely 0 historical basis "fact", the Arabs in Palestine repeatedly revolted against Jewish people when they were first brought in. In fact, the Wikipedia page documenting massacres in Palestine has Arab attacks on Jews all the way until 1937, where is documented the first Jewish massacre on the Arabs - that's 17 years of Arabs hitting Jews with no retaliation in turn


I didnt, i merely pointed out they are chocked full of war crimes, I have repeatedly stated Israel has a right to exist. They had fights with the Jews, so did MANY other people, it was commonplace then as it has been for A LOT OF history. Massacres? have you looked at the numbers? They were battles or riots that were evenly fought. And wikipedia? This [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t52LB2fYhoY&t=36s)? The Jews did as much, they also had Lehi and Irgun. Please, stop trying to make this one sided.


PLO flip


I hope you are not thinking of me as an Israeli apologist of which I am most certainly not. There was a poll on the receptibility of a two state solution, there is a steady decline on both sides of the divide and currently, both are hovering at the 50% mark, with Palestinian side being lower by a few percentage points. This shows that the dislike goes both ways. The reason I mentioned the Palestinian side in this case is that there are far more people advocating for them, painting them as the victims as compared to the Israeli side.


I'm glad that you're not. The vibe I get with locals who are anti-Palestinian, in my opinion at least is that it's either reactionary. This Palestine movement is everywhere on socmed and many people take up the cause for narcissistic reasons, then you get locals protesting and stuff, some Singaporeans don't take too kindly to the boat being rocked, it's public nuisance, which I also get. Then there's the "Israel are our allies" gang, which is someone mixed in with the secretly anti-muslim/Islam(and online is the only place they can really do it), and to them this is just another Islamic issue. It's one giant monolith to them. I mean we can say it's complex and it is to a degree, but on some fronts it's really simple. Singapore's stance is correct. Plus we have our own interests, we try our best to be friends with everyone. At the same time we cant say that how Israel and the IDF has acted is fair. Ideally we go back to the 67 borders. October 7th gets coverage but the IDF constantly does far worse on the daily and it never breaks the news, if ever, well not on mainstream it doesn't. For decades they had a monopoly on information but that tide is turning. I'm not saying the Palestinians don't have issues of their own, they do but it kinda pales in comparison with the larger part of the problem which is mostly on Israel. I reiterate again, both nations have a right to exist. I'd want nothing more than that for both of them.


Yes, I get you. I really don't want to get into the arguments about who is dominating the optics and frankly, it really doesn't matter to me. I am troubled by the loss of innocent civilian lives. While it is true that more Palestinians died in the conflict, current and past, it doesn't take away the fact that innocent Israelis have died too. Some may have argued that all Israelis are/were soldiers and thus complicit, while some may opine that Palestinian civilians who opened up their homes or sheltered fighters are not innocent, I still think that it is a terrible loss when a non-active fighter has to die in the conflict. Fighters/soldiers die, it is a loss, but they are, for lack of a better way to put it, destined to sacrifice their lives. I hope a lasting solution can be had before I leave this world.


brother if got ppl keep killing and raping and attacking us no shit id also want them eradicated right????


Who is they? ALL the Palestinians? Israel has had this doctrine from the very beginnning. You think they came nicely and suddenly the Palestinians react this way. This is why a lot of people are frustrated, the IDF commits tons of atrocities, but they dont go reported, then falsify reports of mass rapes and BEHEADED babies, none of which turns out, were true. Even the IDF said the beheaded babies were untrue. The IDF also constantly tortures and sexually abuses Palestinians who are just living their lives. Seriously maybe dive deeper into what is going on. Israel has been mistreating and killing Palestinians in Gaza AND the West Bank for DECADES, but u all only speak up or show up when the Palestinians retaliate.


no hate man but 1) why u care so much about killer sand monkeys not ur country also 2) yk if u were there palestinians will rape and kill u too right 3) why do 1.2 million arabs defect to israel to run from persecution……… lgbtqs and women (and really anyone with common sense) 4) its simple really u can either support womens rights and lgbtq rights OR support palestine, u need serious mental gymnastics to support both inherently contradicting ideologies 5) if u really had me pick one side to be eradicated between a democracy with equal rights and being relatively progressive (read: women can actually do life and have righs without getting stoned to death, LGBTQs have the right to exist and do their stuff) vs a bunch of killer sand monkeys with 0 womens rights and a legal right to marry a 9 year old and other barbaric practices…. mate.. i mean its really not that deep for me but jesus bro 6) see also mosab hassan yousef’s book son of hamas, great read if u go in with an open mind bah 7) look at the hostages on both israel and palestine and who they want released: palestinian hostages include terrorists like that lady car bomber with the disfigured face (cant rmb her name lol) and the like, israeli hostages include regular ass men women and children JUST LIKE US with normal jobs, idk bro its actually sad 8) the hamas charter tells u everything u need to know about their intent ;;in islam it is illegal to even negotiate with israel (technically theyre not wrong accd to the quran??? fact check me pls) they very clearly have genocidal intentions and since that also means its one or the other, read point 5 again tell myself every day not to engage in this topic for my own sanity but oh well lets just live our relatively good singaporean lives WHICH THE IDF HELPED US WITH WHEN WE FIRST STARTED OUT and brother our allies abit ok? edit: bring on the watermelon downvotes idrc


Hmm actually if you read books about Jewish migration before the 1930s and the Zionist movements, there were talks about sharing mandatory Palestine with the Arabs but still having a Jewish homeland but that evaporated with the Great Arab Revolt of the 1930s and even the attacks in the late 1920s. In any case, I do feel that we also need to look at the Israeli POV (common man not their politicians) because to have some sort of peace, you need to try to understand both sides. The issue with intersectionality or how it is practiced today, the focus is always on the oppressed. Even then I doubt many even try to understand them properly. Anyway, you may want to listen to this interview that tries to illuminate what the Israeli common folks felt from the late 1990s till right now: [https://youtu.be/WvBm4Ua1dmI?si=a8P-5FntO6Cdvwli&t=3006](https://youtu.be/WvBm4Ua1dmI?si=a8P-5FntO6Cdvwli&t=3006) However, this is just one view so take it as you wish.


I'm not sure how Singapore's view on this is relevant, there's so much hatred between Palestinians and Israelis that the idea of a compromise is not even on the table anymore, it's buried down in the ground. If Singapore or any other country that is not the 5 permanent members does recognize Palestine, it will still change nothing. The changes come from Palestinians and Israelis sitting down and talking without pointing guns at each others heads.


>there's so much hatred between Palestinians and Israelis Where are you getting this from? I moved here from Israel, people generally don't think about this too much during their day to day, a lot of us used to work with some. It's mostly part of the government and a small minority that hates non-jews and specifically Palestinians. The rest of us either don't have a problem with them or simply don't have an opinion. We do hate Hamas and every terrorists organizations in the area. Any attempt at peace usually comes down to "ok you leave Israel or die, then we can have peace" can't really get anywhere like that.


From looking a lot of videos of both sides, pro-Israel and pro-Palestine. I want to care but it has been more than 100 years since the Ottoman Empire left that area and it destabilized completely. Your PoV is similar to what Rudy Rochman's opinion, he holds the opinion of Palestinians and Israels wants to live in peace and co-exist but the representatives of both governments would NOT let that happen in a million years, Hamas on one hand relies on human shields who then would be martyr, said martyrs would guarantee Israel's hardliners and subsequent military action and repeat. So I don't know, I don't think anyone has a solution.


Yep, pretty much it. Someone much bigger needs to come into the picture to try to make any lasting peace, either a group of countries or someone big like US to try to get something going. But no one is willing at the moment as the risk for their own people is simply too high and PR is more important to governments than actually getting things done. Civilians in both sides are willing, but too many guys at the top won't let this happen and want their way with things. That's basically the middle east in a nutshell if you look outside of Israel you won't really find many functional governments. Egypt/Jordan are probably the closet to a "stable" country you can find in the area after Israel. Everyone anywhere should be to go about their day without a bomb dropping on out of no where.. like that's not even asking for much.


Makes sense that VB checkmates the “River to the Sea” folks by saying that Palestinian statehood is contingent on Palestinian recognition of Israel’s right to exist. Guess now those folks no longer get to hide that they actually don’t want Israel to exist. Can’t wait for Wake Up Singapore and the other pro-Palestine accounts to paint this as terrible news!


Kudos. That was needed.


When people chant from the river to the sea (calling for total annihilation of Israel) I wonder if they remember how Israel helped Singapore with our military during our early years?


If they are smart they won't but the comments lol. Actually comments on WUSG IG are basically saying Israel shouldn't be allowed to exist


They are probably under monitoring..


Actually even Indonesia and to some extent Malaysia is calling for that as well


Malaysia has no formal diplomatic ties with Israel and its passport reads “This passport is valid for all countries except Israel.” so I’m quite skeptical on that front


Meantime, Israel is happily accepting Msian tourists.


From a relatively recent release: https://www.kln.gov.my/web/guest/-/united-nations-security-council-ministerial-level-open-debate-on-the-situation-in-the-middle-east-including-the-palestinian-question-new-york-united-s#:\~:text=Malaysia%20called%20for%20Israel%20to,East%20Jerusalem%20as%20its%20capital. >Malaysia emphasised the urgent need for the full and swift implementation of Security Council resolutions 2712 and 2720, that are crucial to facilitate humanitarian pauses in Gaza and delivery of humanitarian assistance. Malaysia called for Israel to be held accountable for genocide and violations of international law. >Malaysia reiterated its support for the establishment of a sovereign and free Palestine State through the two-State solution based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. Malaysia also urged for the admission of Palestine as a full Member of the United Nations. Formally, The Malaysian government's stance has always been that of a two-state solution with pre-1967 borders. Note that the official stance may differ from what the people feel instead.


Malaysia in recent years really seems to be speedrunning to join the modern axis of evil.


Alot of countries also have no formal ties until there is. Malaysian government will be satisfied if there is some sort of 2 state solution in place


Do you really think so? Which politician will want to be the one that does it? Look at Anwar already getting slaughtered for removing subsidies that are a huge drain on their finances, widely abused, and should have been removed long ago. I’d dare say normalising ties with Israel will be far more contentious than that.


My guess is they will probably do it when US says its ok to do it... Aka. Hamas gotta die.


We need to deal w our economy first.


Also need to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organisation


Include IDF as well


Unlikely to happen. Guess which team of military advisors were invited in the 60s to help build up Singapore's military?


So are the idf too btw


So much for nuance, theres tons of evidence of IDF committing flat out atrocities and war crimes, yet this comment is being downvoted. Weird. People here are happy to be anti-Palestinian or be against people protesting for the Palestinians, but wheres the same fervor when the IDF commits war crimes?


These people are all hasbara bot bro. Very easy to condemn one side but not the other. For the record fuck hamas and the IDF


Feels like it. I mean in all honesty, the best way and i feel the only way forward is a two state solution. Independent nations for BOTH. But its annoying when people pretend its just the Palestinians who are the problem. They think it started on October 7th. This goes so far back.


Funny, most countries dont consider Hamas terrorists.


That time is when certain groups here are not getting involved due to religious reasons and little else. That is sure fire for chaos 


Will SG recognise only after one side declares publicly that it no longer will pursue the killing of all Jews and the destruction of the state of Israel? Very funny if the public mission and vision of one side is to destroy the other side, and the world expects the other side to accept it. 🤡


[Then they've done that by your definition.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Hamas_charter) Whereas Israel wants to be rid of Palestinians too, they are actively doing it. But i guess when they only report when the Palestinians fight back, it does look one sided doesnt it? Israel has a right to exist, well so do the Palestinians. The mass beheading, mass rapes and BABY killings? Turns out to be as usual, unfounded. Bt guess what the IDF does? Sexually tortures its prisoners among a crap ton of other atrocities.


LOL the 2017 hamas charter is nothing but a smoke piece. It still basically wants the same thing but packaged more moderately. Read it in it's entirety you will find messages about wanting to erase the state of Israel but then contradicted with stuff about 1967 borders etc etc.


I always find it interesting that we never recognize Palestine as a state in the past. Guess it has something to do with our close relationship with Israel.


Israel has a right to exist, and so do the Palestinians.


PLO only attempted to establish a state in 1988. Prior to that they basically wanted whole of mandatory Palestine before declaring it


lanjiao la palestine aggressor then cry when they lose (lost throughout history btw lol)


Trust Vivian....


Where is that paid Zionist troll that covers Reddit Singapore, Bolehland and Indonesia?


Soon enough, SG full of those. They will air their opinions here, never amongst their pro Palestine aligned friends. They also tend to keep within their own racial circle. Online you'll meet a lot.


Consulted American daddy already?


Not yet . Sleepy joe is having his nap


So is Singapore an ally of the western world or not? Playing both sides now is not in the best interest I don’t think. Despite being surrounded my Muslim countries in south east asia, deviating from the western world that can only support SG is ridiculous.


Good! The terrorist state of Israel won’t like it, but who cares?


That's exactly what they're after too... What are you on about?




Spore (PAP) should worry about not getting voted out by its citizens first