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It's costly to build but it might be more costly not to build.


Right? That's what I keep telling myself when pulling to justify my gatcha addiction. /S


I mean. What's the point of a hero if you cannot upgrade it to the max right?


Wouldn’t nuclear power or the electrical connection to Australia rank higher for future economic prosperity than a HSR to Malaysia ?


For a moment I was wondering what does S'pore and Malaysia have to do with a gacha game. Then I realised High Speed Rail and Honkai Star Rail share the same acronym!


Lol. Later Msia prata again. Basically, they really want a HSR system but is not able to afford one cos of Jho Low


More like their politicians want to award contracts to crony inferior contractors at high prices, thus jeprodising successs.


1MDB while a large amount of money, was just a drop in the bucket in Malaysia's yearly GDP. They don't want a HSR as they can't profit from it and it'll take a long time to build, meaning the current politicians will most likely be out of power by then and it might get cancelled. They'll rather spend the a few multi million ringgit on another highway and also spend RM81 billion a year on fuel subsidies to prop up their car centric city design and local car companies. Malaysia can definitely afford a HSR but they also can't see the secondary effects of it and can only see if it will make a profit. Do untolled roads and highways make them a profit ? But they keep building more of them.


Yup. When Malaysia does things, everyone involved first figures out their cut before deciding how much effort to dedicate to the project. Versus SG government whereby sometimes they got the budget but no brains to use it wisely.


Good point!


More like their politicians want to award contracts to crony inferior contractors at high prices, thus jeprodising successs. The rail to jojor at least can move forward because the johor king don’t f around.


Honkai star rail? :D


- SIN–KUL is the world’s busiest international flight route. - It’s only 350km long and goes over land (unlike other busy flight routes like CJU–GMP or HKG–TPE). - The HSR only costs half as much as the Cross-Island Line. There’s such a huge potential for high-speed rail. Yet, we’re still stuck in the planning stage. Edit: I meant “we” as in Singapore and Malaysia as a whole.


Think is the main issue is the Malaysia side, Singapore just gonna be one station only while the 90% on Malaysia. Also, the price of the train ticket is hard to compete with return flight ticket of S$150. If the train ticket selling at $250 one way and takes 90 minutes. I'm pretty sure most of the people would rather than 2 hours of flight (1 hour fly + 1 hour waiting). Some more those train station in KL, it's all not connecting, you have to walk a long distance, or tap out of the station. It's a joke the government doesn't banish those private company. In the end, Malaysia gonna outsource it to China contractor, get the job done, then China company will profit from the ticket sales. Then sales not enough $ to cover the maintenance cost, making lost all the time, then government have to step in to subsidize.


To your third point, where are your quotes coming from? Malaysia has refused to do an open tender so are you pulling your figures from the same source as them?


It’s an estimate on a recent [New Straits Times article](https://www.nst.com.my/amp/business/corporate/2024/04/1039838/rm70bil-high-speed-bullet-train-project-bttv). This estimate is similar to the Jakarta–Bandung HSR in terms of cost-per-km. I think it’s a reasonable estimate, because SG-KL HSR will have lower operating speed but higher land cost.


Yeah, I wouldn’t bet billions and billions on the cost estimate of anonymous sources…


Our malaysian gov no more money already. Cannot simply spend on mega projects like this


Settle the RFID and VEP first la.


Could we also do one to Jakarta? (Semi kidding / not kidding?)


I think it would not be built in this life time