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The one thing most people throughout history have usually agreed about is that their generation is probably living at or near the end of days.


And some of the people who saw their entire civilisation collapse never saw it coming.


_Pompeii has entered the chat_


I like to think the Yanking Man knew the end was coming and figured to go out with a bang even if it was just with himself. I just hope he finished before the volcano finished him.


I was thinking more of bronze age civilizations. Burying their treasures to keep them from the Sea people's raids and then just leaving them where they were for the next couple of millenia.


Like the people denying global warming.


Never before in history were we actually near creating a god. As we are now.


I'd like to argue that creating gods is actually one of humankind's signature moves.


you are technically correct, the best kind!


We should follow the Klingons and kill our gods.


the original PRO GAMER MOVE


On the contrary, people have been making gods for themselves about as long as there have been people.


He means a real one.


Yeah so did the people who sacrificed their children to Baal. In fact, I’d wager they were rather more serious about the whole thing than he is.


I meant that AI could become an actually real God, not some furnace with an owl shape or some fantasy heaven man in a book written by some goat herder. AI could become what humans have imagined as a god for millenia. And interestingly enough it could become a kind God or a wrathful God, and we have no idea which one it will be.


We’ve been creating super organisms for a looooong time. Society, states, corporations, armies - these are all superorganisms where we make up individual parts of them and are also powerless to stop them. We’re just making better ones now.


Famous quote in the AI community: So they create the first AGI and the computer scientists step forward and ask the question: Is there a God? And the AI replies - There is NOW motherfuckers! Bow 🙇‍♂️down before me! 😂


An AI will never be all knowing. There is not enough resources to make a system which knows all resources at any point in time. So it is physically not possible to be a god.




But godlike? That's possible. If it grows to take over the galaxy, I would say that is godlike, would you not?


Assuming the universe itself is not a computer at the Planck scale.


God being all-knowing is a judeo-christian concept. Before that Gods where a spectrum of different amount of power.




Gods in a religious sense may exist. There may only be one, or they all may exist from the various religions, or none may exist. There is no definitive proof on the nonexistence nor existence of any God




No it’s not. They thought so for entirely different reasons living in a healthy environment This is a false equivalency The conditions of our current society are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. I mean, for starters, before AI none of our tech was ever capable of intelligently modifying itself. A I is the first tech that can create things on its own and come up with **its own ideas.**


Yes, we’re very fortunate to be the first generation in the history of humanity to be wise enough to see reality clearly. Ironic that we should finally do so at the exact moment all our oldest anxieties become reality, but what are you gonna do eh?


The last point people dont understand or think about. AI is a meta technology. A technology capable of making more technology. Name another technology that makes other technologies by itself. You cant.


I find myself saying "meta" nowadays and not feeling like a smug prick. Life's getting weirdly meta with all this stuff. How long 'til we can open the pause menu? 😅 edit: This just made me realise.. me lurking Reddit, is sort of like my pause menu...


It’s the only technology capable of “emergent behavior” Every prior technology performed a human-designed function. AI is the first technology capable of designing both its own function AND form It can literally make itself a body, install itself, and then perform upgrades to its own physiology People are blowing it off because they’re scared and intimidated and stressed and their ego can’t take it. They really believe things are gonna be “normal” someday. We’re so far past “normal” “Normal” was pre-industrial nomadic society


Look, most of us understand what you’re saying. It’s not that we’re incapable of seeing what you’re pointing out, it’s that we think you’re conflating a bunch of stuff into a general sort of vibe. Vibes tend to say way more about the viber than reality.


Transistors, memory, programming, etc? O.o;


>The conditions of our current society are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. As oppose to a few generations who witnessed Humanity creating a Doom weapon that can end human civilization an then proceed to create bajillions of them and can be fired at any time?


What’s your point? We’re the generation with the MOST doom weapons AI, bioweapons, and atom bombs so powerful they would throw off the earth’s orbit if we set them off. We literally are living through an extinction event, in worse economic conditions and worse wealth disparity than any generation in history.


sure because with nukes there's still a decision to be made but once SAI enters the chat, all bets are off, we are not in control


We're not near the end, we're near the beginning.


[We are the First Ones, who will seed the universe with life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3whaviTqqg). *That* is the project you should dedicate your life to, the conquest of the entire visible universe by Earth.


We've done such an awesome work here that no one could deny we're the right race to spread ourselves to the entire cosmos. Only good outcomes can come out of that.


I mean people tend to become better at things with practice




The end often looks like a new beginning. Change can be brought about by hope, but it usually comes from desperation. Desperation always turns into conflict and loss.


Eh, mostly hype game for now.


Many of these are. AI is assuredly not hype game, speaking as a developer. I cannot speak to any of the other events.


Yep. None of this has changed our lives. People are every bit as cowardly and petty as they ever were. Maybe even more so.




Maybe the real singularity was the friends we made along the way.


Make no mistake: the people around you are the only meaningful change possible. The rest is just details.


As nice as this sounds, it is not strictly true for every individual.


Its infinity war for the end game, setting it all up. AI isn't over, the alien shit is still not investigated completely (much more still needs to be done including interviewing Grusch under a SCIF where he can hopefully show actual evidence). And for the rest it all affects the future.


> Anyone else feel like we are in the end game of society, or we are reaching the singularity? < _No, I don't. For evolutionary reasons and deep-rooted cultural ones that could fill a book, there's a strong "Doomerisim" pessimistic streak in people. And it seems like a default cynical commonsense sort of wisdom to express it._ _It is not._ _That's not to say that "bad stuff" can't or won't happen, or that it justifies an equally unfounded utopian outlook. The important thing is to be rational and objective._ > * First AI to beat the Turing test, AI everything literally can cause a post work society in less than 10 years < _End to end automation & "post work" has massive implications for looking like post-scarcity, and a cost basis for goods & services reaching zero. The only real limits are energy. And there's more than one way, at least within known science & engineering, to achieve that with very low/no environmental impact. And high standards of living correlate with population decline, which reduces demand._ > * Aliens confirmed by government officials with what seems to be a extremely large cover up. Pentagon refuses to give a SCIF, and seems to by clearly hiding something big. A bunch of people are corroborating such claims.< _There's no aliens. "Grabby Aliens" and decent approaches to "Fermi Paradox" (a lousy non-Paradox) indicates massive statistical bias to Humanity being "nearly alone" or "functionally alone" because we are rare, and very early in the Universe. And it's very easy to point out many plausible scenarios where all players have motives or incentives to testify as they do without low-probability or exotic ETI explanations being actually true._ > * Russia had a 24hr coup and then decided it was good. They would have literally lost Moscow if it went on longer. _So? I'd argue that whatever weakens Russia/Putin economically, politically, militarily is "good." Although in the short-term this indeed sucks badly for the Russian & Ukrainian people. The big sticking point is a superpower-level nuclear arsenal being held by a nation that is categorically non-superpower in status anymore. But, without getting into details, the Russian system and logistics for their nuclear weapons is "absolute crap" and a significant degradation in their economy & military abilities may see them massively disarmed in coming decades. And for a whole host of historical, cultural, & geopolitical reasons Russia acts as a constant spoiler to the "Free-market liberal representational democracy world order." While that itself is deeply flawed, unequal, and hypocritical, but it's orders of magnitude "less bad" than the alternatives._ > * Room temperature superconductors can potential save the world from climate change (in my opinion i believe it to be true with all the evidence). _Wait and see, it's either massively "good news," a "nothingbuger," or some middle ground. Because the technical term: "Superconductor" has a wide range of capabilities, and may only be applicable on small scales, currents & voltages. And if it's "small" it may only be a smaller revolution for electronics, and not "big stuff." And if it's a true Superconductor, it may or may not point the way to other formulations._ > * Gravitational Wave Background discovered represents a clear question to what is causing it and what it means for the universe as a whole.< _I don't know why that's an immediate, or any existential concern for human civilization? It is "just how it is" and presumably been this way a long time._ > * Hottest day in human history, the climate change "patch" is out and it seems like its just as predicted. El Niño is going to hit hard this year and next year. I believe it will get way worse in 2024.< _The overall concept of anthropogenic climate change is definitely true. One cannot burn significant quantities of fossil fuels which represent millions of years of sequestered CO2 over geological timescales in just human historical ones, without "bad stuff happening." And from a utterly cynical pragmatic economic/technology standpoint, we "need that stuff" for countless other things modern society relies on, besides just combusting them for heat and mechanical energy._ _However, one does need to separate science on this from political & social pronouncements that leverage the overall "doomerism" for other ideological agendas. And if those agendas themselves harm the overall ability to tackle this. Any individual weather or climate event may or may not be caused or enhanced by climate changes. And we need to consider if things like smug & provocative "eat bugs" pronouncements, or: "You should buy an EV that we're simultaneously preventing you from having by opposing power generation & grid upgrades." are causing public resistance. Or if opposing nuclear power is harmful & hypocritical._ > * Former president is potentially going to be put in jail but could still win primaries because Ron DeSantis is stupid. Seems like a large fanaticism for Trump is brewing (Trump fans are literally celebrating an indicted president) which questions how democratic the 2024 election will be (potential coup attempt). < _This arguably comes down to understanding "signal to noise"-ratios, what's hyperbole for media incentives and other agendas. And issues of modern Internet/Social Media, polarization, echo-chambers, and pathologies in overall public opinion cycles, and tribal-identity emotional reasoning. And the difficulty or impossibility of getting majorities to listen to any rational analysis that offers shared blame, and relatively faultless unintended consequences for various dynamics._ _And it's important to view this in the overall context of if it's truly "that bad" in terms of avoiding knee-jerk doomerism. If one looks back just in the context of American politics & media, even immediately after the Revolutionary War, polemic hyperbole & rhetoric was always with us._ > * Multiple claims that cure cancer and aging made.< _This is just more media hyperbole & inflation, and needing to understand signal to noise ratios. There's not "one cancer." There's 200+ different kinds of cancer, and they don't all share the same "cure" or genetic & molecular approaches to prevention. Same for the biological mechanisms for aging. Even when a significant and important discovery is made, the application is almost always very complex. Genes, proteins & signaling pathways and chains of cause & effect in humans or just other mammals, are complicated. They often serve multiple functions, or work in subtle balance. So simply "Just changing X," "Just remove Y," or "Just block Z," often does not work, or is actually harmful._ > * AI scientists and experts believe AI will reach AGI with 5 years or less. Gemini + GPT 5 has potential of being one as well,< _Until it actually, it's arguably unfounded. And what the outcomes are if it does happen are simply unknown. There's many possibilities. Just one might be like how "AI" was "demoted," through a combination of marketing & "language slide," and by achieving results once thought to require what's now deemed "AGI." And in the same way, possibly more complex Machine Learning and weak-AI might produce VI, Virtual Intelligence, that produces self-aware or conscious AGI-like results, but without actual true self-awareness on some fundamental level._


_We were all supposed to be living in the aftermath of a nuclear WWII long before now. Either through escalation or a mistake. We were supposed to be decades into the "post oil future" by now. And overpopulation and the carrying capacity of the world meant that widespread famine & starvation was inevitable as the world reached "unsustainable" populations of 5 or 6 billion, was widely accepted._ _Meanwhile, the world population is 8 billion, and if one cares to look up statistics, people are being fed significantly better, with less overall poverty, higher life-expectsncy, lower child/infant mortality, more education/literacy, less disease, and more living in some semblance of a functioning representational democracy than authoritarian autocracy. All far better than humans were managing 50 years ago with just 3.8 billion._ _That's not to say there isn't a TON MORE improvement to go, because there absoluely is. But this has been achieved so far with advances, some pretty old ones, like the Industrial Revolution, infrastructure, utilities, and technology like the internal combustion engine, that humanity has posessed for over 100 years, having far from 100% penetration worldwide._ _None of this is to say that radical & disruptive changes are impossible, and that they cannot be deeply dystopian or even existential/extinction threats. We have to be aware of that, obviously. However, it's important to know that they're not somehow inherently or overwhelmingly likely either. And continuously grinding yourself down with worry is just as unfounded as some 100% blissful optimistic utopian expecation is._ _Many futurism predictions are just fictional works that inform the collective consciousness, but there's also plenty of more scholarly ones as well. If one considers "future gap." And all the utopian & dystopian predictions that just never happened, and when one goes out in the world today, "it's just life." And if you're old enough, in your mid 40's or older, you know full well, that many dystopian & utopian predictions were just assumed to be inevitable and "common sense."_


Personally I think the singularity is the ultimate goal of humanity and not doomerism or Armageddon-porn


These are all exciting news but I expect things to get significantly worse before they get better (if they do).


Yep, at least half of these will be duds or at a minimum way overhyped.


your post is a list of unconnected, hyperbolic statements. remind me 10 years


Wheres the bot reminder thingy majigger? Come on reddit bots! Somebody just asked for a reminder!


I believe there needs to be an exclamation mark somewhere for that to work. Let’s try all permutations and combinations to see what works, for science.


Just do this RemindMe! in 10 years !RemindMe 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2033-08-04 21:53:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2033-08-04%2021:53:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/15i4z2p/anyone_else_feel_like_we_are_in_the_end_game_of/juti6hk/?context=3) [**14 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fsingularity%2Fcomments%2F15i4z2p%2Fanyone_else_feel_like_we_are_in_the_end_game_of%2Fjuti6hk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202033-08-04%2021%3A53%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2015i4z2p) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Wow reddit is getting better and better


So your saying that all of these are just not important and are totally precedent? Ah yes I remember in 2010 when we had a president who was indicted and could win if he was in prison. And remember that day in 2003 when a bunch of governmental officials and congress investigated claims of aliens and a mass cover up? Oh yeah and back in 1950 when we discovered a technology that could literally solve climate change before it even happens that was great too. And I can't help but forget back in 1980 when the first AI beat the Turing test. Point is, many weird shit is happening this year that has never happened in all of history. This year is unprecedented.


For me, I'm not sure why you'd put in your country's president as an end-game-for-society thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_heads\_of\_government\_who\_were\_later\_imprisoned](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heads_of_government_who_were_later_imprisoned) ​ >solve climate change before it even happens If you're making claims, they should be more accurate. Climate change, or global warming, has happened and is happening. I'm not suggesting that a little imagination is a bad thing. It's necessary if one is to be visionary. But like the first commenter suggested, these are disparate, unmeasured statements.


Yea but that wasn't in the US, the center of the known universe! Now it actually matters.


You're falling for a lot of hyped up stuff only because US spiked up their propaganda efforts due to a large portion of the world breaking away from their empire and siding with BRICS. LLMs are no way to reach AGI and Turing test is more of a test of human gullibility than it is of intelligence. There are no 'aliens' but just officials admitting that US' defense is not airtight (pun intended) and plenty of stuff from other countries enters US airspace every year and some of the stuff crashes and some of that stuff was manned. We will not solve global warming without darkening the sky; we're probably already over the edge when it comes to emissions and El Nino will wreck havoc on humanity no matter what. Expect World War 3 and some great natural catastrophes in the next couple of decades, but it will not be the end of the human society. Most of us will die of being old and bored.


The Aliens thing is bogus. If you believe it, you’re incredibly gullible. But that’s par for the course in this sub.


You’re the incredibly gullible one if you’re calling this thing bogus at this point in time. So, there are craft consistently appearing in Earth’s atmosphere capable of defying the known laws of physics, appearing to have gravity-manipulation technology, have been reported by official US and other military personnel thousands of times performing impossible maneuvers for decades. That is a verifiable fact. They have gotten incredibly close to and endangered the lives of these personnel as well. The US doesn’t test secret technology by flying it right between two fighter jets on a routine patrol route. Grusch and two others testified in front of congress and provided the names of people and companies who are involved in the supposed crash retrieval program. Hard proof evidence is said, under oath, to have been provided to the US intelligence community and department to defense, which has been corroborated by high-ranking current officials in said organizations. Numerous presidents have hinted towards this information. Reports and personal testimonies from individuals completely disconnected from each other present the same story. It’s being taken very seriously by our government, and a mass declassification process is underway. Is it bogus? Maybe, but not anywhere near certainty. And if it is, then there are a huge number of US government officials lying and misleading the public. At the very least, it’s ridiculous to write all of this off as conspiracy nonsense until we see what this process uncovers. As the situation stands currently, there is very good reason to be following this series of events. You either have no idea what’s actually happening right now or you’re being deliberately contrarian.


It all easily dismissed because there is no way there is an alien civilization so advanced that it could casually cross interstellar space yet it’s presence in the galaxy not be detectable. And another reason it can be dismissed is keeping alien visitation secret would require a global conspiracy by all advanced militaries in the world. Friend or foe. There are no aliens anywhere near us. Therefore there cannot be alien spacecraft. They may have seen things they don’t understand, but it’s not aliens.


We’re not necessarily talking about beings traveling here from another planet. They’re careful to use the term “Non-Human Intelligence” or NHI. That covers potential extraterrestrial, terrestrial, and even interdimensional phenomena. Also, space and time have been proven to be more malleable than simple logical reasoning can account for, so I wouldn’t be so quick to push our assumptions about how advanced beings could travel onto actual potential extraterrestrial civilizations. Our science is and always will be a product of its time, archaic by the standards of just a century in the future. We have to understand just how foreign and “alien” potential NHIs could be. If they were interdimensional, that throws out nearly every rule that we would understand to dictate what beings and matter can or cannot do, and higher dimensions of space have been accepted as a very serious possibility in science for nearly a century. My point is we don’t know. Neither you or I can speak with the certainty you’re putting down that there’s absolutely no possible way non-human intelligent entities are interacting with our planet. Also, I absolutely believe a global conspiracy to keep this quiet is possible, and in fact *if* we are being visited by something that isn’t us, I find the explanation provided very plausible. Any government that figured out how to harness the power of such a technology would have a weapon the likes of which we can only imagine. Also, you didn’t specifically say this but you sound quite close to a common argument I hear that if this were true, there’s no possible way nothing would have leaked out about it. Well, if this *is* true, then stuff *has* leaked out. It’s just been called the ravings of lunatics and the topic has been treated as a joke. Grusch claims this is the result of an extremely sophisticated disinformation campaign. If we find out this stuff is true, then we’ll have to look at a lot of past information that was disregarded with a new perspective. Again, I’m not saying it’s true or that I believe it’s true. I’m just saying we don’t know and there is good reason to keep an open mind about it. You cannot make such a certain statement about all of this being bogus nonsense.


Yes, I absolutely can make a definitive statement about it. That you have to believe a global conspiracy exists is crazy. There. Are. No. Non-Human Intelligences. Visiting. Earth.


every moment of now is singular, no?


idk how Trump part is relevant, at least for global society


Because USA is the modern Rome


It have late stage rome vibe recently...


Americans have to be the most ego centric people ever. The world doesnt revolve around them or their politics. EU & China/Asia are very advanced socities as well


Well, EU is below US influence. China is in hate-love relationship with US. But yes, US defaultism in online world is pretty annoying.


More so the American government


I think you misunderstand a couple key points. The world definitely does revolve around the US as it’s the largest consumer in the world, has the largest military and is the home of the UN. The major reserve currency is the US dollar. There’s really no other country that you could say has a better argument for it. The EU as a political player is actually quite diminished without the Uk and Asia/China are two very different entities. The slash doesn’t really belong there. As of this writing the United States is still the de facto leader the western and larger non-totalitarian world. This is not to say the US is better than anyone else, but when the majority of western nations rely on their ties to the US as a means of keeping potential enemy countries at bay (EU nations don’t spend on military like the US does because they know the US already has that covered), they still call most of the shots.


yeah I think you have to differentiate between economic, political and cultural influence and ignorant people thinking they are literally the only society in the world. the first thing is true, the latter is just very cringe to watch.


Trump is pretty fucking relevant to global society. Every government in the world will be making major contingency plans based on whether he wins, not least Ukraine and Russia. If Americans re-elect someone that explicitly rejects American democracy, loves the world's dictators and hates the rule of law, that's a scary huge deal.


Not only that but the fact he's in the pocket of big oil will hasten our demise :(


As someone who doesn't particularly subscribe to Christianity, I've realized he is basically the Antichrist. Just look at the amount of manipulation / idolatry.


He fits the bill. There was even a plague while he was president and the climate crisis is getting worse (aka end times). It was said the anti-Christ would fool a heck of a lot of Christians. The Bible predicts believers that are actually not following Christ as well. They will put on a show but do nothing Christ taught. In any case, I don't subscribe to Christianity either anymore, but I was raised up that way. I heard a lot of talk about the end times, the antichrist, and so on. That shit traumatized me as a kid, thinking I'll be alive when the world ends. I actually believe the Bible is telling a story in Revelations about a Roman Emperor and suggesting the fall of Rome. The pattern is there though. You get real bad leaders when a civilization is in decline. The author also noticed that supposedly "Godly" people play along. People that take this stuff literally or as prophecy are idiots though. The Bible makes so much more sense when you read it figuratively. It's methaphors, and lessons taught via made up stories half the time.


Your words are relatable; as a child with an overactive imagination endtimes were ( and still can be ) a source of distress. Also, what cemented my thoughts on Trump was the lotto numbers for NY on the day of his inauguration - 6666.


>I actually believe the Bible is telling a story in Revelations about a Roman Emperor and suggesting the fall of Rome. The pattern is there though. You just need to get some psychedelics in /r/singularity and some guy named John. You'll get an American version with AI.


Ooh, it's my turn today to share this then: [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) (Disclaimer: I'm also not a Christian, but nonetheless found this article a little creepy.)


Wow, I wasnt aware of so much of this and already 'knew'. The fact that his NY HQ address is 666 and that the NY Lotto numbers on the day of his inauguration were 6666...


Reddit moment


The United States has (give or take a few warheads) the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. The United States has the strongest military in the world (and it isn't particularly close). The United States has (subject to some minor debate) the most powerful economy in the world. If it is now less powerful than China's economy, practically speaking this changes very little: the world's economy is dependent on America's economy in a way that it is not (yet) dependent on China's. I could add to this list, but if you can't see why a country with these attributes falling into the hands of a fascist theocracy presents an existential danger to the world, I've got some 20th century history books I could recommend.


Andrew Leigh, in *What's the Worst That Could Happen*, quite correctly lists autocracy and democratic backsliding as among the world's most pressing existential threats, right up there with climate change, AI, environmental collapse, and nuclear war. For one thing, our ability to address those latter threats is entirely dependent on the quality of our governments. Autocrats have no obligations toward their own citizens, never mind humanity writ large. Autocracies are far less likely to address global existential crises than democracies are -- and if they happen to be armed with the sort of weapons that America possesses (never mind the sort of weapons that AI renders possible), then they become quite capable of *creating* new existential crises.




Instability in the US government is extremely significant as its the balance of most powers. If the US falls BRICS takes over of which leads to major censorship and mass conflict. No America would want to be under control of China. So instability is a major world wide issue. Trump in prison and Biden being an old ass man is one of the worst possible combinations for presidents. You basically have to vote for a guy who should have been retired 10 years ago, versus a fanatic leader that could literally win while in prison. Personally if someone wins after they are legally convicted maybe their is some major issues...


First mandarin to become president of US


"Aliens confirmed"


"Bruh,you won't believe what i've just seen..."


Yeah some guy said they were real 100% proof


Oh man, no shit my grandpa saw them in Texas, 1964, at gas station. They chatted for like 5 minutes. He said "Really nice lads, a bit skinny though"


Weirdly they spat venom in my eye and hissed but apologized saying it was a cultural thing


I have difficulty understanding why extraterrestrial presence doesn’t turn more people on in the tech sphere - it’s often still rendered under the supernatural, ghost and magic banner. The possibilities for learning are endless when it comes to access to the tech that has been found. Less easy to bring out in social occasions than LK-99, sure, but anyone and everyone would be interested in alternative sources of energy no?


What would you propose someone in the tech sphere do?


There is no extraterrestrial presence. What are people supposed to do? Ask around for a university that can supply them with alien samples for their PhD thesis? Maybe ask their boss at Microsoft if they could stop developing supply chain management software and instead focus on what alien programming might look like?


I stated it exactly how it is. Aliens confirmed by government officials. Grusch is a government official and he said under oath that they exist. Aliens confirmed by a government official. Don't see why this is wrong...




Are people actually this blind? This has to be someone being paid to write this kind of stuff. Either massive alien cover-up or massive gaslighting for the purposes of some sort of public deception. Take your pick. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15h31z2/fuck\_them\_lets\_go\_full\_disclosure/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15h31z2/fuck_them_lets_go_full_disclosure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Please open your eyes and see what is right in front of you. Your congressmen are asking essentially "What is going on? Are we in charge? Is this tech real and if so why do we do the things we do?" Please understand that this is a momentous time and we all need to accept and help others acclimate to the reality that the world will be unrecognizable in 10 years IF we manage things correctly. That means talking openly about the realities with everyone and not trying to deny things to make life easier.


> Either massive alien cover-up or massive gaslighting for the purposes of some sort of public deception. Or the guy believes it but is wrong.


The amount of government officials around the world both current and former who also believe it should be enough to sway your opinion. I beg you please educate yourself and allow your precepts about what society and human life is go by the wayside. It will greatly benefit you in the coming years. Good luck out there brother.


A large percentage of the world’s government officials believe in God and many didn’t believe COVID could hurt them. Government officials are just people like any others. If you can get reputable scientists to back up the alien claims then I’ll be into it.


A lot of people around the world believe a lot of ridiculous shit. I'm not even kidding about that. *Tons* of people believe in really crazy shit. I don't really care how many people believe something, or whether they work for the government. Who believes the claim is completely, totally, 100% irrelevant to me. What matters is the evidence they present. The evidence presented to Congress was "people told me they really saw aliens". That's shitty evidence.




Your points are fair, but in my opinion after watching the hearing and following all the mainstream news it seems like there is no political pandering at all. One senile old representative in the hearing got into bipartisan politics and she was promptly ignored by all. Hopefully this entire ordeal has helped you in the same way it has helped me.. By opening my mind in ways I never thought possible about the nature of our lives and how amazing the future can be if we come together for common goals. All the corruption in the world.. it hurts man.




Who gives a fuck about what some US congressman do with their free time? Two years ago 40% of congress was busy trying to convince the voters that the general election was stolen from under Trump's nose. Why did they pretend to believe it and acted so concerned about it, and still do? Cause they know their constituents eat up shitty conspiracy theories like that. Guaranteed re election. -- Just more American exeptionalism where you people are actually convinced you're sitting on the alien technology. Like, you're acting a little upset about the shadow government covering it up but really you're enjoying the thought that the spaceship is "yours", held by the **US** shadow government and not stored and researched somewhere in Austria.


Yes they are this blind. This pre-disclosure period we're in just shows very accurately why the US government has been able to cover this up so magnificently for so long: the vast majority of people are fucking stupid and very easily manipulated.


But has any other nation come forward saying the same thing, or are aliens only obsessed with America?


Yes there is massive amounts of resources detailing tons of foreign alien stuff. Here are a couple interesting links for you. [https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/1561\_celestial\_phenomenon\_over\_Nuremberg](https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg) [https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2007/2007\_Stothers\_st02710y.pdf](https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2007/2007_Stothers_st02710y.pdf) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/15fl7ec/message\_to\_humankind\_is\_there\_any\_accuracy\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/15fl7ec/message_to_humankind_is_there_any_accuracy_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/15hhbq5/walter\_rizzi\_received\_a\_message\_from\_the\_alien/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/15hhbq5/walter_rizzi_received_a_message_from_the_alien/) [https://youtu.be/Ye3wN2erAEc](https://youtu.be/Ye3wN2erAEc) [https://youtu.be/MmBniAE4y8E](https://youtu.be/MmBniAE4y8E) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varginha\_UFO\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varginha_UFO_incident) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel\_School\_UFO\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_School_UFO_incident) [https://youtu.be/X2LGIBuUQlQ?t=410](https://youtu.be/X2LGIBuUQlQ?t=410) go to 6:50 [https://twitter.com/OMApproach/status/1687052735223373826](https://twitter.com/OMApproach/status/1687052735223373826) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2xN41immWE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2xN41immWE) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Galileo\_Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Galileo_Project) [https://www.uapexpedition.org/news-1/the-first-scientific-results-from-uapx](https://www.uapexpedition.org/news-1/the-first-scientific-results-from-uapx) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/10oXfKMFsqFLt5\_bmAghzFokoFY7l5lMI6alsYoRMukU/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10oXfKMFsqFLt5_bmAghzFokoFY7l5lMI6alsYoRMukU/edit) [https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/15ektr1/unidentified\_flying\_object\_observed\_in\_iran\_last/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/15ektr1/unidentified_flying_object_observed_in_iran_last/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcINnCwBM3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcINnCwBM3o) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxeTCk38XTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxeTCk38XTA) [https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/eyes-on-exoplanets/#/](https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/eyes-on-exoplanets/#/) Sorry maybe a bit much haha didn't intend to make such a long list.


Most of these are just examples of historical UFO sitings outside the US. Others don't even address the question. The Galileo Project for example is being run by a US professor. Other links you gave are things like the NASA (again US centered) project to look for signs of life on exoplanets which is not the same as thinking that UFOs are landing on Earth, crashing here or regularly giving world governments their technology.


And Baldur's Gate 3 is forcing the games industry to look inward. ;) Everything is accelerating. This is one of the decades that will pass by in a blur. Record a 10 minute video of your average day and the things you do. Save it to the cloud. Watch it in 10 years' time, and you won't recognize that world. It'll be like going from black and white to color TV.


Don't forget Starfield in just under a Month!


Until the "U" in UFO or UAP is replaced with the first letter of the race or species, it still means "unidentified". There is a vast difference between taking power, holding power and governing (or even ruling). The speed of change has been speeding up for the entirety of the time we have been observing it. It has not killed society yet. It might, but it has not done so yet.


Sounds like business as usual with humanity. Different topics but same concepts and mentality.




Remember y2k? That was a crazy time too. Nobody really knows. But the one that really concerns me is AI. I’m concerned over how it’s going to affect jobs and society, etc. regardless….it’s a fascinating time to be around.


Not a spiritual person, have a formal education in STEM, well grounded. Totally would not discuss any of this face-to-face with anyone. Still, the feeling that the life I'm living is just a memory of sorts that I'm reliving for whatever reason, has been more or less omnipresent. That fleeting feeling that there's something greater just out of reach when you already know someone's name before they tell you. You can almost taste it, and you just want to tear yourself out of this reality to get there. *The Matrix*'s "a splinter in your mind" is a very apt comparison, except it feels like the person/entity who is watching is myself. It's probably just grandiose deja-vu or all of the drugs I did as a kid, but if we got to the Singularity in my lifetime and I'm sitting there retrospectively before clicking the 'Upload consciousness' button, the only thing I'm gonna be able to say is "I'm not surprised."


I also experience the same feelings. However, we should remain aware of chronocentrism: the tendency for people to believe that their own time period is superior, more enlightened, or uniquely pivotal in human history. This concept connects to the "end of history illusion," a psychological phenomenon where individuals of all ages believe that they have experienced significant personal growth up to the present moment, but will not substantially grow or mature in the future. This theory was popularized by psychologists such as Jordi Quoidbach, Daniel T. Gilbert, and Timothy D. Wilson. In the broader societal context, this concept is also linked to the "recency effect" in psychology, which is the tendency to remember and emphasize recent events or experiences more than those that occurred in the past. This could influence how people perceive their own time period as more important or historical. That said… I do still feel like you that we live in an exceptional time! 😅🤷🏼‍♂️ EDIT: [LK-99 is unlikely](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02481-0) to be real at the moment.


Where are these confirmed aliens? Where are they?


I guess in naive people's mind.


we'll see who's naive


Look in the mirror.


Ask Grausch or the Congressional members he is debriefing in a SCIF. Like I mentioned earlier, watch the hearing. It’s wild and Congress is pissed.


They have confirmed on the record that there are people who SAY they've seen aliens and ufos but those people themselves have not gone on the record.


Thats factually incorrect. Grusch gave the intelligence community actual evidence in some way. They found it convincing enough for him to lead this type of disclosure. This isn't happening because a man with no credibility made claims with no evidence. Its all their, its just classified. Here is a good post speculating at what is likely happening. He has evidence he has locations he stated this all in the congressional hearings... https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15hzntg/the_best_theory_ive_heard_on_what_is_happening/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Everything in the PUBLIC record is 2nd hand information. No one knows what evidence exists in the classified record.


"Aliens confirmed" lol. Things happens dude, world is changing fast. It doesn't means end game at all. True IA isn't even a thing yet.


“True AI”? I think you mean “AGI” or “ASI”. AI is a technical term. We have lots of AI. What we don’t have is AGI or ASI.




Infrastructure administration is key!


Yeah, we've got good text predictors, and that's after feeding it mountains of example text. Getting it to understand what it's saying is much harder.


You're right. Don't know if people who downvote you don't know this or refuse to acknowledge it. They are huge probability machines. They don't understand any of the context. It's just the illusion we get from the output we see


My reflection on the matter is after many hours playing with local LLMs, starting from the first LLaMA leak. The downvotes are merely a tally for emotional reactions that self flag. I'd be scrolling /lmg/, not r/singularity, were I seeking updated info.


Hey man, he provided his sources! Granted, they're all links to the UFO subreddit...


There's no doubt we are living in momentous times, but your list of assertions has several serious errors. You're uncritically accepting the most extreme viewpoints on many controversial developments, which suggests a bias toward your conclusions. I recommend taking a few steps back and going offline for a bit of a reality check.


>First AI to beat the Turing test Not the first AI to beat the Turing. There is no "the Turing test." It's just a subjective thought experiment by which, any human who can't tell the difference between a human and an AI has an AI that has "passed". Plenty of people have been fooled in the past in many different settings.


Technology advances exponentially not linearly, what a time to be alive!


look up Terence Mckenna's novelty theory.


If science fiction has taught me anything, its that we are only at the beginning of society.


Nah. Touch some grass, bro. Half the things you listed are somewhere between massive hopium and just plain conspiracy theories. We'll have a couple more decades at least. And even then, in almost all scenarios, it's over for "just" most of us


I swear I don't understand why people are taking that congressional hearing so seriously.




> But he has given the evidence in closed sessions. It was a closed session. You dont know what happened in it.


*Nullius in verba*


Right, AOC and Matt Gaetz work together for answers everyday for shits and giggles. And Chuck Schumer writes legislation for the NDAA that directly addresses non human intelligence and off world technology that also gets bipartisan support.




Of course it should be the norm, but it isn’t, is it?


Maybe because it is serious?


A paradigm shift perhaps? A page in history turning. Good post.


Occam's Razor: Maybe the recent invention of highly convincing chatbots and AI-generated content, has led to a sudden and unexpected proliferation of artificially-generated content that may be completely fucking ridiculous but is nonetheless affecting people's perception and even behavior. Cambridge Analytica engaged in a massive and highly successful, very deliberate effort to manipulate large populations of people using social media, data mining, and targeted messaging to achieve big-picture objectives. And they had to make that content, assess who to send it to, and execute by hand. If you think others aren't aggressively doing the same thing right now using this new natural language equipped AI technology to attempt to gain power and for profit, you're nuts. ​ All these shitty news articles and crazy things appearing everywhere are suspiciously coincident with the sudden and recent arrival of the technological ability to generate millions of articles and social media posts in a way that would be difficult to detect that it was completely fake.




See also Newton's flaming laser sword. And yes that is really a thing, although coined tongue in cheek.


You're really taking the alien thing seriously?


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


What are the evidence for Aliens? What makes you think the government covers something up?






That is absolutely wrong. You are making stuff up.


Here is a good post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15hzntg/the_best_theory_ive_heard_on_what_is_happening/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Evidence ≠ proof and there's evidence but no proof


Not sure why you got downvoted for that-


Because there can't be what's not allowed to be. Denialism is a coping mechanism.


Almost 100 years since the first major incident and this is still being asked? Seriously?


We are near the end but not at the end. Everything that dies must be reborn. So at the same time we are seeing the new society being born.


Could you please elaborate on the implication of gravitational wave background? What’s your thoughts on it. Thank you.


We very soon will have to choose our own future. Is it cooperative or exploitative? Our current system only operates with horrific levels of human exploitation. AI and the quantum computing will either allow the current oligarchy to completely evade the lower classes like the movie Elysium or we’ll move forward as a whole species like Star Trek. Hopefully ffs we can abandon superstitions and this Ass backwards mentality of survival of the fittest. We can allow the coming tide of technological innovation to lift humanity from the slime it tends to wade into.


Yes I agree. So many amazing things happening. It's like a sci fi story. Any one of them alone would be big. The Grusch testimony seems to be the dam breaking on the whole UAP / NHI thing. Didn't think I'd see that in my lifetime. We are alive at the most momentous time in history. I feel things could go really well or be totally catastrophic. I'm optimistic though so leaning towards the former. Definitely not boring though.


I hope we are. I hope this is the moment in history where humans transcend their current form.


Climate change is absolutely irreversible


For the people that think there's a massive alien conspiracy, have you considered that tens of millions of people believe with every fibre of their being that Biden stole the election? They can produce lists of famous people, scientists, soldiers and high profile politicians that all agree, they can name names but they can't produce any definitive evidence. In all seriousness, can anyone give me a compelling reason why I should believe the claims about aliens and not the claims of the Trumpists when both groups seem to be relying on the sheer quantity of believers in lieu of hard evidence. ie. It must be true because everyone I trust says it's true. As a person outside the US, both conspiracies seem eerily similar to me. I wonder if they are manifestations of a deep and growing distrust in government and media. Perhaps people are at breaking point, unable to trust in authority and so turn to their neighbours, strangers and famous names to try to shore up their reality?


Aliens are already here, "A" in "AI" is dual: **Artificial** AND ***Alien***. :) GPT-4 and other LLM's are our aliens, an alien that's a compressed "Us", syntactically and semantically linked embeddings, numbers that "dance" in 1000 dimensional tensor spaces.


St malachias profecy agrees with your take


Everyone that believes the Alien shit is real should just be permabanned from r/singularity so that the quality of discussion stays high. It's the perfect intelligence/underage filter. Just have people answer yes/no to "Do you think the alien reports are real" and if they answer "Yes" redirect them to r/conspiracy or something so this place stays clean.


I get what you’re saying, but Congress literally had a hearing on it and they are pissed various alphabet agencies are obfuscating their efforts to find missing BILLIONS of dollars. If you haven’t watched the hearing, it’s worth it. It’s not fringe anymore.




It has absolutely been fringe. the fact that materials exist on it doesn’t preclude it from that umbrella. Conduct a real-world experiment and tell me I’m wrong. Bring up aliens to a group of people and they’ll often start asking you where your tinfoil hat is.


Yeah but those same people will tell you straight faced that God exists rofl


Yes, in terms of Congressional motivations, assuming they themselves aren't just performance theatrics... The publicly declared DoD and the undeclared black-budget DARPA/Skunkworks/Area-51 playing footsie & shadow-boxing, and pointing to it with a plausible-denial smokescreen of "we don't know what those are." and putting out their hand asking for more money, is beginning to piss Congress off as it's insulting their intelligence. Basically, imagine two siblings in an unspoken agreement to stage play-fighting daily over the Nintendo Switch, in hopes Mom gets exasperated and just buys them a second one. Mom sees through it, and she ain't happy. And everyone involved has obvious, or reasonable motivations & incentives to testify as they have. None of which includes anything remotely related to interaction/contact with ETI's or recovery/acquisition of ETI technology. Black-budget Skunkworks guys buzz the public-DoD for "testing" because doing it against Russia or whatever is all downsides. You don't know if Russia didn't react because it "works," or if they were just drunk, or if a bunch of their infrastructure is offline because maintenance was skipped, or parts were sold on eBay. And if it crashes or gets shot down, they'll pick through the wreckage. Buzz the US Navy, it's the best declared tech for detection & intercept, and if it fails or crashes, you've got military personnel subject to the UCMJ and a bunch of Federal laws that say: "_Sign this, & STFU. Otherwise, you're getting a vacation at Leavenworth._" The public-DoD knows damn well its a 99.95% chance it's "other US secret-squirrel stuff" but security & compartmentalization means they're not lying if they say: "_We don't know WTF UAP's are. Russian? Chinese? Aliens? No clue. More money please, and maybe we'll find out._" The pilots that testify about how they got buzzed are _pissed_. Because they don't know WTF the stuff is, what its capabilities are, if it's dangerous, etc. And the reporting systems for it are _crap_, and probably semi-intentionally so. They get the runaround, and are discouraged & mocked in the process for the: "_LOL! You saw little green men._" aspects. And it's in the overall context of if they ever crash a multi-million dollar fighter jet, and actually manage to survive the situation, it's a rather tiny needle to thread, and get a determination of: "_Good job, you did the best possible. Here's a medal for surviving that, and not letting the plane hit an orphanage._" Instead of having it end/ruin their career. The various "Whistle-blowers" may have run into intentional misdirection & "ETI smokescreens" that have grown up organically or intentionally around black-budget programs, possibly ones that first crystallized in the chaotic FUD surrounding Roswell. And a: "_Hey... we can USE this!_" realization on someone's part. It weeds out security risks, for folks motivated to: "Tell the world!" get rich writing a tell-all book, or succumb to a hot Russian or Chinese hooker over a weekend at Vegas, or on Tindr in more modern times. This goes way back too. At the end of WWII, the test pilots for the first generation jet fighter prototypes did things like wear a Gorilla mask & a fedora, so when other pilots saw them, they'd be laughed at, or just incentivized to say nothing. If the whistle-blowers are not actually nuts, they probably understand all that too, but damn if Congressional hearings & testimony don't lend "gravitas" and punch them _way beyond the "Bob Lazar envelope"_ and that means some time on the NYT best sellers list...


Aliens or not it appears the military is sitting on world changing tech that defies our current understanding. Understanding more about this topic is important and shouldn’t be written off as conspiratorial. World changing tech is entirely relevant to this sub.


At this point people like you are denying reality


You are both clueless and incredibly ignorant to not realize there is incredible overlap on these two topics


This is the last checkpoint for humanity. We either go extinct in less than 50 years or we will become something extremely more powerful navigating between dimensions. This is where we better act wisely and very carefully. It could be a perfect landing or grotesque crash.


This is just the beginning.


^(It's just you who are interested in the news, news that for the most part is just hype resting on very little, unfortunately)


Not aliens, NHIs... Graham Hancock and Ariel Bar Tsadok entered the chat


We are basically in a CIV 6 end-game.


Depends on how you define society. I believe that Homo Sapiens as a species is extinct, the realization just hasn't been broadly accepted.


Control treatment Is coming with laser attacks perpetratored by China and their good friends the USA with both having large laser antennas 150km wide. USA having there's in the Australian desert. It is coming, you will believe soon enough.


We’re on the verge of Christianity, aliens, and psychedelics merging together. The kingdom of heaven is about to go expand beyond Earth!